MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4

3.6.14. Slovene Residual

Up: 3.6. Slovene Specifications Previous: 3.6.13. Slovene Abbreviation Next: 3.6.15. Slovene Attribute Index

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Table 207. Slovene Specification for Residual
P Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl) Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 besedna_vrsta neuvrščeno N CATEGORY Residual X
1 vrsta tujejezično j Type foreign f
tipkarska t typo t
program p program p
Opombe: MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from (1) the jos1M corpus, (2) the lexicon of closed class words and (3) the lexicon derived from the FidaPLUS corpus. The examples are ordered by the number of occurences in (1), followed by examples from (2) and (3). Examples from (2) and (3) have not been attested in the base corpus, and are therefore crossed out. It should be noted that both (1) and (3) contain some errors of tagging or lemmatisation, so not all examples are necessarily correct.

Table 208. MSDs (4)
MSD (en) Features (en) MSD (sl) Features (sl) Tokens Types Examples of usage
X Residual N neuvrščeno 376 309 D12/=, V6/=, K6-2/=, G400/=, C2/=, A4/=, x86/=, pre/=, kb128/=, V8/=
Xf Residual Type=foreign Nj neuvrščeno vrsta=tujejezično 4425 2514 de/=, of/=, The/=, the/=, and/=, in/=, la/=, a/=, La/=, on/=
Xt Residual Type=typo Nt neuvrščeno vrsta=tipkarska 1332 1238 o/=, po/=, e/=, a/=, na/=, Cemi1/=, za/=, do/=, pri/=, no/=
Xp Residual Type=program Np neuvrščeno vrsta=program 1878 992 1/=, 2/=, 3/=, a/=, e/=, §/=, www./=, 4/=, ja/=, ju/on

Up: 3.6. Slovene Specifications Previous: 3.6.13. Slovene Abbreviation Next: 3.6.15. Slovene Attribute Index

Date: 2010-05-12
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