TEI Localisation Files for Slovene http://nl.ijs.si/tei/locale/ i18n.xml Localisations for TEI Stylesheets (all languages) c.f. https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/blob/master/i18n.xml teiLocalise-sl.xml p5subset (3.1.0, 2016-12-16) with only English glosses and translations to Slovene and glosses of attribute names and values used in NRSS & SBL projects c.f. http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/odd/p5subset.xml ---- : 546 : 37 : 43 po modulih: 11 analysis 3 certainty 82 core 14 corpus 35 dictionaries 17 drama 7 figures 11 gaiji 64 header 28 iso-fs 11 linking 67 msdescription 52 namesdates 12 nets 12 spoken 41 tagdocs 14 textcrit 33 textstructure 28 transcr 4 verse