The application to Romanian has been elaborated by D.Tufis and A.M.Barbu.
The Romanian diacritic characters used have been encoded in the following way:
and t,
and i>
1. Noun (N)
In Romanian the following attribute-value pairs are applicable to Nouns:
1.1 Type
Attribute value Ro. example
Type common (c) carte
proper (p) Ion
1.2 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) ba(iatul
feminine (f) casa
neuter (n) fir (,fire (
In Romanian the declension of a neuter noun always follows in singular
a masculine paradigm and in plural a feminine one. Specific
implementations could take advantage of this rule and by organizing
the paradigmatic space in partial paradigms (masc-sing, masc-pl,
fem-sing, fem-pl) to get rid of neuter value for the gender attribute.
1.3 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) fata(
plural (p) fete
1.4 Case
There are five functional cases in Romanian (nominative, genitive,
dative, accusative and vocative) but they are expressed by at most
three syncretic forms for each number: 1. nominative-accusative;
2. genitive-dative; 3. vocative. The ambiguity of a syncretic case
form may be solved at the syntactic level. Taking into account this
syncretism we considered the following attribute-value combinations.
Attribute value Ro. example
Case direct(d) omul
oblique (o) omului
vocative (v) omule
At the word level, the distinction between the three syncretic forms
is possible only for the definite nouns. Masculine indefinite nouns
are not differentiated by case (except, sometimes for vocative. The
feminine indefinite nouns have different forms in singular for
nominative-accusative, genitive-dative and vocative, but the
genitive-dative singular forms are also indistinguishable from the
plural forms:
fata( - nominative-accusative, vocative singular, indefinite
fato - vocative singular, indefinite
fete - genitive-dative singular, nominative-accusative,
genitive-dative, vocative plural, indefinite
ba(iat - nominative-accusative, genitive-dative, vocative
singular, indefinite
ba(iete - vocative singular, indefinite
ba(iet,i - nominative-accusative, genitive-dative, vocative,
plural, indefinite
1.5 Definiteness
In Romanian, nouns can be marked for definiteness with the enclitic
definite article.
Attribute value Ro. example
Definiteness yes (y) omul
no (n) om
1.6 Clitic
See discussion in 2.10
Attribute value Ro. example
Clitic no (n) sora
yes (y) soru-mea
Here, and in all the sections to follow, the trailing hyphens are deleted.
Tag Example
Ncmsrn frate
Ncmson frate
Ncmsvn frate
Ncmsry fratele
Ncmsoy fratelui
Ncmprn frat,i
Ncmpon frat,i
Ncmpvn frat,i
Ncmpry frat,ii
Ncmpoy frat,ilor
Ncmpvy frat,ilor
Ncfsrn sora(
Ncfsvn soro
Ncfson surori
Ncfprn surori
Ncfpon surori
Ncfpvn surori
Ncfsoyy sora((-sii)
Ncfpry surorile
Ncfpoy surorilor
Ncfpvy surorilor
Ncfsryy sora((-sa)
Ncmsrn creion
Ncmson creion
Ncmsryy creionu-(i)
Ncmsoy creionului
Ncfprn creioane
Ncfpon creioane
Ncfpry creioanele
Ncfpoy creioanelor
Npfsr Ioana
Npfso Ioanei
Npmsrn Bucures,ti
Npmsry Bucures,tiul
2. Verb (V)
The following attribute-value pairs are applicable to verbs in Romanian:
2.1 Type
Attribute value Ro. example
Type main (m) a vedea
auxiliary (a) a avea, a fi, a voi
modal (o) a putea, a trebui
copulative (c) a fi, a deveni
2.2 VForm
Traditionally, Romanian linguistics distinguishes between predicative
and non-predicative moods. This distinction may be easily mapped into
finite/non-finite dichotomy: indicative, subjunctive and imperative
are finite; infinitive, participle and gerund are non-finite (only
synthetic (non-compound) moods were mentioned; we use the opposition
synthetic-analytic to distinguish between concatenative (synthetic)
and compound (analytic) morpho-lexical phenomena).
