MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specifications, Version 4

3.3.1. Polish Introduction

Up: 3.3. Polish Specifications Next: 3.3.2. Polish Category Index

The current specifications are based on a modified version of the flexemic tagset developed by Marcin Woliński and Adam Przepiórkowski for the IPI PAN corpus of Polish (IPIC), based on previous works by Janusz S. Bień, Zygmunt Saloni and Jan Tokarski. A converter was written for this tagset to bring its categorization closer to the MTE one. Some POSes (flexemes according to the IPIC) were decomposed into finer categories (e.g. particle-adverbs (aka qubliks)—into particles, interjections, adverbs and a few conjunctions), some of them were presented as a combination of selected values and attributes of existing POS (derogative nouns, participles, etc.).

Up: 3.3. Polish Specifications Next: 3.3.2. Polish Category Index

Date: 2010-05-12
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