<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 SYSTEM "http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/DTD/tei2.dtd" [<!ENTITY % TEI.XML "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % TEI.prose "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % TEI.linking "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % TEI.analysis "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % TEI.fs "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % TEI.corpus "INCLUDE"> ]>
<text lang="sl" id="galjot"> <body> <div type="chapter" n="1" id="galjot.1"> <head>1</head> <opener rend="it"> Gosti skladi zraka. Sluz se vzpenja po stenah. Prihod iz močvirja. Kužni komisarji v deželi. Tak čuden vstop, tak vinski začetek. </opener> <div type="section"> <p> Temne lise vlage so se spakovale po zidu. Zdelo se mu je, da v tej gluhi tihoti lezejo skupaj in narazen in da s svojim neznansko ...
<teiHeader id="ekol.H" type="text" creator="ET" status="update" date.created="1999-04-13" date.updated="2002-04-01"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title lang="sl">Nacionalni program varstva okolja</title> <title lang="en">National Environmental Protection Programme</title> <respStmt> <name>Andrej Skubic, FF</name> <resp lang="sl">Poravnava, zagotovitev digitalnega originala</resp> <resp lang="en">Alignment, provision of digital original</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <name>Peter Holozan, Amebis</name> <resp lang="sl">Leksikalne oznake</resp> <resp lang="en">Lexical annotation</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <name>Tomaž Erjavec, IJS</name> <resp lang="sl">Tokenizacija, tagiranje, pretvorba v TEI</resp> <resp lang="en">Tokenisation, tagging, conversion to TEI</resp> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <editionStmt><edition>Version 2.0</edition></editionStmt> <extent>1222 Kb, 70 kW</extent> <publicationStmt> <distributor lang="sl"> Odsek za inteligentne sisteme Institut "Jožef Stefan" Jamova 39 1000 Ljubljana </distributor> <distributor lang="en"> Dept. of Intelligent Systems, Jozef Štefan Institute Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia </distributor> <pubPlace><xptr url="http://nl.ijs.si/elan/"/></pubPlace> <availability> <p lang="en"> This bi-text of the IJS-ELAN corpus is freely available, provided that the the sources described in this Header are acknowledged. Copyright of the two digital originals for this corpus held by Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning.</p> <p lang="sl"> To vzporedno poravnano besedilo korpusa IJS-ELAN je prosto dostopno, pod pogojem, da se citira njegove vire, dokumentirane v tej glavi. Avtorske pravice nad digitalnima originaloma tega besedila pripadajo Repuliki Slovenija, Ministrstvu za okolje in prostor, Uprava RS za varstvo narave.</p> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <listBibl> <bibl lang="sl" default="YES"> <title>Nacionalni program varstva okolja</title> <date value="1999-02-24">24-Feb-99</date> <publisher lang="sl">Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Uprava RS za varstvo narave</publisher> <xptr url="http://www.gov.si/mop/vsebina/npvo.html"/> </bibl> <bibl lang="en" default="NO"> <title>National Environmental Protection Programme</title> <date value="1999-03-10">30-Mar-99</date> <publisher>Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning</publisher> <xptr url="http://www.gov.si/mop/vsebina/angl/okolje.html"/> </bibl> </listBibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <projectDesc> <p> This text is part of the LJU1 site contribution to the EU MLIS project ELAN: European Language Activity Network <xptr url="http://nl.ijs.si/elan/"/>. </p> </projectDesc> <editorialDecl> <normalization> <p>HTML markup removed; Quotes normalised to ", list bullets to -.