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Application to Hungarian

COP project 106 MULTEXT-East Deliverable D1.1 M --- Hungarian

The application to Hungarian has been elaborated by Laszlo Tihanyi.

1. Noun (N)

= ============== ============== =  
P ATT            VAL            C  
= ============== ============== =  
1 Type           common         c  
                 proper         p  
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Number         singular       s  
                 plural         p  
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Case           nominative     n  
                 genitive       g  
                 dative         d  
                 accusative     a  
                 instrumental   i  
                 illative       x  
                 inessive       2  
                 elative        e  
                 allative       t  
                 adessive       3  
                 ablative       b  
                 terminative    9  
                 essive         w  
           l.s.  temporalis     m  
           l.s.  causalis       c  
           l.s.  sublative      s  
           l.s.  delative       h  
           l.s.  sociative      q  
           l.s.  factive        y  
           l.s.  superessive    p  
           l.s.  distributive   u  
* ***************************** *
5 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
6 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Animate        no             n  
                 yes            y  
- -------------- -------------- -
8 Owner_Number   singular       s  
                 plural         p  
- -------------- -------------- -
9 Owner_Person   first          1  
                 second         2  
                 third          3  
---------------- -------------- -
10Owned_Number   singular       s  
                 plural         p  


1. Gender: Not applicable to Hungarian.

2. Numbers:
   Hungarian has three types of number in the nominal inflection:
   1. The number of the noun.
   2. The number of owners that own the noun.
   3. The number of the context given referent, which is some possession
      of the noun, i.e. belongs to the noun (anaphoric possessive).

3. Genitive is rarely marked in Hungarian. If marked then with the same
   suffix as that of dative case.
   Nouns with zero suffix can be nominative or genitive, so they are 

4. Common Hungarian nouns can have
   different forms.

5. The usage of -szerte[SZERTE] meaning 'many places around' is restricted
   so we do not take it as a regular case ending. The same stands for
   '-lag/-leg' marked with [LAG], e.g. 'ha'zilag' means (made) at home.


0   1    3    4                        7     8        9         10
--- ---- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------
Pos Type Num  Case                     Anim  OwnerNum OwnerPers OwnedNum
--- ---- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------
 N  [cp] [sp] [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypu] [yn]  [sp]     [123]     [sp]

Examples on combinations:

a) Combinations on Number, OwnerNumber, OwnerPerson and OwnedNumber:

