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Application to Czech

Multext-East / Concede Morphosyntactic specifications V.2-- Czech

Vladimír Petkevič, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague.

The most appreciated base used for the elaboration of the application was constituted by morphosyntactic tables for Czech elaborated by Hana Skoumalová. For all possible errors solely the author is to blame.


Noun (N)

1.1. Lexicon

= ============== ============== = ================= =========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example           Czech term
= ============== ============== = ================= =========================
1 Type           common         c kniha             obecné jméno
                 proper         p Petr              vlastní jméno
- -------------- -------------- - ----------------- -------------------------
2 Gender         masculine      m otec              masculinum
                 feminine       f kniha             femininum
                 neuter         n slunce            neutrum
- -------------- -------------- - ----------------- -------------------------
3 Number         singular       s kniha             singulár
                 plural         p knihy             plurál
                 dual           d rukama            duál
- -------------- -------------- - ----------------- -------------------------
4 Case           nominative     n kniha             nominativ
                 genitive       g knihy             genitiv
                 dative         d knize             dativ
                 accusative     a knihu             akuzativ
                 vocative       v kniho!            vokativ
                 locative       l knize             lokál
                 instrumental   i knihou            instrumentál
* ************** ************** * ----------------- -------------------------
5 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
6 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- - ----------------- -------------------------
7 Animate   l.s. no             n hrad              neživotné
            l.s. yes            y otec              životné
- -------------- -------------- - ----------------- -------------------------
8 Owner_Number                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
9 Owner_Person                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
10Owned_Number                  -


1. Czech  distinguishes masculine animate  (Animate=yes above)
   and masculine inanimate  (Animate=no) Gender. Masculine inani-
   mate Nouns always have the same form in the nominative and ac-
   cusative Case,  whereas masculine animate  Nouns have predomi-
   nantly the same form in the genitive and accusative Case. Mas-
   culine animate  Nouns and masculine inanimate  Nouns differ in
   accusative singular and nominative plural only.
2. The dual Number manifests itself only in the instrumental Case
   of several Nouns denoting dual parts of the human body.
3. Czech distinguishes 7 cases, the locative Case being obligato-
   rily prepositional. With most paradigms, the form of the voca-
   tive differs from that of  the nominative in singular; in plu-
   ral the form of the vocative is identical to that of the nomi-
   native for all the paradigms.
4. Verbal nouns are classified as Nouns.

1.2 Combinations

*** **** **** **** **** **** =============================================
PoS Type Gend Numb Case Anim Examples
*** **** **** **** **** **** =============================================
 N   p    m   [sp] any   y   Pavel, Pavlové
 N   p    m   [sp] any   n   Hradec, Hradce
 N   p    f   [sp] any   -   Lenka, Lenky
 N   p    n   [sp] any   -   Bradlo, Ústí
 N   c    m    s    n    -   kluk,      vor
 N   c    m    s    g    -   kluka,     voru
 N   c    m    s    d    -   klukovi,   voru
 N   c    m    s    a    y   kluka
 N   c    m    s    a    n              vor
 N   c    m    s    v    -   kluku,     vore!
 N   c    m    s    l    -   klukovi,   voru
 N   c    m    s    i    -   klukem,    vorem
 N   c    m    p    n    y   kluci
 N   c    m    p    n    n              vory
 N   c    m    p    g    -   kluků      vorů
 N   c    m    p    d    -   klukům     vorům
 N   c    m    p    a    -   kluky      vory
 N   c    m    p    v    -   kluci!     vory!
 N   c    m    p    l    -   klucích    vorech
 N   c    m    p    i    -   kluky      vory
 N   c   [fn]  s    n    -   sova,      kolo
 N   c   [fn]  s    g    -   sovy,      kola
 N   c   [fn]  s    d    -   sově       kolu
 N   c   [fn]  s    a    -   sovu       kolo
 N   c   [fn]  s    v    -   sovo!      kolo!
 N   c   [fn]  s    l    -   sově       kole / kolu
 N   c   [fn]  s    i    -   sovou      kolem
 N   c   [fn]  p    n    -   sovy       kola
 N   c   [fn]  p    g    -   sov        kol
 N   c   [fn]  p    d    -   sovám      kolům
 N   c   [fn]  p    a    -   sovy       kola
 N   c   [fn]  p    v    -   sovy!      kola!
 N   c   [fn]  p    l    -   sovách     kolech
 N   c   [fn]  p    i    -   sovami     koly
 N   c   [fn]  d    i    -   rukama     očima    (dual number)
*** **** **** **** **** **** =============================================

Note: In the Combinations above, 'any' is a variable standing for
      any admissible value.


