Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<extFigure> (external figure) (in a writing system declaration) refers to a figure or illustration depicting the character form, which is stored in some declared notation external to the text.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
notation identifies the notation in which the figure is stored.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: a valid name associated with a given notation by means of a NOTATION declaration in the document type definition.
Default: #REQUIRED
entity gives the name of an external entity which contains the figure.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: a valid name associated with the external entity by means of an ENTITY declaration in the document type declaration .
Default: #REQUIRED

An image of the character form may be stored and transmitted in any desired graphics format. The declaration of the notation may specify a local system identifier for the processor (here it is imagined that we use a program called ‘pddraw.exe’ to process files in TIFF format), thus:

<!-- in the DTD: -->
 <!NOTATION TIFF SYSTEM 'pddraw.exe'>
 <!ENTITY lcthorn SYSTEM 'lcthorn.TIF' NDATA TIFF>
        <!-- in the WSD itself: -->
 <extFigure notation="TIFF" entity='lcthorn'/>
More usually, a PUBLIC identifier is associated with the notation:
<!-- in the DTD: -->
            PUBLIC '-//XXX//NOTATION Tagged Image File Format//EN'>
 <!ENTITY lcthorn SYSTEM 'lcthorn.TIF' NDATA TIFF>
     <!-- in the WSD itself: -->
    <extFigure notation=TIFF entity='lcthorn'/>


Character shapes may be conveniently conveyed in forms other than graphics images; one might, for example, define a character shape using a font-design program such as Donald Knuth's MetaFont program (which can be used to generate fonts for processing with TeX):

<!-- in the DTD: -->
 <!NOTATION metafont
            PUBLIC '-//DEK//NOTATION MetaFont//EN'>
 <!ENTITY lcthorn SYSTEM 'lcthorn.TIF' NDATA metafont>
        <!-- in the WSD itself: -->
 <extFigure notation='metafont' entity='lcthorn'/>

Module Declared in file teiwsd2; Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
Data Description Empty.
May occur within
<!ELEMENT extFigure %om.RO;  EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST extFigure  
      notation CDATA #REQUIRED
      entity CDATA #REQUIRED>
See further 25.4.2 Exceptions in the WSD

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