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Multext-East Corpus Sampler: Estonian-English Aligned 1984
- <Oet.>Oli külm selge aprillipäev, kellad lõid parajasti kolmteist.
- <Oen.>It was a bright cold day in April,
and the clocks were striking thirteen.
- <Oet.> Winston Smith
, lõug vastu rinda surutud, et kaitsta end läbilõikava tuule vastu, lipsas kiiresti
Võidu Maja
klaasuksest sisse, aga mitte küllalt kiiresti, et takistada liivasegust tolmukeerist endaga kaasa tulemast.
- <Oen.> Winston Smith,
his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind,
slipped quickly through the glass doors of
Victory Mansions,
though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering
along with him.
- <Oet.>Trepikoda haises keedetud kapsa ja vanade kaltsumattide järgi.
- <Oen.>The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.
- <Oet.>Selle ühes otsas oli seinale kinnitatud värviline plakat, mis oli siseruumi kohta liiga suur.
- <Oen.>At one end of it a coloured poster,
too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall.
- <Oet.>See kujutas vaid üht tohutut, enam kui meetrilaiust nägu: umbes neljakümne viie aastase mehe nägu tihedate mustade vuntside ja karmide meeldivate näojoontega.
- <Oen.>It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre
wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache
and ruggedly handsome features.
- <Oet.> Winston
hakkas treppist üles minema.
- <Oen.> Winston made for the stairs.
- <Oet.>Lifti ei tasunud proovidagi.
- <Oen.>It was no use trying the lift.
- <Oet.>See töötas parematel aegadel harva, ja praegu oli vool päeva ajaks välja lülitatud.
- <Oen.>Even at the best of times it was seldom working,
and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours.
- <Oet.>See oli osa
vihkamise nädala
eelsest kokkuhoiukampaaniast.
- <Oen.>It was part of the economy drive in preparation for
Hate Week.
- <Oet.>Korter oli kaheksandal korrusel, ja
, kes oli kolmekümne üheksa aastane ja kel oli veenilaiendi haavand parema jala pahkluu kohal, astus aeglaselt, tõmmates minnes korduvalt hinge.
- <Oen.>The flat was seven flights up, and
who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle,
went slowly, resting several times on the way.
- <Oet.>Igal korrusel vaatas lifti vastasseinalt vastu plakat selle tohutu näoga.
- <Oen.>On each landing,
opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from
the wall.
- <Oet.>See oli niisugune pilt, mis on tehtud nii, et silmad saadavad sind igale poole.
- <Oen.>It was one of those pictures which are so contrived
that the eyes follow you about when you move.
- <Oet.>" Suur Vend
valvab sind"
, oli pildi all kiri.
- <Oen.>" Big Brother
is watching you",
the caption beneath it ran.
- <Oet.>Korteris luges mahlakas hääl ette mingeid arvusid, mis käisid ilmselt malmitootmise kohta.
- <Oen.>Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list
of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-iron.
- <Oet.>Hääl tuli piklikust, tuhmi peegli moodi metallplaadist, mis moodustas osa parempoolesest seinast.
- <Oen.>The voice came
from an oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror which formed part of
the surface of the right-hand wall.
- <Oet.> Winston
keeras nuppu ja hääl jäi veidi vaiksemaks, kuigi sõnad olid endiselt selged.
- <Oen.> Winston
turned a switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words were
still distinguishable.
- <Oet.>Seda riistapuud (mille nimi oli teleekraan), sai küll vaiksemaks keerata, aga võimatu oli seda täiesti välja lülitada.
- <Oen.>The instrument (the telescreen, it was called)
could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off
- <Oet.> Winston
jäi akna alla seisma: ta oli lühike, kleenuke ja sinised tunked,
vormiriietus, veel rõhutasid tema kõhnust.
- <Oen.>He moved over to the window: a smallish, frail figure, the
meagreness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which
were the uniform of the
- <Oet.>Tal oli väga heledad juuksed ja loomu poolest jumekas nägu, mille naha oli kehv seep, nürid ¾iletid ja äsja lõppenud talve külmad karedaks muutnud.
- <Oen.>His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his
skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the
winter that had just ended.
- <Oet.>Aknatagusest vaatepildist õhkus isegi läbi klaasi külma.
- <Oen.>Outside, even through the shut window-pane, the world
looked cold.
- <Oet.>All tänaval keerutasid väikesed tuulepöörised tolmu ja paberitükke, ja kuigi päike paistis ja taevas oli eresinine, oli kõik ümberringi hall ja ilmetu, välja arvatud plakatid, mida oli kõikjale üles kleebitud.
- <Oen.>Down in the street little eddies of wind were whirling
dust and torn paper into spirals, and though the sun was shining and the
sky a harsh blue, there seemed to be no colour in anything, except the
posters that were plastered everywhere.
- <Oet.>Mustavuntsiline nägu vahtis vastu iga nurga pealt, ka vastasmaja fassaadilt.
- <Oen.>The blackmoustachio'd face
gazed down from every commanding corner.<Oen.>There was one on the
house-front immediately opposite.
