Tomaž Erjavec
Department of Intelligent Systems
Institute ``Jožef Stefan''
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Talk given at
Centre for Corpus Linguistics
University of Birmingham
February 9th 2001
IJS-ELAN corpus processing software:
The SW collection as an exercise in testing a range of corpus processing software, thus furthering our mission in TELRI .
Tomaž Erjavec.
The ELAN Slovene-English Aligned Corpus.
Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit VII,
pages 349-357, Singapore, 1999.
Making the Corpus:
15 component texts
Title | kB | kW |
Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia | 364 | 20 |
Speeches by the President of Slovenia, M. Kucan | 1102 | 69 |
Functioning of the National Assembly | 325 | 20 |
Slovenian Economic Mirror; 13 issues, 98/99 | 4056 | 239 |
National Environmental Protection Programme | 1222 | 70 |
Europe Agreement | 589 | 34 |
Europe Agreement - Annex II | 483 | 25 |
Strategy for Integration into EU | 1511 | 89 |
Programme for accession to EU - agriculture | 543 | 29 |
Programme for accession to EU - economy | 394 | 23 |
Vademecum by Lek | 471 | 24 |
EC Council Regulation No 3290/94 - agriculture | 1182 | 69 |
Linux Installation and Getting Started | 3044 | 173 |
GNU PO localisation | 353 | 13 |
G. Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four | 6698 | 195 |
The team:
Corpus structure
SGML conformity
A TEI conformant corpus DTD
<!DOCTYPE tei.2 PUBLIC "-//TEI P3//DTD Main Document Type//EN" [
<!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE'> <!-- base tag set -->
<!ENTITY % TEI.analysis 'INCLUDE'> <!-- add: basic linguistic analysis -->
<!ENTITY % TEI.linking 'INCLUDE'> <!-- add: pointer mechanisms -->
<!-- add: local extensions -->
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent SYSTEM "teitmx.ent">
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd SYSTEM "teitmx.dtd">
<!ENTITY % body 'IGNORE' >
<!ELEMENT %n.body; - - (tu+)>
<!ELEMENT tu - - (seg, seg)>
<!ATTLIST tu;>
This instantiation is encapsulated in the one file ijs-elan.dtd
<tu lang="sl-en" id="usta.301">
<seg lang="sl"><w type=dig>70.</w> <w>č
<seg lang="en"><w>Article</w> <w type=dig>70</
<tu lang="sl-en" id="spor.301">
<seg lang="sl"><w>ii</w><c>)</c> <w>za</w> <w>
<seg lang="en"><c type=open>(</c><w>ii</w><c t
<tu lang="sl-en" id="kmet.301">
<seg lang="sl"><c>-</c> <w>razvoj</w> <w>pode&
<seg lang="en"><c>-</c> <w>Pillar</w> <w>IV</w
<tu lang="sl-en" id="vade.301">
<seg lang="sl"><w>Na</w> <w>boleče</w>
<seg lang="en"><w>Apply</w> <w>a</w> <w>thin</
<tu lang="en-sl" id="ligs.301">
<seg lang="en"><w>Many</w> <w>text</w> <w>proc
<seg lang="sl"><w>Za</w> <w>Linux</w> <w>je</w
<tu lang="en-sl" id="gnpo.301">
<seg lang="en"><w>Usage</w><c>:</c> <w>%s</w>
<seg lang="sl"><w>Uporaba</w><c>:</c> <w>%s</w
<seg id="" corresp="kmet.en.87">
<w msd="Q" lemma="že">že</w>
<w msd="Vmp--pmp" lemma="omeniti">omenjeni</w>
<w msd="Ncmsa--n" lemma="zavod">zavod</w>
<w msd="Spsa" lemma="za">za</w>
<w msd="Ncfsa" lemma="živinoreja">živinorejo</w>
<w msd="Css" lemma="ki">ki</w>
<w msd="Vcif3s" lemma="biti">bo</w>
<w msd="Q" lemma="vsaj">vsaj</w>
<w msd="Spsl" lemma="v">v</w>
<w msd="Afpnsl" lemma="prehoden">prehodnem</w>
<w msd="Ncnsl" lemma="obdobje">obdobju</w>
<w msd="Vmps-sma" lemma="nadaljevati">nadaljeval</w>
<w msd="Ncfpa" lemma="naloga">naloge</w>
<w msd="Spsl" lemma="na">na</w>
<w msd="Ncnsl" lemma="področje">področju</w>
<w msd="Ncfsg">zootehnike</w>
Sašo Džeroski and Tomaž Erjavec and Jakub Zavrel.
