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 COP project 106 MULTEXT-East Deliverable D2.3 F ``1984'', English

        <h.title>Multext-East cesAna: Nineteen Eighty-Four, English</h.title>
          <respname>Nancy Ide</respname>
          <resptype>Overall Responsibility</resptype>
          <respname>Greg Priest-Dorman</respname>
          <resptype>Generation of Lexical Data</resptype>
          <respname>Vladim&iacute;r Petkevi&ccaron;</respname>
          <resptype>Conversion to cesAna DTD</resptype>
      <editionstmt version="1.0">MTE Final Release</editionstmt>
        <byteCount units="MB">cca 38</byteCount>
        <extnote>wordCount represents the number of TOK TYPE=WORD
          elements in the text.</extnote>
          Department of Computer Science, Vassar College
        <pubaddress>Poughkeepsie, New York 12604-0252  USA</pubaddress>
        <eaddress type="email"></eaddress>
        <availability status="restricted">
          Available for research purposes upon receipt of signed agreement
        <pubDate value="1998-01-01">January 1st, 1998</pubDate>
            <h.title>Multext-East CES1: Nineteen Eighty-Four, English</h.title>
              Department of Computer Science, Vassar College
            <pubaddress>Poughkeepsie, New York 12604-0252  USA</pubaddress>
            <eaddress type="email"></eaddress>
            <availability status="restricted">
              Available for research purposes upon receipt of signed agreement
            <pubDate value="1997-10-01">October 1, 1997</pubDate>
              The European Corpus Initiative
              Multilingual Corpus 1:
              1984 by George Orwell (English)
              <respname>Association for Computational Linguistics</respname>
              <resptype>Converted from OTA's DTD to ECI DTD</resptype>
            <availability status=restricted>
              Available for research purposes upon receipt of signed
                <h.title>Orwell's 1984: electronic edition</h.title>
                  <respname>Oxford Text Archive</respname>
                    The four versions of Orwell's 1984 in the OTA
                    were all prepared by the OUCS KDEM service in
                    1985 for Dr David C Bennett of the School of
                    Oriental And African Studies at London
                    University.  The texts here have not been
                    encoded or proofread in any way since they were
                    produced (other than the English text, which was
                    converted to an SGML like encoding by John
                    Price-Wilkin, and subsequently automatically
                    converted to conform to the OTA's dtd by myself
                    and Alan Morrison. The other languages were
                    converted to TEI conformant SGML by the ECI
                    project 1993.) --LB, Nov 1992
                Public Domain TEI edition prepared at the Oxford Text
                <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
                  Oxford University Computing Service
                  13 Banbury Road
                  Oxford OX2 6NN UK
                <availability status=restricted>
                  Freely available for non-commercial
                  use provided that this header is included in its
                  entirety with any copy distributed
                <pubdate>19 Nov 1992</pubdate>
                    <>George Orwell</>
                      <pubdate>1949; reprinted 1961</pubdate>
                      <publisher>New American Library</publisher>
                      <pubplace>New York</pubplace>
        Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora for Central and Eastern
        European Languages.
        EU Copernicus Project COP106
          In the cesDoc to cesAna conversion, DIV, QUOTE, Q tags and
          HEAD, POEM, LIST elements have been omitted. cesDoc P
          elements are encoded as PAR, and S as S.
          cesDoc sub-S level tags are omitted: DATE, NAME, ABBR, etc.
          Q and QUOTE tags from the cesDoc source not retained.
          S segmentation same as in cesDoc source (hand-validated).
          TOK segmentation performed with mtseg and manually corrected,
        <tagusage gi=chunklist occurs=1>
          Element corresponds to TEXT of the cesDoc source
        <tagusage gi=chunk occurs=1>
          Element corresponds to BODY of the cesDoc source
        <tagusage gi=par occurs=1286>
          Elements correspond to P elements of the cesDoc source.
          The FROM attribute gives the reference to the ID of the
          corresponding cesDoc P element.
        <tagusage gi=s occurs=6701>
          Elements correspond to S elements of the cesDoc source
          The FROM attribute gives the reference to the ID of the
          corresponding cesDoc S element.
        <tagusage gi=tok occurs=118102>
          Tokens are of TYPE=WORD or PUNCT, with the CLASS attribute
          giving the mtseg class of the token (ABBR, COMP, INIT, TTL).
          The FROM attribute gives reference to the ID of the 
          corresponding cesDoc S element in which the token in 
          question appears along with the character offset of the 
          token within the sentence (the character offset is appended 
          to the sentence ID). 
        <tagusage gi=orth occurs=118102>
          Contains the orthography of the token, as found in the cesDoc source
           (except for COMP, which have underscore instead of blank).
          <tagusage gi=disamb occurs=187526>
            Contains disambiguated lexical information for
            WORDs. Disambiguation performed by Eric Brill's Unsupervised
            Part-of-Speech Tagger Version 0.8.  Trained on chapters 1&2
            of Multext-East CES1: Nineteen Eighty-Four, English.  A token
            with several DISAMBs indicates that the Brill Tagger was
            not able to fully disambiguate the token.  In such a case
            all equally-weighted possibilities are listed. 
          <tagusage gi=lex occurs=214404>
            Contains undisambiguated lexical information for WORDs.
          <tagusage gi=base occurs=401930>
            Base or lemmma of a WORD. In the event that the base of 
            the WORD was not known, the content of this tag will be 
            "??" (two question marks).
          <tagusage gi=msd occurs=401930>
            Morphosyntactic description of a WORD. In the event that
            the MSD of the WORD was not known, the content of this tag
            will be "??" (two question marks).
          <tagusage gi=ctag occurs=416035>
            Corpus tag (for tok type=WORD and for tok type=PUNCT).
            In the event that the CTAG of the WORD was not known, the 
            content of this tag will be "??" (two question marks).
      <creation date="1997-12-15"></creation>
        <![ %ONECOMPONENT [ &ISOlang; ]]>
        <language id="ns" iso639="none">Newspeak</language>
        <language id="ns-jg" iso639="none">Newspeak official jargon</language>
        <language id="en-ck" iso639="none">British Cockney English</language>
        <respname>Vladim&iacute;r Petkevi&ccaron;</respname>
        <h.item>Revised several tagusage descriptions, and supplied
                counts in the header.
        <respname>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS</respname>
         <h.item>Modified EDITIONSTMT</h.item>