- <Oet.>" Suur Vend
valvab sind,"
ütles kiri, ja tumedad silmad vaatasid sügavalt
- <Oen.>" Big Brother
is watching you,"
the caption said, while the dark eyes looked deep into
- <Oet.>All kõnnitee kohal laperdas teine, nurgast rebenenud plakat hooti tuule käes, vaheldumisi varjates ja näidates ainsat sõna
" ingsots"
- <Oen.>Down at streetlevel another poster, torn at one corner,
flapped fitfully in the wind, alternately covering and uncovering the single
" Ingsoc".
- <Oet.>Taamal laskus helikopter katuste vahele, jäi korraks õhku rippuma nagu porikärbes ja liugles siis kaarjalt edasi.
- <Oen.>In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the
roofs, hovered for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a
curving flight.
- <Oet.>See oli akendesse piiluv politseipatrull.
- <Oen.>It was the police patrol, snooping into people's
- <Oet.>Aga patrullil polnud suurt tähtsust.
- <Oen.>The patrols did not matter, however.
- <Oet.>Tähtis oli
- <Oen.>Only the
Thought Police
- <Oet.>Teleekraanist tulev hääl
selja taga jahvatas ikka veel malmist ja IX kolmaastakuplaani ületamisest.
- <Oen.>Behind
back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about
pig-iron and the overfulfillment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan.
- <Oet.>Teleekraan töötas korraga nii vastuvõtja kui saatjana.
- <Oen.>The
telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously.
- <Oet.>See püüdis kinni iga vaiksest sosinast tugevama heli, mida
tegi; vähe sellest, kuni ta püsis metallplaadi vaateväljas, oli teda niisama hästi ka näha.
- <Oen.>Any sound that
made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it,
moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the
metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard.
- <Oet.>Muidugi oli täiesti võimatu öelda, kas sind parajasti valvatakse või mitte.
- <Oen.>There was
of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any
given moment.
- <Oet.>Võis ainult mõistatada, kui tihti ja mis süsteemi järgi
iga üksiku kanali sisse lülitab.
- <Oen.>How often, or on what system, the
Thought Police
plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork.
- <Oet.>Mõeldav oli seegi, et jälgiti kogu aeg kõiki.
- <Oen.>It was even
conceivable that they watched everybody all the time.
- <Oet.>Aga igal juhul võidi sinu kanal sisse lülitada mis tahes hetkel.
- <Oen.>But at any rate
they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to.
- <Oet.>Tuli elada -- ja elatigi, tänu harjumusele, mis oli muutunud instinktiks, -- teadmises, et igat heli, mida sa teed, kuuldakse ja igat liigutust, välja arvatud pimedas, pannakse tähele.
- <Oen.>You had to live
-- did live, from habit that became instinct -- in the
assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in
darkness, every movement scrutinized.
- <Oet.> Winston
seisis kogu aeg seljaga teleekraani poole.
- <Oen.> Winston
kept his back turned to the telescreen.
- <Oet.>Nii oli kindlam, kuigi ka selg võis reeta, nagu ta väga hästi teadis.
- <Oen.>It was safer, though, as he
well knew, even a back can be revealing.
- <Oet.>Umbes kilomeetri kaugusel kõrgus valge ja vägevana tahmase maastiku kohal
, tema töökoht.
- <Oen.>A kilometre away the
Ministry of Truth,
his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape.
- <Oet.>See, mõtles ta ebamäärase vastumeelsusega, see on siis
London, Esimese Maandumisraja
elanikearvult kolmanda provintsi pealinn.
- <Oen.>This, he thought with a sort of vague distaste --
this was
chief city of
Airstrip One,
itself the third most populous of the provinces of
- <Oet.>Ta püüdis leida mõnd lapsepõlvemälestust, mis ütleks, kas
on alati selline olnud.
- <Oen.>He tried to squeeze out some childhood memory that should
tell him whether
had always been quite like this.
- <Oet.>Kas siin on alati olnud ridamisi neid räämas üheksateistkümnenda sajandi maju, palgid seinu toetamas, aknad papiga kinni löödud ja katused lainelise plekiga kaetud, lagunevad aiamüürid igasse külge vajumas?
- <Oen.>Were there always these vistas of
rotting nineteenth-century houses, their sides shored up with baulks
of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with
corrugated iron, their crazy garden walls sagging in all directions?
- <Oet.>Ja need pommitamisjäljed, kus õhus keerles krohvitolmu ja põdrakanep kasvas kivirusul; ja need kohad, kus pommid olid lagedaks teinud suurema platsi ja kuhu oli kerkinud karjakaupa armetuid barakke nagu kanakuute?
- <Oen.>And the bombed sites where the plaster dust swirled in
the air and the
willow-herb straggled over the heaps of rubble; and the places where
the bombs had cleared a larger patch and there had sprung up sordid
colonies of wooden dwellings like chicken-houses?
- <Oet.>Asjata kõik, ta ei mäletanud midagi: lapsepõlvest ei olnud säilinud midagi peale üksikute eredalt valgustatud piltide, millel ei olnud tagapõhja ja mis jäid enamasti arusaamatuks.
