MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications

3.13. Bulgarian Specifications

Table of contents

Radoslav Pavlov, Ludmila Dimitrova, Lydia Sinapova, Kiril Simov


Language Name:

3.13.1. Bulgarian Category Index Table of categories

CATEGORY (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attributes
CATEGORY Adjective A 3
CATEGORY Pronoun P 8
CATEGORY Adposition S 1
CATEGORY Conjunction C 2
CATEGORY Numeral M 5
CATEGORY Particle Q 2
CATEGORY Interjection I 1
CATEGORY Abbreviation Y 0
CATEGORY Residual X 0
CATEGORY Punctuation Z 0

3.13.2. Bulgarian Noun

Specification for Bulgarian Noun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type common c
proper p
2 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
3 Number singular s
plural p
count t
4 Case nominative n
vocative v
5 Definiteness no n
yes y
short-art s
full-art f Combinations

POS Type Gend Numb Case Def Clit Anim OwnN OwnP OwdN Examples
N [cp] [mfn] [sp] - n - - - - - narod, zhena, selo, Ivan, Penka
N [cp] m s - [sf] - - - - - naroda, narodyt
N [cp] [mf] - v - - - - - - narode, zheno
N [cp] [mfn] p - y - - - - - narodite, zhenite, selata
N [cp] [fn] s - y - - - - - zhenata, seloto
N c m t - - - - - - - naroda MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (26)
MSD Features Types Examples
Ncm-v Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Case=vocative 42 яде/яд, чукане/чукан, човече/човек, цвете/цвят, стане/стан
Ncms-n Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1785 ясновидец, ясен, януари, як, язовир
Ncms-s Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 1009 яка/як, язовира/язовир, яда/яд, юргана/юрган, юношата/юноша
Ncms-f Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 586 язовирът/язовир, югославянинът/югославянин, щатът/щат, щастливецът/щастливец, шубракът/шубрак
Ncmp-n Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=no 1172 ясени/ясен, японци/японец, юристи/юрист, юноши/юноша, юмруци/юмрук
Ncmp-y Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=yes 765 юрофилите/юрофили, юношите/юноша, юмруците/юмрук, югославяните/югославянин, ъглите/ъгъл
Ncmt Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=count 940 яка/як, язовира/язовир, яда/яд, юргана/юрган, юбилея/юбилей
Ncf-v Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Case=vocative 32 устно/устна, тайно/тайна, Сюткйо/Сюткя, Сърбийо/Сърбия, съгласно/съгласна
Ncfs-n Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1875 яхния, яснота, ярост, ярка, яка
Ncfs-y Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 1238 яхнията/яхния, яснотата/яснота, яслата/ясла, яростта/ярост, ярката/ярка
Ncfp-n Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=plural Definiteness=no 1079 ярки/ярка, японки/японка, яки/яка, ябълки/ябълка, юфки/юфка
Ncfp-y Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=plural Definiteness=yes 603 югославянките/югославянка, щангите/щанга, шортите/шорти, шнолите/шнола, чушките/чушка
Ncns-n Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 1403 ястие, яке, яйце, ядро, ядене
Ncns-y Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 992 якето/яке, яйцето/яйце, ядрото/ядро, явяването/явяване, явления/явление
Ncnp-n Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=plural Definiteness=no 432 якета/яке, яйца/яйце, ядра/ядро, яденета/ядене, школа/школо
Ncnp-y Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=plural Definiteness=yes 296 яйцата/яйце, ъгълчетата/ъгълче, шосетата/шосе, школата/школо, чувствата/чувство
Npms-n Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1591 Яшмаков, Яушевац, Ясуо, Ясенов, Ян
Npms-s Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 10 Шилигарника, Христа, Интернационала, Иисуса, Изтока
Npms-f Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 6 СКОРПИОНЪТ, Олимпът, Мерцедесът, Западът, Дяконът
Npmp-n Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=no 17 Чапкънови, Сярови, Сергинови, Секюрити, Рупите
Npmp-y Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=yes 3 Филипините, БАЛКАНИТЕ, Балканите
Npfs-n Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 917 Япония, Янтра, Янкула, Янка, Яна
Npfs-y Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 9 Магурата, Катето, Емата, Еврокомисията, ДЕВАТА
Npfp-n Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=plural Definiteness=no 5 Шиили, ПАРИ, Дюни, Арбанаси, Алиси
Npns-n Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 75 Чупето, Чикаго, Черноочане, Черноморие, Черниче
Npns-y Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 3 Черноморието, Лудогорието, Зайченцето

3.13.3. Bulgarian Verb

Specification for Bulgarian Verb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type main m
auxiliary a
2 VForm indicative i
imperative m
participle p
gerund g
3 Tense present p
imperfect i
past s
aorist a
4 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
5 Number singular s
plural p
6 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
7 Voice active a
passive p
9 Definiteness no n
yes y
short-art s
full-art f Combinations

