MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications

3.1. English Specifications

Table of contents

Nancy Ide, Greg Priest-Dorman, Tomaž Erjavec, Tamas Varadi


Language Name:

3.1.1. English Category Index Table of categories

CATEGORY (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attributes
CATEGORY Adjective A 2
CATEGORY Pronoun P 8
CATEGORY Determiner D 6
CATEGORY Adposition S 1
CATEGORY Conjunction C 2
CATEGORY Numeral M 1
CATEGORY Interjection I 0
CATEGORY Abbreviation Y 0
CATEGORY Residual X 0
CATEGORY Punctuation Z 0

3.1.2. English Noun

Specification for English Noun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type common c
proper p
2 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
3 Number singular s
plural p MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (19)
MSD Features Types Examples
Nc Noun Type=common 4 Portuguese, o, Flemish, Dutch
Nc-s Noun Type=common Number=singular 115 winner, wholesaler, welder, ward, Vietnamese
Nc-p Noun Type=common Number=plural 88 winners/winner, wholesalers/wholesaler, welders/welder, wards/ward, victims/victim
Ncm Noun Type=common Gender=masculine 5 Taiwanese, Sudanese, next-of-kin, eldest, deceased
Ncms Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular 118 widower, welterweight, volunteer, viscount, vice-chairman
Ncmp Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=plural 85 widowers/widower, welterweights/welterweight, viscounts/viscount, tenors/tenor, teamsters/teamster
Ncf Noun Type=common Gender=feminine 5 Taiwanese, Sudanese, next-of-kin, eldest, deceased
Ncfs Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=singular 119 wren, woman, wife, widow, whore
Ncfp Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=plural 82 wrens/wren, women/woman, wives/wife, widows/widow, whores/whore
Ncn Noun Type=common Gender=neuter 82 zebra, youth, yen, works, winnings
Ncns Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=singular 11786 zoo, zoom, zoology, zoologist, zone
Ncnp Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=plural 9696 zoos/zoo, zooms/zoom, zoologists/zoologist, zones/zone, zombies/zombie
Np Noun Type=proper 1087 Zurich, Zulu, Zug, Zion, Zimbabwe
Np-s Noun Type=proper Number=singular 1 nazi
Np-p Noun Type=proper Number=plural 1 nazis
Npms Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular 4 tom, oliver, norman, martin
Npfs Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 julia
Npns Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=singular 85 Yule, Xmas, winston, wilsher, Whitsun
Npnp Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=plural 2 Olympics, negroids/negroid

3.1.3. English Verb

Specification for English Verb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type main m
auxiliary a
modal o
base b
2 VForm indicative i
conditional c
infinitive n
participle p
3 Tense present p
past s
4 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
5 Number singular s
plural p Notes

These tags do not attempt to represent distinctions found in the various compound verb-forms. These are composed of a sequence of auxiliary and non-finite verb as follows:

future will/shall + base
conditional would/should + base
passive be + past participle
perfect have + past participle
past perfect have-past + past participle
present continuous be + present participle
infinitive to + base