- <Oen.>But it was no use,
he could not remember: nothing remained of his childhood except a
series of bright-lit tableaux occurring against no background and
mostly unintelligible.
- <Oet.> Tõeministeerium
uuskeeles* Tõmin
-- erines rabavalt kõigest muust, mida oli näha.
- <Oen.> Ministry of Truth,
-- was startlingly different from any other object in sight.
- <Oet.>See oli tohutu kiiskavvalgest betoonist püramiidne ehitis, mis kerkis astanguliselt
meetri kõrgusele.
- <Oen.>It
was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete,
soaring up, terrace after terrace,
metres into the air.
- <Oet.>Sealt, kus
seisis, seletas silm veel parajasti valgel seinal elegantses kirjas ilutsevat
kolme loosungit:
"Sõda on rahu""Vabadus on orjus""Teadmatus on jõud"
- <Oen.>From where
stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in
elegant lettering, the three slogans of the
"War is peace""Freedom is slavery""Ignorance is strength."
- <Oet.>Räägiti, et
hoones on maa peal kolm tuhat tuba ja vastav juurestik maa all.
- <Oen.> Ministry of Truth,
contained, it was said, three thousand rooms above ground level, and
corresponding ramifications below.
- <Oet.>Hajali mööda
oli veel kolm samasuguse välimuse ja suurusega hoonet.
- <Oen.>Scattered about
there were just three other buildings of similar appearance and
- <Oet.>Need troonisid ümberkaudsete ehituste kohal, nii et
Võidu Maja
katuselt võis näha korraga kõiki nelja.
- <Oen.>So completely did they dwarf the surrounding architecture
that from the roof of
Victory Mansions
you could see all four of them simultaneously.
- <Oet.>Need olid ministeeriumide hooned, mille vahel jagunes kogu valitsusaparaat.
- <Oen.>They were the homes of
the four Ministries between which the entire apparatus of government
was divided.
- <Oet.> Tõeministeerium
, mis tegeles informatsiooni, meelelahutuse, hariduse ja kunstiga.
- <Oen.>The
Ministry of Truth,
which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the
fine arts.
- <Oet.> Rahuministeerium
, mis tegeles sõjaga.
- <Oen.>The
Ministry of Peace,
which concerned itself with war.
- <Oet.> Armastusministeerium
, mis kaitses seaduslikkust ja korda.
- <Oen.>The
Ministry of Love,
which maintained law and order.
- <Oet.>Ja
, mis vastutas majanduselu eest.
- <Oen.>And the
Ministry of Plenty,
which was responsible for economic affairs.
- <Oet.> Uuskeeles
nimetati neid:
, ja
- <Oen.>Their names, in
- <Oet.> Armastusministeerium
oli hirmuäratav asutus.
- <Oen.>The
Ministry of Love
was the really frightening one.
- <Oet.>Sel ei olnud ühtki akent.
- <Oen.>There were no windows in it at all.
- <Oet.> Winston
ei olnud kordagi käinud
, isegi mitte poole kilomeetri kaugusel sellest.
- <Oen.> Winston
had never been inside the
Ministry of Love,
nor within half a kilometre of it.
- <Oet.>See oli koht, kuhu oli võimatu pääseda muidu kui ametiasjus, ja ka siis tuli tungida läbi traattõketest, raudustest ja peidetud kuulipildujapesadest labürindi.
- <Oen.>It was a place impossible to enter
except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a
maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine-gun
- <Oet.>Isegi selle välimisele kaitsevööndile viivail tänavail lonkisid musta mundriga gorillanäolised valvurid, kes olid relvastatud jätkuliste nuiadega.
- <Oen.>Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers
were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed
- <Oet.> Winston
pööras järsult ümber.
- <Oen.> Winston
turned round abruptly.
- <Oet.>Ta oli mananud näole vaikse optimismi ilme, nagu see oli soovitav näoga teleekraani poole olles.
- <Oen.>He had set his features into the expression of
quiet optimism which it was advisable to wear when facing the
- <Oet.>Ta läks üle toa tillukesse kööki.
- <Oen.>He crossed the room into the tiny kitchen.
- <Oet.>Lahkudes sel kellaajal
, oli ta ohverdanud lõunasöögi kantiinis, ja ta teadis, et köögis ei ole midagi süüa peale mustjaspruuni leivatüki, mida tuli hoida homme hommikuks.
- <Oen.>By leaving the
at this time of day he had sacrificed his lunch in the canteen, and he
was aware that there was no food in the kitchen except a hunk of
dark-coloured bread which had got to be saved for tomorrow's
- <Oet.>Ta võttis riiulilt pudeli värvitu vedelikuga, mille lihtsale valgele sildile oli kirjutatud
" Võidu
- <Oen.>He took down from the shelf a bottle of colourless liquid
with a plain white label marked
Victory Gin.
- <Oet.>Sel oli vastik, õline lõhn nagu hiina riisiviinal.