Verb (V)

2.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C  Example            Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           main           m dělat               významové sloveso
                 auxiliary      a mít                 pomocné sloveso
                 modal          o muset               modální sloveso
                 copula         c být                 spona (kopula)
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
2 VForm          indicative     i dělám               indikativ
                 imperative     m dělej!              imperativ
                 conditional    c by                  podmiňovací částice
                 infinitive     n dělat               infinitiv
                 participle     p dělal, dělán        příčestí
            l.s. transgressive  t dělaje, udělavši    přechodník
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
3 Tense          present        p dělám               prézens
                 future         f budu, poběžím       futurum
                 past           s dělal               čas minulý
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
4 Person         first          1 dělám               první osoba
                 second         2 děláš               druhá osoba
                 third          3 dělá                třetí osoba
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
5 Number         singular       s dělám               singulár
                 plural         p děláme              plurál
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
6 Gender         masculine      m dělal               masculinum /rod mužský
                 feminine       f dělala              femininum /rod ženský
                 neuter         n dělalo              neutrum /rod střední
* ************** ************** * ------------------- ------------------------
7 Voice          active         a dělal               aktivum
                 passive        p dělán               pasívum
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
8 Negative       no             n dělám               kladné sloveso
                 yes            y nedělám             záporné sloveso
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
9 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
10Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
11Case                          -
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
12Animate   l.s. no             n dělaly              neživotné
            l.s. yes            y dělali              životné
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
13Clitic_s  l.s. no             n udělal              tvar bez klit. -s
            l.s. yes            y udělals             tvar s klit. -s


1.  The verb "být" (E. "to be") in all its functions is characte-
    rized as Type=c  (i.e. the copula), which clearly  is an over-
    simplification because  the verb has  more meanings (auxiliary
2.  Auxiliary verbs (Type=a) include  neither the verb "být" (see
    above), nor the modal verbs.
3.  The 'past participle' in Czech is used for expressing compound
    active past Tense and is encoded as:
    Type=p(articiple), Tense=p(ast), Voice=a(ctive).
4.  Passive participles are encoded as:
    Type=participle, Tense='-', Voice=passive.
    This encoding is  used only for the passive  participle in the
    predicative  position,   e.g.  "byl  chycen"   (E.  "(he)  was
    caught").  The case  marked passive  participles, both  in the
    predicative and in the  attributive position, e.g. "padělaný
    rukopis" (E. "forged manuscript"),  are classified as (qua-
    lificative) adjectives.
5.  Adjectival  active and  passive participles,  e.g. "stojící"
    (E. "standing") or "udělaný"  (E. "performed" or "done", cf.
    Note 4 above) are classified as adjectives.
6.  Negative verbs are marked  as Negative=y, whereas non-negative
    verbs are marked as Negative=n.
7.  The term transgressive roughly corresponds to the term 'verbal
    participle'. The transgressives distinguish:
     Number (singular, plural),
     Gender (masculine, non-masculine)
     Tense (past, present)
    The Gender opposition of  masculine animate vs. masculine ina-
    nimate is  neutralized in transgressives;  thus, there is  one
    masculine form and one non-masculine (the form of feminine and
    neuter is neutralized).
8.  Gender and Animate values  correspond to those associated with
    Nouns and are necessary to account properly for agreement.
9.  Gender  manifests itself  in past  participles, passive parti-
    ciples and transgressives only.
10. Normally,  Verbs  form  the  future  Tense periphrastically by
    auxiliary  "být" (E.  "to be")  plus infinitive  of the  main
    Verb.  In addition  to the  copula, there  are, however,  some
    Verbs  which  form  future  Tense  non-periphrastically,  i.e.
    synthetically (Verbs of motion).  Such verbal forms are marked
    as Tense=f.
11. The  'yes' value  of the  Clitic_s attribute  denotes a verbal
    form having the clitic morpheme 's' appended as a suffix. This
    's' morpheme  expresses 2nd Person  singular present Tense  of
    the auxiliary Verb  "být" (i.e. the form "jsi").  There is no
    intermediate  hyphen  between  the  verbal  form  and  the 's'
12. The  Clitic_s  attribute  is  specified  for  VForm=infinitive
    (VForm=n) and Vform=p(articiple) only.
13. Some  modal and  auxiliary Verbs  do not  form imperative  and
14. The   voice  value   ('a'  or   'p')  is   not  specified  for
    VForm=c(onditional)  and VForm=t(ransgressive),  in which case

