MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4

3.14.10. Persian Numeral

Up: 3.14. Persian Specifications Previous: 3.14.9. Persian Conjunction Next: 3.14.11. Persian Interjection

Table of contents

Table 446. Persian Specification for Numeral
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Numeral M
1 Type cardinal c
ordinal o
fractal f
ordinal2 r
4 Case genitive g
6 Definiteness no n
yes y MSD Index

This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions, based on the lexicon extracted from the Persian MULTEXT-East corpus ("1984"), from where the token and type frequencies and examples are also extracted.

Table 447. MSDs (8)
MSD Features Tokens Types Examples
Mc Numeral Type=cardinal 96 1102 سيزده سه‌هزار بيست‌وپنج
Mc----n Numeral Type=cardinal Definiteness=no 3 116 يکي/يک نيمي/نيم اندي/اند
Mc--g Numeral Type=cardinal Case=genitive 11 35 دوِ/دو دويِ/دو دهِ/ده
Mo Numeral Type=ordinal 13 77 هجدهم/هجده نهم/نه دهم/ده
Mo----n Numeral Type=ordinal Definiteness=no 1 1 سومي/سه
Mo--g Numeral Type=ordinal Case=genitive 6 13 چهارمِ/چهار هفدهمِ/هفده نوزدهمِ/نوزده
Mf--g Numeral Type=fractal Case=genitive 2 6 يک‌چهارمِ/يک‌چهار يک‌پنجمِ/يک‌پنج
Mr Numeral Type=ordinal2 9 73 هزارمين/هزار نهمين/نه دومين/دو

Up: 3.14. Persian Specifications Previous: 3.14.9. Persian Conjunction Next: 3.14.11. Persian Interjection

Date: 2010-05-12
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