Attribute value Ro. example
VForm indicative(i) vine
subjunctive (s) vina(
imperative (m) vino
infinitive (n) veni
participle (p) venit
gerund (g) venind
As only synthetic forms were considered, the values conditional and
presumptive for the VForm attribute were left out in Romanian. Another
value for VForm which was left out is the Supine. It appears mostly
with a preposition, except for a few intransitive verbs when they are
subordinated to the impersonal verb a trebui (must). Only the
preposition allows for differentiating a supine from a
2.3 Tense
The synthetic values for the attribute Tense, as listed in the table
below, apply to the indicative mood. The value p (present) is used
also for subjunctive and infinitive. All the other moods either have
no tense or have compound form tenses.
Attribute value Ro. example
Tense present (p) va(d
imperfect (i) vedeam
past (s) va(zui
pluperfect (l) va(zusem
2.4 Person
Attribute value Ro. example
Person first (1) va(d
second (2) vezi
third (3) vede
The following features are pertinent to those moods which permit an
adjectival use, i.e. participle and gerund. However, the adjectival
use of gerund is extremely rare (o ma>na( tremurnda(
- a shaking hand) and therefore gender and number apply mainly for the
2.5 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) ba(tut
plural (p) ba(tut,i
2.6 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine(m) ba(tut
feminine(f) ba(tuta(
neuter(n) ba(tut-ba(tute
2.7, 2.8, 2.9 Voice, Negation, Definiteness
As these feature values are either realized as compound forms or
irrelevant for Romanian, in our word-level encoding they were omitted.
2.10 Clitic
The cliticization phenomenon in Romanian is not restricted to
verb-pronoun relationship, but may also be observed with the (main)
verb and the auxiliary, the noun or adjective with pronoun, with noun
or adjective with copula, pronoun with auxiliary, preposition with
(indefinite) article, numeral or (indefinite) pronoun, negative adverb
with verb, auxiliary or pronoun, and some others (mainly created
through the contracted forms of the verb "a fi"-to be). We restrict
ourselves to considering only the graphically marked clicitizations.
In such cases, the two, three or (sometimes) four constituents of a
cliticized word-form are always separated by a hyphen. Omitting the
hyphen in such cases is an unacceptable error in written Romanian.
The examples below illustrate the specific types of cliticization we
will consider:
da(-mi-l ! (you give +to me+it/him = give it/him to me)
la(satu-ne-ai (left + us+ you have = you have left us)
sparge-t,i-s-ar lampa (break + your + s-part-conj + has lamp =
I wish your lamp would break)
sora(-mii (sister + my = to my sister)
fat,a-i (his/her face | the face is)
ros,u-i (his/her red | the red is )
m-au (me + they have )
i>ntr-o gaura( (in + a hole)
i>ntr-o ora( (in + one hour)
i>ntr-unele (into + some of)
n-aud (not + I hear = I do not hear)
n-am (not + I/we have = I have not )
nu-mi (not + to me )
The order in which different constituents of a cliticized form appear
is governed by precise morphological rules. For instance, the
auxiliaries always appear in the last position. The main verbs, except
those beginning either with the letter "a" or the letter i> and
the contracted forms (-s and -i) of the verb "a fi"- to be, always
appear in the first position, nouns and adjectives always precede the
cliticized pronouns, the negative adverbial particles nu- and n- only
appear in the first position, and so on. However, in order to reduce
spurious ambiguity in morpho-lexical encoding, we considered the
attribute CLITIC as relevant only in those cases where the
clicitization phenomenon resulted in graphemic modification of the
cliticized term (as it is the epenthetic u in the gerund form shown in
the table below).
