MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4
3.5.1. Slovak Introduction
Up: 3.5. Slovak Specifications Next: 3.5.2. Slovak Category Index
Table of contents
This morphosyntactic tagset has been inspired by Czech tables, created by
Vladimír Petkevič, with the use of Slovak morphosyntactic classification
developed for the Slovak National Corpus.
The lexicon (size 2471926 entries) and corpus have been converted form the
tagset used for the Slovak National Corpus by an automatic procedure. Notable differences when compared to the Czech version
SK: Verbs in infinitive have Voice='-'
CS: Verbs in infinitive have Voice='a' (active)
SK: Past active participle is not present in contemporary language
CS: Past active participle is marked as qualificative adjective
SK: Personal and demonstrative 3rd person pronouns have different lemmas for different genders
CS: Personal 3rd person pronouns have common masculine lemma on, ten
regardless of pronoun gender
SK: there is no clitic morpheme 's' for verbs
CS: 2nd Person singular present tense of the auxiliary Verb "být" with clitic morpheme 's' has Clitic_s attribute set to 'yes'
SK: Negative adjectives have negative lemma and negativeness is not marked otherwise.
CS: Negative adjectives have positive lemma and negativeness is not marked otherwise.
SK: Negative verbs have negative lemma
CS: Negative verbs have positive lemma
SK: Vocative is morphologically identical with nominative, with
the exception of several nouns and (substandard usage of) some
proper names, and is marked according to its syntactic role.
CS: Vocative in singular is a full-featured case, in plural it is
morphologically identical with nominative
SK: Conjuctions cannot have number nor person
CS: Some conjuctions can be marked for number and person
SK: relative and interrogative pronouns are conflated into one
category (r)
CS: relative and interrogative pronouns are two different categories
SK: Archaic short form of verbal adjectives survives only in some words,
and only in nominative (dlžen, vinen...). These are not distinguished from
adjectives proper.
CS: Short form of verbal adjectives are classified as verbs, passive
participles category
SK: Verbs have Aspect category
CS: Aspect is omitted
SK: 'adverb prepositions' (po, na, do...) are marked as residuals (X)
CS: 'adverb prepositions' (na, do...) are (mistakenly) marked as their homonymous prepositions
SK: prepositions agglutinated with pronoun have lemmas containing preposition and base pronoun form connected by underscore ('naň' --> 'na_on')
CS: prepositions agglutinated with pronoun have lemma identical
with their form.
Up: 3.5. Slovak Specifications Next: 3.5.2. Slovak Category Index