1997-12-10<date>Cvetana Krstev, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade<name>Corrected the header: number of words
and data about the publisher — the right edition
was finally been retrieved. |
1997-12-10<date>Cvetana Krstev, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade<name>A number of systematic errors was automatically corrected.
The errors were of the following type:
1. a word immediatelly followed by a start-tag;
2. an end-tag immediatelly followed by a word;
3. an entity (mdash or hellip) immediatelly followed by
a start-tag;
4. an end-tag immediatelly followed by an entity
(mdash or hellip). |
1997-12-10<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>IDed structural elements |
1997-12-10<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>Corrected some markup in body (chapter titles of 'The Book')
to better correspond to English edition |
1997-12-10<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>Updated BYTECOUNT and DATE.UPDATED |
1997-12-18<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>H.TITLE, EDITIONSTMT, AVAILABILITY to final form |
1997-12-25<date>Cvetana Krstev<name>Correction of some typographic errors. |
1997-12-25<date>Cvetana Krstev<name>As a result of a process of a hand-validation of the
Serbian/English alignment some changes in
sentence tags were done. |
1997-12-25<date>Cvetana Krstev<name>Updated WORDCOUNT, BYTECOUNT, TAGUSAGE and DATE.UPDATED |
1997-12-28<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>Revision clash; re-did header elements (H.TITLE, EDITIONSTMT, AVAILABILITY) |
1997-12-28<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>Removed redundant whitespace from tags, after 'ID="..." ' |
1997-12-28<date>Tomaz Erjavec<name>Corrected wrong sr entities in 'mocx;', '&č;' |
2004-04-08<date>Cvetana Krstev<name>Changed ID prefix to Osr |
2004-04-08<date>Cvetana Krstev<name>Typographical mistakes corrected |
2004-05-10<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Converted to TEI P4, prepared for MTE V3 |
2010-05-09<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Conversion to MULTEXT-East TEI P5. |