PoS Type VFrm Tens Pers Numb Gend Voic Neg Def Cl1 Case An Cl2 Example
V [ma] i [pai] [123] [sp] - - - - - - - - govorya, sym
V [ma] m - 2 [sp] - - - - - - - - govori, bydete
V m p [pai] - s [mfn] a - n - - - - govorest, govorila
V m p [pa] - s m a - [sf] - - - - govorestiya, govorestiyat
V m p [pa] - s [fn] a - y - - - - govorestta, govoriloto
V m p [pai] - p - a - n - - - - govoresti, govoreli
V m p [pa] - p - a - y - - - - govoresti, govorilite
V m p s - s [mfn] p - n - - - - govoren, govorena
V m p s - s m p - [sf] - - - - govoreniya, govoreniyat
V m p s - s [fn] p - y - - - - govorenata, govorenoto
V m p s - p - p - [ny] - - - - govoreni, govorenite
V a p [ai] - s [mfn] a - n - - - - bil, bila
V a p [a] - s m a - [sf] - - - - biliya, biliyat
V a p [a] - s [fn] a - y - - - - bilata, biloto
V a p [ai] - p - a - n - - - - bili
V a p [a] - p - a - y - - - - bilite
V [ma] g - - - - - - - - - - - govorejki, bidejki MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (90)
MSD Features Types Examples
Vmip1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 950 ядна, явя, щукна, шумна, шмугна
Vmip1p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=plural 425 ядосваме/ядосвам, чукнем/чукна, чуем/чуя, чувстваме/чувствам, чуваме/чувам
Vmip2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 356 ядеш/ям, чукаш/чукам, чуеш/чуя, чудиш/чудя, чувстваш/чувствам
Vmip2p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=plural 387 шантажирате/шантажирам, чуждите/чуждя, чуете/чуя, чудите/чудя, чувате/чувам
Vmip3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 2475 яка/якам, ядосва/ядосвам, ядоса/ядосам, яде/ям, явява/явявам
Vmip3p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=plural 1349 ядосват/ядосвам, явят/явя, явяват/явявам, шушукат/шушукам, шпионират/шпионирам
Vmii1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=singular 324 ядосах/ядосам, шиех/шия, шепнех/шепна, чудех/чудя, чувствувах/чувствувам
Vmii1p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=plural 152 ядяхме/ям, шепнехме/шепна, чудехме/чудя, чувствахме/чувствам, чувахме/чувам
Vmii2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=singular 928 шушукаше/шушукам, шептеше/шептя, шепнеше/шепна, чукаше/чукам, чудеше/чудя
Vmii2p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=plural 18 хвърляхте/хвърлям, търсехте/търся, спряхте/спра, разпитвахте/разпитвам, правехте/правя
Vmii3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=singular 928 шушукаше/шушукам, шептеше/шептя, шепнеше/шепна, чукаше/чукам, чудеше/чудя
Vmii3p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=plural 682 ядяха/ям, явяваха/явявам, шпионираха/шпионирам, шиеха/шия, чудеха/чудя
Vmia1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=singular 531 ядох/ям, ядосах/ядосам, чух/чуя, чувствувах/чувствувам, чувствах/чувствам
Vmia1p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=plural 225 щракнахме/щракна, чухме/чуя, чувствахме/чувствам, чувахме/чувам, чистихме/чистя
Vmia2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=singular 2603 яка/якам, ядосва/ядосвам, ядоса/ядосам, ядна, яде/ям
Vmia2p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=plural 53 чухте/чуя, хвърляхте/хвърлям, уредихте/уредя, ударихте/ударя, тръгнахте/тръгна
Vmia3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=singular 2613 яка/якам, ядосва/ядосвам, ядоса/ядосам, ядна, яде/ям
Vmia3p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=plural 934 явяваха/явявам, явиха/явя, шпионираха/шпионирам, чуха/чуя, чувстваха/чувствам
Vmm-2s Verb Type=main VForm=imperative Person=second Number=singular 929 яви/явя, щети/щетя, шумни/шумна, шуми/шумя, ширни/ширна
Vmm-2p Verb Type=main VForm=imperative Person=second Number=plural 132 чуйте/чуя, четете/чета, чакайте/чакам, царете/царя, хващайте/хващам
Vmpp-sma-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 106 чуващ/чувам, хленчещ/хленча, умиращ/умирам, тълкуващ/тълкувам, треперещ/треперя
Vmpp-sma-s Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=short-art 34 царящия/царя, управляващия/управлявам, терзаещия/терзая, следващия/следвам, скърцащия/скърцам
Vmpp-sma-f Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=full-art 16 управляващият/управлявам, умиращият/умирам, ужасяващият/ужасявам, смазващият/смазвам, следващият/следвам
Vmpp-sfa-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 124 целяща/целя, фрапираща/фрапирам, устремяваща/устремявам, управляваща/управлявам, умъртвяваща/умъртвявам
Vmpp-sfa-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=yes 60 шумолящата/шумоля, утвърждаващата/утвърждавам, управляващата/управлявам, укрепващата/укрепвам, ужасяващата/ужасявам
Vmpp-sna-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 57 учудващо/учудвам, ухаещо/ухая, упойващо/упойвам, умоляващо/умолявам, ужасяващо/ужасявам
Vmpp-sna-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 35 хранещото/храня, ужасяващото/ужасявам, тържествуващото/тържествувам, съществуващото/съществувам, страдащото/страдам
Vmpp-p-a-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 148 целещи/целя, хлипащи/хлипам, характеризиращи/характеризирам, финансиращи/финансирам, фиксиращи/фиксирам
Vmpp-p-a-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=yes 73 учещите/уча, управляващите/управлявам, търкащите/търкам, тъмнеещите/тъмнея, триещите/трия
Vmpi-sma-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 247 щял/ща, чувствал/чувствам, чувал/чувам, членувал/членувам, чакал/чакам
Vmpi-sfa-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 247 щяла/ща, шегувала/шегувам, чувала/чувам, чакала/чакам, целувала/целувам
Vmpi-sna-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 117 щяло/ща, утихвало/утихвам, установявало/установявам, успяло/успя, успокоявало/успокоявам
Vmpi-sna-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 последвалото/последвам
Vmpi-p-a-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 258 щели/ща, чували/чувам, чакали/чакам, цензурирали/цензурирам, хранели/храня
Vmps-smp-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=passive Definiteness=no 632 ядосан/ядосам, чут/чуя, червен/червя, цитиран/цитирам, цивилизован/цивилизовам
Vmps-smp-s Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=passive Definiteness=short-art 216 четения/чета, червения/червя, цитирания/цитирам, формулирания/формулирам, фиксирания/фиксирам
Vmps-smp-f Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=passive Definiteness=full-art 36 уточненият/уточня, търсеният/търся, смутеният/смутя, скопеният/скопя, склопеният/склопя
Vmps-sfp-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=passive Definiteness=no 502 щурмувана/щурмувам, шарена/шаря, червена/червя, чакана/чакам, централизирана/централизирам
Vmps-sfp-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=passive Definiteness=yes 110 червената/червя, утроената/утроя, утвърдената/утвърдя, установената/установя, умерената/умеря
Vmps-snp-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=passive Definiteness=no 418 щадено/щадя, шокирано/шокирам, червено/червя, цитирано/цитирам, централизирано/централизирам
Vmps-snp-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=passive Definiteness=yes 94 червеното/червя, цитираното/цитирам, централизираното/централизирам, учреденото/учредя, уговореното/уговоря
Vmps-p-p-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=plural Voice=passive Definiteness=no 663 шити/шия, шибани/шибам, шашнати/шашна, шарени/шаря, чути/чуя
Vmps-p-p-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=plural Voice=passive Definiteness=yes 205 червените/червя, херметизираните/херметизирам, учените/уча, утвърдените/утвърдя, установените/установя
Vmpa-sma-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 632 ял/ям, явил/явя, щял/ща, чул/чуя, чудил/чудя
Vmpa-sma-s Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=short-art 22 хлътналия/хлътна, устремилия/устремя, станалия/стана, приключилия/приключа, призналия/призная
Vmpa-sma-f Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=full-art 7 събралият/събера, призналият/призная, починалият/почина, оказалият/окажа, нарасналият/нарасна
Vmpa-sfa-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 571 щяла/ща, шупнала/шупна, шмугнала/шмугна, шегувала/шегувам, чула/чуя
Vmpa-sfa-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=yes 36 станалата/стана, смелата/смета, слегналата/слегна, свършилата/свърша, светилата/светя
Vmpa-sna-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 257 щяло/ща, шурнало/шурна, червило/червя, чело/чета, хрумнало/хрумне
Vmpa-sna-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 37 червилото/червя, челото/чета, станалото/стана, спрялото/спра, сполетялото/сполетя
Vmpa-p-a-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 583 щръкнали/щръкна, щели/ща, чули/чуя, чували/чувам, чели/чета
Vmpa-p-a-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=yes 46 явилите/явя, участвалите/участвам, събралите/събера, стеклите/стека, станалите/стана
Vmg Verb Type=main VForm=gerund 126 чакайки/чакам, целувайки/целувам, усещайки/усещам, удряйки/удрям, тръгвайки/тръгвам
Vaip1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 2 съм, бъда
Vaip1p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=plural 2 сме/съм, бъдем/бъда
Vaip2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 3 щеш/ща, си/съм, бъдеш/бъда
Vaip2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=plural 3 щете/ща, сте/съм, бъдете/бъда
Vaip3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 3 ще/ща, е/съм, бъде/бъда
Vaip3p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=plural 3 щат/ща, са, бъдат/бъда
Vaii1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=singular 2 щях/ща, бях/съм
Vaii1p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=plural 3 щяхме/ща, онемяхме/онемея, бяхме/съм
Vaii2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=singular 2 щеше/ща, беше/съм
Vaii2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=plural 2 щяхте/ща, бяхте/съм
Vaii3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=singular 2 щеше/ща, беше/съм
Vaii3p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=plural 3 щяха/ща, бяха/съм, бъдеха/бъда
Vaia1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=singular 3 щях/ща, бях/съм, бих/бъда
Vaia1p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=plural 4 щяхме/ща, онемяхме/онемея, бяхме/съм, бихме/бъда
Vaia2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=singular 3 щеше/ща, би/бъда, бе/съм
Vaia2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=plural 3 щяхте/ща, бяхте/съм, бихте/бъда
Vaia3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=singular 3 щеше/ща, би/бъда, бе/съм
Vaia3p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=plural 3 щяха/ща, бяха/съм, биха/бъда
Vam-2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=imperative Person=second Number=singular 1 бъди/бъда
Vam-2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=imperative Person=second Number=plural 1 щете/ща
Vapp-sma-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бъдещ/бъда
Vapp-sma-s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=short-art 1 бъдещия/бъда
Vapp-sma-f Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=full-art 1 бъдещият/бъда
Vapp-sfa-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бъдеща/бъда
Vapp-sfa-y Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 бъдещата/бъда
Vapp-sna-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бъдещо/бъда
Vapi-sma-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бил/съм
Vapi-sfa-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 била/съм
Vapi-sna-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 било/съм
Vapi-p-a-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 били/съм
Vapa-sma-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 2 бил/съм, бил/бъда
Vapa-sfa-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 2 била/съм, била/бъда
Vapa-sna-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 2 било/съм, било/бъда
Vapa-sna-y Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 бъдещото/бъда
Vapa-p-a-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 3 бъдещи/бъда, били/съм, били/бъда
Vapa-p-a-y Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 бъдещите/бъда
Vag Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=gerund 1 бидейки/бъда

3.13.4. Bulgarian Adjective

Specification for Bulgarian Adjective
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adjective A
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
6 Definiteness no n
yes y
short-art s
full-art f Combinations

PoS Type Degr Gend Numb Case Def Clit An Frm OnN OnP OdN Example
A - - [mfn] s - n - - - - - - beden, bedna
A - - m s - [sf] - - - - - - bedniya, bedniyat
A - - [fn] s - y - - - - - - bednata, bednoto
A - - - p - [ny] - - - - - - bedni, bednite MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (9)
MSD Features Types Examples
A---p-n Adjective Number=plural Definiteness=no 1769 ясни/ясен, яростни/яростен, ярки/ярък, японски, яки/як
A---p-y Adjective Number=plural Definiteness=yes 937 ясните/ясен, яркочервените/яркочервен, японските/японски, юридическите/юридически, юношеските/юношески
A--ms-n Adjective Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1440 ясен, ярък, яростен, японски, як
A--ms-s Adjective Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 715 ясния/ясен, яростния/яростен, южноиндийския/южноиндийский, южния/южен, югославския/югославски
A--ms-f Adjective Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 348 юношеският/юношески, югославският/югославски, щастливият/щастлив, шуменският/шуменски, швейцарският/швейцарски
A--fs-n Adjective Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1436 ясна/ясен, яркочервена/яркочервен, ярка/ярък, японска/японски, яка/як
A--fs-y Adjective Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 868 ясната/ясен, яростната/яростен, ярката/ярък, японската/японски, Ямбургската/ямбургски
A--ns-n Adjective Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 1437 ячко/ячък, ясно/ясен, яростно/яростен, ярко/ярък, яркосиньо/яркосин
A--ns-y Adjective Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 645 яростното/яростен, ядреното/ядрен, юнското/юнски, южното/южен, Южнокорейското/южнокорейски

