Functions/Templates List
Output header row
Output MSD row
Return all defined attributes - used for full canonical output
feature (param: string catcode, number position, number code, number attribute, number value, select) - source
Outputs one feature, but only if value is set
Output one feature reference
Output row of all defined languages from table[@id='msd.langs']
Output row of defined languages from table[@id='msd.langs'] if they are defined in
No short description available
[html] How to work out the filename component of a path
[common] How to make a heading for section if there is no
[common] How to number sections in back matter
[common] How to number sections in main matter
[common] How to number sections in front matter
[common] Hook where actions can be inserted when making
a heading
[common] Work out the number of a section
[common] Find a plausible main author name
[common] Find a plausible name of person responsible for current revision
[common] Work out the last revision date of the document
[common] Work out the publish date of the document
[common] Generate a title
[common] Generate sub title
[common] processing the number portion of a heading
[common] Making a heading for something, and making sure it has
[common] Make a hypertext link
[latex] Analyze attributes of graphics inclusion
[common] Prefix text before an auto-generated table of contents
[common] Title for "Contents"; by default uses language-specific
lookup table.
[common] Title for "Feedback"
[common] Title for "Search"; by default uses language-specific
lookup table.
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted just before the
<body> ends.
[html] Hook where Javascript calls can be inserted just after <body>
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted when processing a
[html] Hook where extra Javascript functions can be defined
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted just before the <address>
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted at the start of
processing each section
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted at the beginning
of the main text, after the header
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted after processing <TEI>
[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted before processing <TEI>
[html] Make a copyright claim
[html] Banner for top of column
[html] Text or action to take at the start of the
breadcrumb trail
[html]Bottom of left-hand column
[html]Top of left-hand column
[html] Logo
[html] Banner for top of page
[html] Make a heading, if there some text to display
[html] Bottom of right-hand column
[html] Top of right-hand column
[html] Construct a label for the link which makes a
printable version of the document.
No short description available
[html] Hooks where HTML can be inserted when processing
<egXML> element
No short description available
[html] Activate a value for @rendition
[html] Get another value from a space-separated list
No short description available
[html] Show relevant footnotes
[html] Process unknown rend attribute by turning it into
an HTML class
[html] Process unknown rend attribute by turning it into
an HTML class
[html] create external notes file
[html] convert rend attribute to HTML class
[html] Create a point to which we can link in the HTML
Copy all attributes in HTML namespace
make a local style section from rendition elements in the header
[html] create external link
[html] create an internal link
Create a new output page for a section
[html] Javascript functions to be declared in HTML header
[html] Write out some Javascript into the HTML
[html] Make contents of left-hand column
[html] Summary links in left-hand column
[html] Summary table of contents in left-hand column
[html] Generate a chunk of output
[html] Make a new page using CSS layout
[html] arrangment of page as HTML divs
[html] Generate a page using simple layout
[html] Generate a page using table layout
[html] The page body, when using table layout
No short description available
[html] Make a TOC section
[html]provide a class attribute and/or ID for each div
Output gloss text from localisation file. Uses exsl:node-set