AHLib is a collection of 105 Slovene books (1848–1918) translated from German. The books were digitised and their transcription hand-corrected in the scope of the project Deutsch-slowenische/kroatische Übersetzung 1848–1918 with the aim of conducting a linguistic study of Slovene books translated from German in this period. The project was financed by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and led by prof. Erich Prunč, from the Karl-Franzens University in Graz. AHLib is there available in a digital library and under a concordancer:
For AHLib JSI Dept. of Knowledge Technologies
provided support for OCR correction, structural and linguistic
annotation and hosting of the scans and texts.
For the conversion from Windows files (used for manual correction) into the
XML TEI P4 encoding a dedicated conversion engine was developed.
The system is described in:
ERJAVEC, Tomaž. An Architecture for Editing Complex Digital Documents.
In Proceedings of
INFuture'07 "Digital Information and Heritage".
Zagreb, Faculty of Arts, Croatia, 2007, pp. 105-114.
The books have hand-corrected transcriptions and are structurally marked up and encoded in TEI P5. From this set 8 have been also automatically lemmatised, and the lemmatisations hand corrected.
The AHLib books have been used as part of the IMP digital library and corpus.
Available resources:
Last update 2013-05-13,