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Application to French

In this section the proposed encoding is applied to French (Veronis et al. 1994).

5.4.1  Nouns (N)
----------------  Lexicon
============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         common      livre       c
             proper      Jean        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   homme       m
             feminine    femme       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    hommes      s
             plural      femmes      p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====  Corpus
================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
NCMS    Ncms-           Common noun, masc. sing.
NCMP    Ncmp-           Common noun, masc. plur.
NCFS    Ncfs-           Common noun, fem. sing.
NCFP    Ncfp-           Common noun, fem. plur.

NPMS    Npms-           Proper noun, masc. sing.
NPMP    Npmp-           Proper noun, masc. plur.
NPFS    Npfs-           Proper noun, fem. sing.
NPFP    Npfp-           Proper noun, fem. plur.
================== ====================================  Combinations
======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Ncms-     NCMS    homme
Ncmp-     NCMP    hommes
Ncfs-     NCFS    femme
Ncfp-     NCFP    femmes

Npms-     NPMS    Jean
Npmp-     NPMP    Pays-bas
Npfs-     NPFS    Anne
Npfp-     NPFP    Pyrenees

It is not clear that all proper nouns should receive gender and number
information. In addition, even if this information exists, it might be
difficult to  find  it  automatically  in  corpora  for unknown proper
nouns. We must experiment to see if a single tag NP would be better.

5.4.2  Verbs (V)
----------------  Lexicon
============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         main        partir      m
             auxiliary   avoir       a
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Mood/Vform   indicative  viens       i
             subjunctive vienne      s
             imperative  viens       m
             conditional viendrais   c
             infinitive  venir       n
             participle  venu        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Tense        present     viens       p
             imperfect   venais      i
             future      viendrai    f
             past        vins        s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       suis        1
             second      es          2
             third       est         3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    viens       s
             plural      venons      p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   venu        m
             feminine    venue       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Clitics       ///       ///          -
============ =========== =========== ====

a. Conditional

Conditional  is often  considered  as a  tense  rather  than  a  mood.
Encoding decision may change on this.

b.  Auxiliaries
It is possible that we need to discriminate between "avoir" and "e^tre"
auxiliaries. In that case, we could add a Lexical Class attribute:

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Lex. class   e^tre        e^tre       e
             avoir        avoir       a

Note : obviously language-specific
============ =========== =========== ====

c.  Past participle
We  decided  to  encode  the  past participle  of the  auxiliary  verb
"e^tre",  the copulative verbs (e.g.   "sembler") and impersonal verbs
(e.g."falloir"),  which  do not agree in gender,  with the  value  not
applicable (-) :

e'te' : Va---ps--, semble' : Vm---ps--  Corpus
====== =================== ============================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
====== =================== ============================
VA1P    Va[iscm][pifs]1p--  Aux. verb 1st person plur.
VA1S    Va[iscm][pifs]1s--  Aux. verb 1st person sing.
VA2P    Va[iscm][pifs]2p--  Aux. verb 2nd person plur.
VA2S    Va[iscm][pifs]2s--  Aux. verb 2nd person sing.
VA3P    Va[iscm][pifs]3p--  Aux. verb 3rd person plur.
VA3S    Va[iscm][pifs]3s--  Aux. verb 3rd person sing.
VAPSPF  Vaps-pf-            Aux. verb past part. plur. fem.
VAPSSF  Vaps-sf-            Aux. verb past part. sing. fem.
VAPSPM  Vaps-pm-            Aux. verb past part. plur. masc.
VAPSSM  Vaps-sm-            Aux. verb past part. sing. masc.
VAPS    Vaps----            Aux. verb past part.
VAPP    Vapp----            Aux. verb pres. part.
VAN     Van-----            Aux. verb infinitive
VM1P    Vm[iscm][pifs]1p--  Main.verb 1st person plur.
VM1S    Vm[iscm][pifs]1s--  Main.verb 1st person sing.
VM2P    Vm[iscm][pifs]2p--  Main.verb 2nd person plur.
VM2S    Vm[iscm][pifs]2s--  Main.verb 2nd person sing.
VM3P    Vm[iscm][pifs]3p--  Main.verb 3rd person plur.
VM3S    Vm[iscm][pifs]3s--  Main.verb 3rd person sing.
VMPSPF  Vmps-pf-            Main.verb past part. plur. fem.
VMPSSF  Vmps-sf-            Main.verb past part. sing. fem.
VMPSPM  Vmps-pm-            Main.verb past part. plur. masc.
VMPSSM  Vmps-sm-            Main.verb past part. sing. masc.
VMPS    Vmps----            Main.verb past part.
VMPP    Vmpp----            Main.verb pres. part.
VMN     Vmn-----            Main.verb infinitive