Nc-sn--n---  asztal[N]                          table
Nc-sn--n--s  asztal[N]+e'[POS]                  thing of the table
Nc-sn--n--p  asztal[N]+e'i[POSi]                things of the table
Nc-sn--ns1-  asztal[N]+om[PSe1]                 my table
Nc-sn--ns1s  asztal[N]+om[PSe1]+e'[POS]         thing of my table
Nc-sn--ns1p  asztal[N]+om[PSe1]+e'i[POSi]       things of my table
Nc-sn--ns2-  asztal[N]+od[PSe2]                 your table
Nc-sn--ns2s  asztal[N]+od[PSe2]+e'[POS]         thing of your table
Nc-sn--ns2p  asztal[N]+od[PSe2]+e'i[POSi]       things of your table
Nc-sn--ns3-  asztal[N]+a[PSe3]                  his/her table
Nc-sn--ns3s  asztal[N]+a'[PSe3]+e'[POS]         thing of his/her table
Nc-sn--ns3p  asztal[N]+a'[PSe3]+e'i[POSi]       things of his/her table
Nc-sn--np1-  asztal[N]+unk[PSt1]                our table
Nc-sn--np1s  asztal[N]+unk[PSt1]+e'[POS]        thing of our table
Nc-sn--np1p  asztal[N]+unk[PSt1]+e'i[POSi]      things of our table
Nc-sn--np2-  asztal[N]+otok[PSt2]               your table
Nc-sn--np2s  asztal[N]+otok[PSt2]+e'[POS]       thing of your table
Nc-sn--np2p  asztal[N]+otok[PSt2]+e'i[POSi]     things of your table
Nc-sn--np3-  asztal[N]+uk[PSt2]                 their table
Nc-sn--np3s  asztal[N]+uk[PSt2]+e'[POS]         thing of their table
Nc-sn--np3p  asztal[N]+uk[PSt2]+e'i[POSi]       things of their table
Nc-pn--n---  asztal[N]+ok[PL]                   tables
Nc-pn--n--s  asztal[N]+ok[PL]+e'[POS]           thing of the tables
Nc-pn--n--p  asztal[N]+ok[PL]+e'i[POSi]         things of the tables
Nc-pn--ns1-  asztal[N]+aim[PSe1i]               my tables
Nc-pn--ns1s  asztal[N]+aim[PSe1i]+e'[POS]       thing of my tables
Nc-pn--ns1p  asztal[N]+aim[PSe1i]+e'i[POSi]     things of my tables
Nc-pn--ns2-  asztal[N]+aid[PSe2i]               your tables
Nc-pn--ns2s  asztal[N]+aid[PSe2i]+e'[POS]       thing of your tables
Nc-pn--ns2p  asztal[N]+aid[PSe2i]+e'i[POSi]     things of your tables
Nc-pn--ns3-  asztal[N]+ai[PSe3i]                his/her tables
Nc-pn--ns3s  asztal[N]+ai[PSe3i]+e'[POS]        thing of his/her tables
Nc-pn--ns3p  asztal[N]+ai[PSe3i]+e'i[POSi]      things of his/her tables
Nc-pn--np1-  asztal[N]+aink[PSt1i]              our tables
Nc-pn--np1s  asztal[N]+aink[PSt1i]+e'[POS]      thing of our tables
Nc-pn--np1p  asztal[N]+aink[PSt1i]+e'i[POSi]    things of our tables
Nc-pn--np2-  asztal[N]+aitok[PSt2i]             your tables
Nc-pn--np2s  asztal[N]+aitok[PSt2i]+e'[POS]     thing of your tables
Nc-pn--np2p  asztal[N]+aitok[PSt2i]+e'i[POSi]   things of your tables
Nc-pn--np3-  asztal[N]+aik[PSt3i]               their tables
Nc-pn--np3s  asztal[N]+aik[PSt3i]+e'[POS]       thing of their tables
Nc-pn--np3p  asztal[N]+aik[PSt3i]+e'i[POSi]     things of their tables

b) Combinations on Case:

Category:   Case:          Example analysis:    
Nc-sn------ nominative     asztal[N]              The table is new.
Nc-sg------ genitive       asztal[N]+nak[GEN]     The leg of the table is red.
Nc-sd------ dative         asztal[N]+nak[DAT]     It gives a new look to the table.
Nc-sa------ accusative     asztal[N]+t[ACC]       I see the table.
Nc-si------ instrumental   asztal[N]+lal[INS]     Do something with the table.
Nc-sx------ illative       asztal[N]+ba[ILL]      She put it into the table.
Nc-s2------ inessive       asztal[N]+ban[INE]     He keeps it in this table.
Nc-se------ elative        asztal[N]+bo'l[ELA]    She took it out from this table.
Nc-st------ allative       asztal[N]+hoz[ALL]     Go to the table.
Nc-s3------ adessive       asztal[N]+na'l[ADE]    At the table there is a chair.
Nc-sb------ ablative       asztal[N]+to'l[ABL]    She came from the table.
Nc-s9------ terminative    asztal[N]+ig[TER]      Go as far as the table.
Nc-sw------ essive         asztal[N]+ul[ESS]      The plate served us as a table.
Nc-sm------ temporalis     hat[N]+kor[TEM]        We arrived at six.
Nc-sc------ causalis       asztal[N]+e'rt[CAU]    We do it for the table.
Nc-ss------ sublative      asztal[N]+ra[SUB]      Put it onto the table.
Nc-sh------ delative       asztal[N]+ro'l[DEL]    Talk about the table.
Nc-sq------ sociative      asztal[N]+ostul[SOC]   It is sold together with the table.
Nc-sy------ factive        asztal[N]+la'[FAC]     Soon it became a table.
Nc-sp------ superessive    asztal[N]+on[SUP]      The cat sits on the table.
Nc-su------ distributive   asztal[N]+onke'nt[DIS] We collected 10 forints in each table.

