MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4

3.1.5. English Pronoun

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Table 27. English Specification for Pronoun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Pronoun P
1 Type personal p
possessive s
interrogative q
relative r
reflexive x
general g
ex-there t
2 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Case nominative n
accusative a
6 Owner_Number singular s
plural p
7 Owner_Gender masculine m
feminine f
17 Wh_Type relative r
question q Notes

"General" pronouns are those which are not personal, possessive, demonstrative or reflexive. The choice of these four categories is based on distributional facts, though at a rather high level of abstraction. They enter into anaphoric dependencies which are signalled morphosyntactically and are therefore (in principle) more amenable to automatic detection. Most general pronouns do not, although they too sometimes encode number information.

"WH" attribute added to allow for combination of possessive and WH in "whose". MSD Index

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features. In the table below, the first column gives the MSD, the second its expansion into a feature-structure, the third gives the number of entries in the lexicon (71,784 entries), and the fourth gives some examples as word-form/lemma. The list was extracted form the English MULTEXT-East lexicon.

Table 28. MSDs (46)
MSD (en) Features (en) Lexical entries Examples of usage
Pp---------------r Pronoun Type=personal Wh_Type=relative 2 who, whoever
Pp---------------q Pronoun Type=personal Wh_Type=question 2 who, whoever
Pp---a-----------r Pronoun Type=personal Case=accusative Wh_Type=relative 1 whom
Pp---a-----------q Pronoun Type=personal Case=accusative Wh_Type=question 1 whom
Pp--sn Pronoun Type=personal Number=singular Case=nominative 1 me
Pp--pn Pronoun Type=personal Number=plural Case=nominative 1 they
Pp1-sn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=singular Case=nominative 1 I
Pp1-pn Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=nominative 1 we
Pp1-pa Pronoun Type=personal Person=first Number=plural Case=accusative 1 us
Pp2 Pronoun Type=personal Person=second 1 you
Pp2--a Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Case=accusative 1 thee/you
Pp2-p Pronoun Type=personal Person=second Number=plural 1 thou
Pp3-pa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Number=plural Case=accusative 3 them, 'Em/them, 'em/them
Pp3ms Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 1 one
Pp3msn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 he
Pp3msa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular Case=accusative 5 'Im/him, 'im/him, him, 'E/he, 'e/he
Pp3fs Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 one
Pp3fsn Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=nominative 1 she
Pp3fsa Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular Case=accusative 3 her, 'Er/her, 'er/her
Pp3ns Pronoun Type=personal Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 1 it
Ps3 Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third 1 yours
Ps3--------------r Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Wh_Type=relative 1 whose
Ps3--------------q Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Wh_Type=question 1 whose
Ps3---s Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular 1 mine
Ps3---sm Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=masculine 2 'is/his, his
Ps3---sf Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=singular Owner_Gender=feminine 1 hers
Ps3---p Pronoun Type=possessive Person=third Owner_Number=plural 2 theirs, ours
Px1-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=first Number=singular 1 myself
Px1-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=first Number=plural 1 ourselves
Px2-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=second Number=singular 1 yourself
Px2-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=second Number=plural 1 yourselves
Px3-s Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Number=singular 2 oneself, meself
Px3-p Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Number=plural 1 themselves
Px3ms Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 3 isself/himself, 'isself/himself, himself
Px3fs Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 1 herself
Px3ns Pronoun Type=reflexive Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 1 itself
Pg3--------------r Pronoun Type=general Person=third Wh_Type=relative 3 which, whichever, whatever
Pg3--------------q Pronoun Type=general Person=third Wh_Type=question 4 which, whichever, what, whatever
Pg3-s Pronoun Type=general Person=third Number=singular 1 another
Pg3-p Pronoun Type=general Person=third Number=plural 2 several, others
Pg3ms Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=masculine Number=singular 5 someone, somebody, no-one, nobody, anybody
Pg3fs Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=feminine Number=singular 5 someone, somebody, no-one, nobody, anybody
Pg3n Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter 5 some, none, most, any, all
Pg3ns Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter Number=singular 14 tis/this, this, that, something, nothing, neither, less, everything
Pg3np Pronoun Type=general Person=third Gender=neuter Number=plural 5 those, these, many, few, both
Pt3 Pronoun Type=ex-there Person=third 1 there

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Date: 2010-05-12
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