So there is no "aspect" attribute or "future" value, for example. MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (30)
MSD Features Types Examples
Vmip Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present 3 nose, lacquered/lacquer, daren't/dare+not
Vmip-p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Number=plural 4105 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmip1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 4104 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmip2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 4105 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmip3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 4103 zooms/zoom, zips/zip, zigzags/zigzag, yodels/yodel, yields/yield
Vmis Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past 4159 zoomed/zoom, zipped/zip, zigzagged/zigzag, yodelled/yodel, yielded/yield
Vmis-p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Number=plural 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vmis1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=first Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vmis2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=second Number=singular 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vmis3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=third Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vmcs Verb Type=main VForm=conditional Tense=past 1 weren't/be+not
Vmn Verb Type=main VForm=infinitive 4105 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmnp Verb Type=main VForm=infinitive Tense=present 1 be
Vmpp Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present 4118 zooming/zoom, zipping/zip, zigzagging/zigzag, yodelling/yodel, yielding/yield
Vmps Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past 4168 zoomed/zoom, zipped/zip, zigzagged/zigzag, yodelled/yodel, yielded/yield
Vaip Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present 3 oughter/have, 'A/have, 'a/have
Vaip-p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Number=plural 14 've/have, 're/be, haven't/have+not, have, dont/do
Vaip1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 13 've/have, 'm/be, haven't/have+not, have, dont/do
Vaip2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 13 're/be, haven't/have+not, have, dont/do, don't/do+not
Vaip3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 12 's/have, 's/be, isn't/be+not, is/be, hasn't/have+not
Vais Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past 7 hadn't/have+not, had/have, didnt/do+not, didn't/do+not, did/do
Vais-p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Number=plural 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vais1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=first Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vais2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=second Number=singular 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vais3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=third Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vacs Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=conditional Tense=past 1 were/be
Van Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=infinitive 8 have, do, d', be, 'Ave
Vapp Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present 3 having/have, doing/do, being/be
Vaps Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=past 2 done/do, been/be
Voip Verb Type=modal VForm=indicative Tense=present 22 would, wouldn't/would+not, won't/will+not, will, should

3.1.4. English Adjective

Specification for English Adjective
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adjective A
1 Type qualificative f
2 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s Notes

Gender, number and case irrelevant for English.

Attributive/predicative distinction reflects positional constraints - some adjectives ('mere', 'utter', etc.) only appear in prenominal position, while others ('awake', 'devoid', etc.) only appear in predicative position. Most can appear in either.

Since many English comparatives and superlatives are formed with more/most, "positive" cannot be interpreted as "neither comparative nor superlative". See "Adverbs". MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (4)
MSD Features Types Examples
Af Adjective Type=qualificative 865 zany, young, yellow, yeasty, wry
Afp Adjective Type=qualificative Degree=positive 8533 zoological, zonal, Zionist, Zimbabwean, zigzag
Afc Adjective Type=qualificative Degree=comparative 919 zanier/zany, younger/young, yellower/yellow, yeastier/yeasty, wrinklier/wrinkly
Afs Adjective Type=qualificative Degree=superlative 723 zaniest/zany, youngest/young, yellowest/yellow, wriest/wry, worthiest/worthy

3.1.5. English Pronoun

Specification for English Pronoun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Pronoun P
1 Type personal p
possessive s
interrogative q
relative r
reflexive x
general g
ex-there t
2 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Case nominative n
accusative a
6 Owner_Number singular s
plural p
7 Owner_Gender masculine m
feminine f
17 Wh_Type relative r
question q Notes

"General" pronouns are those which are not personal, possessive, demonstrative or reflexive. The choice of these four categories is based on distributional facts, though at a rather high level of abstraction. They enter into anaphoric dependencies which are signalled morphosyntactically and are therefore (in principle) more amenable to automatic detection. Most general pronouns do not, although they too sometimes encode number information.