2. Verb (V)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           main           m
                 auxiliary      a
- -------------- -------------- -
2 VForm          indicative     i
                 imperative     m
                 conditional    c
                 infinitive     n
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Tense          present        p
                 past           s
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Person         first          1
                 second         2
                 third          3
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Number         singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
6 Gender                        -
7 Voice                         -
- -------------- -------------- -
8 Negative                      -
- -------------- -------------- -
9 Definiteness   no             n
                 yes            y
           l.s.  1s2s           2
- -------------- -------------- -
10Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
11Case                          -
- -------------- -------------- -
12Animate                       -
- -------------- -------------- -
13Clitic_s                      -


1. 1s2s is a special form for definitness, in which the speaker's person is
   first singular (I) and the target of the transitivity is second singular

2. A Hungarian verb has
   3(Person)*2(Number)*4(Present indicative, Present imperativ,
   Present conditional,Past indicative)*2(Transitivity)
   +4(1s2s)+7(Infinitive)=59 different forms.


--- ---- ----- ----- ------ ------ -----------
Pos Type VForm Tense Person Number Definitness
--- ---- ----- ----- ------ ------ -----------
 V   m   i     [ps] [123]   [sp]   [yn]
 V   m   c     p    [123]   [sp]   [yn]
 V   m   m     p    [123]   [sp]   [yn]
 V   m   i     [ps] 1       s      2
 V   m   [cm]  p    1       s      2
 V   m   n     -    -       -      -
 V   m   n     p    [123]   [sp]   -
 V   a   i     p    [123]   [sp]   n
--- ---- ----- ----- ------ ------ -----------

Examples on combinations:

Vmip1s------n-   tanul[V]+ok[e1]                 I learn (a)
Vmip2s------n-   tanul[V]+sz[e2]                 you learn (a)
Vmip3s------n-   tanul[V]                        she learns (a)
Vmip1p------n-   tanul[V]+unk[t1]                we learn (a)
Vmip2p------n-   tanul[V]+tok[t2]                you learn  (a)
Vmip3p------n-   tanul[V]+nak[t3]                they learn (a)
Vmip1s------y-   tanul[V]+om[Te1]                I learn (the)
Vmip2s------y-   tanul[V]+od[Te2]                you learn (the)
Vmip3s------y-   tanul[V]+ja[Te3]                she learns (the)
Vmip1p------y-   tanul[V]+juk[Tt1]               we learn (the)
Vmip2p------y-   tanul[V]+ja'tok[Tt2]            you learn  (the)
Vmip3p------y-   tanul[V]+ja'k[Tt3]              they learn (the)
Vmis1s------n-   tanul[V]+tam[Me1]               I learnt (a)
Vmis2s------n-   tanul[V]+ta'l[Me2]              you learnt (a)
Vmis3s------n-   tanul[V]+t[Me3]                 she learnt (a)
Vmis1p------n-   tanul[V]+tunk[Mt1]              we learnt (a)
Vmis2p------n-   tanul[V]+tatok[Mt2]             you learnt  (a)
Vmis3p------n-   tanul[V]+tak[Mt3]               they learnt (a)
Vmis1s------y-   tanul[V]+tam[TMe1]              I learnt (the)
Vmis2s------y-   tanul[V]+tad[TMe2]              you learnt (the)
Vmis3s------y-   tanul[V]+ta[TMe3]               she learnt (the)
Vmis1p------y-   tanul[V]+tuk[TMt1]              we learnt (the)
Vmis2p------y-   tanul[V]+ta'tok[TMt2]           you learnt  (the)
Vmis3p------y-   tanul[V]+ta'k[TMt3]             they learnt (the)

Vmcp1s------n-   tanul[V]+ne'k[Fe1]              (if) I learnt (a)
Vmcp2s------n-   tanul[V]+na'l[Fe2]              (if) you learnt (a)
Vmcp3s------n-   tanul[V]+na[Fe3]                      (if) she learnt (a)
Vmcp1p------n-   tanul[V]+na'nk[Ft1]             (if) we learnt (a)
Vmcp2p------n-   tanul[V]+na'tok[Ft2]            (if) you learnt  (a)
Vmcp3p------n-   tanul[V]+na'nak[Ft3]            (if) they learnt (a)
Vmcp1s------y-   tanul[V]+na'm[TFe1]             (if) I learnt (the)
Vmcp2s------y-   tanul[V]+na'd[TFe2]             (if) you learnt (the)
Vmcp3s------y-   tanul[V]+na'[TFe3]              (if) she learnt (the)
Vmcp1p------y-   tanul[V]+na'nk[TFt1]            (if) we learnt (the)
Vmcp2p------y-   tanul[V]+na'tok[TFt2]           (if) you learnt  (the)
Vmcp3p------y-   tanul[V]+na'k[TFt3]             (if) they learnt (the)

