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Application to Spanish

The application of the MULTEXT morphosyntactic enconding for lexical descriptions and corpus tags to Spanish has been performed by the Spanish group (Bel and Aguilar 1994), and has been revised during phase B.

The proposed set of TAGS is not definitive. As repeteadly mentioned, we understand that this set will have to be refined depending on the results of application. These tags are the result of a comparison of two tagset sources:

a. information supplied by the tool SAC (a corpus analysis tool which includes a PoS rule based tagger and a lemmatizer) in form of attribute-value pairs.

b. tagsets proposed by the CRATER project.

Therefore these tags have to be taken as a starting point for refinement.

5.3.1  Nouns (N)
----------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         common      libro       c
             proper      Juan        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   hombre      m
             feminine    mujer       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    hombre      s
             plural      mujeres     p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====  Corpus TAGS: comments

Crater  tags for nouns  also  include  semantic  information  such  as
"A"(anthroponymous)  or  "T"(toponymous)  for proper nouns,  aswell as
"LOC"(ative),  "MEA(sure)", etc.  for common nouns. We will drop these
values in order to get  our  proposal which intends to be like the one
recommended in EAG-L1.  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
Ncms-     NCMS    hombre
Ncmp-     NCMP    hombres
Ncfs-     NCFS    mujer
Ncfp-     NCFP    mujeres

Npms-     NPMS    Juan
Npmp-     NPMP    Paris
Npfs-     NPFS    Ana
Npfp-     NPFP    Pirineos
========= ======= ============================================= Conversion tables

=========    ============
Reg.exp      TAG
=========    ============

Ncmp-        NCMP
Ncms-        NCMS
Ncfp-        NCFP
Ncfs-        NCFS
Nc.p-        NCP
Ncf.-        NCF
Ncm.-        NCM
Nc.s-        NCS

Np           NP

5.3.2  Verbs (V)
---------------- Lexicon

============ =========== ========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Status       main        comer       m
             auxiliar    haber       a
             modal       poder       o
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Mood         indicative  viene       i
             subjunctive venga       s
             imperative  ven         m
             conditional vendri'a    c
             infinitive  venir       n
             participle  venido      p
             gerund      viniendo    g
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Tense        present     vengo       p
             imperfect   veni'as     i
             future      vendre'     f
             past        vino        s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       soy         1
             second      eres        2
             third       es          3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    viene       s
             plural      venimos     p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   cantado     m
             feminine    cantada     f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Clitic       both        darselo     t
             accusative  darlo       a
             dative      darle       d
============ =========== =========== ====  Corpus TAGS: comments

a.  CRATER tags as well as our inhouse tags classify verb  types into:
main/ser/estar/haber/modal.    "Ser",   "estar",   "haber"   (normally
considered  auxiliaries)  are more  informative with  respect  to  the
different  constructions  such  as:   perfect  tenses,   active/pasive
distinctions  and  the  disambiguation  between  adjectives  and  past

Following  French  suggestion we could pass  this information  into  a
language specific attribute as Lexical Class.

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Lex. class   ser         ser         s    | obviously
             estar       estar       e    | language-specific
             haber       haber       h    |
============ =========== =========== ====  Combinations

===========  ======= =============================================
Lexique      Corpus  Example
============ ======= =============================================

Van----t     VANT    haberselo
Van----d     VAND    haberle
Van----a     VANA    haberlo
Van----      VAN     haber
Vap--pf      VAPPF   habidas
Vap--sf      VAPSF   habida
Vap--pm      VAPPM   habidos
Vap--sm      VAPSM   habido
Vag----t     VAGT    habiindoselo
Vag----d     VAGD    habiindole
Vag----a     VAGA    habiindolo
Vag----      VAG     habiendo