================== ====================================  Combinations
======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Vmn-----  VMN      venir
Van-----  VAN      e^tre, avoir
Vmpp----  VMPP     venant
Vapp----  VAPP     e'tant, ayant
Vmps----  VM??PS   semble'
Vmps-pf-  VMFPPS   venues
Vmps-sf-  VMFSPS   venue
Vmps-pm-  VMMPPS   venus
Vmps-sm-  VMMSPS   venu

Vaps----  VA??PS   e'te'
Vaps-pf-  VAFPPS   eues
Vaps-sf-  VAFSPS   eue
Vaps-pm-  VAMPPS   eus
Vaps-sm-  VAMSPS   eu
Vmip1s-   VM1S     viens
Vmip2s-   VM2S     viens
Vmip3s-   VM3S     vient
Vmip1p-   VM1P     venons
Vmip2p-   VM2P     venez
Vmip3p-   VM3P     viennent

Vaip1s-   VA1S     suis, ai
aip2s-    VA2S     es, as
Vaip3s-   VA3S3    est, a
Vaip1p-   VA1P     sommes, avons
Vaip2p-   VA2P     e^tes, avez
Vaip3p-   VA3P     sont, ont

Vaii1s-   VA1S     e'tais, avais
Vaii2s-   VA2S     e'tais, avais
Vaii3s-   VA3S3    e'tait, avait
Vaii1p-   VA1P     e'tions, avions
Vaii2p-   VA2P     e'tiez, aviez
Vaii3p-   VA3P     e'taient, avaient

Vmii1s-   VM1S     venais
Vmii2s-   VM2S     venais
Vmii3s-   VM3S     venait
Vmii1p-   VM1P     venions
Vmii2p-   VM2P     veniez
Vmii3p-   VM3P     venaient
Vaif1s-   VA1S     serai, aurai
Vaif2s-   VA2S     seras, auras
Vaif3s-   VA3S3    sera, aura
Vaif1p-   VA1P     serons, aurons
Vaif2p-   VA2P     serez, aurez
Vaif3p-   VA3P     seront, auront

Vmif1s-   VM1S     viendrai
Vmif2s-   VM2SS    viendras
Vmif3s-   VM3S3    viendra
Vmif1p-   VM1PS    viendrons
Vmif2p-   VM2P     viendrez
Vmif3p-   VM3PS    viendront
Vais1s-   VA1S     fus, eus
Vais2s-   VA2S     fus, eus
Vais3s-   VA3S3    fut, eut
Vais1p-   VA1P     fu^mes, eu^mes
Vais2p-   VA2P     fu^tes, eu^tes
Vais3p-   VA3P     furent, eurent

Vmis1s-   VM1SS    vins
Vmis2s-   VM2S     vins
Vmis3s-   VM3S3    vint
Vmis1p-   VM1P     vinmes
Vmis2p-   VM2P     vintes
Vmis3p-   VM3P     vinrent
Vasp1s-   VA1S     sois, aie
Vasp2s-   VA2S     sois, aies
Vasp3s-   VA3S     soit, ait
Vasp1p-   VA1P     soyons, ayons
Vasp2p-   VA2P     soyez, ayez
Vasp3p-   VA3P     soient, avaient, e'taient