2.2 Combinations

*** **** **** **** **** **** ***** ---- ---- ---- ---- ========================
PoS Type VFrm Tens Pers Numb Gend  Voic Neg  Anim Cl_s Examples
*** **** **** **** **** **** ***** ---- ---- ---- ---- ========================
 V   m     n    -    -    -    -   [na] [ny]   -  [ny] prát, neprat
 V   a     n    -    -    -    -   [na] [ny]   -  [ny] mít, nemít
 V   o     n    -    -    -    -   [na] [ny]   -  [ny] muset, nemuset
 V   c     n    -    -    -    -   [na] [ny]   -  [ny] být, nebýt
 V   c     c    -    3    s    -     -    -    -    -  by
 V   c     c    -  [12]   s    -     -    -    -    -  bych, bys
 V   c     c    -  [12]   p    -     -    -    -    -  bychom, byste
 V   c     i    f  [123]  s    -     a    n    -    -  budu, budeš, bude
 V   c     i    f  [123]  s    -     a    y    -    -  nebudu, nebudeš, nebude
 V   c     i    f  [123]  p    -     a    n    -    -  budeme, budete, budou
 V   c     i    f  [123]  p    -     a    y    -    -  nebudeme, nebudete, nebudou
 V   m     i    f  [123]  s    -     a    n    -    -  poletím, poletíš, poletí
 V   m     i    f  [123]  s    -     a    y    -    -  nepoletím, nepoletíš,
 V   m     i    f  [123]  p    -     a    n    -    -  poletíme, poletíte, poletí
 V   m     i    f  [123]  p    -     a    y    -    -  nepoletíme, nepoletíte,
 V   c     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    n    -    -  jsem, jsi, je
 V   c     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    y    -    -  nejsem, nejsi, není
 V   c     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    n    -    -  jsme, jste, jsou
 V   c     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    y    -    -  nejsme, nejste, nejsou
 V   m     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    n    -    -  třu, třeš, tře
 V   m     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    y    -    -  netřu, netřeš, netře
 V   m     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    n    -    -  třeme, třete, třou
 V   m     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    y    -    -  netřeme, netřete, netřou
 V   a     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    n    -    -  mám, máš, má
 V   a     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    y    -    -  nemám, nemáš, nemá
 V   a     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    n    -    -  máme, máte, mají
 V   a     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    y    -    -  nemáme, nemáte, nemají
 V   o     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    n    -    -  musím, musíš, musí
 V   o     i    p  [123]  s    -     a    y    -    -  nemusím, nemusíš,
 V   o     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    n    -    -  musíme, musíte,
 V   o     i    p  [123]  p    -     a    y    -    -  nemusíme, nemusíte,
 V   c     m    p    1    p    -     a   [ny]  -    -  buďme!, nebuďme!
 V   c     m    p    2   [sp]  -     a    n    -    -  buď!, buďte!
 V   c     m    p    2   [sp]  -     a    y    -    -  nebuď!, nebuďte!
 V   m     m    p    1    p    -     a   [ny]  -    -  pracujme!, nepracujme!
 V   m     m    p    2   [sp]  -     a    n    -    -  pracuj!, pracujte!
 V   m     m    p    2   [sp]  -     a    y    -    -  nepracuj!, nepracujte!
 V   c     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    n  byl, byla, bylo
 V   c     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    n  nebyl, nebyla, nebylo
 V   c     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    y  byls, bylas, bylos
 V   c     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    y  nebyls, nebylas,
 V   c     p    s    -    p   m      a    n  [yn]   n  byli, byly
 V   c     p    s    -    p   m      a    y  [yn]   n  nebyli, nebyly
 V   c     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    n    -    n  byly, byla
 V   c     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    y    -    n  nebyly, nebyla
 V   a     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    n  měl, měla, mělo
 V   a     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    n  neměl, neměla,
 V   a     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    y  měls, mělas, mělos
 V   a     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    y  neměls, nemělas,
 V   a     p    s    -    p   m      a    n  [yn]   n  měli, měly
 V   a     p    s    -    p   m      a    y  [yn]   n  neměli, neměly
 V   a     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    n    -    n  měly, měla
 V   a     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    y    -    n  neměly, neměla
 V   o     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    n  musel, musela, muselo
 V   o     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    n  nemusel, nemusela,
 V   o     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    y  musels, muselas,
 V   o     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    y  nemusels, nemuselas,
 V   o     p    s    -    p   m      a    n  [yn]   n  museli, musely
 V   o     p    s    -    p   m      a    y  [yn]   n  nemuseli, nemusely
 V   o     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    n    -    n  musely, musela
 V   o     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    y    -    n  nemusely, nemusela
 V   m     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    n  dělal, dělala,
 V   m     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    n  nedělal, nedělala,
 V   m     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    n    -    y  dělals, dělalas,
 V   m     p    s    -    s  [mfn]   a    y    -    y  nedělals, nedělalas,
 V   m     p    s    -    p   m      a    n  [yn]   n  dělali, dělaly
 V   m     p    s    -    p   m      a    y  [yn]   n  nedělali, nedělaly
 V   m     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    n    -    n  dělaly, dělala
 V   m     p    s    -    p  [fn]    a    y    -    n  nedělaly, nedělala
 V   m     p    -    -    s  [mfn]   p    n    -    n  udělán, udělána
 V   m     p    -    -    s  [mfn]   p    y    -    n  neudělán, neudělána
 V   m     p    -    -    p   m      p    n  [yn]   n  uděláni, udělány
 V   m     p    -    -    p   m      p    y  [yn]   n  neuděláni, neudělány
 V   m     p    -    -    p  [fn]    p    n    -    n  udělány, udělána
 V   m     p    -    -    p  [fn]    p    y    -    n  neudělány, neudělána
 V   c     t    p    -    s   m      -  [ny]   -    -  jsa, nejsa
 V   c     t    p    -    s  [fn]    -  [ny]   -    -  jsouc, nejsouc
 V   c     t    p    -    p   -      -  [ny]   -    -  jsouce, nejsouce
 V   m     t    p    -    s   m      -  [ny]   -    -  dělaje, nedělaje
 V   m     t    p    -    s  [fn]    -  [ny]   -    -  dělajíc, nedělajíc
 V   m     t    p    -    p   -      -  [ny]   -    -  dělajíce nedělajíce
 V   c     t    s    -    s   m      -  [ny]   -    -  byv, nebyv
 V   c     t    s    -    s  [fn]    -  [ny]   -    -  byvši, nebyvši
 V   c     t    s    -    p   -      -  [ny]   -    -  byvše, nebyvše
 V   m     t    s    -    s   m      -  [ny]   -    -  udělav, neudělav
 V   m     t    s    -    s  [fn]    -  [ny]   -    -  udělavši, neudělavší
 V   m     t    s    -    p   -      -  [ny]   -    -  udělavše, neudělavše
*** **** **** **** **** **** ***** ---- ---- ---- ---- =======================