===========   ==========    ===========    ==========
Example       Lexique       lemma          Corpus
===========   ==========    ===========    ==========

llamarmeles    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarmele     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarmelas    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarmela     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarmelos    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarmelo     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarme       Vmn----d    llamar          VMND
llamarteles    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamartele     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamartelas    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamartela     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamartelos    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamartelo     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarte       Vmn----d    llamar          VMND
llamarseles    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarsele     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarselas    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarsela     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarselos    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarselo     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarse       Vmn----d    llamar          VMND
llamarnosles   Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarnosle    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarnoslas   Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarnosla    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarnoslos   Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarnoslo    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarnos      Vmn----d    llamar          VMND
llamarosles    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarosle     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamaroslas    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamarosla     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamaroslos    Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamaroslo     Vmn----t    llamar          VMNT
llamaros       Vmn----d    llamar          VMND
llamarme       Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarte       Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarles      Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarle       Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarlas      Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarla       Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarlos      Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarlo       Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamarnos      Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamaros       Vmn----a    llamar          VMNA
llamar         Vmn-----    llamar          VMN
llamadas       Vmp--pf-    llamar          VMPPF
llamada        Vmp--sf-    llamar          VMPSF
llamados       Vmp--pm-    llamar          VMPPM
llamado        Vmp--sm-    llamar          VMPSM
llamandomeles  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandomele   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandomelas  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandomela   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandomelos  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandomelo   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandome     Vmg----d    llamar          VMGD
llamandoteles  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandotele   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandotelas  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandotela   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandotelos  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandotelo   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandote     Vmg----d    llamar          VMGD
llamandoseles  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandosele   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandoselas  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandosela   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandoselos  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandoselo   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandose     Vmg----d    llamar          VMGD
llamandonosles Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandonosle  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandonoslas Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandonosla  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandonoslos Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandonoslo  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandonos    Vmg----d    llamar          VMGD
llamandonos    Vmg----d    llamar          VMGD
llamandoosles  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandoosle   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandooslas  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandoosla   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandooslos  Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandooslo   Vmg----t    llamar          VMGT
llamandoos     Vmg----d    llamar          VMGD
llamandome     Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandote     Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandoles    Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandole     Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandolas    Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandola     Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandolos    Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandolo     Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandonos    Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandonos    Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamandoos     Vmg----a    llamar          VMGA
llamando       Vmg-----    llamar          VMG
llamo          Vmip1s-     llamar          VMIP1S
llamas         Vmip2s-     llamar          VMIP2S
llama          Vmip3s-     llamar          VMIP3S
llamais        Vmip2p-     llamar          VMIP2P
llaman         Vmip3p-     llamar          VMIP3P
llamamos       Vmip1p-     llamar          VMIP1P
llame          Vmsp[13]s-  llamar          VMSPS
llames         Vmsp2s-     llamar          VMSP2S
llamemos       Vmsp1p-     llamar          VMSP1P
llamiis        Vmsp2p-     llamar          VMSP2P
llamen         Vmsp3p-     llamar          VMSP3P
llami          Vmif1s-     llamar          VMIF1S
llamaste       Vmif2s-     llamar          VMIF2S
llams          Vmif3s-     llamar          VMIF3S
llamasteis     Vmif2p-     llamar          VMIF2P
llamaron       Vmif3p-     llamar          VMIF3P
llamamos       Vmif1p-     llamar          VMIF1P
llamaba        Vmii[13]s-  llamar          VMIIS
llamabas       Vmii2s-     llamar          VMII2S
llamabamos     Vmii1p-     llamar          VMII1P
llamabais      Vmii2p-     llamar          VMII2P
llamaban       Vmii3p-     llamar          VMII3P
llamara        Vmsi[13]s-  llamar          VMSIS
llamaras       Vmsi2s-     llamar          VMSI2S
llamaramos     Vmsi1p-     llamar          VMSI1P
llamarais      Vmsi2p-     llamar          VMSI2P
llamaran       Vmsi3p-     llamar          VMSI3P
llamase        Vmsi[13]s-  llamar          VMSIS
llamases       Vmsi2s-     llamar          VMSI2S
llamasemos     Vmsi1p-     llamar          VMSI1P
llamaseis      Vmsi2p-     llamar          VMSI2P
llamasen       Vmsi3p-     llamar          VMSI3P
llamari        Vmis1s-     llamar          VMIS1S
llamaras       Vmis2s-     llamar          VMIS2S
llamara        Vmis3s-     llamar          VMIS3S
llamaremos     Vmis1p-     llamar          VMIS1P
llamariis      Vmis2p-     llamar          VMIS2P
llamaran       Vmis3p-     llamar          VMIS3P
llamarma       Vmc-[13]s-  llamar          VMCS
llamarmas      Vmc-2s-     llamar          VMC2S
llamarmamos    Vmc-1p-     llamar          VMC1P
llamarmais     Vmc-2p-     llamar          VMC2P
llamarman      Vmc-3p-     llamar          VMC3P Conversion tables