- <Oen.>It gave off a sickly, oily smell, as of Chinese rice
- <Oet.> Winston
kallas endale sealt peaaegu teetassitäie, võttis südame rindu ja neelas selle alla nagu arstirohu.
- <Oen.> Winston
poured out nearly a teacupful, nerved himself for a shock, and gulped
it down like a dose of medicine.
- <Oet.>Jalamaid hakkas ta nägu õhetama ja tal tuli vesi silma.
- <Oen.>Instantly his face turned scarlet and the water ran out of
his eyes.
- <Oet.>See vedelik oli nagu lämmastikhape, vähe sellest, seda neelates oli tunne, nagu oleksid kumminuiaga kuklasse saanud.
- <Oen.>The stuff was like nitric acid, and moreover, in
swallowing it one had the sensation of being hit on the back of the head
with a rubber club.
- <Oet.>Hetke pärast andis kõrvetus maos aga järele ja maailm omandas rõõmsama ilme.
- <Oen.>The next moment, however, the burning in his belly died
down and the world began to look more cheerful.
- <Oet.>Ta võttis käkrunud pakist, millel oli kiri
" Võidu
, ühe sigareti, aga hoidis seda ettevaatamatult püstloodis, mille tõttu tubakas pudenes kõik maha.
- <Oen.>He took a cigarette
from a crumpled packet marked
" Victory Cigarettes"
and incautiously held it upright, whereupon the tobacco fell out on to
the floor.
- <Oet.>Järgmisega oli tal rohkem õnne.
- <Oen.>With the next he was more successful.
- <Oet.>Ta läks tagasi elutuppa ja istus väikese laua taha, mis oli teleekraanist vasakul.
- <Oen.>He went back to the
living-room and sat down at a small table that stood to the left of
the telescreen.
- <Oet.>Ta võttis lauasahtlist sulepea, tindipoti ja paksu, kvartkaustas, punase selja ja marmoreeritud kaantega kaustiku.
- <Oen.>From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a
bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto-sized blank book with a red back
and a marbled cover.
- <Oet.>Mingil põhjusel oli teleekraan elutoas ebatavalises kohas.
- <Oen.>For some reason the telescreen in the living-room
was in an unusual position.
- <Oet.>Selle asemel et paikneda -- nagu oli normaalne -- otsaseinas, kust oleks näinud kogu tuba, oli ta pikemas seinas, vastu akent.
- <Oen.>Instead of being placed, as was normal, in the end wall,
where it could command the whole room, it was in the longer wall,
opposite the window.
- <Oet.>Ekraani kõrval oli väike ni¹¹, kus
praegu istus, -- see oli maja ehitamise ajal mõeldud ilmselt raamaturiiuli jaoks.
- <Oen.>To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in
was now sitting, and which, when the flats were built, had probably
been intended to hold bookshelves.
- <Oet.>Ja ni¹is istudes ning tahapoole nõjatudes jäi
teleekraanile kättesaamatuks, mis puutus nägemisse.
- <Oen.>By sitting in the alcove, and
keeping well back,
was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, so far as
sight went.
- <Oet.>Teda oli muidugi kuulda, aga niikaua, kui ta püsis oma praeguses asendis, ei olnud teda näha.
- <Oen.>He could be heard, of course, but so long as he stayed in
his present position he could not be seen.
- <Oet.>Ja osalt just see toa ebatavaline geograafia oligi talle sisendanud mõtte, mida ta asus nüüd teoks tegema.
- <Oen.>It was partly the unusual
geography of the room that had suggested to him the thing that he was
now about to do.
- <Oet.>Aga selle mõtte oli talle sisendanud ka see kaustik, mille ta oli sahtlist välja võtnud.
- <Oen.>But it had also been suggested by the book that he had
just taken out of the drawer.
- <Oet.>See oli iseäralikult ilus kaustik.
- <Oen.>It was a peculiarly beautiful book.
- <Oet.>Selle sile, kreemjas, vanadusest pisut koltunud paber oli seda sorti, mida ei olnud enam vähemalt nelikümmend aastat toodetud.
- <Oen.>Its smooth creamy
paper, a little yellowed by age, was of a kind that had not been
manufactured for at least forty years past.
- <Oet.>Kuid
oletas, et see kaustik on veel palju vanem.
- <Oen.>He could guess, however,
that the book was much older than that.
- <Oet.>Ta oli märganud seda ühe väikese räämas vanakraamikaupluse aknal kuskil aguliurkas (kus nimelt, seda ta ei mäletanud) ja teda oli jalamaid haaranud vastupandamatu soov selle omanikuks saada.
- <Oen.>He had seen it lying in the
window of a frowsy little junk-shop in a slummy quarter of the town
(just what quarter he did not now remember) and had been stricken
immediately by an overwhelming desire to possess it.
- <Oet.> Partei
liikmed ei tohtinud tavalistes poodides käia (
"vabalt turult ostmas"
, nagu öeldi), aga sellest ei peetud rangelt kinni, sest paljusid asju, nagu näiteks kingapaelu ja ¾iletiteri, ei olnudki muul viisil võimalik saada.