3.13.5. Bulgarian Pronoun

Specification for Bulgarian Pronoun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Pronoun P
1 Type personal p
demonstrative d
indefinite i
possessive s
interrogative q
relative r
reflexive x
negative z
general g
2 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Case nominative n
dative d
accusative a
8 Clitic no n
yes y
9 Referent_Type personal p
possessive s
attributive a
quantitative q
11 Definiteness no n
yes y
short-art s
full-art f Combinations

PoS Type Pers Gnd Nmb Case OnN OnG Clt RefT SynT Def Example
P p [12] - s n - - - - - - az, ti
P p 3 [mfn] s n - - - - - - toj, tya, to
P p [123] - p n - - - - - - nie, vie, te
P p [12] - s [ad] - - [yn] - - - mene, me, mi, mene me
P p 3 [mnf] s [ad] - - [yn] - - - nego, go, nego go
P p [123] - p [ad] - - [yn] - - - nas, ni, nas ni, nam
P d - [mfn] s - - - - p - - tozi, tova
P d - - p - - - - p - - tezi
P d - - - - - - - q - - tolkova
P [iqrz] - m s [nad] - - - p - - nyakoj, nyakogo, nyakomu, nikoj
P [iqrz] - m s - - - - [as] - - nyakakyv, netchij, nikakyv
P [iqrz] - [fn] s - - - - [pas] - - nyakoya, nyakakva, nechiya
P [iqrz] - - p - - - - [pas] - - nyakoi, nyakavi, netchii
P [iqrz] - - - - - - - q - - nyakolko, nikolko, kolko
P s [123] m s - - - n - - [nsf] moj, moya, moyat
P s [123] [fn] s - - - n - - [ny] moya, moyata, tvoya
P s [123] - p - - - n - - [ny] moi, moite, tvoi
P s [123] - [sp] - - - y - - - mi, ti, mu, j, ni, vi, im
P x - - - [ad] - - [ny] p - - sebe, se, si, sebe si
P x - m s - - - n s - [nsf] svoj, svoyat, svoya
P x - [fn] s - - - n s - [ny] svoya, svoyata
P x - - p - - - n s - [ny] svoi, svoite
P x - - - - - - y s - - si
P g - m s [nad] - - - p - - vseki, vsekigo, vsekimu
P g - m s - - - - a - - vsyakakyv
P g - [fn] s - - - - [pa] - - vsyaka, vsyakakva
P g - - p - - - - [pa] - - vsyakoi, vsyakakvi
P g - m s - - - - q - [sf] vsitchkiya, vsitchikiyat
P g - [fn] s - - - - q - [ny] vsitchka, vsitchkata
P g - - p - - - - q - [ny] vsitchki, vsitchkite MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (168)
MSD Features Types Examples
Pp1-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=nominative 1 аз
Pp1-sd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 3 мене_ми, мене/аз, мен/аз
Pp1-sd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 ми/аз
Pp1-sa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 3 мене_ме, мене/аз, мен/аз
Pp1-sa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ме/аз
Pp1-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=nominative 1 ние
Pp1-pd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=no 2 нас_ни, нам
Pp1-pd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 ни/ние
Pp1-pa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 нас_ни, нас
Pp1-pa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ни/ние
Pp2-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=nominative 1 ти
Pp2-sd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 4 теб, тебе_ти, тебе, вас_ви
Pp2-sd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 ти
Pp2-sa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 4 теб, тебе_те, тебе, вас_ви
Pp2-sa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 те/ти
Pp2-p---y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Clitic=yes 1 ви/вие
Pp2-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=nominative 1 вие
Pp2-pd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=no 1 вам
Pp2-pa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=no 1 вас/вие
Pp2-pa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ви/вие
Pp3-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=nominative 1 те
Pp3-pd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=no 2 тях_им, тям
Pp3-pd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 им/те
Pp3-pa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 тях, тях_ги
Pp3-pa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ги/те
Pp3msn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 той
Pp3msd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 2 нему, него_му
Pp3msd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 2 нему, му/той
Pp3msa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 него/той, него_го
Pp3msa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 го/той
Pp3fsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 тя
Pp3fsd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 й/тя
Pp3fsa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 нея_я, нея
Pp3fsa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 я/тя
Pp3nsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=nominative 1 то
Pp3nsd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 1 него_му
Pp3nsd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 2 нему, му/то
Pp3nsa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 него/то, него_го
Pp3nsa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 го/то
Pd-------q Pronoun Type=demonstrative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 толкова
Pd--p----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 6 тия, тези, такива/такъв, ония/онзи, онез/онзи
Pd-ms----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 5 тоя, този, такъв, оня, онзи
Pd-fs----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 5 тая, такава/такъв, тази, оная/онзи, онази
Pd-ns----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 4 туй, това, такова/такъв, онова
Pi-------q Pronoun Type=indefinite Referent_Type=quantitative 1 няколко
Pi--sn--nq-y Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=singular Case=nominative Clitic=no Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 2 няколкото, неколцина
Pi--p----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 2 някои/някой, които_и_да_са
Pi--p----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=plural Referent_Type=possessive 2 нечии/нечий, нечии
Pi--p----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 4 някакви/някакъв, каквито_и_да_са, еди-какви_си, еди-какви
Pi-ms----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 който_и_да_е
Pi-ms----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 нечий
Pi-ms----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 4 някакъв, какъвто_и_да_е, еди-какъв_си, еди-какъв
Pi-msn---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 3 някой, еди-кой_си, еди-кой
Pi-msd---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 някому/някой
Pi-msa---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 някого/някой
Pi-fs----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 която_и_да_е
Pi-fs----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 2 нечия, нечия/нечий
Pi-fs----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 5 някаква/някакъв, накаква, каквато_и_да_е, еди-каква_си, еди-каква
Pi-fsn---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 някоя/някой
Pi-ns----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 което_и_да_е
Pi-ns----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 2 нечие/нечий, нечие
Pi-ns----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 5 някакво/някакъв, нещо, каквото_и_да_е, еди-какво_си, еди-какво
Pi-nsn---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 някое/някой
Ps1-s---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=singular Clitic=yes 2 ни/наш, ми/мой
Ps1-p---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наши, мои
Ps1-p---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 4 нашите/наши, мойте/мой, моите/мой, моите/мои
Ps1-p---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=plural Clitic=yes 2 ни/наш, ми/мой
Ps1ms---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наш, мой
Ps1ms---n--s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=short-art 2 нашия/наш, моя/мой
Ps1ms---n--f Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=full-art 2 нашият/наш, моят/мой
Ps1fs---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наша, моя
Ps1fs---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 нашата/наша, моята/моя
Ps1ns---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наше, мое
Ps1ns---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 нашето/наше, мойто/мой, моето/мое
Ps2-s---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=singular Clitic=yes 2 ти, ви/ваш
Ps2-p---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твои, ваши
Ps2-p---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 твоите/твои, вашите/ваши
Ps2-p---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=plural Clitic=yes 2 ти, ви/ваш
Ps2ms---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твой, ваш
Ps2ms---n--s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=short-art 2 твоя/твой, вашия/ваш
Ps2ms---n--f Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=full-art 1 твоят/твой
Ps2fs---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твоя, ваша
Ps2fs---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 твоята/твоя, вашата/ваша
Ps2ns---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твое, ваше
Ps2ns---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 твоето/твое, вашето/ваше
Ps3-s---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=singular Clitic=yes 3 му/негов, й/неин, им/техен
Ps3-p---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 техни/техен, нейни, негови
Ps3-p---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 техните/техни, нейните/нейни, неговите/негови
Ps3-p---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=plural Clitic=yes 3 му/негов, й/неин, им/техен
Ps3ms---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 техен, неин, негов
Ps3ms---n--s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=short-art 3 техния/техен, нейния/неин, неговия/негов
Ps3ms---n--f Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=full-art 3 техният/техен, нейният/неин, неговият/негов
Ps3fs---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 тяхна, нейна, негова
Ps3fs---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 тяхната/тяхна, нейната/нейна, неговата/негова
Ps3ns---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 тяхно, нейно, негово
Ps3ns---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 тяхното/тяхно, нейното/нейно, неговото/негово
Pq-------q Pronoun Type=interrogative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 колко
Pq--p----p Pronoun Type=interrogative Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 1 кои/кой
Pq--p----s Pronoun Type=interrogative Number=plural Referent_Type=possessive 1 чии
Pq--p----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 какви/какъв
Pq-ms----s Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чий
Pq-ms----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 какъв
Pq-msn---p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 кой
Pq-msd---p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 кому/кой
Pq-msa---p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 кого/кой
Pq-fs----p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 коя/кой
Pq-fs----s Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 2 чия, чия/чий
Pq-fs----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 каква/какъв
Pq-ns----p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 кое/кой
Pq-ns----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 2 кво, какво/какъв
Pr-------q Pronoun Type=relative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 колкото
Pr--p----p Pronoun Type=relative Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 1 които/който
Pr--p----s Pronoun Type=relative Number=plural Referent_Type=possessive 1 чиито/чийто
Pr--p----a Pronoun Type=relative Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 каквито/какъвто
Pr-ms----s Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чийто
Pr-ms----a Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 какъвто
Pr-msn---p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 който
Pr-msd---p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 комуто/който
Pr-msa---p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 когото/който
Pr-fs----p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 която/който
Pr-fs----s Pronoun Type=relative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чиято/чийто
Pr-fs----a Pronoun Type=relative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 каквато/какъвто
Pr-ns----p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 което/който
Pr-ns----s Pronoun Type=relative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чието/чийто
Pr-ns----a Pronoun Type=relative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 каквото/какъвто
Px------ys Pronoun Type=reflexive Clitic=yes Referent_Type=possessive 1 си
Px---d--np Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=dative Clitic=no Referent_Type=personal 2 себе_си, себе
Px---d--yp Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=dative Clitic=yes Referent_Type=personal 1 си
Px---a--np Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=accusative Clitic=no Referent_Type=personal 2 себе_си, себе
Px---a--yp Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=accusative Clitic=yes Referent_Type=personal 1 се
Px--p---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Number=plural Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 свои
Px--p---ns-y Pronoun Type=reflexive Number=plural Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=yes 1 своите/свои
Px-ms---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 свой
Px-ms---ns-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=short-art 1 своя/свой
Px-ms---ns-f Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=full-art 1 своят/свой
Px-fs---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 своя
Px-fs---ns-y Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=yes 1 своята/своя
Px-ns---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 свое
Px-ns---ns-y Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=yes 1 своето/свое
Pz-------q Pronoun Type=negative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 николко
Pz--p----a Pronoun Type=negative Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 никакви/никакъв
Pz-ms----s Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 ничий
Pz-ms----a Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 никакъв
Pz-msn---p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 никой
Pz-msd---p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 никому/никой
Pz-msa---p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 никого/никой
Pz-fs----p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 никоя/никой
Pz-fs----a Pronoun Type=negative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 никаква/никакъв
Pz-ns----a Pronoun Type=negative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 никакво/никакъв
Pg--p----p Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 2 всякои, всякакви/всякакъв
Pg--p----a Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакви/всякакъв
Pg--p----q-n Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=no 1 всички
Pg--p----q-y Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 1 всичките/всички
Pg-ms----a Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакъв
Pg-ms----q-s Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=short-art 1 всичкия
Pg-ms----q-f Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=full-art 2 всичкият/всичкия, всичкия
Pg-msn---p Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 всеки
Pg-msn--na Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Clitic=no Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакъв
Pg-msd---p Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 всекиму/всеки
Pg-msa---p Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 всекиго/всеки
Pg-fs----p Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 всяка
Pg-fs----a Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякаква/всякакъв
Pg-fs----q-n Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=no 1 всичка
Pg-fs----q-y Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 1 всичката/всичка
Pg-ns----p Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 2 всяко, всякакво/всякакъв
Pg-ns----a Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакво/всякакъв
Pg-ns----q-n Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=no 2 сичко, всичко
Pg-ns----q-y Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 1 всичкото/всичко