=========  ==========
Reg.expr.     TAG
=========  ==========
Van----t   VANT
Van----d   VAND
Van----a   VANA
Van----    VAN
Vap--pf    VAPPF
Vap--sf    VAPSF
Vap--pm    VAPPM
Vap--sm    VAPSM
Vag----t   VAGT
Vag----d   VAGD
Vag----a   VAGA
Vag----    VAG
Vaip1s-    VAIP1S
Vaip2s-    VAIP2S
Vaip3s-    VAIP3S
Vaip2p-    VAIP2P
Vaip3p-    VAIP3P
Vaip1p-    VAIP1P
Vasp[13]s- VASPS
Vasp2s-    VASP2S
Vasp1p-    VASP1P
Vasp2p-    VASP2P
Vasp3p-    VASP3P
Vais1s-    VAIS1S
Vais2s-    VAIS2S
Vais3s-    VAIS3S
Vais2p-    VAIS2P
Vais3p-    VAIS3P
Vais1p-    VAIS1P
Vaii[13]s- VAIIS
Vaii2s-    VAII2S
Vaii1p-    VAII1P
Vaii2p-    VAII2P
Vaii3p-    VAII3P
Vasi[13]s- VASIS
Vasi2s-    VASI2S
Vasi1p-    VASI1P
Vasi2p-    VASI2P
Vasi3p-    VASI3P
Vasi[13]s- VASIS
Vasi2s-    VASI2S
Vasi1p-    VASI1P
Vasi2p-    VASI2P
Vasi3p-    VASI3P
Vaif1s-    VAIF1S
Vaif2s-    VAIF2S
Vaif3s-    VAIF3S
Vaif1p-    VAIF1P
Vaif2p-    VAIF2P
Vaif3p-    VAIF3P
Vac[13]s-  VACS
Vac2s-     VAC2S
Vac1p-     VAC1P
Vac2p-     VAC2P
Vac3p-     VAC3P

Von----t   VONT
Von----d   VOND
Von----a   VONA
Von----    VON
Vop--pf    VOPPF
Vop--sf    VOPSF
Vop--pm    VOPPM
Vop--sm    VOPSM
Vog----t   VOGT
Vog----d   VOGD
Vog----a   VOGA
Vog----    VOG
Voip1s-    VOIP1S
Voip2s-    VOIP2S
Voip3s-    VOIP3S
Voip2p-    VOIP2P
Voip3p-    VOIP3P
Voip1p-    VOIP1P
Vosp[13]s- VOSPS
Vosp2s-    VOSP2S
Vosp1p-    VOSP1P
Vosp2p-    VOSP2P
Vosp3p-    VOSP3P
Vois1s-    VOIS1S
Vois2s-    VOIS2S
Vois3s-    VOIS3S
Vois2p-    VOIS2P
Vois3p-    VOIS3P
Vois1p-    VOIS1P
Voii[13]s- VOIIS
Voii2s-    VOII2S
Voii1p-    VOII1P
Voii2p-    VOII2P
Voii3p-    VOII3P
Vosi[13]s- VOSIS
Vosi2s-    VOSI2S
Vosi1p-    VOSI1P
Vosi2p-    VOSI2P
Vosi3p-    VOSI3P
Vosi[13]s- VOSIS
Vosi2s-    VOSI2S
Vosi1p-    VOSI1P
Vosi2p-    VOSI2P
Vosi3p-    VOSI3P
Voif1s-    VOIF1S
Voif2s-    VOIF2S
Voif3s-    VOIF3S
Voif1p-    VOIF1P
Voif2p-    VOIF2P
Voif3p-    VOIF3P
Voc[13]s-  VOCS
Voc2s-     VOC2P
Voc1p-     VOC1P
Voc2p-     VOC2P
Voc3p-     VOC3P