- <Oen.>Party members
were supposed not to go into ordinary shops
("dealing on the free market",
it was called), but the rule was not strictly kept, because there
were various things, such as shoelaces and razor blades, which it was
impossible to get hold of in any other way.
- <Oet.>Ta oli heitnud tänaval kiire pilgu ette ja taha, oli lipsanud poodi ja ostnud kaustiku kahe ja poole dollari eest ära.
- <Oen.>He had given a quick
glance up and down the street and then had slipped inside and bought
the book for two dollars fifty.
- <Oet.>Sel hetkel polnud tal selle kaustikuga veel mingit kindlat kavatsust.
- <Oen.>At the time he was not conscious of
wanting it for any particular purpose.
- <Oet.>Ta oli selle süüdlaslikult portfellis koju toonud.
- <Oen.>He had carried it guiltily home
in his briefcase.
- <Oet.>Isegi tühjalt, ilma et sinna oleks midagi kirjutatud, oli see kompromiteeriv omand.
- <Oen.>Even with nothing written in it, it was a
compromising possession.
- <Oet.>Mõte, mida ta asus nüüd teoks tegema, oli päevikupidamine.
- <Oen.>The thing that he was about to do was to open a
- <Oet.>See ei olnud keelatud (miski ei olnud keelatud, sestpeale kui ei olnud enam olemas seadusi), aga ilmsikstuleku puhul võis olla kindel, et karistuseks on surmanuhtlus või vähemasti kakskümmend viis aastat sunnitöölaagrit.
- <Oen.>This was not illegal (nothing was illegal, since
there were no longer any laws),
but if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by
death, or at least by twenty-five years in a forced labour camp.
- <Oet.> Winston
pani sule sulepea otsa ja pühkis selle õlist puhtaks.
- <Oen.> Winston
fitted a nib into the penholder and sucked it to get the grease off.
- <Oet.>Sulg oli vanaaegne riist, mida kasutati harva isegi allkirja andmiseks, ja ta oli hankinud selle salaja ning suure vaevaga, lihtsalt tundes, et see ilus kreemjas paber on seda väärt, et sinna kirjutataks ehtsa sulega, selle asemel et kriipida seda tindipliiatsiga.
- <Oen.>The pen was an archaic instrument, seldom used even
for signatures,
and he had procured one, furtively and with some difficulty, simply
because of a feeling that the beautiful creamy paper deserved to be
written on with a real nib instead of being scratched with an
- <Oet.>Tegelikult ei olnud ta harjunud käega kirjutama.
- <Oen.>Actually he was not used to writing by hand.
- <Oet.>Peale väga lühikeste märkmete dikteeriti kõik mis vaja kõnekirjurile, aga praeguseks otstarbeks see muidugi ei kõlvanud.
- <Oen.>Apart from
very short notes, it was usual to dictate everything into the
speakwrite which was of course impossible for his present purpose.
- <Oet.>Ta kastis sule tindipotti ja jäi hetkeks kõhklema.
- <Oen.>He
dipped the pen into the ink and then faltered for just a second.
- <Oet.>Värin käis läbi ta südame.
- <Oen.>A
tremor had gone through his bowels.
- <Oet.>Paberile jälje jätmine oli otsustav tegu.
- <Oen.>To mark the paper was the decisive
- <Oet.>Väikeste kohmakate tähtedega kirjutas ta:
- <Oen.>In small clumsy letters he wrote:
- <Oet.>4. aprill 1984
- <Oen.>April 4th, 1984.
- <Oet.>Ta ajas end sirgu.
- <Oen.>He sat back.
- <Oet.>Teda valdas täielik abitustunne.
- <Oen.>A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon
- <Oet.>Kõigepealt ei teadnud ta vanduda, kas praegu ikka
- <Oen.>To begin with, he did not know with any certainty
that this was
- <Oet.>Tõenäoline see oli, sest ta oli üpris kindel, et ta on kolmekümne üheksa aastane, ja ta arvas, et ta on sündinud
aastal; aga praegusel ajal oli võimatu ühtegi ajamomenti fikseerida suurema kui paariaastase täpsusega.
- <Oen.>It must be round about that date, since he was
fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had
been born in
but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year
or two.
- <Oet.>Ja äkki tabas teda kõhklus: kellele ta õieti kirjutab seda päevikut?
- <Oen.>For whom, it suddenly occurred to him to wonder,
was he writing this diary?
- <Oet.>Tulevikule, neile, kes pole veel sündinud.
- <Oen.>For the future, for the unborn.
- <Oet.>Ta mõte tiirles mõne hetke kahtlase daatumi ümber päevikus ja põrkas siis mütsatades vastu uuskeele sõna
- <Oen.>His mind hovered for a moment
round the doubtful date on the page, and then fetched up with a bump
against the Newspeak word
- <Oet.>Nüüd alles jõudis tema teadvusse, kui suure asja ta on ette võtnud.
- <Oen.>For the first time the magnitude of what he had
undertaken came home to him.
- <Oet.>Kuidas saab suhelda tulevikuga?
- <Oen.>How could you communicate with the future?
- <Oet.>See on juba loomu poolest võimatu.
