MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4

3.2.8. Romanian Adverb

Up: 3.2. Romanian Specifications Previous: 3.2.7. Romanian Article Next: 3.2.9. Romanian Adposition

Table of contents

Table 61. Romanian Specification for Adverb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type general g
particle p
negative z
modifier m
int-rel w
portmanteau c
2 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s
3 Clitic no n
yes y Notes MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (428,093 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Romanian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

Table 62. MSDs (10)
MSD Features Lexical entries Examples of usage
Rgp Adverb Type=general Degree=positive 1262 zi-de-zi, zi_de_zi, zelos, zdravăn, zadarnic, vultureşte, vulpeşte
Rgpy Adverb Type=general Degree=positive Clitic=yes 57 tocma'/tocmai, parc-/parcă, numa'/numai, -ntruna/întruna, -ntrucâtva/întrucâtva
Rgc Adverb Type=general Degree=comparative 3 superior, succesiv, din_ce_în_ce_mai
Rgs Adverb Type=general Degree=superlative 12 straşnic, preafrumos, perfect, nespus, nemaipomenit, extrem, extraordinar
Rp Adverb Type=particle 7 tot, tot_atât_de, prea, mai, la_fel_de, foarte, cam
Rp-y Adverb Type=particle Clitic=yes 2 to'/tot, ma'/mai
Rz Adverb Type=negative 10 niciunde, niciodată, nici, nicidecum, nicidecât, nicicum, nicicând
Rw Adverb Type=int-rel 17 unde, precum, pe_cât, oareşicum, oareşicând, oare, încotro, după_cât
Rw-y Adverb Type=int-rel Clitic=yes 1 cân'/când
Rc Adverb Type=portmanteau 7 în_loc, iar, iară, dicât/decât, decât, dăcât/decât, ca

Up: 3.2. Romanian Specifications Previous: 3.2.7. Romanian Article Next: 3.2.9. Romanian Adposition

Date: 2010-05-12
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