Dietmar Fiesel
- Language Name:
- Chechen
- Code:
- ce
- Reference:
- Ethnologue
3.18.1. Chechen Introduction
These specifications for Chechen are inspired by the specifications for morphosyntactic specifications for Slovene and Russian. The specifications were developped by Dietmar Fiesel for his MA thesis in computational linguistics at the Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany.
3.18.2. Chechen Category Index Table of categories
CATEGORY (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) | Attributes |
CATEGORY | Noun | N | 4 |
CATEGORY | Verb | V | 5 |
CATEGORY | Adjective | A | 3 |
CATEGORY | Adverb | R | 0 |
CATEGORY | Pronoun | P | 5 |
CATEGORY | Numeral | M | 4 |
CATEGORY | Adposition | S | 1 |
CATEGORY | Conjunction | C | 0 |
CATEGORY | Particle | Q | 0 |
CATEGORY | Interjection | I | 0 |
CATEGORY | Residual | X | 1 |
CATEGORY | Punctuation | Z | 1 |
3.18.3. Chechen Noun
Chechen Specification for NounP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Noun | N |
1 | Type | common | c |
| | proper | p |
2 | Class | bu | b |
| | vu | v |
| | du | d |
| | ju | j |
3 | Number | singular | s |
| | plural | p |
4 | Case | nominative | n |
| | genitive | g |
| | dative | d |
| | ergative | z |
| | allative | t |
| | instrumental | i |
| | lative | j |
| | comparison | 8 |
| | locative | l |
3.18.4. Chechen Verb
Chechen Specification for VerbP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Verb | V |
1 | Type | main | m |
| | auxiliary | a |
2 | VForm | infinitive | n |
| | indicative | i |
| | imperative | m |
| | interrogative | v |
| | realistic_conditional | k |
| | unrealistic_conditional | h |
| | causative | z |
| | participle | p |
| | gerund | g |
| | potential | x |
3 | Tense | present | p |
| | recent_past | r |
| | evident_past | e |
| | perfective_past | t |
| | pluperfect | l |
| | imperfect | i |
| | future | f |
6 | Aspect | iterative | r |
| | semelfactive | f |
| | biaspectual | b |
7 | Class | bu | b |
| | vu | v |
| | du | d |
| | ju | j |
3.18.5. Chechen Adjective
Chechen Specification for AdjectiveP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Adjective | A |
2 | Degree | positive | p |
| | comparative | c |
3 | Class | bu | b |
| | vu | v |
| | du | d |
| | ju | j |
5 | Case | nominative | n |
| | other | 6 |
3.18.6. Chechen Adverb
P | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Adverb | R |
3.18.7. Chechen Pronoun
Chechen Specification for PronounP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Pronoun | P |
1 | Type | personal | p |
| | demonstrative | d |
| | possessive | s |
| | interrogative | q |
| | definite | f |
| | negative | z |
| | reflexive | x |
| | indefinite | i |
2 | Person | first | 1 |
| | second | 2 |
| | third | 3 |
4 | Number | singular | s |
| | plural | p |
5 | Case | nominative | n |
| | genitive | g |
| | dative | d |
| | ergative | z |
| | allative | t |
| | instrumental | i |
| | lative | j |
| | comparison | 8 |
| | locative | l |
6 | Inclusion | inclusive | i |
| | exclusive | e |
3.18.8. Chechen Numeral
Chechen Specification for NumeralP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Numeral | M |
1 | Type | cardinal | c |
| | ordinal | o |
3 | Number | singular | s |
| | plural | p |
4 | Case | nominative | n |
| | genitive | g |
| | dative | d |
| | ergative | z |
| | allative | t |
| | instrumental | i |
| | lative | j |
| | comparison | 8 |
| | locative | l |
5 | Form | digit | d |
| | roman | r |
| | letter | l |
3.18.9. Chechen Adposition
Chechen Specification for AdpositionP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Adposition | S |
1 | Type | postposition | t |
3.18.10. Chechen Conjunction
Chechen Specification for ConjunctionP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Conjunction | C |
3.18.11. Chechen Particle
Chechen Specification for ParticleP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Particle | Q |
3.18.12. Chechen Interjection
Chechen Specification for InterjectionP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Interjection | I |
3.18.13. Chechen Residual
Chechen Specification for ResidualP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Residual | X |
1 | Type | foreign | f |
3.18.14. Chechen Punctuation
Chechen Specification for PunctuationP | Attribute (en) | Value (en) | Code (en) |
0 | CATEGORY | Punctuation | Z |
1 | Type | punctuation | p |
| | sentence_end | s |
- The sentence end is meant for TreeTagger and RFTagger by Helmut Schmid.