"WH" attribute added to allow for combination of possessive and WH in "whose". MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (46)
MSD Features Types Examples
Pp---------------r Pronoun Type=personal Wh_Type=relative 2 who, whoever
Pp---------------q Pronoun Type=personal Wh_Type=question 2 who, whoever
Pp---a-----------r Pronoun Type=personal Case=accusative Wh_Type=relative 1 whom
Pp---a-----------q Pronoun Type=personal Case=accusative Wh_Type=question 1 whom
Pp--sn Pronoun Type=personal Number=singular Case=nominative 1 me
Pp--pn Pronoun Type=personal Number=plural Case=nominative 1 they
Pp1-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=nominative 1 I
Pp1-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=nominative 1 we
Pp1-pa Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative 1 us
Pp2 Pronoun Type=personal Person=second 1 you
Pp2--a Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Case=accusative 1 thee/you
Pp2-p Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural 1 thou
Pp3-pa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative 3 them, 'Em/them, 'em/them
Pp3ms Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 1 one
Pp3msn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 he
Pp3msa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative 5 'Im/him, 'im/him, him, 'E/he, 'e/he
Pp3fs Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 one
Pp3fsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 she
Pp3fsa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative 3 her, 'Er/her, 'er/her
Pp3ns Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 1 it
Ps3 Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third 1 yours
Ps3--------------r Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Wh_Type=relative 1 whose
Ps3--------------q Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Wh_Type=question 1 whose
Ps3---s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular 1 mine
Ps3---sm Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=masculine 2 'is/his, his
Ps3---sf Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=feminine 1 hers
Ps3---p Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=plural 2 theirs, ours
Px1-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=first Number=singular 1 myself
Px1-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=first Number=plural 1 ourselves
Px2-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=second Number=singular 1 yourself
Px2-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=second Number=plural 1 yourselves
Px3-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Number=singular 2 oneself, meself
Px3-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Number=plural 1 themselves
Px3ms Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 3 isself/himself, 'isself/himself, himself
Px3fs Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 herself
Px3ns Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 1 itself
Pg3--------------r Pronoun Type=general Person=third Wh_Type=relative 3 which, whichever, whatever
Pg3--------------q Pronoun Type=general Person=third Wh_Type=question 4 which, whichever, what, whatever
Pg3-s Pronoun Type=general Person=third Number=singular 1 another
Pg3-p Pronoun Type=general Person=third Number=plural 2 several, others
Pg3ms Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 5 someone, somebody, no-one, nobody, anybody
Pg3fs Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 5 someone, somebody, no-one, nobody, anybody
Pg3n Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter 5 some, none, most, any, all
Pg3ns Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 14 tis/this, this, that, something, nothing
Pg3np Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter Number=plural 5 those, these, many, few, both
Pt3 Pronoun Type=ex-there Person=third 1 there

3.1.6. English Determiner

Specification for English Determiner
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Determiner D
1 Type demonstrative d
indefinite i
possessive s
general g
2 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
4 Number singular s
plural p
6 Owner_Number singular s
plural p
7 Owner_Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
10 Wh_Type relative r
question q Notes

Definite and indefinite articles represented as values of "Type". MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (16)
MSD Features Types Examples
Dd Determiner Type=demonstrative 1 the
Di Determiner Type=indefinite 2 an/a, a
Ds--------r Determiner Type=possessive Wh_Type=relative 1 whose
Ds--------q Determiner Type=possessive Wh_Type=question 1 whose
Ds1---s Determiner Type=possessive Person=first Owner_Number=singular 1 my
Ds1---p Determiner Type=possessive Person=first Owner_Number=plural 1 our
Ds2 Determiner Type=possessive Person=second 1 your
Ds3---sm Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=masculine 2 'is/his, his
Ds3---sf Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=feminine 3 her, 'Er/her, 'er/her
Ds3---sn Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=neuter 1 its
Ds3---p Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=plural 1 their
Dg Determiner Type=general 4 some, no, each, any
Dg--------r Determiner Type=general Wh_Type=relative 2 which, whichever
Dg--------q Determiner Type=general Wh_Type=question 4 which, whichever, what, whatever
Dg--s Determiner Type=general Number=singular 10 tis/this, this, that, neither, much
Dg--p Determiner Type=general Number=plural 10 those, these, such, other, most

3.1.7. English Adverb

Specification for English Adverb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type modifier m
specifier s
2 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s
6 Wh_Type relative r
question q Notes

No distinction has been made between different types of "modifier" adverbs ("sentence-modifying", "VP-modifying", etc.), since their distributions overlap considerably. MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (9)
MSD Features Types Examples
R-p---q Adverb Degree=positive Wh_Type=question 3 'Ow, 'ow, how
Rmp Adverb Type=modifier Degree=positive 3882 zoologically, zealously, zanily, youthfully, youngly
Rmp---r Adverb Type=modifier Degree=positive Wh_Type=relative 3 where, whereupon, when
Rmp---q Adverb Type=modifier Degree=positive Wh_Type=question 3 why, where, when
Rmc Adverb Type=modifier Degree=comparative 2 worse, better
Rms Adverb Type=modifier Degree=superlative 2 worst, best
Rsp Adverb Type=specifier Degree=positive 5 very, too, so, much, as
Rsc Adverb Type=specifier Degree=comparative 2 more, less
Rss Adverb Type=specifier Degree=superlative 2 most, least

3.1.8. English Adposition

Specification for English Adposition
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adposition S
1 Type preposition p
postposition t Notes

Postpositions are rare in English.