Vmn----t   VMNT
Vmn----d   VMND
Vmn----a   VMNA
Vmn----    VMN
Vmp--pf    VMPPF
Vmp--sf    VMPSF
Vmp--pm    VMPPM
Vmp--sm    VMPSM
Vmg----t   VMGT
Vmg----d   VMGD
Vmg----a   VMGA
Vmg----    VMG
Vmip1s-    VMIP1S
Vmip2s-    VMIP2S
Vmip3s-    VMIP3S
Vmip2p-    VMIP2P
Vmip3p-    VMIP3P
Vmip1p-    VMIP1P
Vmsp[13]s- VMSPS
Vmsp2s-    VMSP2S
Vmsp1p-    VMSP1P
Vmsp2p-    VMSP2P
Vmsp3p-    VMSP3P
Vmis1s-    VMIS1S
Vmis2s-    VMIS2S
Vmis3s-    VMIS3S
Vmis2p-    VMIS2P
Vmis3p-    VMIS3P
Vmis1p-    VMIS1P
Vmii[13]s- VMIIS
Vmii2s-    VMII2S
Vmii1p-    VMII1P
Vmii2p-    VMII2P
Vmii3p-    VMII3P
Vmsi[13]s- VMSIS
Vmsi2s-    VMSI2S
Vmsi1p-    VMSI1P
Vmsi2p-    VMSI2P
Vmsi3p-    VMSI3P
Vmsi[13]s- VMSIS
Vmsi2s-    VMSI2S
Vmsi1p-    VMSI1P
Vmsi2p-    VMSI2P
Vmsi3p-    VMSI3P
Vmif1s-    VMIF1S
Vmif2s-    VMIF2S
Vmif3s-    VMIF3S
Vmif1p-    VMIF1P
Vmif2p-    VMIF2P
Vmif3p-    VMIF3P
Vmc[13]s-  VMCS
Vmc2s-     VMC2S
Vmc1p-     VMC1P
Vmc2p-     VMC2P
Vmc3p-     VMC3P
===========  ======= ========================================
5.3.3  Adjectives (A)
---------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         qualificat. bueno       f
             possessive  vuestro     s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Degree       positive    bueno       p
             comparative mejor       c
             superlative bueni'simo  s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   bueno       m
             feminine    buena       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    bueno        s
             plural      buenas       p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====


Possesive adjectives codification is still being considered.  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
Afpms-    AMS     bueno
Afpmp-    AMP     buenos
Afpfs-    AFS     buena
Afpfp-    AFP     buenas
Afc.s-    AS      (el/la) mejor
Afc.p-    AP      (los/las) mejores
Afsms-    AMS     interesanti'simo
Afsmp-    AMP     interesanti'simos
Afsfs-    AFS     interesanti'sima
Afsfp-    AFP     interesanti'simas

========= ======= ============================================= Conversion tables

===========   ==========
Reg.Expr.      Corpus
======    =========

Afp.p-    APP
Afp.s-    APS
Afpfp-    APFP
Afpfs-    APFS
Afpmp-    APMP
Afpms-    APMS
Afsfp-    ASFP
Afsfs-    ASFS
Afsmp-    ASMP
Afsms-    ASMS
Afc.p-    ACP
Afc.s-    ACS

5.3.4  Pronouns (P)
-------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         personal    yo            p
             demonstrat. este          d
             indefinite  alguno        i
             possessive  (el) tuyo     s
             interrog.   que'          t
             relative    que           r
             reflexive   se            x
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       yo            1
             second      tu'           2
             third       e'l           3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   esto, el      m
             feminine    esta, ella    f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    alguno        s
             plural      algunos       p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         nominative  el            n
             dative      le            d
             accusative  lo            a
             oblique     mi',conmigo   o
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Possessor    singular    mi'o          s
             plural      nuestro       p
============ =========== =========== ==== Corpus TAGS: comments

a.  CRATER TAGs  make a  distinction when  proximal  or remote  deixis
exists. We do not consider these values.

b.   "se",  which can be  both dative and accusative depending  on the
existence of an 'external' accusative:

               Ella se lava (She washes herself)
               Ella se lava las manos (She washes her hands)

There    is    also    an    oblique    reflexive    pronoun    "si'".