- <Oen.>It was of its
nature impossible.
- <Oet.>Tulevik kas sarnaneb olevikuga, mis puhul see ei kuula teda, või erineb olevikust, ja siis ei ole tema kitsikus sellele mõistetav.
- <Oen.>Either the future would resemble the present, in
which case it would not listen to him: or it would be different from
it, and his predicament would be meaningless.
- <Oet.>Tükk aega ta istus ja vahtis tuimalt paberile.
- <Oen.>For some time he sat gazing stupidly at the paper.
- <Oet.>Teleekraanist tuli nüüd räiget marsimuusikat.
- <Oen.>The telescreen had
changed over to strident military music.
- <Oet.>Imelikult kombel paistis, et ta ei ole kaotanud mitte ainult väljendusvõimet, vaid on koguni ära unustanud kõik selle, mida ta oli kavatsenud öelda.
- <Oen.>It was curious that he seemed
not merely to have lost the power of expressing himself, but even to
have forgotten what it was that he had originally intended to say.
- <Oet.>Ta oli nädalate kaupa end selleks silmapilguks ette valmistanud, ja talle polnud kordagi pähe tulnud, et see nõuab veel midagi muud peale julguse.
- <Oen.>For
weeks past he had been making ready for this moment, and it had never
crossed his mind that anything would be needed except courage.
- <Oet.>Kirjutamine ise saab olema kerge.
- <Oen.>The
actual writing would be easy.
- <Oet.>Tal tarvitseb vaid paberile kanda see ilmlõpmatu ärev monoloog, mis oli jooksnud ta peas aastate kaupa.
- <Oen.>All he had to do was to transfer to
paper the interminable restless monologue that had been running inside
his head, literally for years.
- <Oet.>Kuid praegusel hetkel oli see monoloogki katkenud.
- <Oen.>At this moment, however, even the
monologue had dried up.
- <Oet.>Pealegi oli ta veenilaiendi haavand hakanud talumatult sügelema.
- <Oen.>Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching
- <Oet.>Aga ta ei julgenud seda kratsida, sest kui ta seda tegi, lõi sinna alati põletik sisse.
- <Oen.>He dared not scratch it, because if he did so it always
became inflamed.
- <Oet.>Sekundid tiksusid.
- <Oen.>The seconds were ticking by.
- <Oet.>Ta ei tajunud muud kui enda ees oleva lehe tühjust, naha sügelemist pahkluu kohal, muusika mürtsumist ja kerget uima joodud d¾innist.
- <Oen.>He was conscious of
nothing except the blankness of the page in front of him, the itching
of the skin above his ankle, the blaring of the music, and a slight
booziness caused by the gin.
- <Oet.>Järsku hakkas ta täielikus paanikas higistama, tajudes vaid ähmaselt, mida ta paberile paneb.
- <Oen.>Suddenly he began writing in sheer panic, only
imperfectly aware of
what he was setting down.
- <Oet.>Tema väike, kuid lapselik käekiri hüples lehel üles-alla, kaotades algul ära suured tähed ja lõpuks punktid:
- <Oen.>His small but childish handwriting straggled
up and down the page, shedding first its capital letters and finally
even its full stops:
- <Oet.>4. aprill 1984
- <Oen.>April 4th, 1984.
- <Oet.>Eile õhtul kinos.
- <Oen.>Last night to the flicks.
- <Oet.>Puha sõjafilmid.
- <Oen.>All war films.
- <Oet.>Üks väga hea põgenike laevast, mida pommitati kusagil
- <Oen.>One very good one of a
ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the
- <Oet.>Publikule tegid suurt lõbu kaadrid tohutu paksust tünnakast mehest, kes püüdis helikopteri eest ära ujuda, algul näidati, kuidas ta püherdab vees nagu pringel, siis näidati teda läbi helikopteri kuulipildujasihiku, siis oli ta auke täis ja meri tema ümber roosa ja ta vajus nii äkki põhja, nagu oleks tal aukudest vesi sisse läinud.<Oet.>publik möirgas naerda, kui ta põhja vajus.
- <Oen.>Audience much amused by shots of a great huge fat man
trying to swim away with a helicopter after him, first you saw him
wallowing along in the water like a porpoise, then you saw him through
the helicopters gunsights, then he was full of holes and the sea round
him turned pink and he sank as suddenly as though the holes had let in
the water, audience shouting with laughter when he sank.
- <Oet.>siis näidati päästepaati, mis oli lapsi täis ja mille kohal rippus helikopter.
- <Oen.>then you saw
a lifeboat full of children with a helicopter hovering over it.
- <Oet.>paadininas istus üks keskealine naine vist juuditar väike kolmeaastane poiss süles.
- <Oen.>there
was a middle-aged woman might have been a jewess sitting up in the bow
with a little boy about three years old in her arms.
- <Oet.>poiss karjus hirmu pärast ja surus oma pead ema rindade vahele nagu tahaks ta end temasse puurida ja naine hoidis tal ümbert kinni ja püüdis teda rahustada kuigi oli ka ise hirmust sinine, varjates teda nii hästi kui suutis nagu loodaks ta et tema käed kaitsevad last kuulide vastu.