Attribute value Ro. example
Clitic no (n) am ridicat
yes (y) ridica>ndu-l
Tag Example
Vmii1s abandonam
Vmii2s abandonai
Vmii3s abandona
Vmii1p abandonam
Vmii2p abandonat,i
Vmii3p abandonau
Vmis1s abandonai
Vmis2s abandonas,i
Vmis3s abandona(
Vmis1p abandonara(m
Vmis2p abandonara(t,i
Vmis3p abandona(
Vmil1s abandonasem
Vmil2s abandonases,i
Vmil3s abandonase
Vmil1p abandonasera(m
Vmil2p abandonasera(t,i
Vmil3p abandonasera(
Vmip1s abandonez
Vmsp1s abandonez
Vmip2s abandonezi
Vmsp2s abandonezi
Vmip3s abandoneaza(
Vmip3p abandoneaza(
Vmsp3s abandoneze
Vmsp3p abandoneze
Vmsp1p abandona(m
Vmsp2p abandonat,i
Vmm-2s abandoneaza(
Vmm-2p abandonat,i
Vmnp abandona
Vmp--sm abandonat
Vmp--sm---y abandonatu
Vmp--sf abandonata(
Vmp--pf abandonate
Vmp--pm abandonat,i
Vmg abandona>nd
Vmg-------y abandona>ndu
Va--1s as,
Voip trebuie
Vcip1s sunt
Vcip3p sunt
Vcip1s----y -s
Vcip3p----y -s
3. Adjective (A)
3.1 Type
Although it is not common practice in Romanian linguistics, one could
make the distinction between qualificative and determinative
adjectives. However, the attribute-value pairs proposed in this
section are appropriate for the qualificative adjectives.
Attribute value Ro. example
Type qualificative (f) frumos
3.2 Degree
The default value is positive; adjectives have also comparative and
superlative degrees, but in most of the cases they are expressed by
means of analytical forms (e.g. comp. mai bun (better), superl. cel
mai bun (the best)). A few adjectives have intrinsic etymological
comparative or superlative meanings (e.g. comparatives: anterior,
major; superlatives: optim, maxim, extrem etc.). The prefixes super-,
extra-, ultra- etc., are quite productive in forming the
quasi-analytic1 superlatives. Adjectives are characterized by gender,
number and case.
Attribute value Ro. example
Degree positive (p) frumos
comparative (c) ulterior
superlative (s) extrem
3.3 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) bun
feminine (f) buna(
neuter (n) sg.bun/pl.bune
3.4 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) bun
plural (p) buni
3.5 Case
The adjectives present the same case syncretism as the nouns, except
for few adjectives that have an additional special form for
Genitive-Dative cases in plural (e.g. multor).
Attribute value Ro. example
Case direct(r) bunul
oblique (o) bunului
vocative (v) bunule
3.6 Definiteness
In noun-adjective construction, the definite article may attach
enclitically to either adjectives or modified nouns (never to both of
them). If present, the definite article attaches to the right of the
first word in the sequence.
Bunul om (The kind man)
Omul bun. (The kind man)
Attribute value Ro. example
Definiteness yes (y) bunul
no (n) bun
3.7 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10
Tag Example
Afpmsrn bun
Afpmson bun
Afpmsvn bun
Afpmprn buni
Afpmpon buni
Afpmpvn buni
Afpmsry bunul
Afpmsoy bunului
Afpmpry bunii
Afpmpoy bunilor
Afpfsrn buna(
Afpfsvn buna(
Afpfson bune
Afpfprn bune
Afpfpon bune
Afpfpvn bune
Afpfsry buna
Afpfsoy bunei
Afpfpry bunele
Afpfpoy bunelor
Afcmsrn ulterior
Afcmson ulterior
Afsmsrn extrem
Afp gri
4. Pronoun (P)
4.1 Type
In Romanian it is worth differentiating the negative pronoun from
other indefinite pronouns: a negative pronoun cannot be an argument
for a verb unless the verb itself is negated too (e.g. Nu am
va(zut pe nimeni / *Am va(zut pe nimeni).
