Course Materials
One Week Introductory Course at
August 5 - 9, Trento
Here you can find the materials for the one-week introductory course
given at ESSLLI 2002. The
materials consist of the Course Reader and the
slides for the five lectures of the course, given here in a relatively
compact form, in HTML:
- Lecture I: The XML Recommendation
- This lecture introduces the eXtended Markup Language, XML, and
discuss the motivation for its development, its history and building
blocks, i.e. elements, attributes and entities, and how they fit
- Lecture II: XML-Related Recommendations
- This lecture discusses developments related to XML, in particular
XML Schemas, XML Namespaces, XPath, and the XML transformation
language, XSLT.
- Lecture III: Annotation
- This lecture presents, for the most part,
XML-related software, e.g. parsers and transformation engines and
editors. Other linguistic annotation software is also mentioned, in
particular several corpus workbenches and statistic tool packages. The
lecture concludes with a case study on annotating the GENIA Corpus
with LTG tools.
- Lecture IV: TEI and other Language
Encoding Recommendations
- This lecture presents the
XML-based Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines and other language
encoding recommendations. We present the history, organisation and
architecture of TEI and illustrate it with various applications. We
also discuss some language engineering standards that came about as a
result of EU projects, EAGLES, ISLE, (X)CES and finish with a few
lexicon exchange initiatives, i.e. MARTIF, TMX and OLIF.
- Lecture V: Metadata
- The last part of the course deals with a set of XML-based
initiatives for encoding (language) meta-data, i.e. the Open Archives
Initiative in combination with the Dublin Core, the Open Linguistic
Archives Consortium, the OLAC based Language Typology Resource Center
as well as the Typological Database Project.
Page last updated 2002-08-13,