Vmsp1s-   VM1S     finisse
Vmsp2s-   VM2S     finisse
Vmsp3s-   VM3S     finisse
Vmsp1p-   VM1P     finissions
Vmsp2p-   VM2P     finissiez
Vmsp3p-   VM3P     finissent
Vasi1s-   VA1S     fusse, eusse
Vasi2s-   VA2S     fusses, eusses
Vasi3s-   VA3S3    fu^t, eu^t
Vasi1p-   VA1P     fussions, eussions
Vasi2p-   VA2P     fussiez, eussiez
Vasi3p-   VA3P     fussent, eussent

Vmsi1s-   VM1S     finisse
Vmsi2s-   VM2S     finisse
Vmsi3s-   VM3S     finit
Vmsi1p-   VM1P     finissions
Vmsi2p-   VM2P     finissiez
Vmsi3p-   VM3P     finissent
Vacp1s-   VA1S     serais, aurais
Vacp2s-   VA2S     serais, aurais
Vacp3s-   VA3S     serait, aurait
Vacp1p-   VA1P     serions, aurions
Vacp2p-   VA2P     seriez, auriez
Vacp3p-   VA3P     seraient, auraient

Vmcp1s-   VM1S     viendrais
Vmcp2s-   VM2SS    viendrais
Vmcp3s-   VM3SS    viendrait
Vmcp1p-   VM1P     viendrions
Vmcp2p-   VM2PS    viendriez
Vmcp3p-   VM3P     viendraient
Vamp2s-   VA2S     sois, aie
Vamp1p-   VA1P     soyons, ayons
Vamp2p-   VA2P     soyez, ayez
Vmmp2s-   VM2S     viens
Vmmp1p-   VM1P     venons
Vmmp2p-   VM2P     venez
5.4.3  Adjectives (A)
---------------------  Lexicon
============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         qualificat. bon         f
             ordinal     deuxie^me    o
             cardinal    deux        c
             indefinite  quelconque  i
             possessive  mien        s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Degree       positive    bon         p
             comparative meilleur    c
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   bon         m
             feminine    bonne       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    bon         s
             plural      bons        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -


a. Degree
We  encode Degree for  compatibility  with other  languages,  but  the
distinction  positive/comparative applies  only to  two  adjectives in
French:    "bon"   and  "mauvais".  All  other  adjectives  form their
comparatives with "plus" + adjective (e.g., "plus grand"). Superlative
is also a compound form ("le" + comparative, e.g. "le plus grand").

b.  Possessor
We  could  add  attributes   for  person  and   number  of  possessor.

c. Cardinal
The use of this value in french is still being  considered as it seems
perfectly redundant with the category numeral.  Corpus
================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
AFP     A..fp-             Adjective fem. plur.
AFS     A..fs-             Adjective fem. sing.
AMP     A..mp-             Adjective masc. plur.
AMS     A..ms-             Adjective masc. sing.
================== ====================================  Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Afcfp-     AFP     meilleures
Afcfs-     AFS     meilleure
Afcmp-     AMP     meilleurs
Afcms-     AMS     meilleur
Afpfp-     AFP     bonnes
Afpfs-     AFS     bonne
Afpmp-     AMP     bons
Afpms-     AMS     bon

Ai-fp-     AFP     certaines, me^mes, quelconques
Ai-fs-     AFS     certane, me^me, quelconque
Ai-mp-     AMP     certain, me^mes, quelconques
Ai-ms-     AMS     certain, me^me, quelconque

Ac-fp-     AFP     deux
Ac-fs-     AFS     une
Ac-mp-     AMP     deux
Ac-ms-     AMS     un

Ao-fp-     AFP     premi'eres
Ao-fs-     AFS     premi'ere
Ao-mp-     AMP     premiers
Ao-ms-     AMS     premier

