JOS morphosyntactic specifications for Slovene

3. Lists

Up: Contents Previous: 2. Definitions of Morphosyntactic Categories Next: Appendix A Differences between FidaPLUS / MULTEXT-East V3 and JOS / MULTEXT-East V4 specifications

Table of contents

Up: Contents Previous: 2. Definitions of Morphosyntactic Categories Next: Appendix A Differences between FidaPLUS / MULTEXT-East V3 and JOS / MULTEXT-East V4 specifications

Tomaž Erjavec, Simon Krek, Špela Arhar, Darja Fišer, Nina Ledinek, Amanda Saksida, Breda Sivec, Blaž Trebar. Date: 2010-03-07
This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Slovenia.