Vmmp1s------n-   tanul[V]+jak[Pe1]               (let) me learn (a)
Vmmp2s------n-   tanul[V]+ja'l[Pe2]              (let) you learn (a)
Vmmp3s------n-   tanul[V]+jon[Pe3]               (let) she learn (a)
Vmmp1p------n-   tanul[V]+junk[Pt1]              (let) we learn (a)
Vmmp2p------n-   tanul[V]+jatok[Pt2]             (let) you learn  (a)
Vmmp3p------n-   tanul[V]+janak[Pt3]             (let) they learn (a)
Vmmp1s------y-   tanul[V]+jam[TPe1]              (let) me learn (the)
Vmmp2s------y-   tanul[V]+jad[TPe2]              (let) you learn (the)
Vmmp3s------y-   tanul[V]+ja[TPe3]               (let) she learn (the)
Vmmp1p------y-   tanul[V]+juk[TPt1]              (let) we learn (the)
Vmmp2p------y-   tanul[V]+ja'tok[TPt2]           (let) you learn  (the)
Vmmp3p------y-   tanul[V]+ja'k[TPt3]             (let) they learn (the)

Vmip1s------2-   tanul[V]+lak[Ie1]               I learn you
Vmis1s------2-   tanul[V]+talak[IMe1]            I learnt you
Vmcp1s------2-   tanul[V]+na'lak[IFe1]           (if) I learnt you
Vmmp1s------2-   tanul[V]+jalak[IPe1]            (let) me learn you

Vmn-----------   tanul[V]+ni[INF]                to learn
Vmnp1s--------   tanul[V]+nom[INRe1]             for me to learn
Vmnp2s--------   tanul[V]+nod[INRe2]             for you to learn
Vmnp3s--------   tanul[V]+nia[INRe3]             for her to learn
Vmnp1p--------   tanul[V]+nunk[INRt1]            for us to learn
Vmnp2p--------   tanul[V]+notok[INRt2]           for you to learn
Vmnp3p--------   tanul[V]+niuk[INRt3]            for them to learn
Vaip1s--------   fog[V]+ok[e1]                   I shall

3. Adjective (A)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           qualificative  f
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Degree         positive       p
                 comparative    c
                 superlative    s
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Number         singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Case           nominative     n
                 genitive       g
                 dative         d
                 accusative     a
                 instrumental   i
                 illative       x
                 inessive       2
                 elative        e
                 allative       t
                 adessive       3
                 ablative       b
                 terminative    9
                 essive         w
           l.s.  temporalis     m
           l.s.  causalis       c
           l.s.  sublative      s
           l.s.  delative       h
           l.s.  sociative      q
           l.s.  factive        y
           l.s.  superessive    p
           l.s.  distributive   u
           l.s.  essive_formal  f

* ***************************** *
6 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
8 Animate        no             n
                 yes            y
- -------------- -------------- -
9 Formation                     -
- -------------- -------------- -
10Owner_Number   singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
11Owner_Person   first          1
                 second         2
                 third          3
---------------- -------------- -
12Owned_Number   singular       s
                 plural         p


1. Adjectives have the same suffixes that Nouns have plus Degree.
   Thus the number of possibble forms is 3*924=2772.

2. Types like ordinal and cardinal are grouped as numerals.


--- ---- ----- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------
Pos Type Degr  Num  Case                     Anim  OwnerNum OwnerPers OwnedNum
--- ---- ----- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------
 A  f    [pcs] [sp] [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypuf] [yn]  [sp]     [123]     [sp]
--- ---- ----- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------

Examples on combinations:

Afp-sn-------    nagy[A]                           big, great
Afc-sn-------    nagy[A]+obb[FOK]                  bigger
Afs-sn-------    leg[FF]+nagy[A]+obb[FOK]          biggest
Afs-sn----p1s    leg[FF]+nagy[A]+obb[FOK]+jaink[PSt1i]+e'[POS]
                                             sg that our greatest (heroes) have
Afp-sw-------    magyar[A]+ul[ESSMOD]              in Hungarian