3.13.6. Bulgarian Adverb

Specification for Bulgarian Adverb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type general g
adjectival a Notes

Adverbs of type adjectival have the same form as adjectives in Gender = neuter, Person = 3, Number = singular. Combinations

POS Type Degr Clct Numb Pers Example
R g - - - - tuk, mnogo
R a - - - - umno, veselo, studeno MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (2)
MSD Features Types Examples
Rg Adverb Type=general 728 ячко, яздешком, яздешката, явно, яве
Ra Adverb Type=adjectival 1410 ясно, яростно, ярко, яркосиньо, ядрено

3.13.7. Bulgarian Adposition

Specification for Bulgarian Adposition
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adposition S
1 Type preposition p Combinations

POS Type Form Case Cltc Examples
S p - - - na, za, v, okolo, spored MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
Sp Adposition Type=preposition 103 яко, чрез, у, със, с

3.13.8. Bulgarian Conjunction

Specification for Bulgarian Conjunction
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Conjunction C
1 Type coordinating c
subordinating s
2 Formation simple s
compound c Combinations

PoS Type Form CTyp SubT Clit Numb Pers Examples
C c [sc] - - - - - i, a, ami, tche, tyj tche
C s [sc] - - - - - tche, da, kato, za da MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (4)
MSD Features Types Examples
Ccs Conjunction Type=coordinating Formation=simple 75 я, що, щото, щом, чий
Ccc Conjunction Type=coordinating Formation=compound 1 а_пък
Css Conjunction Type=subordinating Formation=simple 19 я, щом, че, ту, тогава
Csc Conjunction Type=subordinating Formation=compound 23 щом_като, тъй_че, тъй_като, така_че, сякаш_че

3.13.9. Bulgarian Numeral

Specification for Bulgarian Numeral
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Numeral M
1 Type cardinal c
ordinal o
2 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
3 Number singular s
plural p
5 Form digit d
roman r
letter l
m-form m
approx a
6 Definiteness no n
yes y
short-art s
full-art f Combinations

PoS Type Gend Numb Case Frm Def Clit Clas Anim OwnN OwnP OwdN Example
M c - - - d - - - - - - - 984
M c - - - r - - - - - - - X
M c m s - l [nsf] - - - - - - din, ediniya, ediniyat
M c [fn] s - l [ny] - - - - - - dna, ednata, edno, ednoto
M c - p - l [ny] - - - - - - dni, ednite
M c [mfn] p - l [ny] - - - - - - va, dvata, dve, dvete
M c m p - m [ny] - - - - - - vama, dvamata, trima
M c - p - l [ny] - - - - - - ri, trite, chetiri
M c - p - a [ny] - - - - - - totina, stotinata
M o m s - - [nsf] - - - - - - pyrvi, pyrviya, pyrviyat
M o [fn] s - - [ny] - - - - - - pyrva, pyrvata
M o - p - - [ny] - - - - - - pyrvi, pyrvite MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (27)
MSD Features Types Examples
Mc---d Numeral Type=cardinal Form=digit 1010 шест, 9-членното, 9_февруари, 9-ти_септември_1944, 9-ти
Mc---r Numeral Type=cardinal Form=roman 6 XX, XXI, VII, I, II
Mc-p-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 78 шест, шестте/шест, шестстотин, шест-седем, шестотин
Mc-p-ly Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=yes 12 шестдесетте/шестдесет, четиридесетте/четиридесет, трийсетте/трийсет, тридесетте/тридесет, седемте/седем
Mc-p-an Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=approx Definiteness=no 7 трийсетина, стотина, петнадесетина, петдесетина, десетина
Mc-p-ay Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=approx Definiteness=yes 4 четиримата/четирима, петнайсетина/петнайсет, десетината/десетина, двайсетина/двайсет
Mcms-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=no 4 един-едничък, един-единствен, един, два-три
Mcms-ls Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=short-art 2 десетия/десет, двайсетия/двайсет
Mcms-lf Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=full-art 1 единият/един
Mcmp-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 1 два
Mcmp-ly Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=yes 1 двата/два
Mcmp-mn Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=m-form Definiteness=no 1 двама
Mcmp-my Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=m-form Definiteness=yes 5 четирима, трима, тримата/трима, петимата/петима, двамата/двама
Mcfs-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=feminine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=no 7 хиляда, една-четвърт, една-пета, една, една-единствена/една-единствен
Mcfp-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=feminine Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 1 две
Mcns-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=no 3 едно, едно-единствено, две-три
Mcns-ly Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=yes 2 едното/един, двете/две
Mcnp-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=neuter Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 1 две
Mo-p--n Numeral Type=ordinal Number=plural Definiteness=no 2 трети, първи
Mo-p--y Numeral Type=ordinal Number=plural Definiteness=yes 3 третите, първите/първи, вторите/втори
Moms--n Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 32 шестнадесети, шести, шейсети, четвърти, тринайсети
Moms--s Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 9 четиридесетия/четиридесети, третия/трети, седмия, първия/първи, едного/един
Moms--f Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 6 шестия/шести, третият/трети, първият/първи, деветия/девети, дванадесетият/дванадесети
Mofs--n Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 10 шеста/шести, четиринадесети, трета, седма/седми, първа/първи
Mofs--y Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 7 шестнадесетата/шестнадесети, шестата/шести, третата/трети, първата/първи, едната/един
Mons--n Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 3 трето, трето/трети, първо/първи
Mons--y Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 10 шестото/шести, третото/трети, седмото/седми, първото/първи, петото/пети

3.13.10. Bulgarian Particle

Specification for Bulgarian Particle
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Particle Q
1 Type negative z
general g
comparative c
verbal v
interrogative q
modal o
2 Formation simple s
compound c Notes

In Bulgarian superlative particles "po" and "naj" precede the superlative Forms of adjectives and adverbs: "po-hubav", "naj-hubav", "po-bavno", "naj-bavno". Combinations