Adjective (A)

3.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           qualificative  f dobrý               kvalitativní adjektivum
                 possessive     s matčin              posesívní adjektivum
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
2 Degree         positive       p dobrý               pozitiv / 1. stupeň
                 comparative    c lepší               komparativ / 2. stupeň
                 superlative    s nejlepší            superlativ / 3. stupeň
- -------------- -------------- -  ------------------ ------------------------
3 Gender         masculine      m dobrý               masculinum / rod mužský
                 feminine       f dobrá               femininum / rod ženský
                 neuter         n dobré               neutrum  / rod střední
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
4 Number         singular       s dobrý               singulár
                 plural         p dobří               plurál
                 dual           d dobrýma             duál
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
5 Case           nominative     n dobrý               nominativ
                 genitive       g dobrého             genitiv
                 dative         d dobrému             dativ
                 accusative     a dobrého             akuzativ
                 vocative       v dobrý!              vokativ
                 locative       l dobrém              lokál
                 instrumental   i dobrým              instrumentál
* ***************************** * ------------------- ------------------------
6 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
8 Animate        no             n dobré               neživotné
                 yes            y dobří               životné
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
9 Formation l.s. nominal        n stár                jmenný tvar
            l.s. compound       c starý               složený tvar
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
10Owner_Number                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
11Owner_Person                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
12Owned_Number                  -


1. Three  deverbative  adjectival  participles,  i.e. past active
   participle, passive  participle and present  active participle
   are not  distinguished. They are conflated  in the 'qualifica-
   tive' value of the Type attribute (Type=f).
2. Only qualificative (and passive  participle) Adjectives can be
   specified for Degree and for  nominal (short) Form. 
3. The attributes Gender,  Number, Case and  Animate correspond to
   the same categories  within the Nouns. They  are necessary for 
   the proper account of agreement of Adjectives with Nouns.
4. The Formation  attribute distinguishes a  nominal (short) form
   from a so-called compound (long) form of an Adjective. The no-
   minal form can be used in the predicative function only. It is
   specified for nominative and accusative Case only.
5. The Adjectives  which have no  degrees of comparison  have the
   Degree value equal to p(ositive).