TAGs would be:

Px3..-a   PX3SA     se
Px3..-d   PX3SO     se
Px3.s-o   PX3SO     si'

c.  Relative pronouns  are a good example of rearranging of linguistic
information when comparing with French. For example, due to in Spanish
there exists a relative pronoun which is also a possessive one  (cuyo,
cuya, cuyos, cuyas, eng. "whose") possessor values have been marked.  Combinations

===========   ==========    ===========    ==========
Example        Lexique      lemma          Corpus
===========   ==========    ===========    ==========

yo            Pp1-sn-       yo             PP1SN
tu'           Pp2-sn-       tu'            PP2SN
ustedes       Pp3-p[no]-    usted          PP3PN
usted         Pp3-s[no]-    usted          PP3SN
il            Pp3ms[no]-    il             PP3MS
ellas         Pp3fp[no]-    il             PP3FP
ella          Pp3fs[no]-    il             PP3FS
ellos         Pp3mp[no]-    il             PP3MP
ello          Pp3ms[no]-    il             PP3MS
nosotras      Pp1fp[no]-    nosotros       PP1FP
nosotros      Pp1mp[no]-    nosotros       PP1MP
vosotras      Pp2fp[no]-    vosotros       PP2FP
vosotros      Pp2mp[no]-    vosotros       PP2MP
conmigo       Pp1-so-       conmigo        PP1SO
mi'           Pp1-so-       mi'            PP1SO
contigo       Pp2-so-       contigo        PP2SO
ti            Pp2-so-       ti'            PP2SO
si'           Pp3-so-       si'            PP3SO
mismas        Px.fpo-       mismo          PXFPO
misma         Px.fso-       mismo          PXFSO
mismos        Px.mpo-       mismo          PXMPO
mismo         Px.mso-       mismo          PXMSO
me            P[px]1.s[ad]- me             P1S
te            P[px]2.s[ad]- te             P2S
se            P[pxl]3..[ad]-se             P3
les           Pp3.pd-       le             PP3PD
le            Pp3.          sd-le          PP3SD
las           Pp3fpa-       lo             PP3FPA
la            Pp3fsa-       lo             PP3FSA
los           Pp3mpa-       lo             PP3MPA
lo            Pp3msa-       lo             PP3MSA
nos           P[pxl]1.p[ad]-nos            P1P
os            P[pxl]2-p[ad]-os             P2P

istas         Pd-fp--       iste           PDFP
ista          Pd-fs--       iste           PDFS
istos         Pd-mp--       iste           PDMP
isto          Pd-ms--       iste           PDMS
iste          Pd-ms--       iste           PDMS
estas         Pd-fp--       este           PDFP
esta          Pd-fs--       este           PDFS
estos         Pd-mp--       este           PDMP
esto          Pd-ms--       este           PDMS
este          Pd-ms--       este           PDMS

isas          Pd-fp--       ise            PDFP
isa           Pd-fs--       ise            PDFS
isos          Pd-mp--       ise            PDMP
iso           Pd-ms--       ise            PDMS
ise           Pd-ms--       ise            PDMS
esas          Pd-fp--       ese            PDFP
esa           Pd-fs--       ese            PDFS
esos          Pd-mp--       ese            PDMP
eso           Pd-ms--       ese            PDMS
ese           Pd-ms--       ese            PDMS

aquillas      Pd-fp--       aquil          PDFP
aquilla       Pd-fs--       aquil          PDFS
aquillos      Pd-mp--       aquil          PDMP
aquillo       Pd-ms--       aquil          PDMS
aquellas      Pd-fp--       aquel          PDFP
aquella       Pd-fs--       aquel          PDFS
aquellos      Pd-mp--       aquel          PDMP
aquello       Pd-ms--       aquel          PDMS
aquel         Pd-ms--       aquel          PDS

cuales        Pr--p--       cual           PRP
cual          Pr--s--       cual           PRS
cuales        Pt--p--       cual           PTP
cual          Pt--s--       cual           PTS
cuyas         Pr-f.-p       cuyo           PRFP
cuya          Pr-f.-s       cuyo           PRFS
cuyos         Pr-m.-p       cuyo           PRMP
cuyo          Pr-m.-s       cuyo           PRMS
quienes       Pr--p--       quien          PRP
quien         Pr--s--       quien          PRS
quiines       Pt--p--       quiin          PTP
quiin         Pt -s--       quiin          PTS
que           Pr--.--       que            PR
qui           Pt--.--       qui            PI

