HLT in Slovenia

Toma¾ Erjavec

EC Joint Research Centre, Ispria


Slovenia, Slovene, Slovenian

Data on the language from the Ethnologue.

ISO 639:sl
ISO 8859 character set: ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2)
ISO 8879 entities: ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN
č¹¾Č©® == č, š, ž, Č, Š, Ž.

HLT in Slovenia

Slovensko dru¹tvo za jezikovne tehnologije (The Slovenian Language Technologies Society) founded in 1998, joins people working on language technologies from the scientific, educational or user perspectives.

The Society organises bi-annual conferences with printed and on-line proceedings: 1998, 2000, 2002.

SDJT has 60 members and maintains its WWW portal, also featuring information about HLT groups and resources in Slovenia.

See also ElsNet's info on Slovenia: Survey, and Directory of Language and Speech Technology Organisations and Experts.

Jo¾ef Stefan Institute

Dept. of Intelligent Systems (soon to sprout "Information and Language Technologies"): work in HTL.

My current work

Last updated 2003-07-29, et