3.2 Combinations

*** **** ***** **** **** **** **** **** ======================================
PoS Type Degr  Gend Numb Case Anim Form Examples
*** **** ***** **** **** **** **** **** ======================================
 A   s     -    m     s    n    -   -   otcův
 A   s     -    m     s    g    -   -   otcova
 A   s     -    m     s    d    -   -   otcovu
 A   s     -    m     s    a    y   -   otcova
 A   s     -    m     s    a    n   -            otcův
 A   s     -    m     s    v    -   -   otcův!
 A   s     -    m     s    l    -   -   otcově / otcovu
 A   s     -    m     s    i    -   -   otcovým
 A   s     -    m     p    n    y   -   otcovi
 A   s     -    m     p    n    n   -            otcovy
 A   s     -    m     p    g    -   -   otcových
 A   s     -    m     p    d    -   -   otcovým
 A   s     -    m     p    a    -   -   otcovy
 A   s     -    m     p    v    y   -   otcovi!
 A   s     -    m     p    v    n   -             otcovy!
 A   s     -    m     p    l    -   -   otcových
 A   s     -    m     p    i    -   -   otcovými
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    n    -   -   otcova,  otcovo
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    g    -   -   otcovy,  otcova
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    d    -   -   otcově, otcovu
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    a    -   -   otcovu,  otcovo
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    v    -   -   otcova!, otcovo
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    l    -   -   otcově,  otcově / otcovu
 A   s     -   [fn]   s    i    -   -   otcovou, otcovým
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    n    -   -   otcovy,  otcova
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    g    -   -   otcových
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    d    -   -   otcovým
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    a    -   -   otcovy,  otcova
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    v    -   -   otcovy!  otcova!
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    l    -   -   otcových
 A   s     -   [fn]   p    i    -   -   otcovými
 A   s     -   [fn]   d    i    -   -   otcovýma
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    n    -   c   dobrý
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    g    -   c   dobrého
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    d    -   c   dobrému
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    a    y   c   dobrého
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    a    n   c   dobrý
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    v    -   c   dobrý!
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    l    -   c   dobrém
 A   f   [pcs]  m     s    i    -   c   dobrým
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    n    y   c   dobří
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    n    n   c            dobré
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    g    -   c   dobrých
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    d    -   c   dobrým
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    a    -   c   dobré
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    v    y   c   dobří
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    v    n   c            dobré
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    l    -   c   dobrých
 A   f   [pcs]  m     p    i    -   c   dobrými
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    n    -   c   dobrá,  dobré
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    g    -   c   dobré,  dobrého
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    d    -   c   dobré,  dobrému
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    a    -   c   dobrou,  dobré
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    v    -   c   dobrá!, dobré
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    l    -   c   dobré,  dobrém
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   s    i    -   c   dobrou,  dobrým
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    n    -   c   dobré,  dobrá
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    g    -   c   dobrých
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    d    -   c   dobrým
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    a    -   c   dobré,  dobrá
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    v    -   c   dobré,  dobrá
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    l    -   c   dobrých
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   p    i    -   c   dobrými
 A   f   [pcs] [fn]   d    i    -   c   dobrýma
 A   f     -   [mfn]  s    n    -   n   stár, stára, stáro
 A   f     -   [mfn]  s    a    -   n   stára, stáru, stáro
 A   f     -     m    p    n   [ny] n   stáři, stáry
 A   f     -   [fn]   p    n    -   n   stáry, stára
 A   f     -   [mfn]  p    a    -   n   stáry, stáry, stára
*** **** ***** **** **** **** **** **** ======================================


Pronoun (P)

4.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           personal       p já                  osobní
                 demonstrative  d ten                 ukazovací
                 indefinite     i někdo               neurčité
                 possessive     s její                posesívní
                 interrogative  q kdo                 tázací
                 relative       r jenž                vztažné / relativní
                 reflexive      x se                  zvratné  / reflexívní
                 negative       z nikdo               záporná / negativní
                 general        g každý               totální
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
2 Person         first          1 já                  první osoba
                 second         2 ty                  druhá osoba
                 third          3 on                  třetí osoba
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
3 Gender         masculine      m on                  masculinum
                 feminine       f ona                 femininum
                 neuter         n to                  neutrum
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
4 Number         singular       s ty                  singulár
                 plural         p oni                 plurál
                 dual           d těma                duál
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
5 Case           nominative     n ty                  nominativ
                 genitive       g tebe                genitiv
                 dative         d tobě,ti             dativ
                 accusative     a tebe, tě            akuzativ
                 locative       l tobě                lokál
                 instrumental   i tebou               instrumentál
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
6 Owner_Number   singular       s můj                 singulár
                 plural         p jejich              plurál
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
7 Owner_Gender   masculine      m jehož               masculinum
                 feminine       f jejíhož             femininum
                 neuter         n jehož               neutrum
********************************* ------------------- ------------------------
8 Clitic         no             n tobě                nepříklonné
                 yes            y ti                  příklonka
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
9 Referent_Type  personal       p se, sebe, si        osobní zvratné
                 possessive     s svůj                zvratné posesívní
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
10Syntactic_Type nominal        n on                  syntaktické substantivum
                 adjectival     a který               syntaktické adjektivum
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
11Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
12Animate        no             n který               neživotné
                 yes            y kteří, kterého      životné
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
13Clitic_s  l.s. yes            y tys,ses             zájmeno s klitickým -s
            l.s. no             n ty                  zájmeno bez klitic. -s
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
14Pronoun_Form                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
15Owner_Person                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
16Owned_Number                  -
================ ================