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
As-fp-     AFP     leurs, miennes,tiennes,siennes, no^tres,
As-fs-     AFS     leur, mienne, tienne, sienne, no^tre,vo^tre
As-mp-     AMP     leurs, miens, tiens, siens, no^tres,
As-ms-     AMS     leur, mien, tien, sien, no^tre, vo^tre
5.4.4  Pronouns (P)
-------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         personal    je          p
             demonstrat. celui       d
             indefinite  certain     i
             possessive  le_mien     s
             interrog.   lequel      t
             relative    quel        r
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       je          1
             second      tu          2
             third       il          3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   cet,il      m
             feminine    cette,elle  f
             neutre      ce          n
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    certain     s
             plural      certains    p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         nominative  il          n
             object      le, lui     j
             oblique     moi         o
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Possessor    singular    mon         s
             plural      nos         p
============ =========== =========== ====


a. Possessive

Possessive pronouns  are compound forms only  ("le  mien").  The  form
"mien" is an adjective (see note supra).

b. Case

The case system proposed by EAGLES  (nominative,  accusative,  dative,
oblique,  etc.) does not map readily to French personal pronouns.  The
usual typology is the following:

subject      je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles
object       me, te, le, la, lui, se, nous, vous, les, leur,
other        moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux,
             elles, soi

The category "other" corresponds to reinforcement of subject or object
("Moi, je le dis"), attribute ("C'est moi"), etc.

We could use the following mapping:

Nominative  --> subject
Accusative  --> direct object
Dative      --> indirect object
Oblique     --> other

However, this solution splits "object" in "direct" and "indirect", and
this distintion  is valid  only for the  3rd person pronouns in French
(direct: le, la, les; indirect: lui, leur).  Encoding this distinction
would duplicate all other forms (direct:me,  te, etc.;  indirect:  me,
te, etc.).

We  have therefore  added one  value to the case system proposed:  the
value "Object".

c. New values exclamative, reflexive, reciprocal

The  addition of those new values for  the attribute type  has not yet
been  considered in French.  It is clear that the value  "exclamative"
would be more  useful for the Determiner category  (where it is merged
with the interrogative value). As for reflexive and reciprocal values,
they  may  be  redundant  with  the  codes  using the  case-value  "j"
(object), applied to personal pronouns.

d. Agglutination

The presence of  disjuncted lexical units  among pronouns  has led  to
their lexicalisation for  the sake of consistency  of some paradigms :
for instance the paradigm  "auquel",  "auxquels"  and  "auxquelles" is
completed  with  the  unit   _laquelle",  which  is  not  completely
satisfactory.  Corpus
================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
PDFP    Pd-fp--            Demonstrative pronoun fem. plur.
PDFS    Pd-fs--            Demonstrative pronoun fem. plur.
PDMP    Pd-mp--            Demonstrative pronoun masc. plur.
PDMS    Pd-[mn]s--         Demonstrative pronoun masc. sing.
PNFP    Pn-fp--            Indefinite pronoun fem. plur.
PNFS    Pn-fs--            Indefinite pronoun fem. plur.
PNMP    Pn-mp--            Indefinite pronoun masc. plur.
PNMS    Pn-ms--            Indefinite pronoun masc. sing.
PP1SN   Pp1-sn-            Personal pron.,1st pers.sing.,