POS Type Form Cltc Examples
Q [go] [sc] - a, be, neka, hajde de
Q [cvzq] s - po, naj, ne, li, nali MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (7)
MSD Features Types Examples
Qzs Particle Type=negative Formation=simple 2 нито, не
Qgs Particle Type=general Formation=simple 117 я, ще, чисто, че, чак
Qgc Particle Type=general Formation=compound 3 ей-тъй, ей-сега, а_бе
Qcs Particle Type=comparative Formation=simple 6 по, по-, най, най-, годе
Qvs Particle Type=verbal Formation=simple 4 ще, си, се, да
Qqs Particle Type=interrogative Formation=simple 3 нима, ли, дали
Qos Particle Type=modal Formation=simple 8 хайде, уж, нека, нали, дори

3.13.11. Bulgarian Interjection

Specification for Bulgarian Interjection
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Interjection I
2 Formation simple s
compound c Combinations

POS Type Formation Examples
I - s o, hm-m, ha-ha, ah-lele, uvi
I - c diavol da go vzeme, ama rabota, bozhe moj MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (2)
MSD Features Types Examples
I-s Interjection Formation=simple 169 я, ясно, язък, ядец, яаа
I-c Interjection Formation=compound 4 хайде_де, къде-къде, кой_знае, има-няма

3.13.12. Bulgarian Abbreviation

Specification for Bulgarian Abbreviation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Abbreviation Y Combinations

PoS SynT Gend Numb Case Def Examples
Y - - - - - t.n., vzh., lat., razg... MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
Y Abbreviation 377 Ю., ЮАР, щ.д., ч., ЧССР

3.13.13. Bulgarian Residual

Specification for Bulgarian Residual
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Residual X Combinations

PoS Examples
X 2+2=5 MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
X Residual 377 Юръп, Юропиен, юродойчемарк, школах, шамот

3.13.14. Bulgarian Punctuation

Specification for Bulgarian Punctuation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Punctuation Z MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSDs (1)
MSD Features Types Examples
Z Punctuation 10 ), (, ", ., ..

3.13.15. Bulgarian Attribute Index

In this section all the attributes presented in the tables are listed in alphabetical order. Table of attributes

Attribute (en) Category (en) Position
Case Noun 4
Case Pronoun 5
Clitic Pronoun 8
Definiteness Adjective 6
Definiteness Noun 5
Definiteness Numeral 6
Definiteness Pronoun 11
Definiteness Verb 9
Form Numeral 5
Formation Conjunction 2
Formation Interjection 2
Formation Particle 2
Gender Adjective 3
Gender Noun 2
Gender Numeral 2
Gender Pronoun 3
Gender Verb 6
Number Adjective 4
Number Noun 3
Number Numeral 3
Number Pronoun 4
Number Verb 5
Person Pronoun 2
Person Verb 4
Referent_Type Pronoun 9
Tense Verb 3
Type Adposition 1
Type Adverb 1
Type Conjunction 1
Type Noun 1
Type Numeral 1
Type Particle 1
Type Pronoun 1
Type Verb 1
VForm Verb 2
Voice Verb 7

3.13.16. Bulgarian Value Index

The values presented within the tables are, in the following, listed in alphabetical order; the first column gives the name of the value, the second column its code and the third lists attributes for which the value is appropriate. Table of values

Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (en) Category (en)
accusative a Case Pronoun
active a Voice Verb
adjectival a Type Adverb
aorist a Tense Verb
approx a Form Numeral
attributive a Referent_Type Pronoun
auxiliary a Type Verb
cardinal c Type Numeral
common c Type Noun
comparative c Type Particle
compound c Formation Conjunction
compound c Formation Interjection
compound c Formation Particle
coordinating c Type Conjunction
count t Number Noun
dative d Case Pronoun
demonstrative d Type Pronoun
digit d Form Numeral
feminine f Gender Adjective
feminine f Gender Noun
feminine f Gender Numeral
feminine f Gender Pronoun
feminine f Gender Verb
first 1 Person Pronoun
first 1 Person Verb
full-art f Definiteness Adjective
full-art f Definiteness Noun
full-art f Definiteness Numeral
full-art f Definiteness Pronoun
full-art f Definiteness Verb
general g Type Adverb
general g Type Particle
general g Type Pronoun
gerund g VForm Verb
imperative m VForm Verb
imperfect i Tense Verb
indefinite i Type Pronoun
indicative i VForm Verb
interrogative q Type Particle
interrogative q Type Pronoun
letter l Form Numeral
m-form m Form Numeral
main m Type Verb
masculine m Gender Adjective
masculine m Gender Noun
masculine m Gender Numeral
masculine m Gender Pronoun
masculine m Gender Verb
modal o Type Particle
negative z Type Particle
negative z Type Pronoun
neuter n Gender Adjective
neuter n Gender Noun
neuter n Gender Numeral
neuter n Gender Pronoun
neuter n Gender Verb
no n Clitic Pronoun
no n Definiteness Adjective
no n Definiteness Noun
no n Definiteness Numeral
no n Definiteness Pronoun
no n Definiteness Verb
nominative n Case Noun
nominative n Case Pronoun
ordinal o Type Numeral
participle p VForm Verb
passive p Voice Verb
past s Tense Verb
personal p Referent_Type Pronoun
personal p Type Pronoun
plural p Number Adjective
plural p Number Noun
plural p Number Numeral
plural p Number Pronoun
plural p Number Verb
possessive s Referent_Type Pronoun
possessive s Type Pronoun
preposition p Type Adposition
present p Tense Verb
proper p Type Noun
quantitative q Referent_Type Pronoun
reflexive x Type Pronoun
relative r Type Pronoun
roman r Form Numeral
second 2 Person Pronoun
second 2 Person Verb
short-art s Definiteness Adjective
short-art s Definiteness Noun
short-art s Definiteness Numeral
short-art s Definiteness Pronoun
short-art s Definiteness Verb
simple s Formation Conjunction
simple s Formation Interjection
simple s Formation Particle
singular s Number Adjective
singular s Number Noun
singular s Number Numeral
singular s Number Pronoun
singular s Number Verb
subordinating s Type Conjunction
third 3 Person Pronoun
third 3 Person Verb
verbal v Type Particle
vocative v Case Noun
yes y Clitic Pronoun
yes y Definiteness Adjective
yes y Definiteness Noun
yes y Definiteness Numeral
yes y Definiteness Pronoun
yes y Definiteness Verb

3.13.17. Bulgarian MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (54,823 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Bulgarian MULTEXT-East lexicon.