4. Pronoun (P)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           personal       p
                 demonstrative  d
                 indefinite     i
                 possessive     s
                 interrogative  q
                 relative       r
                 reflexive      x
                 reciprocal     y
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Person         first          1
                 second         2
                 third          3
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Number         singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Case           nominative     n
                 genitive       g
                 dative         d
                 accusative     a
                 instrumental   i
                 illative       x
                 inessive       2
                 elative        e
                 allative       t
                 adessive       3
                 ablative       b
                 terminative    9
                 essive         w
           l.s.  temporalis     m
           l.s.  causalis       c
           l.s.  sublative      s
           l.s.  delative       h
           l.s.  sociative      q
           l.s.  factive        y
           l.s.  superessive    p
           l.s.  distributive   u
           l.s.  essive_formal  f
- -------------- -------------- -
6 Owner_Number   singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Owner_Gender                  -
8 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
9 Referent_Type                 -
- -------------- -------------- -
10Syntactic_Type                -
- -------------- -------------- -
11Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
12Animate                       -
- -------------- -------------- -
13Clitic_s                      -
- -------------- -------------- -
14Pronoun_Form                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
15Owner_Person   first          1
                 second         2
                 third          3
- -------------- -------------- -
16Owned_Number   singular       s
                 plural         p


--- ---- ----- ---- ------------------------  -----------  ------------ ------------
Pos Type Pers  Num  Case                      Owner_Number Owner_Person Owned_Number
--- ---- ----- ---- ------------------------  ------------ ------------ ------------
 P  [px] [123] [sp] [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypuf]  [sp]         [123]        [sp]
 P    y     3   p   [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypuf]  [sp]         [123]        [sp]
 P    s  [123] [sp] [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypuf]  -             -
 P [diqr]  3   [sp] [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypuf]  [sp]          [123]       [sp]

Examples on combinations:

Pp1-s------------         e'n[P]                   I
Pp1-p-s--------1-         enye'im[P]               my things (plural)
Pd3-s------------         ez[P]                    this
Pi3-s------------         minden[P]                every
Ps1-s-s--------1-         e'n[P]=enye'm+[POS]      my
Pq3-s------------         ki[P]                    who (in questions)
Pr3-s------------         aki[P]                   who (relative)
Px3-s------------         maga[P]                  himself
Pp3-p------------         ti[P]                    you
Pp3-s-p--------2-         tietek[P]                your something
Pp3-p-p--------2-         tieitek[P]               your somethings
Pp3-s-p--------2s         tieteke'[P]              your something
Py3-p------------         egyma's[P]               each other

5. Determiner (D)

Not applicable.

6. Article (T)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           definite       f
                 indefinite     i
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Number                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Case                          -
5 Clitic                        -


We have tree articles: a, az and egy.  These may not have number and
case. The word 'az' may have but that is a pronoun in those cases.


--- ----
Pos Type
--- ----
T   [fi]

Tf----              a[DET]              the
Tf----              az[DET]             the
Ti----              egy[DET]            a

7. Adverb (R)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           general        g
                 particle       p
           l.s.  causal         o
           l.s.  verbal         v
                 modifier       m
           l.s.  interrogative  q
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Degree                        -
3 Clitic         no             n
                 yes            y
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Number         singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Person         first          1
                 second         2
                 third          3


----  ------ ------  ------  ------ ------
Pos   Type   Degree  Clitic  Number Person
----  ------ ------  ------  ------ ------
 R    [gmp]   -        -        -     -
 R       q    -        y        -     -
 R       o    -        -        [sp]  [123]
----  ------ ------  ------  ------ ------

Examples on combinations:

Rg----         most[R]                               now
Rg----         hogyan[R]                             how
Rgp---         belu:l[R]                             inside
Rgc---         belu:l[R]=belj+ebb[FOK]               deeper inside
Rgs---         leg[FF]+belu:l[R]=belj+ebb[FOK]       deepest inside
Rv----         olvas[V]+va[HIN]                      being read
Rm----         nem[R]                                no
Rp----         be[IK]                                into
Rq-y--         kutya[N]+-e[KSZE] (kutya-e?)          dog?
Ro--s1         a'll[V]+tomban[HIVe1]                 as I stand
Ro--s2         a'll[V]+todban[HIVe2]                 as you stand
Ro--s3         a'll[V]+ta'ban[HIVe3]                 as she stands
Ro--p1         a'll[V]+tunkban[HIVp1]                as we stand
Ro--p2         a'll[V]+totokban[HIVp2]               as you stand
Ro--sp         a'll[V]+tukban[HIVep]                 as they stand
Ro----         a'll[V]+va'n[HINN]                    as sy stands


1. The modifier -e question word (the only Hungarian clitic) is attached
   to the preceding word with a hyphen.

2. Some adverbs may have degree, but these do not formulate a special
   class. Presently we cannot give a criteria for this.

