Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<null> (Null value) represents the null set, bag, or list, depending on whether the org attribute of its parent <f> has the value set, bag, or list; has no interpretation if the org attribute of its parent <f> element has the value single.
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from featureVal
<f name="empty" org="list"><null/></f>

If the <null> element occurs as the value of a feature, it must be the only value. It is also a semantic error for the org attribute of that feature to have the value single.

Module Declared in file teifs2; Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
Class featureVal
Data Description Empty element.
May occur within f fvLib vAlt
<!ELEMENT null %om.RO; EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST null  
See further 16.6 Singleton, Set, Bag and List Collections of Values

Up: 35 Elements