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WordNet 1.6 overview for "glass"
The noun "glass" has 6
senses in WordNet.
1. glass -- (a brittle transparent solid with irregular atomic structure)
2. glass, drinking glass -- (a glass container for holding liquids while drinking)
3. glass, glassful -- (the quantity a glass will hold)
4. field glass, glass, spyglass -- (a small refracting telescope)
5. looking glass, glass -- (a mirror; usually a ladies' dressing mirror)
6. glass -- (glassware collectively; "She collected old glass")
The verb "glass" has 5
senses in WordNet.
1. glass, glaze -- (furnish with glass, as of a window)
2. glass -- (scan with binoculars, as for game in the forest)
3. glass, glass in -- (enclose with glass; "glass in a porch")
4. glass -- (put in a glass container)
5. glaze, glass, glass over, glaze over -- (become glassy; of eyes; "Her eyes glaze over when she is bored")