Attribute value Ro. example
Type demonstrative(d) acesta
indefinite (i) oricine
possesive(s) (al) meu
int_rel (w) ce
personal(p) eu
reflexive(x) se
negative (z) nimeni
emphatic (h) i>nsumi
4.2 Person
Attribute value Ro. example
Person first (1) eu
second (2) tu
third (3) el
4.3 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) el
feminine (f) ea
neuter (n) sg.acesta/pl.acestea
4.4 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) eu
plural (p) noi
4.5 Case
For the second person of the personal pronoun in both singular and
plural there is the vocative case too.The direct and oblique values
are needed for the syncretic causal forms of the other pronouns than
the personal ones.
Attribute value Ro. example
Case nominative (n) el
genitive (g) (al) lui
dative (d) lui
accusative (a) (pe) el
vocative (v) tu, voi!
direct(r) acesta
oblique (o) acestuia
4.6 Owner_Number
This attribute is meaningful for the Possessive pronouns and refers to
the grammatical number of the possessor.
Attribute value Ro. example
Owner_Number singular (s) meu
plural (p) nostru
The gramatical number of the possesed object(s) is expressed by the
attribute Number (described above).
4.7 Owner_Gender
This attribute is irrelevant for Romanian.
4.8 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13 Referent_Type, Syntactic_Type,
Definiteness, Animate, Clitic_s
These attributes are irrelevant for Romanian.
4.14 Pronoun_Form
For Romanian we need an attribute (called Pronoun_Form) to make the
distinction between strong and weak forms of the same pronoun. All the
weak forms can be adjoined to the adjacent words both proclitically or
enclitically. In such cases the junction is always graphically marked
by a hyphen between the pronoun and the neighboring word. The hyphen
also marks possible elisions from either pronoun or the adjacent word.
Although in traditional grammar books the demonstrative, int_rel and
indefinite pronouns are not characterised by person, in our
dictionaries they are recorded (for reasons beyond morpho-lexical
encoding) as 3rd person (the same as nouns). However, for the
automatic tagging this value has been marked as irrelevant.
Attribute value Ro. example
Pronoun_Form strong (s) lui
weak (w) i>i, i-
Tag Example
Pp1msn--------s eu
Pp1msd--------w mi
Pp1msd--------s mie
Pp1msd--y-----s mi-
Pd-msr acesta
Pd-mso acestuia
Pi-mpr tot,i
Ps1fsrs mea
Pw-mso ca(rui
Pn-msr nimeni
Ph1msr i>nsumi
Ph1fsr i>nsa(mi
Px3msa--------s sine
Px3msa--------w se
Px3msa--y-----w s-
5. Determiner (D)
5.1 Type
The need for a negative value of the determiners' Type attribute is
argued on the same lines as in the section on pronoun' s Type. In
Romanian the negative determiner is expressed by the unit nici +
indefinite article (e.g. nici un, nici o). In Romanian, there are
specific forms for the so-called emphatic determiner, which may
accompany both a noun and a personal pronoun: fata
i>nsa(s,i (the girl herself), also ea
i>nsa(s,i (she herself).
Attribute value Ro. example
Type demonstrative (d) acest
indefinite (i) orice
possessive (s) meu
int_rel (w) ce
negative (z) nici un
emphatic (h) i>nsus,i
5.2 Person
This attribute is meaningful for the Possessive determiners and refers
to the grammatical person of the possessor.
Attribute value Ro. example
Person first (1) meu
second (2) ta(u
third (3) sa(u
5.3 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) meu
feminine (f) mea
neuter (n) sg.meu/pl.mele
5.4 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) meu
plural (p) mei
5.5 Case
Attribute value Ro. example
Case direct(d) aceasta
oblique (o) acestei
5.6 Owner_Number
This attribute is meaningful for the Possessive determiners and refers
to the grammatical number of the possessor.
Attribute value Ro. example
Owner_Number singular (s) meu
plural (p) nostru
5.7 Owner_Gender
This attribute is irrelevant for Romanian.
