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Without handling derivation a satisfactory morphological analysis is not possible for Hungarian. The HUMOR system, a general purpose morphological analyzer, handles it and the results can be converted to MULTEXT format since on syntactic level the morphological origin of stems are generally irrelevant. The resulting word class is defined by the rightmost derivational suffix. The suffix characters are literally attached to the word.

Here are the derivations that the analyser recognizes but instead of the origin we place only the resulting class to the output. (Suffix tags used in HUMOR are in upper case, actual suffixes are in lower case.)

Noun   -> Adjective
-----   -------        --------------    ------------------------
Type    Form           Example           Comment
-----   -------        --------------    ------------------------
 BELI  : beli           ha'z+beli        property of living in the house
 FAJTA : fajta          ma's+fajta       of some other kind
 FELE  : fe'le          bu'tor+fe'le     similar to furniture
 FORMA : forma          toja's+forma     egg shaped
 SZERU : szeru"         tej+szeru"       milk+y
 IKEP  : i              ha'z+i           home (e.g. made)
 SKEP  : s, as, os,
         es, o:s        gyerek+es        child+ish
 UKEP  : u',
         ju"            arc+u'           (red)-face+d
 FFOSZ : tlan,tlen,
         talan,telen                     'devoid of', '-less'
 MER   : nyi            kana'l+nyi       spoon+full

Noun,A -> Noun
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 COL   : sa'g,         bara't+sa'g            friend+ship

Noun   -> Noun
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 DIM   : cska,acska,
        ocska          utca'+cska             little street
 FEM   : ne'           Kova'cs+ne'            Mrs. Kova'cs

Noun   -> Verb
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 FI    : z,az,oz,ez,
        o:z            auto'+z                go by car

Verb   -> Adjective
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 IFOSZT: atlan, etlen  felel+etlen            sg not being answered
 MIF   : o',
         o"            felel+o"               sy who answers
 MIB   : t,ott,ett,
         o:tt          felel+t                the answered (question)
 MIA   : ando',
         endo"         felel+endo"            sg that should be answered
 NIVALO: anivalo',
         nivalo'       ne'z+nivalo'           sg that should be seen

Verb   -> Adverb
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 HIN   :  va,ve        olvas+va              (while ) reading (the book)

Numeral-> Adjective
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 KIEM  : ik            hatod+ik               six+th
 LAGOS : lagos,leges   ma'sod+lagos           second+ary

Verb   -> Noun
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 IF    : a's,
         e's           olvas+a's              read+ing (gerund)
 DES   : hatne'k,
        hetne'k        olvas+hatne'k          the intention of reading

Adj    -> Verb
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 FAK   : i't           sze'p+i't              make it pretty (in compounds only)
 MI    : od,ed,o:d     va'llas+od+ik          becomes strong
 MIGY  : kod,ked,
         ko:d          okos+kod+ik            plays the smart (frequently)

Verb   -> Verb
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
Type    Form           Example                Comment
-----   -------        --------------         ------------------------
 MUV   : at,et,tat,tet  olvas+tat             makes him read
 GYAK  : gat,get,ogat,
         eget,o:get     olvas+gat             he reads frequently
 HAT   : hat,het        olvas+hat             he may read
 VISSZ : o'd,
         o"d            old+o'dik             dissolves
 SZENV : tatik, tetik   olvas+tatik           makes the book being read


If 'szemtele's' (littering, action of throwing away litter) is not in the dictionary we derive it from the verb 'litter' szemetel[V] + e's[IF] (where IF=Verb2Noun).

Instead of giving the extra attribute to the verb expressing that it has a derivational suffix we simply give the result of the analysis+conversion: szemetele's[N].

In Hungarian some derivation may follow the inflectional suffix. For these derivations the suffix+derivation together forms a compound derivation. The a new stem is generated from the stem + inflection + derivation segments and the resulting part of speech is determined by the derivation.

------------------     -----   --------------     ------------------------
Type                   Form    Example            Comment
------------------     -----   --------------     ------------------------
Nc-sn--ns1-   +FAM  :   e'k    ap +m+e'k          some people with my father 
Nc-su--u---   +IKEP :   i      asztal+onke'nt+i   sg. done by each every table
Afc-sn--n---- +KIEM :   ik     nagy+obb+ik        the bigger one

There are adverbs that may get case endings. Since case inflections derivate adverb from nouns these constructions can be handled as derivations. That means the stem is the stem + inflection combination and the part of speech is adverb.

------------------     -----   --------------     ------------------------
Type                    Form   Example            Comment
------------------     -----   --------------     ------------------------
Ag----     + ablativ    t"l    akkor+t"l          since then

Tomaz Erjavec
Wed Oct 16 12:08:36 MDT 1996