================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
PP2SN   Pp2-sn-       Personal pron.,2nd pers. sing., nomin.
PP3SN   Pp3.sn-       Personal pron.,3rd pers.sing., nomin.
PP1PN   Pp1-sn-       Personal pron.,1st pers. plur., nomin.
PP2PN   Pp2-sn-       Personal pron., 2nd pers. plur.,nomin.
PP3PN   Pp3.sn-       Personal pron., 3rd pers. plur.,nomin.
PPJ     Pp...j-       Personal pron., object
PPO     Pp...o-       Personal pron., oblique
PQFP    P[rt]fp--     Interr. or relat. pronoun,fem. plur.
PQFS    P[rt]fs--     Interr. or relat. pronoun, fem. plur.
PQMP    P[rt]mp--     Interr. or relat. pronoun, masc. plur.
PQMS    P[rt]ms--     Interr. or relat. pronoun, masc. sing.
PSFP    Ps.fp.-       Possessive pronoun, fem. plur.
PSFS    Ps.fs.-       Possessive pronoun, fem. plur.
PSMP    Ps.mp.-       Possessive pronoun, masc. plur.
PSMS    Ps.ms.-       Possessive pronoun, masc. sing.
================== ====================================  Combinations
======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Ps1fs-s    PSFS    la_mienne [mienne is not a pronoun]
Ps1fs-p    PSFS    la_no^tre
Ps1fp-s    PSFP    les_miennes
Ps1fp-p    PSFP    les_no^tres
Ps1ms-s    PSMS    le_mien
Ps1ms-p    PSMS    le_no^tre
Ps1mp-s    PSMP    les_miens
Ps1mp-p    PSMP    les_no^tres

Ps2fs-s    PSFS    la_tienne
Ps2fs-p    PSFS    la_vo^tre
Ps2fp-s    PSFP    les_tiennes
Ps2mp-p    PSMP    les_vo^tres
Ps2ms-s    PSMS    le_tien
Ps2ms-p    PSMS    le_vo^tre
Ps2mp-s    PSMP    les_tiens
Ps2fp-p    PSFP    les_vo^tres

Ps3fs-s    PSFS    la_sienne
Ps3fs-p    PSFS    la_leur
Ps3fp-s    PSFP    les_siennes
Ps3fp-p    PSFP    les_leurs
Ps3ms-s    PSMS    le_sien
Ps3ms-p    PSMS    le_leur
Ps3mp-s    PSMP    les_siens
Ps3mp-p    PSMP    les_leurs

Pp1-sn-    PP1SN    je
Pp2-sn-    PP2SN    tu
Pp3msn-    PP3SN    il, on
Pp3fsn-    PP3SN    elle
Pp1-pn-    PP1PN    nous
Pp2-pn-    PP2PN    vous
Pp3mpn-    PP3PN    ils
Pp3fpn-    PP3PN    elles

Pp1-sj-    PPJ      me (-moi after imperative)
Pp2-sj-    PPJ      te (-toi after imperative)
Pp3msj-    PPJ      le, se, lui
Pp3fsj-    PPJ      la, se, lui
Pp3n-j-    PPJ      en, y
Pp1-pj-    PPJ      nous
Pp2-pj-    PPJ      vous
Pp3mpj-    PPJ      les, se, leur
Pp3fpj-    PPJ      les, se, leur

Pp1-so-    PPO      moi
Pp2-so-    PPO      toi
Pp3mso-    PPO      lui, soi
Pp3fso-    PPO      elle, soi
Pp1-po-    PPO      nous
Pp2-po-    PPO      vous
Pp3mpo-    PPO      eux, soi
Pp3fpo-    PPO      elles, soi

Pd-fp--    PDFP     celles, celles-ci, celles-la'
Pd-fs--    PDFS     celle, celle-ci, celle-la'
Pd-mp--    PDMP     ceux, ceux-ci, ceux-la'
Pd-ms--    PDMS     celui, celui-ci, celui-la'
Pd-n---    PDMS     ce, ceci, cela, ca

Pi-fp--    PNFP     quelques-unes, certaines...
Pi-fs--    PNFS     aucune, nulle, certaine...
Pi-mp--    PNMP     quelques-uns, certains...
Pi-ms--    PNMS     aucun, nul, quelqu'un, certain...