5.8 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
Attribute value Ro. example
Clitic no (n) mama mea
yes (y) maica(- mea
5.9 Modific_Type
As mentioned in the corresponding section on Pronoun, the Modific_Type
attribute is relevant for some determiners too. The prenominal
determiner always precedes the noun (e.g.acest ba(iat - this
boy), whereas the postnominal determiner appears only after the noun
(e.g. ba(iatul acesta - this boy).
Attribute value Ro. example
Modific_Type prenominal (e) acest
postnominal (o) acesta
Tag Example
Dd-mso---e acestui
Dd-mso---o acestuia
Di-mpr tot,i
Ds1fsrs mea
Dw-msr care
Dw-mso ca(rui
Dz-msr nici_un
Dh1msr i>nsumi
Dh1fsr i>nsa(mi
Although in traditional grammar books the demonstrative, indefinite
and int_rel determiners are not characterised by person, in our
dictionaries they are recorded (for reasons beyond morpho-lexical
encoding) as 3rd person (the same as nouns). However, for the
automatic tagging this value has been marked as irrelevant.
6. Article (T)
6.1 Type
Although it presents only a few items, the article in Romanian has
four types, unlike in most of the European languages. Beside the two
recommended types: definite and indefinite which have the generally
known semantic value, Romanian uses two additional types of articles,
which are semantically subordinated to the definite article but which
have special forms and meanings:
- the possessive article (also called genitival article) is an element
in the structure of the possessive pronoun, of the ordinal numeral
(e.g. al meu (mine) and al treilea (the third)), and of the indefinite
genitive forms of the nouns (e.g. capitol al ca(rt,ii
(chapter of the book)).
- the demonstrative article links a definite noun to its determinants,
links a numeral or an adjective to a noun, and it is a constituent
part of the relative superlative (e.g. fata cea mare (the elder
girl), cel lenes, (the lazy), respectively prietenul cel mai bun
(the best friend)).
Notice that the definite article has only enclitic forms, except for
one proclitical form (lui + proper noun: lui Ion).
Attribute value Ro. example
Type definite (f) lui
indefinite (i) un
possessive (s) al
demonstrative (d) cel
6.2 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) un
feminine (f) o
neuter (n) sg.cel/pl.cele
6.3 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) un
plural (p) nis,te
6.4 Case
Attribute value Ro. example
Case direct(r) cel
oblique (o) celui
6.5 Clitic
The inflected forms of the foreign-origin words (mainly nouns) not
fully assimilated, are usually written with a hyphen between the
base-form and the inflectional ending. In our encoding, we classified
these endings (which are supposed to be split by the segmenter) as
clitic articles (clitic attribute is always "y") which can be either
definite (type=f, "-istul") or indefinite (type=i, "ist") and are
characterised by gender (gender=m, "ist"; gender=f, "ista("),
number (number=s, "ist"; number=p, "is,ti") and case (case=r,
"istul"; case=o, "istului").
Tag Example
Tfmso lui
Tffso lui
Timsr un
Tsmpr ai
Tdfso celei
Timsry -ist
Timsoy -ist
Tfmsry -istul
Tfmsoy -istului
7. Adverb (R)
7.1 Type
The distinction proposed here considers the principal syntactic
properties of the adverbs. For Romanian, the general type includes
most of the pronominal adverbs (demonstrative: aici (here),
indefinite: oriunde (anywhere)). As argued before for pronouns and
determiners, a distinct negative value is needed for adverbs as well
(nica(ieri - nowhere, niciodata( - never). The particle
type covers those adverbs which can dislocate verbal compound forms
(ex. Ea a tot ca>ntat -- She has ever sung) or mark degrees
(ex. circa (about), foarte (very), prea (too)). Such adverbs are cam,
mai, prea, s,i, tot, foarte etc. A useful distinction in
Romanian considers the adverbs which can have predicative role, that
is they can govern a subordinate sentence (ex. Fires,te
ca( o s,tiu -- Certainly I know it). Here (for uniformity
within a multilingual environment), they are squeezed into the
modifier class. No formal distinction is made between the
interrogative adverbs and the relative ones.
