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List of attributes

In this section, all the attributes presented in the tables are listed in alphabetical order. For some attributes which are not self-explanatory, a brief description of their semantics is provided.

Attribute Relevant to Category
Animate Adj Noun Num Pron Verb
Case Abbr Adj Adpos Art Det Noun Num Pron Verb
Class Num
Clitic Adj Adpos Adv Art Conj Det Noun Num Part Pron Verb
Clitic_s Pron
Coord_Type Conj
Definiteness Abbr Adj Noun Num Pron Verb
Degree Adj Adv
Form Num
Formation Adj Adpos Conj Interj Part
Gender Abbr Adj Art Det Noun Num Pron Verb
Modific_Type Det
Negative Verb
Number Abbr Adj Adv Art Conj Det Noun Num Pron Verb
Owned_Number Adj Noun Num Pron
Owner_Gender Det Pron
Owner_Number Adj Det Noun Num Pron
Owner_Person Adj Noun Num Pron
Person Adv Conj Det Pron Verb
Pronoun_Form Pron
Referent_Type Pron
Sub_Type Conj
Syntactic_Type Abbr Pron
Tense Verb
Type Adj Adpos Adv Art Conj Det Interj Noun Num Part Pron Verb
VForm Verb
Voice Verb
Wh_Form Adv Det Pron

distinguishes subtypes of Numerals in Czech which have a distinct syntactic distributions: e.g. subclasses for 1, 2, 3&4, etc. are distinguished.
the 'yes' value of the Clitic_s attribute denotes Czech pronouns having the clitic morpheme 's' appended as a suffix.
corresponds to the definite and indefinite article in English, which is expressed in Bulgarian by suffixes; these differ according to the gender and number of a word. For singular masculine there are two forms: full article and short article (full is used when a sing.masc. form is the syntactic subject of the clause, otherwise short article is used). The distinction full vs. short is not made for feminine, neuter and plural forms. Definiteness is also used in Romanian.
used to distinguish different forms of numerals (Roman, digit, 'letter') and in Bulgarian also for the semantic distinction between numerals that refer to male persons (but not children) or groups of male+female.
refers to the graphical components: simple, i.e. consisting of one word; compound, i.e. consisting of more than one word.
refers to the prenominal or postnominal positions of Determiners which distinguish different forms in Romanian.
the value 'yes' encodes negative verbal word-forms in Czech, Slovene and in Estonian.
in the Hungarian system, different word-forms are distinguished for nominals on the basis of so called 'anaphoric possessive' number, i.e. the number of the thing(s) possessed by the nominal in question.
used to encode the Gender of the possessor in Pronouns and (in Romanian) Determiners.
used to specify the possessor number in Pronouns, as well as (in Romanian) in Determiners, and (in Hungarian) in Adjectives and Nouns.
used to specify the possessor person in in Hungarian in Adjectives and Nouns.
used to encode weak and strong pronouns in Romanian.
used to distinguish reflexive personal from reflexive possessive pronouns in the Slavic languages. In Bulgarian, it also describes a subdivision on the basis of semantic features which have effect on the morpho-syntactic paradigm, e.g. quantitative: the pronoun refers to quantity, etc.
used in Romanian to distinguish negative from positive Conjunctions.
used to distinguish the nominal and adjectival function of Pronouns in Slovene and Czech. Also used in Abbreviations to signal the Part of Speech of the abbreviation; currently used only by Romanian and Estonian.

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