1. Gender,  Number,  Case  and  Animate  correspond  to  the same
   categories as specified for Nouns.  They are  necessary for  
   the proper account of agreement of adjectival Pronouns with 
2. Type=reflexive ecompasses all reflexive pronouns (``se'', ``sebe'',
   ``si'', ``svůj'') as well as "se" in  its role as the obligatory
   particle of  reflexive verbs.  Personal and  possessive reflexives
   are further distinguished via the Referent_Type attribute.
   "se" in all its roles will be marked as the reflexive personal
   clitic pronoun.
3. Pronouns  are distinguished  between having  a (syntactically)
   nominal and  (syntactically) adjectival function.  All 
   pronominal types except the demonstrative and  possessive one 
   can be nominal, and all except for the personal one can be 
5. Referent_Type  is  used  to  distinguish  personal  reflexives
   (which include  "se" in all its  functions) from the possesive
   reflexives ("svůj").
6. Negative and general Pronouns ("general" Pronouns concern the
   Pronouns like  "všichni" [E. "all"],  "každý" [E. "every"]
   etc.)  are important  from  the  viewpoint of  their syntactic
7. The  Clitic attribute  distinguishes clitical  vs. nonclitical
   pronominal forms, e.g. "ti" vs. "tobě".
8. The 'yes' value of the Clitic_s attribute denotes a pronominal
   form having the clitic morpheme 's' appended as a suffix. This
   morpheme expresses  2nd Person singular  present Tense of  the
   auxiliary Verb  "být" (E. "to be").  There is no intermediate
   hyphen between the Pronoun and the 's' morpheme.
9. Owner_Number and  Owner_Gender concern the  possessor's Number
   and Gender, respectively.

4.2 Combinations

*** **** ***** ***** **** **** **** **** ---- --- --- ----- ---- =============
PoS Type Pers  Gend  Numb Case Ow_N Ow_G Clit Ref Syn Anim  Cl_s  Examples
*** **** ***** ***** **** **** **** **** ---- --- --- ----- ---- =============
 P    x    -     -     -  [ga]   -    -    y   p   n    -    n   se
 P    x    -     -     -  [ga]   -    -    y   p   n    -    y   ses
 P    x    -     -     -  [ga]   -    -    n   p   n             sebe
 P    x    -     -     -   d     -    -    y   p   n    -    n   si
 P    x    -     -     -   d     -    -    y   p   n    -    y   sis
 P    x    -     -     -  [dl]   -    -    n   p   n    -   [ny] sobě
 P    x    -     -     -   i     -    -    n   p   n    -   [ny] sebou
 P    x    -   [mfn]  all any    -    -    n   s   a  [ny-]  n   svůj
 P    p    1     -   [sp] all    -    -  [ny]  -   n    -   [ny] já, my
 P    p    2     -   [sp] all    -    -  [ny]  -   n    -    n   ty, vy
 P    p    2     -     s   n     -    -    n   -   n    -    y   tys
 P    p    3   [mfn] [sp] all    -    -  [ny]  -   n    -   [ny] on, oni,
                                                                 ony, ona
 P    s    1   [mfn]  all all    s    -    n   -   a  [ny-] [ny] můj
 P    s    2   [mfn]  all [na]   s    -    n   -   a  [ny-] [ny] tvůj
 P    s    3     -     -   -     s  [mn]   n   -   a    -   [ny] jeho
 P    s    3   [mfn]  all all    s    f    n   -   a    -   [ny] její
 P    s    3     -     -   -     p  [mfn]  n   -   a    -    -   jejich
 P    d    -   [mfn]  all all    -    -    n   -   a  [ny-] [ny] 1)
 P    i    -   [mn]    s  all    -    -    n   -   n    -    -   2)
 P    i    -   [mfn] [sp] all    -    -    n   -   a  [ny-]  -   3)
 P   [qr]  -   [mn]    s  all    -    -    n   -   n    -    -   4)
 P   [qr]  -   [mfn] [sp] all    -    -    n   -   a  [ny-]  -   5)
 P    z    -   [mn]    s  all    -    -    n   -   n    -    -   6)
 P    z    -   [mfn] [sp] all    -    -    n   -   a  [ny-]  -   7)
 P    g    -   [mfn] [sp] all    -    -    n   -   n  [ny-]  -   8)
*** **** ***** ***** **** **** **** **** ---- --- --- ----- ---- =============