Pr-fp--    PQFP     lesquelles,desquelles,auxquelles,qui,
                    que, quoi, dont,
Pr-fs--    PQFS     laquelle, qui, que, quoi, dont, ou^
Pr-mp--    PQMP     lesquels, desquels, auxquels, qui, que,
                    quoi, dont, ou^
Pr-ms--    PQMS     lequel, duquel, auquel, qui, que, quoi,
                    dont, ou^

Pt-----    PQ??     quoi
Pt-fp--    PQFP     lesquelles, desquelles, auxquelles, qui,
Pt-fs--    PQFS     laquelle, qui, que
Pt-mp--    PQMP     lesquels, desquels, auxquels, qui
Pt-ms--    PQMS     lequel, duquel, auquel, qui, que
5.4.5  Determiners (D)
----------------------  Lexicon
============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         article     le          a
             demonstrat. ce          d
             indefinite  certain     i
             possessive  mon         s
             interrog.   quel        t
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       ma          1
             second      ta          2
             third       sa          3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   le          m
             feminine    la          f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    le          s
             plural      les         p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Possessor    singular    mon         s
             plural      nos         p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Quantif.     definite    le          d
             indefinite  un          i
============ =========== =========== ====  Corpus
================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
DFP     D..fp--.           Determiner, fem. plur.
DFS     D..fs--.           Determiner, fem. plur.
DMP     D..mp--.           Determiner, masc. plur.
DMS     D..ms--.           Determiner, masc. sing.
================== ====================================  Combinations
======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Ds1fss--    DFS   ma (tasse)
Ds1mss--    DMS   mon (livre)
Ds1fps--    DFP   mes (tasses)
Ds1mps--    DMP   mes (livres)
Ds2fss--    DFS   ta (tasse)
Ds2mss--    DMS   ton (livre)
Ds2fps--    DFP   tes (tasses)
Ds2mps--    DMP   tes (livres)
Ds3fss--    DFS   sa (tasse)
Ds3mss--    DMS   son (livre)
Ds3fps--    DFP   ses (tasses)
Ds3mps--    DMP   ses (livres)
Ds1fsp--    DFS   notre (tasse)
Ds1msp--    DMS   notre (livre)
Ds1fpp--    DFP   nos (tasses)
Ds1mpp--    DMP   nos (livres)
Ds2fsp--    DFS   votre (tasse)
Ds2msp--    DMS   votre (livre)
Ds2fpp--    DFP   vos (tasses)
Ds2mpp--    DMP   vos (livres)
Ds3fsp--    DFS   leur (tasse)
Ds3msp--    DMS   leur (livre)
Ds3fpp--    DFP   leurs (tasses)
Ds3mpp--    DMP   leurs (livres)
Dd-fs---    DFS   cette
Dd-ms---    DMS   cet, ce
Dd-fp---    DFP   ces
Dd-mp---    DMP   ces
Di-fs---    DFS   aucune, nulle, certaine, toute, chacune...
Di-ms---    DMS   aucun, nul, certain, tout, chacun...
Di-fp---    DFP   certaines, toutes...
Di-mp---    DMP   certains, tous...
Dt-fs---    DFS   quelle
Dt-ms---    DMS   quel
Dt-fp---    DFP   quelles
Dt-mp---    DMP   quels
Da-fs--d    DFS   la
Da-ms--d    DMS   le
Da-fp--d    DFP   les
Da-mp--d    DMP   les
Da-fs--i    DFS   une
Da-ms--i    DMS   un
Da-fp--i    DFP   des
Da-mp--i    DMP   des
======= =============================================

5.4.6  Adverbs (R)
------------------  Lexicon
============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         general     fortement   g
             particle    ne, pas     p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Degree       positive    fortement   p
             comparative davantage   c
             negative    ne, pas     n


We encode degree for compatibility  with other languages,  but  as for
adjectives,  the comparative feature is not very productive in French.
It applies only to  "beaucoup"  (comp.=  "davantage"),  "bien" (comp.=
"mieux"),  "mal"  (comp.=  "pis") and  "peu"  (comp.  =  "moins"). The
comparative for other adverbs is marked by "plus" + adverb (e.g. "plus
fortement"). The superlative is usually marked by  "le"  + comparative
(e.g. le plus fortement).  Corpus
================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
R       Rg.-               General adverb
R-NE    Rpn                ne
R-PAS   Rpn                pas
================== ====================================