"possessive" 's and ' might be considered postpositions, especially if the alternative is to assign them to the unique membership class (where by definition they would be unrelated). MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (2)
MSD Features Types Examples
Sp Adposition Type=preposition 89 with, without, within, vis-à-vis, via
St Adposition Type=postposition 5 's/have, notwithstanding, '/have, away, ago

3.1.9. English Conjunction

Specification for English Conjunction
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Conjunction C
1 Type coordinating c
subordinating s
3 Coord_Type initial i
non-initial n Notes

Subordinating conjunctions are often identical to prepositions (before, after, since, ...). MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (4)
MSD Features Types Examples
Cc Conjunction Type=coordinating 1 as
Cc-i Conjunction Type=coordinating Coord_Type=initial 2 neither, either
Cc-n Conjunction Type=coordinating Coord_Type=non-initial 5 than, or, nor, but, and
Cs Conjunction Type=subordinating 52 yet, whilst, while, whether, where

3.1.10. English Numeral

Specification for English Numeral
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Numeral M
1 Type cardinal c
ordinal o Notes

These have not been subsumed under adjectives, pronouns, determiners, etc. because the internal structure of complex numerals is idiosyncratic. MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (2)
MSD Features Types Examples
Mc Numeral Type=cardinal 40 zero, two, twenty, twenty-seven, twenty-five
Mo Numeral Type=ordinal 33 twentieth, twelfth, trillionth, thousandth, thirtieth

3.1.11. English Interjection

Specification for English Interjection
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Interjection I MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
I Interjection 14 oh-o-o-o-oh, oh, hullo, hi, 'em

3.1.12. English Abbreviation

Specification for English Abbreviation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Abbreviation Y MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
Y Abbreviation 1 Dr.

3.1.13. English Residual

Specification for English Residual
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Residual X

3.1.14. English Punctuation

Specification for English Punctuation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Punctuation Z MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
Z Punctuation 10 ), (, ", ., ..

3.1.15. English Attribute Index

In this section all the attributes presented in the tables are listed in alphabetical order. Table of attributes

Attribute (en) Category (en) Position
Case Pronoun 5
Coord_Type Conjunction 3
Degree Adjective 2
Degree Adverb 2
Gender Noun 2
Gender Pronoun 3
Number Determiner 4
Number Noun 3
Number Pronoun 4
Number Verb 5
Owner_Gender Determiner 7
Owner_Gender Pronoun 7
Owner_Number Determiner 6
Owner_Number Pronoun 6
Person Determiner 2
Person Pronoun 2
Person Verb 4
Tense Verb 3
Type Adjective 1
Type Adposition 1
Type Adverb 1
Type Conjunction 1
Type Determiner 1
Type Noun 1
Type Numeral 1
Type Pronoun 1
Type Verb 1
VForm Verb 2
Wh_Type Adverb 6
Wh_Type Determiner 10
Wh_Type Pronoun 17

3.1.16. English Value Index

The values presented within the tables are, in the following, listed in alphabetical order; the first column gives the name of the value, the second column its code and the third lists attributes for which the value is appropriate. Table of values

Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (en) Category (en)
accusative a Case Pronoun
auxiliary a Type Verb
base b Type Verb
cardinal c Type Numeral
common c Type Noun
comparative c Degree Adjective
comparative c Degree Adverb
conditional c VForm Verb
coordinating c Type Conjunction
demonstrative d Type Determiner
ex-there t Type Pronoun
feminine f Gender Noun
feminine f Gender Pronoun
feminine f Owner_Gender Determiner
feminine f Owner_Gender Pronoun
first 1 Person Determiner
first 1 Person Pronoun
first 1 Person Verb
general g Type Determiner
general g Type Pronoun
indefinite i Type Determiner
indicative i VForm Verb
infinitive n VForm Verb
initial i Coord_Type Conjunction
interrogative q Type Pronoun
main m Type Verb
masculine m Gender Noun
masculine m Gender Pronoun
masculine m Owner_Gender Determiner
masculine m Owner_Gender Pronoun
modal o Type Verb
modifier m Type Adverb
neuter n Gender Noun
neuter n Gender Pronoun
neuter n Owner_Gender Determiner
nominative n Case Pronoun
non-initial n Coord_Type Conjunction
ordinal o Type Numeral
participle p VForm Verb
past s Tense Verb
personal p Type Pronoun
plural p Number Determiner
plural p Number Noun
plural p Number Pronoun
plural p Number Verb
plural p Owner_Number Determiner
plural p Owner_Number Pronoun
positive p Degree Adjective
positive p Degree Adverb
possessive s Type Determiner
possessive s Type Pronoun
postposition t Type Adposition
preposition p Type Adposition
present p Tense Verb
proper p Type Noun
qualificative f Type Adjective
question q Wh_Type Adverb
question q Wh_Type Determiner
question q Wh_Type Pronoun
reflexive x Type Pronoun
relative r Type Pronoun
relative r Wh_Type Adverb
relative r Wh_Type Determiner
relative r Wh_Type Pronoun
second 2 Person Determiner
second 2 Person Pronoun
second 2 Person Verb
singular s Number Determiner
singular s Number Noun
singular s Number Pronoun
singular s Number Verb
singular s Owner_Number Determiner
singular s Owner_Number Pronoun
specifier s Type Adverb
subordinating s Type Conjunction
superlative s Degree Adjective
superlative s Degree Adverb
third 3 Person Determiner
third 3 Person Pronoun
third 3 Person Verb