MSD Index (339)
MSD Features Types Examples
Ncm-v Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Case=vocative 42 яде/яд, чукане/чукан, човече/човек, цвете/цвят, стане/стан
Ncms-n Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1785 ясновидец, ясен, януари, як, язовир
Ncms-s Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 1009 яка/як, язовира/язовир, яда/яд, юргана/юрган, юношата/юноша
Ncms-f Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 586 язовирът/язовир, югославянинът/югославянин, щатът/щат, щастливецът/щастливец, шубракът/шубрак
Ncmp-n Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=no 1172 ясени/ясен, японци/японец, юристи/юрист, юноши/юноша, юмруци/юмрук
Ncmp-y Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=yes 765 юрофилите/юрофили, юношите/юноша, юмруците/юмрук, югославяните/югославянин, ъглите/ъгъл
Ncmt Noun Type=common Gender=masculine Number=count 940 яка/як, язовира/язовир, яда/яд, юргана/юрган, юбилея/юбилей
Ncf-v Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Case=vocative 32 устно/устна, тайно/тайна, Сюткйо/Сюткя, Сърбийо/Сърбия, съгласно/съгласна
Ncfs-n Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1875 яхния, яснота, ярост, ярка, яка
Ncfs-y Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 1238 яхнията/яхния, яснотата/яснота, яслата/ясла, яростта/ярост, ярката/ярка
Ncfp-n Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=plural Definiteness=no 1079 ярки/ярка, японки/японка, яки/яка, ябълки/ябълка, юфки/юфка
Ncfp-y Noun Type=common Gender=feminine Number=plural Definiteness=yes 603 югославянките/югославянка, щангите/щанга, шортите/шорти, шнолите/шнола, чушките/чушка
Ncns-n Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 1403 ястие, яке, яйце, ядро, ядене
Ncns-y Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 992 якето/яке, яйцето/яйце, ядрото/ядро, явяването/явяване, явления/явление
Ncnp-n Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=plural Definiteness=no 432 якета/яке, яйца/яйце, ядра/ядро, яденета/ядене, школа/школо
Ncnp-y Noun Type=common Gender=neuter Number=plural Definiteness=yes 296 яйцата/яйце, ъгълчетата/ъгълче, шосетата/шосе, школата/школо, чувствата/чувство
Npms-n Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1591 Яшмаков, Яушевац, Ясуо, Ясенов, Ян
Npms-s Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 10 Шилигарника, Христа, Интернационала, Иисуса, Изтока
Npms-f Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 6 СКОРПИОНЪТ, Олимпът, Мерцедесът, Западът, Дяконът
Npmp-n Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=no 17 Чапкънови, Сярови, Сергинови, Секюрити, Рупите
Npmp-y Noun Type=proper Gender=masculine Number=plural Definiteness=yes 3 Филипините, БАЛКАНИТЕ, Балканите
Npfs-n Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 917 Япония, Янтра, Янкула, Янка, Яна
Npfs-y Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 9 Магурата, Катето, Емата, Еврокомисията, ДЕВАТА
Npfp-n Noun Type=proper Gender=feminine Number=plural Definiteness=no 5 Шиили, ПАРИ, Дюни, Арбанаси, Алиси
Npns-n Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 75 Чупето, Чикаго, Черноочане, Черноморие, Черниче
Npns-y Noun Type=proper Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 3 Черноморието, Лудогорието, Зайченцето
Vmip1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 950 ядна, явя, щукна, шумна, шмугна
Vmip1p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=plural 425 ядосваме/ядосвам, чукнем/чукна, чуем/чуя, чувстваме/чувствам, чуваме/чувам
Vmip2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 356 ядеш/ям, чукаш/чукам, чуеш/чуя, чудиш/чудя, чувстваш/чувствам
Vmip2p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=plural 387 шантажирате/шантажирам, чуждите/чуждя, чуете/чуя, чудите/чудя, чувате/чувам
Vmip3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 2475 яка/якам, ядосва/ядосвам, ядоса/ядосам, яде/ям, явява/явявам
Vmip3p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=plural 1349 ядосват/ядосвам, явят/явя, явяват/явявам, шушукат/шушукам, шпионират/шпионирам
Vmii1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=singular 324 ядосах/ядосам, шиех/шия, шепнех/шепна, чудех/чудя, чувствувах/чувствувам
Vmii1p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=plural 152 ядяхме/ям, шепнехме/шепна, чудехме/чудя, чувствахме/чувствам, чувахме/чувам
Vmii2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=singular 928 шушукаше/шушукам, шептеше/шептя, шепнеше/шепна, чукаше/чукам, чудеше/чудя
Vmii2p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=plural 18 хвърляхте/хвърлям, търсехте/търся, спряхте/спра, разпитвахте/разпитвам, правехте/правя
Vmii3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=singular 928 шушукаше/шушукам, шептеше/шептя, шепнеше/шепна, чукаше/чукам, чудеше/чудя
Vmii3p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=plural 682 ядяха/ям, явяваха/явявам, шпионираха/шпионирам, шиеха/шия, чудеха/чудя
Vmia1s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=singular 531 ядох/ям, ядосах/ядосам, чух/чуя, чувствувах/чувствувам, чувствах/чувствам
Vmia1p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=plural 225 щракнахме/щракна, чухме/чуя, чувствахме/чувствам, чувахме/чувам, чистихме/чистя
Vmia2s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=singular 2603 яка/якам, ядосва/ядосвам, ядоса/ядосам, ядна, яде/ям
Vmia2p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=plural 53 чухте/чуя, хвърляхте/хвърлям, уредихте/уредя, ударихте/ударя, тръгнахте/тръгна
Vmia3s Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=singular 2613 яка/якам, ядосва/ядосвам, ядоса/ядосам, ядна, яде/ям
Vmia3p Verb Type=main VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=plural 934 явяваха/явявам, явиха/явя, шпионираха/шпионирам, чуха/чуя, чувстваха/чувствам
Vmm-2s Verb Type=main VForm=imperative Person=second Number=singular 929 яви/явя, щети/щетя, шумни/шумна, шуми/шумя, ширни/ширна
Vmm-2p Verb Type=main VForm=imperative Person=second Number=plural 132 чуйте/чуя, четете/чета, чакайте/чакам, царете/царя, хващайте/хващам
Vmpp-sma-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 106 чуващ/чувам, хленчещ/хленча, умиращ/умирам, тълкуващ/тълкувам, треперещ/треперя
Vmpp-sma-s Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=short-art 34 царящия/царя, управляващия/управлявам, терзаещия/терзая, следващия/следвам, скърцащия/скърцам
Vmpp-sma-f Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=full-art 16 управляващият/управлявам, умиращият/умирам, ужасяващият/ужасявам, смазващият/смазвам, следващият/следвам
Vmpp-sfa-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 124 целяща/целя, фрапираща/фрапирам, устремяваща/устремявам, управляваща/управлявам, умъртвяваща/умъртвявам
Vmpp-sfa-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=yes 60 шумолящата/шумоля, утвърждаващата/утвърждавам, управляващата/управлявам, укрепващата/укрепвам, ужасяващата/ужасявам
Vmpp-sna-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 57 учудващо/учудвам, ухаещо/ухая, упойващо/упойвам, умоляващо/умолявам, ужасяващо/ужасявам
Vmpp-sna-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 35 хранещото/храня, ужасяващото/ужасявам, тържествуващото/тържествувам, съществуващото/съществувам, страдащото/страдам
Vmpp-p-a-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 148 целещи/целя, хлипащи/хлипам, характеризиращи/характеризирам, финансиращи/финансирам, фиксиращи/фиксирам
Vmpp-p-a-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=present Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=yes 73 учещите/уча, управляващите/управлявам, търкащите/търкам, тъмнеещите/тъмнея, триещите/трия
Vmpi-sma-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 247 щял/ща, чувствал/чувствам, чувал/чувам, членувал/членувам, чакал/чакам
Vmpi-sfa-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 247 щяла/ща, шегувала/шегувам, чувала/чувам, чакала/чакам, целувала/целувам
Vmpi-sna-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 117 щяло/ща, утихвало/утихвам, установявало/установявам, успяло/успя, успокоявало/успокоявам
Vmpi-sna-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 последвалото/последвам
Vmpi-p-a-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 258 щели/ща, чували/чувам, чакали/чакам, цензурирали/цензурирам, хранели/храня
Vmps-smp-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=passive Definiteness=no 632 ядосан/ядосам, чут/чуя, червен/червя, цитиран/цитирам, цивилизован/цивилизовам
Vmps-smp-s Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=passive Definiteness=short-art 216 четения/чета, червения/червя, цитирания/цитирам, формулирания/формулирам, фиксирания/фиксирам
Vmps-smp-f Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=passive Definiteness=full-art 36 уточненият/уточня, търсеният/търся, смутеният/смутя, скопеният/скопя, склопеният/склопя
Vmps-sfp-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=passive Definiteness=no 502 щурмувана/щурмувам, шарена/шаря, червена/червя, чакана/чакам, централизирана/централизирам
Vmps-sfp-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=passive Definiteness=yes 110 червената/червя, утроената/утроя, утвърдената/утвърдя, установената/установя, умерената/умеря
Vmps-snp-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=passive Definiteness=no 418 щадено/щадя, шокирано/шокирам, червено/червя, цитирано/цитирам, централизирано/централизирам
Vmps-snp-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=passive Definiteness=yes 94 червеното/червя, цитираното/цитирам, централизираното/централизирам, учреденото/учредя, уговореното/уговоря
Vmps-p-p-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=plural Voice=passive Definiteness=no 663 шити/шия, шибани/шибам, шашнати/шашна, шарени/шаря, чути/чуя
Vmps-p-p-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=past Number=plural Voice=passive Definiteness=yes 205 червените/червя, херметизираните/херметизирам, учените/уча, утвърдените/утвърдя, установените/установя
Vmpa-sma-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 632 ял/ям, явил/явя, щял/ща, чул/чуя, чудил/чудя
Vmpa-sma-s Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=short-art 22 хлътналия/хлътна, устремилия/устремя, станалия/стана, приключилия/приключа, призналия/призная
Vmpa-sma-f Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=full-art 7 събралият/събера, призналият/призная, починалият/почина, оказалият/окажа, нарасналият/нарасна
Vmpa-sfa-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 571 щяла/ща, шупнала/шупна, шмугнала/шмугна, шегувала/шегувам, чула/чуя
Vmpa-sfa-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=yes 36 станалата/стана, смелата/смета, слегналата/слегна, свършилата/свърша, светилата/светя
Vmpa-sna-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 257 щяло/ща, шурнало/шурна, червило/червя, чело/чета, хрумнало/хрумне
Vmpa-sna-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 37 червилото/червя, челото/чета, станалото/стана, спрялото/спра, сполетялото/сполетя
Vmpa-p-a-n Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 583 щръкнали/щръкна, щели/ща, чули/чуя, чували/чувам, чели/чета
Vmpa-p-a-y Verb Type=main VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=yes 46 явилите/явя, участвалите/участвам, събралите/събера, стеклите/стека, станалите/стана
Vmg Verb Type=main VForm=gerund 126 чакайки/чакам, целувайки/целувам, усещайки/усещам, удряйки/удрям, тръгвайки/тръгвам
Vaip1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=singular 2 съм, бъда
Vaip1p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=first Number=plural 2 сме/съм, бъдем/бъда
Vaip2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=singular 3 щеш/ща, си/съм, бъдеш/бъда
Vaip2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=second Number=plural 3 щете/ща, сте/съм, бъдете/бъда
Vaip3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular 3 ще/ща, е/съм, бъде/бъда
Vaip3p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=plural 3 щат/ща, са, бъдат/бъда
Vaii1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=singular 2 щях/ща, бях/съм