</p> </normalization> <segmentation> <p>The digital original was converted, segmented and aligned with <xref url="http://www.atril.com/">Atril</xref> and the alignments hand corrected.</p> <p>Tokenisation was performed by the MULTEXT program mtlex with MULTEXT-East Slovene segmentation resources.</p> </segmentation> <interpretation> <p>Words automatically marked with context disambiguated lemma and MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic description. English words additionally tagged with BROWN-like tagset by two taggers (TnT,QTAG).</p> </interpretation> </editorialDecl> <tagsDecl> <tagUsage gi="text" occurs="3"></tagUsage> <tagUsage gi="group" occurs="1"></tagUsage> <tagUsage gi="body" occurs="2"></tagUsage> <tagUsage gi="seg" occurs="3482"></tagUsage> <tagUsage gi="w" occurs="70203"></tagUsage> <tagUsage gi="c" occurs="9201"></tagUsage> </tagsDecl> </encodingDesc> <revisionDesc> <change> <date>1999-05-16</date> <respStmt> <name>Tomaž Erjavec</name> <resp>Editor</resp> </respStmt> <item>V1.0 Header</item> </change> <change> <date>1999-06-22</date> <respStmt> <name>Tomaž Erjavec</name> <resp>Editor</resp> </respStmt> <item>Some more errors of tokenisation corrected. Availability statement changed.</item> </change> <change> <date>2001-09-06</date> <respStmt> <name>Tomaž Erjavec</name> <resp>Editor</resp> </respStmt> <item>Slovene texts tagged with TnT trained on "1984" and bettered with other resources. English texts also tagged with TnT trained on "1984" and additionaly with TnT trained on the Penn Treebank and QTag email service. </item> </change> <change> <date>2002-04-01</date> <respStmt> <name>Tomaž Erjavec</name> <resp>Editor</resp> </respStmt> <item>Recoded in P4/XML and prepared V2.0 for distribution. </item> </change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader>
<TEIcorpus.2> <teiHeader type="corpus"> *Glava korpusa* </teiHeader> <TEI.2> <teiHeader type="text"> *Glava elementa* </teiHeader> <text> *Besedilo elementa* </text> </TEI.2> *Ostali elementi* </TEIcorpus.2>Korpus DSI:
<seg id="ecmr.sl.17"> <w>Tokrat</w> <w>v</w> <w>obliki</w> <w>poslabšanja</w> <w>Euromoneyeve</w> <w>ocene</w> <w>ekonomskih</w> <w>sprememb</w> <w>v</w> <w>Sloveniji</w> <c type="open">(</c><w>stran</w> <w type="dig">6</w><c type="close">)</c><c>.</c> </seg>
Rezultati iskanja:
<seg id="ekol.sl.249" corresp="ekol.en.249"> <w ana="Spsi" lemma="z">Z</w> <w ana="Ncnsi" lemma="ogrožanje">ogrožanjem</w> <w ana="Aopfsg" lemma="biološki">biološke</w> <w ana="Ncfsg" lemma="raznovrstnost">raznovrstnosti</w> <w ana="Vcip3s--n" lemma="biti">je</w> <w ana="Afpnsa" lemma="povezan">povezano</w> <w ana="Afpnsa" lemma="neurejen">neurejeno</w> <w ana="Ncnsa" lemma="področje">področje</w> <w ana="Ncnsg" lemma="ravnanje">ravnanja</w> <w ana="Spsi" lemma="z">z</w> <w ana="Aopmsi" lemma="genski">genskim</w> <w ana="Ncmsi" lemma="material">materialom</w> <c ctag=".">.</c> </seg>
In addition, all of the source code for the Linux system, including the kernel, device drivers, libraries, user programs, and development tools, is freely distributable.
Dodatno je dostopna in prosto razširljiva še vsa izvorna koda sistema Linux, vključno z jedrom, gonilniki naprav, knjižnicami, uporabniškimi programi in razvojnimi orodji.
addition , source code linux system , kernel , device driver , library , user program , development tool , distributable .
dostopen razširljiva izvoren koda sistem Linux , jedro , gonilnik naprava , knjižnica , uporabniški program razvojen orodje.
source code | izvoren |
linux | linux |
system | sistem |
kernel | jedro |
device driver | gonilnik |
library | knjižnica |
user | uporabniški |
program | program |
development | razvojen |
tool | orodje |
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