suyas         Ps3fp-.       suyo           PS3FP
suya          Ps3fs-.       suyo           PS3FS
suyos         Ps3mp-.       suyo           PS3MP
suyo          Ps3ms-.       suyo           PS3MS
tuyas         Ps2fp-s       tuyo           PS2FPS
tuya          Ps2fs-s       tuyo           PS2FSS
tuyos         Ps2mp-s       tuyo           PS2MPS
tuyo          Ps2ms-s       tuyo           PS2MSS
mmas          Ps1fp-s       mmo            PS1FPS
mma           Ps1fs-s       mmo            PS1FSS
mmos          Ps1mp-s       mmo            PS1MPS
mmo           Ps1ms-s       mmo            PS1MSS
nuestras      Ps1fp-p       nuestro        PS1FPP
nuestra       Ps1fs-p       nuestro        PS1FSP
nuestros      Ps1mp-p       nuestro        PS1MPP
nuestro       Ps1ms-p       nuestro        PS1MSP
vuestras      Ps2fp-p       vuestro        PS2FPP
vuestra       Ps2fs-p       vuestro        PS2FSP
vuestros      Ps2mp-p       vuestro        PS2MPP
vuestro       Ps2ms-p       vuestro        PS2MSP

algunas       Pi-fp--       algzn          PIFP
alguna        Pi-fs--       algzn          PIFS
algunos       Pi-mp--       algzn          PIMP
alguno        Pi-ms--       algzn          PIMS
ningunas      Pi-fp--       ningzn         PIFP
ninguna       Pi-fs--       ningzn         PIFS
ningunos      Pi-mp--       ningzn         PIMP
ninguno       Pi-ms--       ningzn         PIMS
ambos         Pi-mp--       ambos          PIMP
ambas         Pi-fp--       ambas          PIFP
muchas        Pi-fp--       mucho          PIFP
mucha         Pi-fs--       mucho          PIFS
muchos        Pi-mp--       mucho          PIMP
mucho         Pi-ms--       mucho          PIMS
nada          Pi-----       nada           PI
nadie         Pi-----       nadie          PI
otras         Pi-fp--       otro           PIFP
otra          Pi-fs--       otro           PIFS
otros         Pi-mp--       otro           PIMP
otro          Pi-ms--       otro           PIMS
pocas         Pi-fp--       poco           PIFP
poca          Pi-fs--       poco           PIFS
pocos         Pi-mp--       poco           PIMP
poco          Pi-ms--       poco           PIMS
todas         Pi-fp--       todo           PIFP
toda          Pi-fs--       todo           PIFS
todos         Pi-mp--       todo           PIMP
todo          Pi-ms--       todo           PIMS
varios        Pi-mp--       varios         PIMP
varias        Pi-mp--       varias         PIMP
5.3.5  Determiners (D)

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         demonstrat. este          d
             indefinite  cierto        i
             possessive  mi            s
             interrog.   que'          t
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       mi            1
             second      tu            2
             third       su            3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   el            m
             feminine    la            f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    el            s
             plural      los           p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Possessor    singular    mi            s
             plural      nuestro       p
============ =========== =========== ====  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
Ds1.ss--  DS1SS   mi (taza - libro)
Ds1.ps--  DS1PS   mis (tazas - libros)
Ds1fsp--  DS1FSP  nuestra (taza)
Ds1fpp--  DS1FPP  nuestras (tazas)
Ds1msp--  DS1MSP  nuestro (libro)
Ds1mpp--  DS1MPP  nuestros (libros)

Ds2.ss--  DS2SS   tu (taza -libro)
Ds2.ps--  DS2PS   tus (tazas -libros)
Ds2fsp--  DS2FSP  vuestra (taza)
Ds2fpp--  DS2FPP  vuestras (tazas)
Ds2msp--  DS2MSP  vuestro (libro)
Ds2mpp--  DS2MPP  vuestros (libros)

Ds3.s.--  DS3S    su (taza - libro)
Ds3.p.--  DS3P    sus (tazas -libros)

Dd-fs---  DDFS     esta, esa, aquella
Dd-ms---  DDMS     este, ese, aquel
Dd-fp---  DDFP     estas, esas, aquellas
Dd-mp---  DDMP     estos, esos, aquellos