Attribute value Ro. example
Type general (g) bine, acolo
particle (p) mai, cam
negative (z) nica(ieri
modifier (m) fires,te, poate
int_rel(w) cum
7.2 Degree
In Romanian, the comparative and superlative of adverbs is formed
analytically with mai (put,in), cel mai (put,in), foarte:
ex. mai repede (faster), cel mai devreme (at the
earliest). Nonetheless there are some adverbs with comparative or
superlative meaning (ex. optim, ulterior,. definitiv). These adverbs
can be used for expressing the absolute superlative of other adverbs
or adjectives: ex. extrem de bine, formidabil de frumos.
Attribute value Ro. example
Degree positive (p) bine
comparative (c) ulterior
superlative (s) extrem
7.3 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
Tag Example
Rgp repede
Rgs extraordinar
Rgc ulterior
Rp mai
Rz nica(ieri
Rm probabil
Rw cum
8. Adposition (S)
8.1 Type
It is the preposition type which is only pertinent to Romanian,
although some intercalating adpositions may be seen as a sort of
circumposition, for instance i>ntre...s,i...
Attribute value Ro. example
Type preposition (p) la, pe, i>n
8.2 Formation
In Romanian there is a distinct class of compound prepositions. Each
of them forms a formal and semantic unit, although graphically they
stay unfused, e.g. de la, pe la, de pe, etc.
Attribute value Ro. example
Formation simple (s) la, pe, i>n
compound (c) de la
8.3 Case
This attribute marks the subcategorisation properties of the adpositions.
Attribute value Ro. example
Case genitive (g) i>naintea
dative (d) datorita(
accusative (a) la
8.4 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
Tag Example
Spsa i>n
Spsay i>ntr-
Spsd datorita(
Spca de_la
9. Conjunction (C)
9.1 Type
The distinction between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions is
pertinent to Romanian as well.
Attribute value Ro. example
Type coordinating (c) s,i, dar
subordinating (s) ca(, daca(
9.2 Formation
Likewise prepositions, we can distinguish two kinds of conjunctions in
- simple conjunctions: e.g. s,i,dar,des,i etc.
- conjunctions formed periphrastically, with some word/phrase combined
by a conjunction: din moment ce, fa(ra( sa(,
fat,a( de cum etc.
Attribute value Ro. example
Formation simple (s) deoarece
compound (c) de_vreme_ce
9.3 Coord_Type
In Romanian, there are three kinds of conjunctions depending on their
usage: as such or together with other conjunctions or adverbs:
- simple, between conjuncts: Ion s,i Maria (John and Mary);
- repetitive, before each conjunct: ori Ion ori Maria ori...
(either John or Mary or...)
- correlative, before a conjoined phrase, it requires specific
coordinators between conjuncts: ata>t mama ca>t s,i
tata (both mother and father).
With respect to the place of the conjunctions, most of them stay
before the conjunct, except for: as,adar, deci (so), dar,
i>nsa( (but), daca( (if), which also appear with
expressive value inside the conjoined sentence.
Attribute value Ro. example
Coord-Type simple (s) s,i,deoarece
repetit (r) fie...fie...
correlat (c) ati>>t s,i
9.3 Sub_Type
In Romanian, each conjunction requires another mood, so that the
diversity may be controlled by subcategorisation rules.
Attribute value Ro. example
Sub-Type negative (z) nici
positive (p) dar
This attribute distinguishes among the positive and negative
conjunctions, providing means to control verbal double negation, (as
in case of the negative pronouns, determiners and adverbs): nici NU am
venit, nimeni NU vorbes,te, nici_un tren N-a trecut,
nica(ieri N-am va(zut
9.5 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
Attribute value Ro. example
Clitic no (n) ca( as,a
yes (y) c-as,a
Tag Example
Ccsps s,i
Ccrps fie...fie
Csrzs nici...nici
Csspc de_vreme_ce
10. Numeral (M)
10.1 Type
Traditional Romanian grammars usually distinguish seven numeral types,
where five of them have specific forms and the other two are obtained
by composition.
