
Stylesheet for TEI P5 MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic specifications.
Tomaž Erjavec,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Parameters Summary

string lang - source
For multilingual specifications selects which language to process
string lang-in - source
Input localisation for the MSDs
string lang-out - source
Output localisations for the features
string msds - source
Optional list of MSDs, separated by spaces

Keys Summary

id (match: tei:*, use: @xml:id) - source
No short description available

Match Templates Summary

Output specifications as feature library, per PoS, and then, if given, MSDs as a fs library

Named Templates Summary

cell (param: string rowstring colstring lan) - source
Output one cell in correct localisation
feature (param: string catcodenumber positionnumber codenumber attributenumber valueselect) - source
Outputs one feature, but only if value is set
Output one PoS as features
fs-msd (param: msd) - source
Process one MSD, output a feature-structure
fs-msds (param: string msds) - source
MSD 2 fsLib processing with localisation
msdfs-feature (param: posstrn) - source
Output one feature reference

Parameters Detail

string lang - source
For multilingual specifications selects which language to process
string lang-in - source
Input localisation for the MSDs
string lang-out - source
Output localisations for the features
string msds - source
Optional list of MSDs, separated by spaces
If given, a TEI P5 feature-structure library will also be generated giving the the MSDs as feature-structure IDs, and their decomposition into feature-value pairs, defined in the feature library. If empty, we try to take it from the specifications.

Keys Detail

id (match: tei:*, use: @xml:id) - source
No short description available

Match Templates Detail

Output specifications as feature library, per PoS, and then, if given, MSDs as a fs library

Named Templates Detail

cell (param: string rowstring colstring lan) - source
Output one cell in correct localisation
Assumes table or row context node.
string row - The @role of the row; if empty, row is assumed as context node.
string col - The @role of the cell.
string lan - The @xml:lang of the cell.
feature (param: string catcodenumber positionnumber codenumber attributenumber valueselect) - source
Outputs one feature, but only if value is set
string catcode - Code of the PoS
number position - Position number
number code - Code of the value
number attribute - Name of the attribute
number value - Name of the value
select -
Output one PoS as features
Each feature gives the attribute name, value name, and position+code based ID.
fs-msd (param: msd) - source
Process one MSD, output a feature-structure
msd -
fs-msds (param: string msds) - source
MSD 2 fsLib processing with localisation
This template splits the list of MSDs and passes them to fs-msds.
string msds - Space separated list of MSDs.
msdfs-feature (param: posstrn) - source
Output one feature reference
Currently, hyphen (-) is not output; arguably wrong. No checking is made on the legality of the features. This can be done with validation of the XML document including the fLib and fsLib and with msd-expand.xsl.
pos -
str -
n -