Di------  DI       cada, cualquier
Di-fs---  DIFS     alguna, ninguna, cierta
Di-ms---  DIMS     algu'n, ningu'n, cierto
Di-fp---  DIFP     algunas, ningunas, ciertas
Di-mp---  DIMP     algunos, ningunos,  ciertos

Dt-fs---  DTFS     cua'nta
Dt-ms---  DTMS     cua'nto
Dt-fp---  DTFP     cua'ntas
Dt-mp---  DTMP     cua'ntos
========= ======= ============================================= Conversion tables

=========    ============
Reg.exp        TAG
=========    ============

Dd-fp--      DDFP
Dd-fs--      DDFS
Dd-mp--      DDMP
Dd-ms--      DDMS
Di-----      DI
Di-.s--      DIS
Di-fp--      DIFP
Di-fs--      DIFS
Di-mp--      DIMP
Di-ms--      DIMS
Ds1.p-s      DS1PS
Ds1.s-s      DS1SS
Ds1fp-p      DS1FPP
Ds1fs-p      DS1FSP
Ds1mp-p      DS1MPP
Ds1ms-p      DS1MSP
Ds2.p-s      DS2PS
Ds2.s-s      DS2SS
Ds2fp-p      DS2FPP
Ds2fs-p      DS2FSP
Ds2mp-p      DS2MPP
Ds2ms-p      DS2MSP
Ds3.p-.      DS3P
Ds3.s-.      DS3S
Dt-fp--      DTFP
Dt-fs--      DTFS
Dt-mp--      DTMP
Dt-ms--      DTMS
5.3.6 Articles (T)
================== Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         definite    el            d
             indefinite  un            i
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   el            m
             feminine    la            f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    el            s
             plural      los           p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///          ///
============ =========== =========== ====

=========    ============
Reg.exp        TAG
=========    ============

Tifp-        TIFP
Tifs-        TIFS
Timp-        TIMP
Tims-        TIMS
Tdms-        TDMS
Tdfp-        TDFP
Tdfs-        TDFS
Tdmp-        TDMP

5.3.7  Adverbs (R)
------------------ Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         general     muy         g
             particle    no          p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Degree       positive    muy         p
             comparative ma's        c
             superlative muchi'simo  s
============ =========== =========== ====  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
Rgp       RG       mucho
Rgc       RG       ma's
Rgn       RG       nunca
Rpn       RP       no
========= ======= =============================================

=========    ============
Reg.exp        TAG
=========    ============
R            R
Rg           RG
Rgp          RG
Rgc          RG

5.3.8  Adpositions (S)
---------------------- Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         preposition en, de      p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Formation    compound                y
             simple                  n
============ =========== =========== ====  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
Sp        SP      en
========= ======= =============================================
5.3.9  Conjunctions (C)
-----------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         coordinat.  y            c
             subordinat. que          s
============ =========== =========== ====  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
Cc        C       pero, o, y
Cs        C       que
========= ======= =============================================

5.3.10  Numerals (M)
--------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         cardinal    dos         c
             ordinal     segundo     o
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   un          m
             feminine    una         f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    un          s
             plural      dos         p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====  Combinations

========      ========        =========    ==========
Example       Lexique         lema          Corpus
========      ========        =========    ==========

primeras      Mofp-           primero      MOFP
primera       Mofs-           primero      MOFS
primeros      Momp-           primero      MOMP
primero       Moms-           primero      MOMS
uno           Mcms-           uno          MCMS
una           Mcfs-           uno          MCFS
dos           Mc.p-           dos          MCP
doscientas    Mcfp-           doscientos   MCFP
doscientos    Mcmp-           doscientos   MCMP
========      ========        =========    ==========

5.3.11  Interjection (I)
------------------------  Lexicon

========= ===========
Tag       Example
========= ===========
I         eh
========= ===========  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
I         I       eh, ah, oh
========= ======= =============================================

5.3.12  Unique membership class (U)


5.3.13  Residual (X)
--------------------  Lexicon

============ ==============
Tag          Example
============ ==============
X            symbols, etc.
============ ==============  Combinations

========= ======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
========= ======= =============================================
X         X       symbols, etc.
========= ======= =============================================