Vaii1p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=first Number=plural 3 щяхме/ща, онемяхме/онемея, бяхме/съм
Vaii2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=singular 2 щеше/ща, беше/съм
Vaii2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=second Number=plural 2 щяхте/ща, бяхте/съм
Vaii3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=singular 2 щеше/ща, беше/съм
Vaii3p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=imperfect Person=third Number=plural 3 щяха/ща, бяха/съм, бъдеха/бъда
Vaia1s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=singular 3 щях/ща, бях/съм, бих/бъда
Vaia1p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=first Number=plural 4 щяхме/ща, онемяхме/онемея, бяхме/съм, бихме/бъда
Vaia2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=singular 3 щеше/ща, би/бъда, бе/съм
Vaia2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=second Number=plural 3 щяхте/ща, бяхте/съм, бихте/бъда
Vaia3s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=singular 3 щеше/ща, би/бъда, бе/съм
Vaia3p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=indicative Tense=aorist Person=third Number=plural 3 щяха/ща, бяха/съм, биха/бъда
Vam-2s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=imperative Person=second Number=singular 1 бъди/бъда
Vam-2p Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=imperative Person=second Number=plural 1 щете/ща
Vapp-sma-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бъдещ/бъда
Vapp-sma-s Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=short-art 1 бъдещия/бъда
Vapp-sma-f Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=full-art 1 бъдещият/бъда
Vapp-sfa-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бъдеща/бъда
Vapp-sfa-y Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 бъдещата/бъда
Vapp-sna-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=present Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бъдещо/бъда
Vapi-sma-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 бил/съм
Vapi-sfa-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 била/съм
Vapi-sna-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 било/съм
Vapi-p-a-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=imperfect Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 1 били/съм
Vapa-sma-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=masculine Voice=active Definiteness=no 2 бил/съм, бил/бъда
Vapa-sfa-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=feminine Voice=active Definiteness=no 2 била/съм, била/бъда
Vapa-sna-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=no 2 било/съм, било/бъда
Vapa-sna-y Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=singular Gender=neuter Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 бъдещото/бъда
Vapa-p-a-n Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=no 3 бъдещи/бъда, били/съм, били/бъда
Vapa-p-a-y Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=participle Tense=aorist Number=plural Voice=active Definiteness=yes 1 бъдещите/бъда
Vag Verb Type=auxiliary VForm=gerund 1 бидейки/бъда
A---p-n Adjective Number=plural Definiteness=no 1769 ясни/ясен, яростни/яростен, ярки/ярък, японски, яки/як
A---p-y Adjective Number=plural Definiteness=yes 937 ясните/ясен, яркочервените/яркочервен, японските/японски, юридическите/юридически, юношеските/юношески
A--ms-n Adjective Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1440 ясен, ярък, яростен, японски, як
A--ms-s Adjective Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 715 ясния/ясен, яростния/яростен, южноиндийския/южноиндийский, южния/южен, югославския/югославски
A--ms-f Adjective Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 348 юношеският/юношески, югославският/югославски, щастливият/щастлив, шуменският/шуменски, швейцарският/швейцарски
A--fs-n Adjective Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 1436 ясна/ясен, яркочервена/яркочервен, ярка/ярък, японска/японски, яка/як
A--fs-y Adjective Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 868 ясната/ясен, яростната/яростен, ярката/ярък, японската/японски, Ямбургската/ямбургски
A--ns-n Adjective Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 1437 ячко/ячък, ясно/ясен, яростно/яростен, ярко/ярък, яркосиньо/яркосин
A--ns-y Adjective Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 645 яростното/яростен, ядреното/ядрен, юнското/юнски, южното/южен, Южнокорейското/южнокорейски
Pp1-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=nominative 1 аз
Pp1-sd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 3 мене_ми, мене/аз, мен/аз
Pp1-sd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 ми/аз
Pp1-sa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 3 мене_ме, мене/аз, мен/аз
Pp1-sa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ме/аз
Pp1-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=nominative 1 ние
Pp1-pd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=no 2 нас_ни, нам
Pp1-pd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 ни/ние
Pp1-pa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 нас_ни, нас
Pp1-pa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ни/ние
Pp2-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=nominative 1 ти
Pp2-sd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 4 теб, тебе_ти, тебе, вас_ви
Pp2-sd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 ти
Pp2-sa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 4 теб, тебе_те, тебе, вас_ви
Pp2-sa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 те/ти
Pp2-p---y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Clitic=yes 1 ви/вие
Pp2-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=nominative 1 вие
Pp2-pd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=no 1 вам
Pp2-pa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=no 1 вас/вие
Pp2-pa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ви/вие
Pp3-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=nominative 1 те
Pp3-pd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=no 2 тях_им, тям
Pp3-pd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 им/те
Pp3-pa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 тях, тях_ги
Pp3-pa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 ги/те
Pp3msn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 той
Pp3msd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 2 нему, него_му
Pp3msd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 2 нему, му/той
Pp3msa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 него/той, него_го
Pp3msa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 го/той
Pp3fsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 тя
Pp3fsd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 1 й/тя
Pp3fsa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 нея_я, нея
Pp3fsa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 я/тя
Pp3nsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=nominative 1 то
Pp3nsd--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=no 1 него_му
Pp3nsd--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=dative Clitic=yes 2 нему, му/то
Pp3nsa--n Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=no 2 него/то, него_го
Pp3nsa--y Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=accusative Clitic=yes 1 го/то
Pd-------q Pronoun Type=demonstrative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 толкова
Pd--p----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 6 тия, тези, такива/такъв, ония/онзи, онез/онзи
Pd-ms----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 5 тоя, този, такъв, оня, онзи
Pd-fs----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 5 тая, такава/такъв, тази, оная/онзи, онази
Pd-ns----p Pronoun Type=demonstrative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 4 туй, това, такова/такъв, онова
Pi-------q Pronoun Type=indefinite Referent_Type=quantitative 1 няколко
Pi--sn--nq-y Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=singular Case=nominative Clitic=no Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 2 няколкото, неколцина
Pi--p----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 2 някои/някой, които_и_да_са
Pi--p----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=plural Referent_Type=possessive 2 нечии/нечий, нечии
Pi--p----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 4 някакви/някакъв, каквито_и_да_са, еди-какви_си, еди-какви
Pi-ms----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 който_и_да_е
Pi-ms----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 нечий
Pi-ms----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 4 някакъв, какъвто_и_да_е, еди-какъв_си, еди-какъв
Pi-msn---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 3 някой, еди-кой_си, еди-кой
Pi-msd---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 някому/някой
Pi-msa---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 някого/някой
Pi-fs----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 която_и_да_е
Pi-fs----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 2 нечия, нечия/нечий
Pi-fs----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 5 някаква/някакъв, накаква, каквато_и_да_е, еди-каква_си, еди-каква
Pi-fsn---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 някоя/някой
Pi-ns----p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 което_и_да_е
Pi-ns----s Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 2 нечие/нечий, нечие
Pi-ns----a Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 5 някакво/някакъв, нещо, каквото_и_да_е, еди-какво_си, еди-какво
Pi-nsn---p Pronoun Type=indefinite Gender=neuter Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 някое/някой
Ps1-s---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=singular Clitic=yes 2 ни/наш, ми/мой
Ps1-p---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наши, мои
Ps1-p---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 4 нашите/наши, мойте/мой, моите/мой, моите/мои
Ps1-p---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Number=plural Clitic=yes 2 ни/наш, ми/мой
Ps1ms---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наш, мой
Ps1ms---n--s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=short-art 2 нашия/наш, моя/мой
Ps1ms---n--f Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=full-art 2 нашият/наш, моят/мой
Ps1fs---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наша, моя
Ps1fs---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 нашата/наша, моята/моя
Ps1ns---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 наше, мое
Ps1ns---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=first Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 нашето/наше, мойто/мой, моето/мое
Ps2-s---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=singular Clitic=yes 2 ти, ви/ваш
Ps2-p---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твои, ваши
Ps2-p---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 твоите/твои, вашите/ваши
Ps2-p---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Number=plural Clitic=yes 2 ти, ви/ваш
Ps2ms---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твой, ваш
Ps2ms---n--s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=short-art 2 твоя/твой, вашия/ваш
Ps2ms---n--f Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=full-art 1 твоят/твой
Ps2fs---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твоя, ваша
Ps2fs---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 твоята/твоя, вашата/ваша
Ps2ns---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 2 твое, ваше
Ps2ns---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=second Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 2 твоето/твое, вашето/ваше
Ps3-s---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=singular Clitic=yes 3 му/негов, й/неин, им/техен
Ps3-p---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 техни/техен, нейни, негови
Ps3-p---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=plural Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 техните/техни, нейните/нейни, неговите/негови