1) ten, tento, tamten, tenhle, tenhleten, takový, onaký
2) někdo, nějaký, kdovíkdo, leckdo, leccos, něco
3) jaký, který, kdovíjaký, lecjaký
4) kdo, co
5) jaký, který, jenž, což
6) nikdo, nic
7) žádný, nijaký
8) všechen, každý


Determiner (D)

Not applicable.


Article (T)

Not applicable.


Adverb (R)

7.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           general        g dobře               příslovce
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
2 Degree         positive       p málo                pozitiv / 1. stupeň
                 comparative    c méně                komparativ / 2. stupeň
                 superlative    s nejméně             superlativ / 3. stupeň
* ************** ************** * ------------------- ------------------------
3 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Number                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Person                        -
= ============== ============== =


1. The  classification  given  above  is considerably simplified  as
   compared  to traditional  Czech grammars.  There can  be other
   classifications as well, eg.:
   (a) syntactic: Adverb modifying a Verb
                  Adverb modifying an Adjective
                  Adverb modifying another Adverb
                  Adverb modifying a Noun from the left
                  Adverb modifying a Noun from the right
   (b) semantic   temporal
   We refrained from this typology here.
2. Particles form a separate part of speech category (see below)
   as is customary in Czech grammars.
3. The Adjectives  which have no  degrees of comparison  have the
   Degree value equal to p(ositive) similarly as Adjectives.

7.2 Combinations

*** **** **** ================================================================
Pos Type Deg  Examples
*** **** **** ================================================================
 R   g    p   dobře
 R   g    c   lépe
 R   g    s   nejlépe
 R   g    p   tady
*** **** **** ================================================================


Adposition (S)

8.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           preposition    p nad                 předložka
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
2 Formation      simple         s na, v               predložka (pravá)
                 compound       c naň, oč             kontrakce předl. + zájm.
* ************** ************** * ------------------- ------------------------
3 Case
  ( prep.) genitive       g bez                 genitiv
                 dative         d proti               dativ
                 accusative     a pro                 akuzativ
                 locative       l v                   lokál
                 instrumental   i s                   instrumentál
- -------------- -------------- - ---- -------------- ------------------------
4 Clitic                        -


1. Czech has only Prepositions, no postpositions.
2. For the  disambiguation of word forms  belonging to declension
   parts of speech it seems  necessary to include the information
   about the case which each Preposition requires.
3. A preposition  can be  contracted with  a pronoun;  such a
   preposition has Formation=c(ompound).

8.2 Combinations

*** **** **** ---- ===========================================================
PoS Type Form Case Examples
*** **** **** ---- ===========================================================
 S    p    s    g  bez, kromě
 S    p    s    d  k, proti
 S    p    s    a  pro, mimo
 S    p    s    l  o, v, při
 S    p    s    i  s, pod
 S    p    c    -  naň, zač
*** **** **** ---- ===========================================================


Conjunction (C)

9.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           coordinating   c a, ani              spojka souřadicí
                 subordinating  s aby, protože        spojka podřadicí
* ************** ************** * ------------------- ------------------------
2 Formation                     -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Coord_Type                    -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Sub_Type                      -
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
6 Number         singular       s kdybych             spojka 'kdyby'+sg. od 'by'
                 plural         p kdybyste            spojka 'kdyby'+pl. od 'by'
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
7 Person         first          1 abych               spojka 'aby'+1.os. od 'by'
                 second         2 abyste              spojka 'aby'+2.os. od 'by'
                 third          3 aby                 spojka 'aby'+3.os. od 'by'


1. Conjunctions "abych", "abys", ..., "kdybych", ... are composed
   of  the Conjunction  "aby" or  "kdyby" and the conditional 
   particle ``by'' ("bych", "bys",  "by", "bychom", "byste").  
   These Conjunctions are therefore specified for Person  and 
   Number for the sake of agreement relation.
2. The class of two-part Conjunctions has not been introduced.

