MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4

3.2.9. Romanian Adposition

Up: 3.2. Romanian Specifications Previous: 3.2.8. Romanian Adverb Next: 3.2.10. Romanian Conjunction

Table of contents

Table 63. Romanian Specification for Adposition
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adposition S
1 Type preposition p
2 Formation simple s
compound c
3 Case genitive g
dative d
accusative a
4 Clitic no n
yes y Notes MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (428,093 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Romanian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

Table 64. MSDs (7)
MSD Features Lexical entries Examples of usage
Spsg Adposition Type=preposition Formation=simple Case=genitive 18 primprejurul, jurul, înlăuntrul, îndărătul, înăuntrul, înapoia
Spsgy Adposition Type=preposition Formation=simple Case=genitive Clitic=yes 3 -naintea/înaintea, -mpotriva/împotriva, asupră/asupra
Spsd Adposition Type=preposition Formation=simple Case=dative 7 potrivit, mulţumită, întocmai, graţie, datorită, conform, aidoma
Spsa Adposition Type=preposition Formation=simple Case=accusative 35 sub, spre, pro, printru, printre, prin, peste, per, pe
Spsay Adposition Type=preposition Formation=simple Case=accusative Clitic=yes 28 printr-/printru, p'/pe, p-/pe, pe-/pe, pentr-/pentru, pân-/prin
Spcg Adposition Type=preposition Formation=compound Case=genitive 48 prin_preajma, prin_jurul, prin_intermediul, prin_faţa, pe_potriva
Spca Adposition Type=preposition Formation=compound Case=accusative 39 potrivit_cu, pe_sub, pe_la, pe_lângă, pe_după, pân-la/până_la

Up: 3.2. Romanian Specifications Previous: 3.2.8. Romanian Adverb Next: 3.2.10. Romanian Conjunction

Date: 2010-05-12
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