Tagging of Slovene: Evaluating PoS
Taggers and Tagsets
LREC 2000, pages 1099-1104.
Slovene MULTEXT-East dataset:
PoS | Att | Val | 1984 | Lexicon |
Pronoun | 11 | 36 | 594 | 1,335 |
Adjective | 7 | 22 | 169 | 279 |
Numeral | 7 | 23 | 80 | 226 |
Verb | 8 | 26 | 93 | 128 |
Noun | 5 | 16 | 74 | 99 |
Preposition | 3 | 8 | 6 | 6 |
Adverb | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Conjunction | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
Interjection | 1 | 1 | ||
Abbreviation | 1 | 1 | ||
Particle | 1 | 1 | ||
![]() |
45 | 139 | 1,025 | 2,083 |
Punctuation | 1 | 10 | 10 | - |
Full | Train | Test | |
Sentences | 5855 | 5204 | 651 |
Tokens | 92399 | 81805 | 10594 |
Words | 77772 | 68825 | 8947 |
Ambigs | 87.2% | 86.4% | 70.2% |
Diff pairs | 18649 | 17166 | 3912 |
Diff words | 16017 | 14831 | 3573 |
Diff MSDs | 1004 | 976 | 543 |
Token type | Tokens | RBT | MET | MBT | TnT |
All | 10594 | 85.95 | 86.36 | 86.42 | 89.22 |
on PoS | 10594 | 95.64 | 94.66 | 95.31 | 96.59 |
Known | 9049 | 92.88 | 91.56 | 93.58 | 95.08 |
on PoS | 9049 | 98.75 | 97.02 | 98.76 | 98.51 |
on Type | 8713 | 98.67 | 96.94 | 98.82 | 98.71 |
on Case | 3557 | 87.74 | 88.16 | 88.89 | 93.06 |
on Number | 4629 | 97.19 | 96.28 | 97.43 | 98.33 |
on Gender | 4556 | 95.90 | 93.99 | 96.62 | 97.65 |
Unknown | 1545 | 45.37 | 55.92 | 44.47 | 54.88 |
on PoS | 1545 | 77.41 | 80.84 | 75.08 | 85.30 |
PoS | 2c|All tokens | 2c|Known | 2c|Unknown | |||
n | % | n | % | n | % | |
![]() |
10594 | 89.2 | 9049 | 95.0 | 1545 | 54.8 |
X | 1647 | 100.0 | 1647 | 100.0 | - | |
V | 2454 | 95.8 | 2044 | 99.0 | 410 | 79.7 |
N | 1901 | 81.4 | 1356 | 92.9 | 545 | 53.0 |
P | 1062 | 79.0 | 1014 | 82.7 | 48 | 0.0 |
C | 828 | 96.4 | 828 | 96.4 | - | |
S | 811 | 96.1 | 807 | 96.6 | 4 | 0.0 |
A | 757 | 61.6 | 316 | 90.8 | 441 | 40.8 |
R | 696 | 93.9 | 629 | 96.3 | 67 | 71.6 |
Q | 336 | 88.6 | 332 | 89.7 | 4 | 0.0 |
M | 98 | 65.3 | 72 | 83.3 | 26 | 15.3 |
Tagset | Cardinality | MBT Accuracy |
PoS Only | 12 | 96.07 |
Type Only | 38 | 95.57 |
All but Case | 392 | 89.67 |
All but Gend | 582 | 88.22 |
All but Numb | 602 | 86.94 |
All but Type | 665 | 87.27 |
Full MSDs | 1021 | 86.93 |
'Trigrams 'n Tags':
%% Statistically tagged file, Sun Dec 5 16:32:44 1999
%% lexicon : mte.lex
%% ngrams : mte.123