8. Adposition (S)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           postposition   t
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Formation                     -
3 Case                          -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Clitic                        -


1. Some of them require a suffix on the preceding noun (e.g. asztal[N]+
   on[SUP] tu'l[S]) while others do not (e.g. asztal[N] mellett[S]).
   This feature is not represented here.


---  ----
Pos  Type
---  ----
 S     t
---  ----

Examples on combinations:

St---      miatt[S]                      because of
St---      keresztu:l[S]                 through

9. Conjunction (C)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           coordinating   c
                 subordinating  s
2 Formation      simple         s
                 compound       c
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Coord_Type     sentence       p
                 words          w
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Sub_Type                      -
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
6 Number                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Person                        -


1. 'form': Some conjuctions in Hungarian might occur alone (1) while
    others in pairs (2).


---  ---- ---------- ---------
Pos  Type Coord-Type Formation
---  ---- ---------- ---------
 C    [cs]   [pw]       [12]
---  ---- ---------- ---------

Examples on combinations:              Meaning:

Csp-1---          hogy[C]                that
Ccp-1---          e's[C]                 and
Ccw-2---          is[C]                  also
Ccw-2---          mind[C]                both

10. Numeral (M)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           cardinal       c
                 ordinal        o
                 fractal        f
                 collect        l
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Number         singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Case           nominative     n
                 genitive       g
                 dative         d
                 accusative     a
                 instrumental   i
                 illative       x
                 inessive       2
                 elative        e
                 allative       t
                 adessive       3
                 ablative       b
                 terminative    9
                 essive         w
           l.s.  temporalis     m
           l.s.  causalis       c
           l.s.  sublative      s
           l.s.  delative       h
           l.s.  sociative      q
           l.s.  factive        y
           l.s.  superessive    p
           l.s.  distributive   u
           l.s.  essive_formal  f
           l.s.  multiplicative 6
5 Form           digit          d
                 roman          r
                 letter         l
- -------------- -------------- -
6 Definiteness                  -
- -------------- -------------- -
7 Clitic                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
8 Class                         -
- -------------- -------------- -
9 Animate                       -
- -------------- -------------- -
10Owner_Number   singular       s
                 plural         p
- -------------- -------------- -
11Owner_Person   first          1
                 second         2
                 third          3
- -------------- -------------- -
12Owned_Number   singular       s
                 plural         p


--- ---- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------
Pos Type Num  Case                     Form  OwnerNum OwnerPers OwnedNum
--- ---- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------
 N  [cp] [sp] [ngdaix2et3b9wmcshqypuf] [dlr] [sp]    [123]     [sp]
--- ---- ---- ------------------------ ----  -------- --------- --------

Examples on combinations:

Mc-sn--------        egy[M]                  one
Mc-pn--------        nyolc[M]+ak[PL]         those eight (men)
Mc-pn-----p3s        nyolc[M]+ak[PL]+e'[POS] this belongs to those eight (men)
Mc-sa--------        sok[M]+at[ACC]          many (in accusative)
Mo-sn--------        hat[M]+odik[SORSZ]      6th
Mf-sn--------        hat[M]+od[TORT]         1/6
Mc-s6--------        egy[M]+szer[MUL]        one time
Mc-sw--------        hat[M]+an[ESSMOD]       six of them

11. Interjection (I)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Type           mood           m
                 other          o
- -------------- -------------- -
2 Formation                     -

12. Residual (X)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =

13. Abbreviation (Y)

= ============== ============== =
P ATT            VAL            C
= ============== ============== =
1 Syntactic_Type                -
- -------------------------------
2 Gender                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
3 Number                        -
- -------------- -------------- -
4 Case                          -
- -------------- -------------- -
5 Definiteness                  -

14. Particle (Q)

Not applicable.

Tomaz Erjavec
Wed Oct 16 12:08:36 MDT 1996