3.18.15. Chechen Attribute Index
In this section all the attributes presented in the tables are listed in alphabetical order. Table of attributes
Attribute (en) | Category (en) | Position |
Aspect | Verb | 6 |
Case | Adjective | 5 |
Case | Noun | 4 |
Case | Numeral | 4 |
Case | Pronoun | 5 |
Class | Adjective | 3 |
Class | Noun | 2 |
Class | Verb | 7 |
Degree | Adjective | 2 |
Form | Numeral | 5 |
Inclusion | Pronoun | 6 |
Number | Noun | 3 |
Number | Numeral | 3 |
Number | Pronoun | 4 |
Person | Pronoun | 2 |
Tense | Verb | 3 |
Type | Adposition | 1 |
Type | Noun | 1 |
Type | Numeral | 1 |
Type | Pronoun | 1 |
Type | Punctuation | 1 |
Type | Residual | 1 |
Type | Verb | 1 |
VForm | Verb | 2 |
3.18.16. Chechen Value Index
The values presented within the tables are, in the following, listed in alphabetical order; the first column gives the name of the value, the second column its code and the third lists attributes for which the value is appropriate. Table of values
Value (en) | Code (en) | Attribute (en) | Category (en) |
allative | t | Case | Noun |
allative | t | Case | Numeral |
allative | t | Case | Pronoun |
auxiliary | a | Type | Verb |
biaspectual | b | Aspect | Verb |
bu | b | Class | Adjective |
bu | b | Class | Noun |
bu | b | Class | Verb |
cardinal | c | Type | Numeral |
causative | z | VForm | Verb |
common | c | Type | Noun |
comparative | c | Degree | Adjective |
comparison | 8 | Case | Noun |
comparison | 8 | Case | Numeral |
comparison | 8 | Case | Pronoun |
dative | d | Case | Noun |
dative | d | Case | Numeral |
dative | d | Case | Pronoun |
definite | f | Type | Pronoun |
demonstrative | d | Type | Pronoun |
digit | d | Form | Numeral |
du | d | Class | Adjective |
du | d | Class | Noun |
du | d | Class | Verb |
ergative | z | Case | Noun |
ergative | z | Case | Numeral |
ergative | z | Case | Pronoun |
evident_past | e | Tense | Verb |
exclusive | e | Inclusion | Pronoun |
first | 1 | Person | Pronoun |
foreign | f | Type | Residual |
future | f | Tense | Verb |
genitive | g | Case | Noun |
genitive | g | Case | Numeral |
genitive | g | Case | Pronoun |
gerund | g | VForm | Verb |
imperative | m | VForm | Verb |
imperfect | i | Tense | Verb |
inclusive | i | Inclusion | Pronoun |
indefinite | i | Type | Pronoun |
indicative | i | VForm | Verb |
infinitive | n | VForm | Verb |
instrumental | i | Case | Noun |
instrumental | i | Case | Numeral |
instrumental | i | Case | Pronoun |
interrogative | q | Type | Pronoun |
interrogative | v | VForm | Verb |
iterative | r | Aspect | Verb |
ju | j | Class | Adjective |
ju | j | Class | Noun |
ju | j | Class | Verb |
lative | j | Case | Noun |
lative | j | Case | Numeral |
lative | j | Case | Pronoun |
letter | l | Form | Numeral |
locative | l | Case | Noun |
locative | l | Case | Numeral |
locative | l | Case | Pronoun |
main | m | Type | Verb |
negative | z | Type | Pronoun |
nominative | n | Case | Adjective |
nominative | n | Case | Noun |
nominative | n | Case | Numeral |
nominative | n | Case | Pronoun |
ordinal | o | Type | Numeral |
other | 6 | Case | Adjective |
participle | p | VForm | Verb |
perfective_past | t | Tense | Verb |
personal | p | Type | Pronoun |
pluperfect | l | Tense | Verb |
plural | p | Number | Noun |
plural | p | Number | Numeral |
plural | p | Number | Pronoun |
positive | p | Degree | Adjective |
possessive | s | Type | Pronoun |
postposition | t | Type | Adposition |
potential | x | VForm | Verb |
present | p | Tense | Verb |
proper | p | Type | Noun |
punctuation | p | Type | Punctuation |
realistic_conditional | k | VForm | Verb |
recent_past | r | Tense | Verb |
reflexive | x | Type | Pronoun |
roman | r | Form | Numeral |
second | 2 | Person | Pronoun |
semelfactive | f | Aspect | Verb |
sentence_end | s | Type | Punctuation |
singular | s | Number | Noun |
singular | s | Number | Numeral |
singular | s | Number | Pronoun |
third | 3 | Person | Pronoun |
unrealistic_conditional | h | VForm | Verb |
vu | v | Class | Adjective |
vu | v | Class | Noun |
vu | v | Class | Verb |