Ps3-p---y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Number=plural Clitic=yes 3 му/негов, й/неин, им/техен
Ps3ms---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 техен, неин, негов
Ps3ms---n--s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=short-art 3 техния/техен, нейния/неин, неговия/негов
Ps3ms---n--f Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=full-art 3 техният/техен, нейният/неин, неговият/негов
Ps3fs---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 тяхна, нейна, негова
Ps3fs---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 тяхната/тяхна, нейната/нейна, неговата/негова
Ps3ns---n--n Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=no 3 тяхно, нейно, негово
Ps3ns---n--y Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Definiteness=yes 3 тяхното/тяхно, нейното/нейно, неговото/негово
Pq-------q Pronoun Type=interrogative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 колко
Pq--p----p Pronoun Type=interrogative Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 1 кои/кой
Pq--p----s Pronoun Type=interrogative Number=plural Referent_Type=possessive 1 чии
Pq--p----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 какви/какъв
Pq-ms----s Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чий
Pq-ms----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 какъв
Pq-msn---p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 кой
Pq-msd---p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 кому/кой
Pq-msa---p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 кого/кой
Pq-fs----p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 коя/кой
Pq-fs----s Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 2 чия, чия/чий
Pq-fs----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 каква/какъв
Pq-ns----p Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 кое/кой
Pq-ns----a Pronoun Type=interrogative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 2 кво, какво/какъв
Pr-------q Pronoun Type=relative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 колкото
Pr--p----p Pronoun Type=relative Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 1 които/който
Pr--p----s Pronoun Type=relative Number=plural Referent_Type=possessive 1 чиито/чийто
Pr--p----a Pronoun Type=relative Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 каквито/какъвто
Pr-ms----s Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чийто
Pr-ms----a Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 какъвто
Pr-msn---p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 който
Pr-msd---p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 комуто/който
Pr-msa---p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 когото/който
Pr-fs----p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 която/който
Pr-fs----s Pronoun Type=relative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чиято/чийто
Pr-fs----a Pronoun Type=relative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 каквато/какъвто
Pr-ns----p Pronoun Type=relative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 което/който
Pr-ns----s Pronoun Type=relative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 чието/чийто
Pr-ns----a Pronoun Type=relative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 каквото/какъвто
Px------ys Pronoun Type=reflexive Clitic=yes Referent_Type=possessive 1 си
Px---d--np Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=dative Clitic=no Referent_Type=personal 2 себе_си, себе
Px---d--yp Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=dative Clitic=yes Referent_Type=personal 1 си
Px---a--np Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=accusative Clitic=no Referent_Type=personal 2 себе_си, себе
Px---a--yp Pronoun Type=reflexive Case=accusative Clitic=yes Referent_Type=personal 1 се
Px--p---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Number=plural Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 свои
Px--p---ns-y Pronoun Type=reflexive Number=plural Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=yes 1 своите/свои
Px-ms---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 свой
Px-ms---ns-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=short-art 1 своя/свой
Px-ms---ns-f Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=masculine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=full-art 1 своят/свой
Px-fs---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 своя
Px-fs---ns-y Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=feminine Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=yes 1 своята/своя
Px-ns---ns-n Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=no 1 свое
Px-ns---ns-y Pronoun Type=reflexive Gender=neuter Number=singular Clitic=no Referent_Type=possessive Definiteness=yes 1 своето/свое
Pz-------q Pronoun Type=negative Referent_Type=quantitative 1 николко
Pz--p----a Pronoun Type=negative Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 никакви/никакъв
Pz-ms----s Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=possessive 1 ничий
Pz-ms----a Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 никакъв
Pz-msn---p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 никой
Pz-msd---p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 никому/никой
Pz-msa---p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 никого/никой
Pz-fs----p Pronoun Type=negative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 никоя/никой
Pz-fs----a Pronoun Type=negative Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 никаква/никакъв
Pz-ns----a Pronoun Type=negative Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 никакво/никакъв
Pg--p----p Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=personal 2 всякои, всякакви/всякакъв
Pg--p----a Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакви/всякакъв
Pg--p----q-n Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=no 1 всички
Pg--p----q-y Pronoun Type=general Number=plural Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 1 всичките/всички
Pg-ms----a Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакъв
Pg-ms----q-s Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=short-art 1 всичкия
Pg-ms----q-f Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=full-art 2 всичкият/всичкия, всичкия
Pg-msn---p Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Referent_Type=personal 1 всеки
Pg-msn--na Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative Clitic=no Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакъв
Pg-msd---p Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=dative Referent_Type=personal 1 всекиму/всеки
Pg-msa---p Pronoun Type=general Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative Referent_Type=personal 1 всекиго/всеки
Pg-fs----p Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 1 всяка
Pg-fs----a Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякаква/всякакъв
Pg-fs----q-n Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=no 1 всичка
Pg-fs----q-y Pronoun Type=general Gender=feminine Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 1 всичката/всичка
Pg-ns----p Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=personal 2 всяко, всякакво/всякакъв
Pg-ns----a Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=attributive 1 всякакво/всякакъв
Pg-ns----q-n Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=no 2 сичко, всичко
Pg-ns----q-y Pronoun Type=general Gender=neuter Number=singular Referent_Type=quantitative Definiteness=yes 1 всичкото/всичко
Rg Adverb Type=general 728 ячко, яздешком, яздешката, явно, яве
Ra Adverb Type=adjectival 1410 ясно, яростно, ярко, яркосиньо, ядрено
Sp Adposition Type=preposition 103 яко, чрез, у, със, с
Ccs Conjunction Type=coordinating Formation=simple 75 я, що, щото, щом, чий
Ccc Conjunction Type=coordinating Formation=compound 1 а_пък
Css Conjunction Type=subordinating Formation=simple 19 я, щом, че, ту, тогава
Csc Conjunction Type=subordinating Formation=compound 23 щом_като, тъй_че, тъй_като, така_че, сякаш_че
Mc---d Numeral Type=cardinal Form=digit 1010 шест, 9-членното, 9_февруари, 9-ти_септември_1944, 9-ти
Mc---r Numeral Type=cardinal Form=roman 6 XX, XXI, VII, I, II
Mc-p-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 78 шест, шестте/шест, шестстотин, шест-седем, шестотин
Mc-p-ly Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=yes 12 шестдесетте/шестдесет, четиридесетте/четиридесет, трийсетте/трийсет, тридесетте/тридесет, седемте/седем
Mc-p-an Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=approx Definiteness=no 7 трийсетина, стотина, петнадесетина, петдесетина, десетина
Mc-p-ay Numeral Type=cardinal Number=plural Form=approx Definiteness=yes 4 четиримата/четирима, петнайсетина/петнайсет, десетината/десетина, двайсетина/двайсет
Mcms-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=no 4 един-едничък, един-единствен, един, два-три
Mcms-ls Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=short-art 2 десетия/десет, двайсетия/двайсет
Mcms-lf Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=full-art 1 единият/един
Mcmp-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 1 два
Mcmp-ly Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=yes 1 двата/два
Mcmp-mn Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=m-form Definiteness=no 1 двама
Mcmp-my Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=masculine Number=plural Form=m-form Definiteness=yes 5 четирима, трима, тримата/трима, петимата/петима, двамата/двама
Mcfs-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=feminine Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=no 7 хиляда, една-четвърт, една-пета, една, една-единствена/една-единствен
Mcfp-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=feminine Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 1 две
Mcns-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=no 3 едно, едно-единствено, две-три
Mcns-ly Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Form=letter Definiteness=yes 2 едното/един, двете/две
Mcnp-ln Numeral Type=cardinal Gender=neuter Number=plural Form=letter Definiteness=no 1 две
Mo-p--n Numeral Type=ordinal Number=plural Definiteness=no 2 трети, първи
Mo-p--y Numeral Type=ordinal Number=plural Definiteness=yes 3 третите, първите/първи, вторите/втори
Moms--n Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=no 32 шестнадесети, шести, шейсети, четвърти, тринайсети
Moms--s Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=short-art 9 четиридесетия/четиридесети, третия/трети, седмия, първия/първи, едного/един
Moms--f Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=masculine Number=singular Definiteness=full-art 6 шестия/шести, третият/трети, първият/първи, деветия/девети, дванадесетият/дванадесети
Mofs--n Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=no 10 шеста/шести, четиринадесети, трета, седма/седми, първа/първи
Mofs--y Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=feminine Number=singular Definiteness=yes 7 шестнадесетата/шестнадесети, шестата/шести, третата/трети, първата/първи, едната/един
Mons--n Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=no 3 трето, трето/трети, първо/първи
Mons--y Numeral Type=ordinal Gender=neuter Number=singular Definiteness=yes 10 шестото/шести, третото/трети, седмото/седми, първото/първи, петото/пети
Qzs Particle Type=negative Formation=simple 2 нито, не
Qgs Particle Type=general Formation=simple 117 я, ще, чисто, че, чак
Qgc Particle Type=general Formation=compound 3 ей-тъй, ей-сега, а_бе
Qcs Particle Type=comparative Formation=simple 6 по, по-, най, най-, годе
Qvs Particle Type=verbal Formation=simple 4 ще, си, се, да
Qqs Particle Type=interrogative Formation=simple 3 нима, ли, дали
Qos Particle Type=modal Formation=simple 8 хайде, уж, нека, нали, дори
I-s Interjection Formation=simple 169 я, ясно, язък, ядец, яаа
I-c Interjection Formation=compound 4 хайде_де, къде-къде, кой_знае, има-няма
Y Abbreviation 377 Ю., ЮАР, щ.д., ч., ЧССР
X Residual 377 Юръп, Юропиен, юродойчемарк, школах, шамот
Z Punctuation 10 ), (, ", ., ..
Date: 2022-06-24
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