- <Oen.>little boy
screaming with fright and hiding his head between her breasts as if he
was trying to burrow right into her and the woman putting her arms
round him and comforting him although she was blue with fright
herself, all the time covering him up as much as possible as if she
thought her arms could keep the bullets off him.
- <Oet.>siis viskas helikopter sinna 20-kilose pommi kohutav plahvatus ja paat lendas pilbasteks.
- <Oen.>then the helicopter
planted a
kilo bomb in among them terrific flash and the boat went all to
- <Oet.>ja siis oli seal haruldane kaader lapse käest mis lendas üles üles otse üles vastu taevast kaamera helikopteri ninas oli seda nähtavasti jälginud ja seda saatis võimas aplaus parteilaste istekohtadelt aga üks naine all prolede saaliosas pistis äkki lõugama ja karjus et seda ei tohiks lastele näidata seda ei tohiks neil pole õigust lastele neil pole õigust kuni politsei viis ta viis ta minema ma ei usu et temaga midagi tehakse keegi ei hooli sellest mida proled ütlevad tüüpiline prolede reaktsioon nad ei --
- <Oen.>then there was a wonderful shot of a child's
arm going up
up up right up into the air a helicopter with a camera in its nose
must have followed it up and there was a lot of applause from the
party seats but a woman down in the prole part of the house suddenly
started kicking up a fuss and shouting they didnt oughter of showed it
not in front of kids they didnt it aint right not in front of kids it
aint until the police turned her out i dont suppose anything happened
to her nobody cares what the proles say typical prole reaction they
never --
- <Oet.> Winston
katkestas kirjutamise, osalt sellepärast, et ta käsi tõmbus krampi.
- <Oen.> Winston
stopped writing, partly because he was suffering from cramp.
- <Oet.>Ta ei teadnud, mis oli teda pannud seda soppa endast välja valama.
- <Oen.>He did
not know what had made him pour out this stream of rubbish.
- <Oet.>Aga imelik oli see, et samal ajal oli temas selge kuju võtnud üks hoopis teist laadi mälestus, sedavõrd, et ta oli peaaegu valmis seda kirja panema.
- <Oen.>But the
curious thing was that while he was doing so a totally different
memory had clarified itself in his mind, to the point where he almost
felt equal to writing it down.
- <Oet.>Ja ta taipas nüüd, et just selle teise juhtumi pärast ta oli järsku otsustanud koju tulla ja hakata täna päevikut pidama.
- <Oen.>It was, he now realized, because of
this other incident that he had suddenly decided to come home and
begin the diary today.
- <Oet.>See oli juhtunud hommikul
, kui millegi nii häguse kohta saab üldse nii öelda.
- <Oen.>It had happened that morning at the
if anything so nebulous could be said to happen.
- <Oet.>Oli umbes üksteist ja
, kus
töötas, tassiti toole boksidest välja, keset saali suure teleekraani ette, valmistudes
kaheks vihkamise minutiks
- <Oen.>It was nearly eleven hundred, and in the
Records Department,
worked, they were dragging the chairs out of the cubicles and grouping
them in the centre of the hall opposite the big telescreen, in
preparation for the
Two Minutes Hate.
- <Oet.> Winston
oli just ühes keskmises reas istet võtmas, kui äkki astus saali kaks inimest, keda ta nägupidi tundis, aga kellega ta polnud rääkinud.
- <Oen.> Winston
was just taking his place in one of the middle rows when two people
whom he knew by sight, but had never spoken to, came unexpectedly into
the room.
- <Oet.>Üks neist oli tüdruk, keda ta koridoris sageli kohtas.
- <Oen.>One of them was a girl whom he often passed in the
- <Oet.> Winston
ei teadnud tema nime, aga ta teadis, et see tüdruk töötab
- <Oen.>He did not know her name, but he knew that she worked in
Fiction Department.
- <Oet.>Arvestades seda, et ta oli näinud teda õliste käte ja mutrivõtmega, võis arvata, et ta on mingi tehnik mõne romaanikirjutamise masina juures.
- <Oen.>Presumably -- since he had sometimes seen
her with oily hands and
carrying a spanner she had some mechanical job on one of the
novel-writing machines.
- <Oet.>Tüdruk oli enesekindla olekuga, umbes kahekümne seitsme aastane, paksude tumedate juuste, tedretähnilise näo ja kiirete sportlike liigutustega.
- <Oen.>She was a bold-looking girl, of about
twenty-seven, with thick hair, a freckled face, and swift, athletic
- <Oet.>Ümber tema tunkede oli mitmekordselt keeratud kitsas helepunane vöö,
Noorte Antiseksuaalse Liidu
tunnus, küllalt tihedalt, et esile tõsta tema puusade vormikust.
- <Oen.>A narrow scarlet sash, emblem of the
Junior Anti-Sex League,
was wound several times round the waist of her overalls, just tightly
enough to bring out the shapeliness of her hips.
- <Oet.> Winstonile
oli ta olnud esimesest pilgust peale vastumeelne.
