TEI Header

§file description
§title statement
id = mteo-hu.title
Multext-East cesDoc corpus: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Hungarian
§statement of responsibility
§name Csaba Oravecz
§responsibility CES1 conformant tagging
§statement of responsibility
§name Greg Priest-Dorman
§responsibility Added tagging of sentences in paragraphs using MtSgml and Hungarian resources.
§statement of responsibility
§name Tomaž Erjavec
§responsibility Conversion to XML/TEI P5
§edition statement
§edition MULTEXT-East, Version 4
type = words
§publication statement
§address http://nl.ijs.si/ME/V4/
§distributor Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
§address Budapest, Színház u. 5-9.
when = 2010-05-09
§source description
§fully-structured bibliographic citation
§title statement
§title Multext-East CES1: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Hungarian
§statement of responsibility
name Csaba Oravecz
responsibility CES1 conformant tagging
§statement of responsibility
name Greg Priest-Dorman
responsibility Added tagging of sentences in paragraphs using MtSgml and Hungarian resources.
§edition statement

MTE Final Release

§publication statement
§distributor Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
§address Budapest, Színház u. 5-9.

Available for research purposes upon receipt of signed agreement

when = 1997-10-01
October 1, 1997
§source description
§structured bibliographic citation
monographic level
title 1984
author George Orwell
date 1989
publisher Európa Könyvkiadó
publication place Budapest
§encoding description
§project description

MULTEXT-East: Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora for Central and Eastern European Languages. EU Copernicus Project COP106

§editorial practice declaration

Corpus Encoding Standard, Version 4.0 CES LEVEL: 1

§correction principles

The following errors in the Hungarian edition have been corrected: p. 18. l. 9. első számú elsőszámú p. 52. l. 14. nemlétező nem létező p. 85. l. 9. reménytvesztve reményt vesztve p. 128. l. 9. lovasszobor lovas szobor p. 148. l. 17. éleselméjűnek éles elméjűnek p. 212. l. 21. kell hogy kell, hogy p. 233. l. 26. lelkitusa lelki tusa p. 295. l. 34. kell hogy kell, hogy p. 127. l. 32. - p. 128. l. 3. A lány sietve befejezte az ebédet, és eltávozott. Winston még ott maradt, rágyújtott egy cigarettára. Többet nem beszéltek, s amennyire két, ugyanannál az asztalnál egymással szemközt ülő ember egyáltalán megteheti, nem is néztek egymásra. Többet nem beszéltek, s amennyire két, ugyanannál az asztalnál egymással szemközt ülő ember egyáltalán megteheti, nem is néztek egymásra. A lány sietve befejezte az ebédet, és eltávozott. Winston még ott maradt, rágyújtott egy cigarettára.

§tagging declaration
name = http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0
§tag usage
gi = abbr occurs = 38
§tag usage
gi = body occurs = 1
text body
§tag usage
gi = date occurs = 39
§tag usage
gi = div occurs = 28
text division
§tag usage
gi = foreign occurs = 43
§tag usage
gi = head occurs = 5
§tag usage
gi = hi occurs = 71
§tag usage
gi = item occurs = 4
§tag usage
gi = l occurs = 32
verse line
§tag usage
gi = list occurs = 1
§tag usage
gi = mentioned occurs = 218
§tag usage
gi = name occurs = 1843
§tag usage
gi = note occurs = 2
§tag usage
gi = num occurs = 10
§tag usage
gi = p occurs = 1292
§tag usage
gi = lg occurs = 10
line group
§tag usage
gi = ptr occurs = 2
§tag usage
gi = q occurs = 2197
separated from the surrounding text with quotation marks
§tag usage
gi = quote occurs = 35
§tag usage
gi = s occurs = 6732
§tag usage
gi = text occurs = 1
§tag usage
gi = title occurs = 40
§text-profile description
§language usage
ident = ns-hu
Newspeak Hungarian
ident = ns-jg-hu
Newspeak official jargon Hungarian
§text classification
§category reference
target = orwl
§revision description
§change 1996-10-25<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>modified header according to ME template
§change 1996-10-31<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>revised paragraph level marking in accordance with the English version
§change 1997-02-25<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>revised paragraph level marking in accordance with the English version
§change 1997-02-25<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>marked broken Q tags and linked them with PREV and NEXT attributes
§change 1997-02-25<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated BYTECOUNT
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>Normalisation of corpus component CESHEADER elements: CESHEADER, EDITIONSTMT, TITLESTMT/H.TITLE
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>ISO LANGUAGEs implemented as marked section PUBLIC ent
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>Language (WSDs) implemented as PUBLIC entities
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>Newspeak LANGUSAGE/LANGUAGE IDs now ns-xx for lang xx
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>Now every QUOTE in 1984 has at least one P
§change 1997-04-02<date>Greg Priest-Dorman<name>inserted S tags in the locations given by MtSeg
§change 1997-04-02<date>Greg Priest-Dorman<name> inserted Q and HI tags where necessary as a result of S tag insertion
§change 1997-04-02<date>Greg Priest-Dorman<name>updated TAGUSAGE
§change 1997-04-10<date>Csaba Oravecz<name> inserted dummy DIV element in 2nd part where the English has the 10th chapter, to conform to the English version for the sake of alignment
§change 1997-04-10<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated TAGUSAGE and BYTECOUNT
§change 1997-04-10<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated IDs
§change 1997-05-08<date>Csaba Oravecz<name> corrected two mistakes in encoding: inserted one P tag and deleted one P tag
§change 1997-05-15<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>corrected sentence segmentation errors
§change 1997-05-15<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated TAGUSAGE and BYTECOUNT
§change 1997-05-15<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated IDs
§change 1997-06-08<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>corrected sentence segmentation errors revealed by sentence level alignment
§change 1997-06-08<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>corrected order of sentences to comform to English version in part 2, ch. 1, paragraph 37., listed in correction
§change 1997-06-08<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated TAGUSAGE and BYTECOUNT
§change 1997-06-08<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated IDs
§change 1997-09-11<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>corrected one sentence segmentation error revealed by sentence level alignment
§change 1997-09-11<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated TAGUSAGE and BYTECOUNT
§change 1997-09-11<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated IDs
§change 1997-09-25<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>small typing corections
§change 1997-09-25<date>Csaba Oravecz<name>updated BYTECOUNT
§change 1997-09-25<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Changed editionStmt, byteCount, Availability to final form
§change 1997-12-03<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Fixed a odblac entity
§change 2004-05-10<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Converted to TEI P4, prepared for MTE V3
§change 2010-05-09<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Conversion to MULTEXT-East TEI P5.