Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<fDecl> (feature declaration) declares a single feature, specifying its name, organization, range of allowed values, and optionally its default value.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
name indicates the name of the feature being declared; matches the name attribute of <f> elements in the text.
Datatype: NMTOKEN
Values: any string of characters
Default: #REQUIRED

org (organization) specifies the organizing discipline of the feature value.
Datatype: (unit | set | bag | list)
Legal values are:
unit unitary atomic value
set set value (unordered, no duplicates)
bag bag value (unordered, may have duplicates)
list list value (ordered, may have duplicates)
Default: unit


Module Declared in file teifsd2; Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
Data Description May contain character data and phrase-level elements.
May contain fDescr vDefault vRange
May occur within fsDecl
<!ELEMENT fDecl %om.RR;  (fDescr?, vRange, vDefault?)> 
<!ATTLIST fDecl  
      org (unit | set | bag | list) "unit">
See further 26 Feature System Declaration

Up: 35 Elements