It seems  necessary  in  French  to  distinguish the two parts  of the
negation  ("ne  ...  pas"),  because  they play  an  important role in
disambiguation.  However, this violates the applicative principle (the
categories in the corpus should be broader than the categories in  the
lexicon).  Here the  same  lexical category  (Rpn)  would split in two
corpus tags  (R-NE,  R-PAS).  As a result,  the regular expression Rpn
cannot be used to define the corpus tags unambiguously.

We could add an attribute  "Lexical Class" to discriminate between the
two particles,  as, if needed, for the distinction between the  "e^tre"
and "avoir" auxiliaries (see note supra).

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Lex. class   ne          ne, n'      n
             pas         pas, plus   p
============ =========== =========== ====

However, the auxiliary distinction applied to many languages (English:
be/have;  Italian:  essere/avere,  etc.), whereas the negation problem
seems specific  to  French.  It  seems  therefore  heavy to impose  an
attribute "Lexical Class" for all languages in the Adverb category.

Another point of view would be to consider that, in fact, some lexical
subcategorization will be needed for  one category or another  in each
language,   and   add  a   "Lexical  Class"   attribute   to  all  the
part-of-speech categories in a systematic way.  Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Rgp       R       beaucoup
Rgc       R       davantage
Rpn       R-NE    ne
Rpn       R-PAS   pas, plus
======= =============================================

5.4.7  Adpositions (S)
----------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         preposition en, de      p
============ =========== =========== ====  Corpus

================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
SP      Sp                 Preposition
================== ====================================  Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Sp        SP      en
======= =============================================

5.4.8  Conjunctions (C)
-----------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         coordinat.  et          c
             subordinat. que         s
============ =========== =========== ====  Corpus

================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
CC      Cc                 Cooordinative conjunction
CS      Cs                 Subordinative conjunction
================== ====================================  Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
====== =============================================
Cc        CC      mais, ou
Cs        CS      que
======= =============================================

5.4.9  Numerals (M)
-------------------  Lexicon

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         cardinal    deux        c
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   un          m
             feminine    une         f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    un          s
             plural      deux        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====


Ordinals  are  simple  adjectives   in  French.   They  can  never  be
determiners (e.g. *premie're fois e'tait la bonne).

Traditionnal grammars  usually distinguish un/article and  un/numeral.
However,  it is very difficult to find linguistic tests that enable to
discriminate between the two.
cf. J'ai vu un chat (article)
    J'ai vu un chat et deux chiens (numeral?)

We will not keep this distinction in the corpus tags.

Only un/une have a gender. All other numerals are invariant in gender.
We will  encode gender  as not  applicable  rather  than  introduce  a
systematic homography.  Corpus
================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
M       Mc-s-              Cardinal numeral, sing.
M       Mc-p-              Cardinal numeral, plur.
================== ====================================  Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
Mcms-     DMS     un
Mcfs-     DFS     une
Mc-s-     M       zero
Mc-p-     M       deux, trois
======= =============================================

5.4.10  Interjection (I)
------------------------  Lexicon

========= ===========
Tag       Example
========= ===========
I       eh
========= ===========  Corpus

================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
I       I                  Interjection
================== ====================================  Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
I         I       eh
======= =============================================

5.4.11  Unique membership class (U)


5.4.12  Residual (X)
--------------------  Lexicon

============ ==============
Tag     c Example
============ ==============
X  c      symbols, etc.
============ ==============  Corpus

================== ====================================
Tag     Regular expression Definition
================== ====================================
X       X                  Residual
================== ====================================  Combinations
======= =============================================
Lexique   Corpus  Example
======= =============================================
X         X       symbols, etc.
======= =============================================