3.1.17. English MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSD Index (136)
MSD Features Types Examples
Nc Noun Type=common 4 Portuguese, o, Flemish, Dutch
Nc-s Noun Type=common Number=singular 115 winner, wholesaler, welder, ward, Vietnamese
Nc-p Noun Type=common Number=plural 88 winners/winner, wholesalers/wholesaler, welders/welder, wards/ward, victims/victim
Ncm Noun Type=common Gender=masculine 5 Taiwanese, Sudanese, next-of-kin, eldest, deceased
Ncms Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular 118 widower, welterweight, volunteer, viscount, vice-chairman
Ncmp Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=plural 85 widowers/widower, welterweights/welterweight, viscounts/viscount, tenors/tenor, teamsters/teamster
Ncf Noun Type=common Gender=feminine 5 Taiwanese, Sudanese, next-of-kin, eldest, deceased
Ncfs Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=singular 119 wren, woman, wife, widow, whore
Ncfp Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=plural 82 wrens/wren, women/woman, wives/wife, widows/widow, whores/whore
Ncn Noun Type=common Gender=neuter 82 zebra, youth, yen, works, winnings
Ncns Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=singular 11786 zoo, zoom, zoology, zoologist, zone
Ncnp Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=plural 9696 zoos/zoo, zooms/zoom, zoologists/zoologist, zones/zone, zombies/zombie
Np Noun Type=proper 1087 Zurich, Zulu, Zug, Zion, Zimbabwe
Np-s Noun Type=proper Number=singular 1 nazi
Np-p Noun Type=proper Number=plural 1 nazis
Npms Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular 4 tom, oliver, norman, martin
Npfs Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 julia
Npns Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=singular 85 Yule, Xmas, winston, wilsher, Whitsun
Npnp Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=plural 2 Olympics, negroids/negroid
Vmip Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present 3 nose, lacquered/lacquer, daren't/dare+not
Vmip-p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Number=plural 4105 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmip1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 4104 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmip2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 4105 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmip3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 4103 zooms/zoom, zips/zip, zigzags/zigzag, yodels/yodel, yields/yield
Vmis Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past 4159 zoomed/zoom, zipped/zip, zigzagged/zigzag, yodelled/yodel, yielded/yield
Vmis-p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Number=plural 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vmis1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=first Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vmis2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=second Number=singular 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vmis3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=third Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vmcs Verb Type=main VForm=conditional Tense=past 1 weren't/be+not
Vmn Verb Type=main VForm=infinitive 4105 zoom, zip, zigzag, yodel, yield
Vmnp Verb Type=main VForm=infinitive Tense=present 1 be
Vmpp Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present 4118 zooming/zoom, zipping/zip, zigzagging/zigzag, yodelling/yodel, yielding/yield
Vmps Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past 4168 zoomed/zoom, zipped/zip, zigzagged/zigzag, yodelled/yodel, yielded/yield
Vaip Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present 3 oughter/have, 'A/have, 'a/have
Vaip-p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Number=plural 14 've/have, 're/be, haven't/have+not, have, dont/do
Vaip1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 13 've/have, 'm/be, haven't/have+not, have, dont/do
Vaip2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 13 're/be, haven't/have+not, have, dont/do, don't/do+not
Vaip3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 12 's/have, 's/be, isn't/be+not, is/be, hasn't/have+not
Vais Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past 7 hadn't/have+not, had/have, didnt/do+not, didn't/do+not, did/do
Vais-p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Number=plural 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vais1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=first Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vais2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=second Number=singular 2 weren't/be+not, were/be
Vais3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=past Person=third Number=singular 3 wass/be, wasn't/be+not, was/be
Vacs Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=conditional Tense=past 1 were/be
Van Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=infinitive 8 have, do, d', be, 'Ave
Vapp Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present 3 having/have, doing/do, being/be
Vaps Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=past 2 done/do, been/be
Voip Verb Type=modal VForm=indicative Tense=present 22 would, wouldn't/would+not, won't/will+not, will, should
Af Adjective Type=qualificative 865 zany, young, yellow, yeasty, wry
Afp Adjective Type=qualificative Degree=positive 8533 zoological, zonal, Zionist, Zimbabwean, zigzag
Afc Adjective Type=qualificative Degree=comparative 919 zanier/zany, younger/young, yellower/yellow, yeastier/yeasty, wrinklier/wrinkly
Afs Adjective Type=qualificative Degree=superlative 723 zaniest/zany, youngest/young, yellowest/yellow, wriest/wry, worthiest/worthy
Pp---------------r Pronoun Type=personal Wh_Type=relative 2 who, whoever
Pp---------------q Pronoun Type=personal Wh_Type=question 2 who, whoever
Pp---a-----------r Pronoun Type=personal Case=accusative Wh_Type=relative 1 whom
