Up: 3.4. Czech Specifications Previous: 3.4.7. Czech Adposition Next: 3.4.9. Czech Numeral
Table of contents
1. Conjunctions "abych", "abys", ..., "kdybych", ... are composed of the Conjunction "aby" or "kdyby" and the conditional particle ªbyº ("bych", "bys", "by", "bychom", "byste"). These Conjunctions are therefore specified for Person and Number for the sake of agreement relation.
2. The class of two-part Conjunctions has not been introduced.
This index gives the list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (184,470 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the Czech MULTEXT-East lexicon.
Up: 3.4. Czech Specifications Previous: 3.4.7. Czech Adposition Next: 3.4.9. Czech Numeral