%% corpus : elan-sl.t
%% model : trigrams
%% sparse data : linear interpolation
%% lambda1 = 1.292668e-01
%% lambda2 = 3.310223e-01
%% lambda3 = 5.397110e-01
%% unknown mode: lexicon entry @UNKNOWN
%% case of characters is significant
%% using suffix trie up to length 10
%% unknown words are marked with an asterisk (*)
%% Thorsten Brants,
%% 177776 (30.04%) unknown tokens
%% 7141 recognized as cardinals/ordinals
%% 102761 tokens taken from the backup lexicon
%% avg. 10.87 tags/token, 1.71 tags/known token
izhajajoč Afpmsnn *
iz Spsg
Temeljne Afpfsg *
ustavne Afpfsg *
listine Ncfsg *
o Spsl
samostojnosti Ncfsl *
An approach using Inductive Logic Programming:
Sašo Džeroski, Tomaž Erjavec:
Learning to lemmatise Slovene words by learning morphological
analysis and POS tagging.
J. Cussens and S. Džeroski, editors.
Learning Language in Logic.
Springer, Berlin, 2000.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1925.
Tagging with TnT:
Accuracy | Correct/Err | |
All tokens | 83.7% | 4065/789 |
All words | 82.5% | 3260/692 |
Known words | 84.3% | 3032/565 |
Unknown words | 64.2% | 228/127 |
1r | 1rAll | 1rKnown | 1rUnknown |
Nouns | 73.8% | 77.5% | 58.3% |
Adjectives | 62.3% | 60.7% | 68.4% |
Both | 70.1% | 72.2% | 61.6% |
Lemmatising with CLOG:
To learn rules for morphological analysis (lemmatisation) we used
first-order decision list learning systems, that can train
from positive examples only.
Suresh Manandhar, Sašo Džeroski, and Tomaž Erjavec.
Learning multilingual morphology with CLOG.
In David Page, editor, Inductive Logic Programming; 8th
International Workshop ILP-98, Proceedings
Number 1446 in Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, pages 135-144. Springer, 1998.
Prolog facts
past([b,a,r,k],[b,a,r,k,e,d]). past([g,o],[w,e,n,t]).
n0fsg([s,e,t,v,e],[s,e,t,e,v]). n0fsg([b,o,l,e,z,n,i],[b,o,l,e,z,e,n]). n0fsg([p,e,r,u,t,i],[p,e,r,u,t]). n0fsg([m,i,z,e],[m,i,z,a]).
Learned rules
past([g,o],[w,e,n,t]) :- !. past(A,B) :- split(A,C,[e,p]), split(B,C,[p,t]), !. past(A,B) :- split(B,A,[d]), split(A,C,[e]), !. past(A,B) :- split(B,A,[e,d]).
n0fsg(A,B):-mate(A,B,[],[],[t,v,e],[t,e,v]),!. n0fsg(A,B):-mate(A,B,[],[],[e,z,n,i],[e,z,e,n]),!. n0fsg(A,B):-mate(A,B,[],[],[i],[]),!. n0fsg(A,B):-mate(A,B,[],[],[e],[a]),!.
