<h.title>Multext-East cesAna: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Romanian</h.title>
<respname>Dan Tufiş</respname>
<resptype>Overall Responsibility</resptype>
<respname>Ana-Maria Barbu</respname>
<resptype>Hand-tagging the whole book</resptype>
<respname>Vasile Pătraşcu </respname>
<resptype>Conversion to cesAna DTD </resptype>
<editionstmt version="1.0">MTE Final Release</editionstmt>
<byteCount units="MB">27.1</byteCount>
<extnote>wordCount represents he number of TOK TYPE=WORD
elements in the text. byteCount is in megaBytes</extnote>
Center for Advanced Research in Machine Learning, Natural Language
Processing and Conceptual Modelling
<pubaddress>Casa Academiei,13, "13 Septembrie, Bucharest 5, 74311, Romania"
<eaddress type="email">tufis@valhalla.racai.ro</eaddress>
<eaddress type="www">http://nl.ijs.si/ME</eaddress>
<availability status="restricted">
Available for research purposes upon receipt of signed agreement
<pubDate value="1998-01-01">January 1st, 1998</pubDate>
<h.title>O mie nouă sute optzeci şi patru</h.title>
<h.author>George Orwell</h.author>
<h.author>Translator: Mihnea Gafiţa</h.author>
<publisher>Editura Univers</publisher>
Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora for Central and Eastern
European Languages.
EU Copernicus Project COP106
The electronic form was obtained by keyboarding at the
Center for Advanced Research in Machine Learning, Natural Language
Processing and Conceptual Modelling, spell-checked and hand tagged.
In the cesDoc to cesAna conversion, DIV, QUOTE, Q tags and
HEAD, POEM, LIST elements have been omitted. cesDoc P
elements are encoded as PAR, and S as S.
cesDoc sub-S level tags are omitted: DATE, NAME, ABBR, etc.
Q and QUOTE tags from the cesDoc source not retained.
S segmentation same as in cesDoc source (hand-validated).
TOK segmentation performed with mtseg and manually corrected,
<tagusage gi=chunkList occurs=1>
Element corresponds to TEXT of the cesDoc source
<tagusage gi=chunk occurs=1>
Element corresponds to BODY of the cesDoc source
<tagusage gi=par occurs=1343>
Elements correspond to P, POEM, LIST, HEAD elements of the cesDoc source.
The FROM attribute gives the reference to the ID of the
corresponding cesDoc P element.
<tagusage gi=s occurs=6521>
Elements correspond to S, L, ITEM elements of the cesDoc source
The FROM attribute gives the reference to the ID of the
corresponding cesDoc S element.
<tagusage gi=tok occurs=118063>
Tokens are of TYPE=WORD or PUNCT, with the CLASS attribute
giving the mtseg class of the token.
<tagusage gi=orth occurs=118063>
Contains the orthography of the token, as found in the
cesDoc source.
<tagusage gi=disamb occurs=101508>
Contains disambiguated lexical information.
<tagusage gi=lex occurs=189695>
Contains undisambiguated lexical information.
<tagusage gi=base occurs=291203>
Base or lemmma of a token.
<tagusage gi=msd occurs=291203>
Morphosyntactic description of a token.
<tagusage gi=ctag occurs=307758></tagusage>
<creation date="1997-11-04">
<![ %ONECOMPONENT [ &ISOlang; ]]>
<language id=ns-ro iso639=sl>Newspeak Romanian</language>
<respname>Tomaž Erjavec, IJS</respname>
<h.item>Initial header</h.item>
<respname>Vasile Pătraşcu</respname>
The Tagusage, Bytecount and Wordcount were updated. Entities that
were counted as words are those that were identified by the segmenter
that is words, clitics, compounds (counted as one unit, irrespective
of the number of constituents), punctuation, numbers.
<respname>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS</respname>
<h.item>Modified EDITIONSTMT and changed ... to …</h.item>