Pp---a-----------q Pronoun Type=personal Case=accusative Wh_Type=question 1 whom
Pp--sn Pronoun Type=personal Number=singular Case=nominative 1 me
Pp--pn Pronoun Type=personal Number=plural Case=nominative 1 they
Pp1-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=nominative 1 I
Pp1-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=nominative 1 we
Pp1-pa Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative 1 us
Pp2 Pronoun Type=personal Person=second 1 you
Pp2--a Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Case=accusative 1 thee/you
Pp2-p Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural 1 thou
Pp3-pa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative 3 them, 'Em/them, 'em/them
Pp3ms Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 1 one
Pp3msn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 he
Pp3msa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative 5 'Im/him, 'im/him, him, 'E/he, 'e/he
Pp3fs Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 one
Pp3fsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 she
Pp3fsa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative 3 her, 'Er/her, 'er/her
Pp3ns Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 1 it
Ps3 Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third 1 yours
Ps3--------------r Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Wh_Type=relative 1 whose
Ps3--------------q Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Wh_Type=question 1 whose
Ps3---s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular 1 mine
Ps3---sm Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=masculine 2 'is/his, his
Ps3---sf Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=feminine 1 hers
Ps3---p Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=plural 2 theirs, ours
Px1-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=first Number=singular 1 myself
Px1-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=first Number=plural 1 ourselves
Px2-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=second Number=singular 1 yourself
Px2-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=second Number=plural 1 yourselves
Px3-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Number=singular 2 oneself, meself
Px3-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Number=plural 1 themselves
Px3ms Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 3 isself/himself, 'isself/himself, himself
Px3fs Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 herself
Px3ns Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 1 itself
Pg3--------------r Pronoun Type=general Person=third Wh_Type=relative 3 which, whichever, whatever
Pg3--------------q Pronoun Type=general Person=third Wh_Type=question 4 which, whichever, what, whatever
Pg3-s Pronoun Type=general Person=third Number=singular 1 another
Pg3-p Pronoun Type=general Person=third Number=plural 2 several, others
Pg3ms Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 5 someone, somebody, no-one, nobody, anybody
Pg3fs Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 5 someone, somebody, no-one, nobody, anybody
Pg3n Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter 5 some, none, most, any, all
Pg3ns Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 14 tis/this, this, that, something, nothing
Pg3np Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter Number=plural 5 those, these, many, few, both
Pt3 Pronoun Type=ex-there Person=third 1 there
Dd Determiner Type=demonstrative 1 the
Di Determiner Type=indefinite 2 an/a, a
Ds--------r Determiner Type=possessive Wh_Type=relative 1 whose
Ds--------q Determiner Type=possessive Wh_Type=question 1 whose
Ds1---s Determiner Type=possessive Person=first Owner_Number=singular 1 my
Ds1---p Determiner Type=possessive Person=first Owner_Number=plural 1 our
Ds2 Determiner Type=possessive Person=second 1 your
Ds3---sm Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=masculine 2 'is/his, his
Ds3---sf Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=feminine 3 her, 'Er/her, 'er/her
Ds3---sn Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=neuter 1 its
Ds3---p Determiner Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=plural 1 their
Dg Determiner Type=general 4 some, no, each, any
Dg--------r Determiner Type=general Wh_Type=relative 2 which, whichever
Dg--------q Determiner Type=general Wh_Type=question 4 which, whichever, what, whatever
Dg--s Determiner Type=general Number=singular 10 tis/this, this, that, neither, much
Dg--p Determiner Type=general Number=plural 10 those, these, such, other, most
R-p---q Adverb Degree=positive Wh_Type=question 3 'Ow, 'ow, how
Rmp Adverb Type=modifier Degree=positive 3882 zoologically, zealously, zanily, youthfully, youngly
Rmp---r Adverb Type=modifier Degree=positive Wh_Type=relative 3 where, whereupon, when
Rmp---q Adverb Type=modifier Degree=positive Wh_Type=question 3 why, where, when
Rmc Adverb Type=modifier Degree=comparative 2 worse, better
Rms Adverb Type=modifier Degree=superlative 2 worst, best
Rsp Adverb Type=specifier Degree=positive 5 very, too, so, much, as
Rsc Adverb Type=specifier Degree=comparative 2 more, less
Rss Adverb Type=specifier Degree=superlative 2 most, least
Sp Adposition Type=preposition 89 with, without, within, vis-à-vis, via
St Adposition Type=postposition 5 's/have, notwithstanding, '/have, away, ago
Cc Conjunction Type=coordinating 1 as
Cc-i Conjunction Type=coordinating Coord_Type=initial 2 neither, either
Cc-n Conjunction Type=coordinating Coord_Type=non-initial 5 than, or, nor, but, and
Cs Conjunction Type=subordinating 52 yet, whilst, while, whether, where
Mc Numeral Type=cardinal 40 zero, two, twenty, twenty-seven, twenty-five
Mo Numeral Type=ordinal 33 twentieth, twelfth, trillionth, thousandth, thirtieth
I Interjection 14 oh-o-o-o-oh, oh, hullo, hi, 'em
Y Abbreviation 1 Dr.
X Residual 1 2+2=5
Z Punctuation 10 ), (, ", ., ..
Date: 2022-06-24
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