SLOVENSKO Ta mapa vam omogoca, da si namestite na svoj racunalnik tipografijo ZRCola, ki verno prikazuje vse posebne znake v izdaji Brizinskih spomenikov. - ZRCFont_Setup.exe Namestitveni program za Windows, vsebuje obe pisavi; shranite si ga na svoj racunalnik, nato ga pozenete z dvoklikom. V tem primeru vam pisav ni potrebno prenesti in namestiti ročno. - 00 ZRCola.ttf Samo pisava "00 ZRCola" s foneticnimi in drugimi posebnimi znaki BS; - 01 CERKola.ttf Samo pisava "01 CERKola" s posebnimi znaki starocerkvene slovanscine; - Pisavi '00 ZRCola.ttf' in '01 CERKola.ttf' v arhivu ZIP, namestite si ju sami. (Celoten vnasalni sistem ZRCola za urejevalnik Word, ki ga je razvil Peter Weiss, je dosegljiv na straneh ENGLISH This folder provides the ZRCola fonts, which are needed to exactly display all the special characters in the Freising Mss. - ZRCFont_Setup.exe Installation program for Windows, includes both fonts; save it to your computer, then run it. In this case, you don't need to download the fonts separately. - 00 ZRCola.ttf "00 ZRCola" font only; provides the phonetic and many other special characters of the Freising Mss. - 01 CERKola.ttf "01 CERKola" font only; provides special characters for the Old Church Slavonic. - The two fonts '00 ZRCola.ttf' and '01 CERKola.ttf' in a ZIP archive. Zadnji popravek 2007-04-06, Tomaz Erjavec, Matija Ogrin