1r | 2rAll | 2rKnown | 2rUnknown | |||
Acc. | Correct/Err | Acc. | Correct/Err | Acc. | Correct/Err | |
hline Nouns | 97.5% | 936/24 | 99.1% | 766/ 7 | 90.9% | 170/17 |
Adjectives | 97.3% | 431/12 | 96.6% | 339/12 | 100% | 92/0 |
Both | 97.4% | 1367/36 | 98.3% | 1105/19 | 93.9% | 262/17 |
1r | 2rAll | 2rKnown | 2rUnknown | |||
Acc. | Correct/Err | Acc. | Correct/Err | Acc. | Correct/Err | |
Nouns | 91.7% | 880/ 80 | 95.4% | 738/ 35 | 75.9% | 142/ 45 |
Adjectives | 87.6% | 388/ 55 | 88.0% | 309/ 42 | 85.9% | 79/ 13 |
Both | 90.4% | 1268/135 | 93.1% | 1047/ 77 | 79.2% | 221/ 58 |
Token | Type | Lemma | |
Accuracy | 81.3% | 79.8% | 75.6% |
All | 1322 | 796 | 595 |
Correct | 1075 | 635 | 450 |
Error | 247 | 161 | 145 |
Wrong | 195 | 105 | 73 |
Mixed | - | 38 | 62 |
Fail | 52 | 18 | 10 |
Three examples: Cognate; 21; Plug
Such programs could then be used in a tool chain or configuration
(possibly only semi-automatic) that would enable rapid creation of
high-quality bilingual (terminological) lexica.
An experiment on the IJS-ELAN corpus is described in:
Špela Vintar
A Lexical Analysis of the ELAN Slovene-English Parallel Corpus.
Proceedings of the Workshop Language Technologies: Multilingual Aspects, within
the framework of the SLE conference, July '99, Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta.
Cognates are the simplest (but often quite productive) translation
Perl module String::Approx:
Špela Vintar: finding congnates in a bi-text:
in a translation unit return all pairs
(wsource, wtarget) that have edit distance below given treshold
An example, sorted by frequency of occurence:
21 informatizacije informatization ... 7 upravi administration 7 avtomatizacije automatization 6 procesov processes 6 organizacij organizations 6 avtomatizacijo automatization 5 uprave have 5 organizacijske organizational 5 organizacije organization ... 1 zagati administration 1 zadnje made 1 zadeva demanding 1 začeti organizational
The 21 program constructs a bilingual lexicon from a parallel sentence aligned corpus. The translations are ranked according to computed confidence. Uses various statistical measures, and is based on a symmetric translation model. Works for single words (tokens) only.
Total corpus 1: Total corpus 2:
9367 words 13244 words
6750 words used 8997 words used
1858 different words 1402 different words
815 sentences
737 sentences used
Results of Model A Iterative Proportional Fitting algorithm
Dictionary 1:
šest širše
---------------- ------------------
non-profit 0.33 wider 0.86
6 0.33 self-governin 0.14
making 0.33
državama države državi
-------------- ------------- --------------
Italian 0.50 state 0.60 state 0.37
Hungarian 0.50 defence 0.34 highest 0.25
monies 0.06 country 0.14
foreign 0.14
be 0.10
PWA comprises two word alignment systems, the Linköping Word Aligner (LWA) and the Uppsala Word Aligner (UWA). Both were developed in the PLUG project (1997-2000). PWA integrates both systems in the modular corpus toolbox Uplug and includes tools for the automatic generation of monolingual word collocations (phrases) and for the automated evaluation of alignment results (the PLUG Scorer - PLS).
# columns: (id,source,target,align step,score)
# created_by: UWA
# date_created: Fri Jan 12 17:52:05 2001
kuca.4 spremenilo changed 1 1.66
kuca.4 Jugoslavijo Yugoslavia 2 0.727
kuca.4 svet world 6 0.63
kuca.4 Teh These 6 0.44
kuca.4 mali small 7 0.559
This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 97.1 (release) (July 13th, 1997)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 1 bham-slides.
The translation was initiated by Tomaz Erjavec on 2/13/2001