The first group is made up by the following numeral types: cardinal
(trei-three), ordinal (al treilea-the third), fractional (treime-one
third), multiple (i>ntreit-trine), collective
The second group contains the numeral types which are composed by
means of other parts of speech: distributive (ca>te trei-...each
three...), adverbial (de trei ori-thrice) and again the collective
numeral which also has compound forms (tot,i trei-all three).
Nonetheless, as the numerals of the second group have a weak syntactic
cohesion, namely each composition element may be regarded as an
element of the sentence, with its own grammatical function, these last
numeral types are irrelevant for the morphosyntactic annotation.
Attribute value Ro. example
Type cardinal (c) trei
ordinal (o) (al) treilea
fractal (f) treime
multiple (m) i>ntreit
collect(l) tustrei
In Romanian (as in many other languages) several numerals have noun
behaviour (some grammarians classify such numerals as nouns) with
gender and declension of their own, which they preserve even in the
composition of the superior order numerals; these are, for instance,
suta( (hundred), mie (thousand), milion (million) and miliard
(billion). In a sentence most numerals may fulfill the function of
other parts of speech like noun, determiner or adverb.
10.2 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) doi, primul
feminine (f) doua(, prima
neuter (n) (un) milion, (doua() milioane
10.3 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) primul
plural (p) primii
10.4 Case
Attribute value Ro. example
Case direct(r) primul
oblique (o) primului
10.5 Form
Attribute value Ro. example
Form digit (d) 1690
letter (l) unsprezece
both (b) 5 mii
roman (r) XIV
10.6 Definiteness
By virtue of their noun or adjective value, some numerals may take the
enclitic article (prim/primul - first/the first). Consequently for the
Romanian, definiteness attribute helps distinguish the enclitic forms
from the other forms.
Attribute value Ro. example
Definiteness yes (y) primul
no (n) prim
10.7 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
Tag Example
Mcmprl doi
Mcmpol doi
Momsrl doilea
Momsol doilea
Mlmpr ama>ndoi
Momsrlyy primu-i
Mffpoly treimilor
11. Interjections (I)
In Romanian there are no relevant subcategories of interjections.
Tag Example
I oh,ah,au
12. Residual (X)
No attributes are defined for this category.
Tag Example
X show, a+b, retro-
13. Abbreviation (Y)
The Syntactic_Type attribute is useful for specifying the grammatical
category of an abbreviation. Although the values for this attribute
could range over the part of speech categories in the language, in
Romanian most of the abbreviations falls into noun class.
13.1 Syntactic_Type
Attribute value Ro. example
Syntactic_Type nominal(n) d-na (doamna)
verbal (v) v. (vezi)
adjectival (a) ant. (anterior)
adverbial(r) f. (foarte)
13.2 Gender
Attribute value Ro. example
Gender masculine (m) d-lui
feminine (f) d-na
neuter(n) apt.
13.3 Number
Attribute value Ro. example
Number singular (s) d-na
plural (p) d-nele
13.4 Case
Attribute value Ro. example
Case direct (r) d-na
oblique (o) d-nei
13.5 Definiteness
Attribute value Ro. example
Definiteness yes (y) d-nele
no (n) d-ne
Tag Example
Ynmsry d-ul
Ynfsoy d-nei
Ynnsry apt.
14. Particle (Q)
14.1 Type
Attribute value Ro. example
Type negation(z) nu,n-
infinitive (n) a
subjunctive (s) sa(
aspect fi
future o
14.2 Formation
This attribute is not irrelevant for Romanian.
14.3 Clitic
See discussion on clitics in 2.10.
Attribute value Ro. example
Clitic yes (y) n-am
no (n) nu am
Tag Example
Qz nu
Qz-y n-
Qn a
Qs sa(
Qa fi
Qf o