role |
indicates the kind of information held in the cell. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Suggested values include:
label |
labelling or descriptive information only. |
data |
data values. |
Default: data |
Note |
The value specified overrides any default specified by the
role attribute of the parent <row> element,
for this cell only.
rows |
indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Values: A number; a value greater than one indicates that this cell
spans several rows. |
Default: 1 |
Note |
Where several cells span several rows, it may be more convenient
to use nested tables.
cols |
indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Values: A number; a value greater than one indicates that this cell
spans several columns. |
Default: 1 |
Note |
Where an initial cell spans an entire row, it should be treated as
a heading.