9.2 Combinations

*** **** ---- ---- ===========================================================
PoS Type Numb Pers Examples
*** **** ---- ---- ===========================================================
 C    c    -   -   a, i, ba, neboť, ani
 C    s    -   -   že, protože, zda
 C    s    -   3   aby, kdyby
 C    s    s  [12] abych, abys, kdybych, kdybys
 C    s    p  [12] abychom, abyste, kdybychom, kdybyste
*** **** =====================================================================


Numeral (M)

10.1 Lexicon

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type           cardinal       c dva                 číslovka základní
                 ordinal        o pátý                číslovka řadová
                 multiple       m dvakrát             číslovka násobná
                 special        s dvojí               číslovka druhová
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
2 Gender         masculine      m dva                 masculinum
                 feminine       f dvě                 femininum
                 neuter         n dvě                 neutrum
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
3 Number         singular       s druhý               singulár
                 plural         p druzí               plurál
                 dual           d druhýma             duál
- -------------- -------------- --------------------- ------------------------
4 Case           nominative     n dva, dvě            nominativ
                 genitive       g dvou                genitiv
                 dative         d dvěma               dativ
                 accusative     a dva, dvě            akuzativ
                 locative       l dvou                lokál
                 instrumental   i dvěma               instrumentál
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
5 Form           digit          d 5                   číslo (arabské)
                 roman          r MCMVIII             číslo (římské)
                 letter         l šedesát             číslovka slovem
* ************** ************** * ------------------- ------------------------
6 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
8 Class          definite1      1 jeden
                 definite2      2 dva
                 definite34     3 tři
                 definite       f pět
                 demonstrative  d tolik
                 indefinite     i několik
                 interrogative  q kolik
                 relative       r kolik
---------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
9 Animate        no             n páté                neživotné
                 yes            y pátí                životné
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
10Owner_Number                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
11Owner_Person                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
12Owned_Number                  -


1. Numerals have been specified as a separate category because of
   their specific  syntactic distribution. We  have specified two
   syntactic classifications by means  of the attributes Type and
   Class;  they  concern  different  syntactic distributions. For
   instance "několik" (E. "several") will be characterized as:
   Type:  cardinal
   Class: indefinite
2. Among   the  definite   numbers  there   are  four  subclasses
   (definite1, definite2,  definite34, definite) which  differ in
   their syntactic distribution and contain the following Numerals:
   {1}, {2}, {3,4}, {5,6,...}
3. Gender,  Number and  Case  correspond  to the  same categories
   as specified for Nouns. They  are necessary  for the  proper 
   account of agreement of Numerals with Nouns.
4. In direct cases (nominative, accusative) the cardinal numerals
   belonging to the class with one  of the values {fdiqr} (see above)
   behave like neuter Nouns in singular, whereas in oblique cases
   they behave like adjectival attributes in plural.

10.2 Combinations

*** **** ****  **** **** ---- ------ ----- ===================================
PoS Type Gend  Numb Case Form Class  Anim  Examples
*** **** ****  **** **** ---- ------ ----- ===================================
 M    -    -     -    -    d  [123f]   -   56
 M    -    -     -    -    r  [123f]   -   MVIII
 M    c  [mfn]   s   any   l     1     -   jeden, jedna, jedno
 M    c  [mfn]   p   any   l     2     -   dva, dvě
 M    c    -     p   any   l     3     -   tři, čtyři
 M    c    n    [sp] any   l     f     -   pět, deset, padesát
 M    c    n    [sp] any   l  [diqr]   -   tolik, několik, kolik
 M    o  [mfn] [spd] any   l    any  [ny-] první, druhý, několikátý
 M    m    -     -    -    l    any    -   dvakrát, pětkrát, několikrát
 M    s  [mfn] [spd]  n    l    any  [ny-] dvojí, troje, paterý
*** **** ****  **** **** ---- ------ ----- ===================================

Note: In the Combinations above, 'any' is a variable standing for
      any admissible value.


Interjection (I)

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type                          - au!, och!           citoslovce
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
2 Formation                     -


Residual (X)

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
                                - sic, a+b            Zbývající elementy
= ============== ============== =


Abbreviation (Y)

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Syntactic_Type                - atd.                zkratka
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
2 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Number                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Case                          -
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Definiteness                  -


Particle (Q)

= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
P ATT            VAL            C Example             Czech term
= ============== ============== = =================== ========================
1 Type                          - ano, ne             partikule / částice
- -------------- -------------- - ------------------- ------------------------
2 Formation                     -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Clitic                        -


Tomaz Erjavec