- <Oen.> Winston
had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her.
- <Oet.>Ja ta teadis ka põhjust.
- <Oen.>He knew the
- <Oet.>See oli hokiväljakute ja külmade supluste, ühiste matkade ja üldise ideepuhtuse õhkkond, mis tüdrukut saatis.
- <Oen.>It was because of the atmosphere of hockey-fields
and cold baths and community hikes and general clean-mindedness which she
managed to carry about with her.
- <Oet.> Winstonile
olid vastumeelsed peaaegu kõik naised, eriti aga noored ning nägusad.
- <Oen.>He disliked nearly all women, and
especially the young and pretty ones.
- <Oet.>Just naised, ja eeskätt noored naised, olid
kõige fanaatilisemad pooldajad, loosungineelajad, vabatahtlikud nuhid ja ketserluse väljanuuskijad.
- <Oen.>It was always the women, and
above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the
the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of
- <Oet.>See tüdruk aga jättis talle ohtlikuma mulje kui ükski teine.
- <Oen.>But this particular girl gave him the impression
of being more dangerous than most.
- <Oet.>Ükskord koridoris vastu tulles oli tüdruk talle heitnud kiire kõrvalpilgu, mis oleks teda nagu läbi puurinud, nii et ta tundis hetkeks jäist hirmu.
- <Oen.>Once when they passed in the corridor she
gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him
and for a moment had filled him with black terror.
- <Oet.>Tal käis peast läbi isegi kahtlus, et see tüdruk on ehk
- <Oen.>The idea had even
crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the
Thought Police.
- <Oet.>See ei olnud, tõsi küll, kuigi tõenäoline.
- <Oen.>That, it was true, was very unlikely.
- <Oet.>Aga siiski ta tundis iseäralikku ängistust, milles hirm segunes vaenulikkusega, iga kord kui nad kuskil kohtusid.
- <Oen.>Still, he continued to feel a
peculiar uneasiness, which had fear mixed up in it as well as
hostility, whenever she was anywhere near him.
- <Oet.>Teine tulija oli mees nimega
liige, kellel oli nii kõrge ja tähtis ametikoht, et
oli sellest vaid ähmane ettekujutus.
- <Oen.>The other person was a man named
a member of the
Inner Party
and holder of some post so important and remote that
had only a dim idea of its nature.
- <Oet.>Toolide ümber sagivad inimesed vakatasid paugupealt, kui nad nägid
liikme musti tunkesid.
- <Oen.>A momentary hush passed over the
group of people round the chairs as they saw the black overalls of an
Inner Party
member approaching.
- <Oet.> O'Brien
oli suur turske mees jämeda kaela ja tahumatu, pentsiku, brutaalse näoga.
- <Oen.> O'Brien
was a large, burly man with a thick neck and a coarse, humorous,
brutal face.
- <Oet.>Aga hoolimata tema heidutavast välimusest oli tema käitumises teatavat sarmi.
- <Oen.>In spite of his formidable appearance he had a certain
charm of manner.
- <Oet.>Tal oli iseäralik komme oma prille kohendada, mis oli imelikult relvitustav, mingil seletamatul moel imelikult kultiveeritud.
- <Oen.>He had a trick of resettling his spectacles on his
nose which was curiously disarming -- in some indefinable way,
curiously civilized.
- <Oet.>Seda liigutust oleks võinud võrrelda kaheksateistkümnenda sajandi aadlimehe ninatubakatoosi-pakkumisega, kui keegi veel niisugustes kategooriates oleks mõelnud.
- <Oen.>It was a gesture which, if anyone had still
thought in such terms, might have recalled an eighteenth-century
nobleman offering his snuffbox.
- <Oet.> Winston
näinud tosina aasta jooksul oma tosin korda.
- <Oen.> Winston
had seen
perhaps a dozen times in almost as many years.
- <Oet.>Ta tundis tema vastu sügavat huvi, ja mitte ainult sellepärast, et teda köitis kontrast
käitumise ja tema poksijavälimuse vahel.
- <Oen.>He felt deeply drawn to
him, and not solely because he was intrigued by the contrast between
urbane manner and his prize-fighter's physique.
- <Oet.>Eeskätt toitis tema huvi salajane veendumus -- või ehk siiski mitte veendumus, vaid lootus, -- et
poliitiline õigeusklikkus pole täiuslik.
- <Oen.>Much more it was
because of a secretly held belief -- or perhaps not even a
belief, merely a hope -- that
political orthodoxy was not perfect.
- <Oet.>Miski tema näos sisendas seda vastupandamatult.
- <Oen.>Something in his face suggested
it irresistibly.
- <Oet.>Aga muidugi, võib-olla see ei olnud siiski ketserlus, mis oli kirjutatud tema näkku, vaid lihtsalt intelligents.
- <Oen.>And again, perhaps it was not even unorthodoxy that
was written in his face, but simply intelligence.
- <Oet.>Igal juhul jäi temast mulje kui inimesest, kellega võiks rääkida, kui õnnestuks kuidagi petta teleekraani ja jääda temaga nelja silma alla.
- <Oen.>But at any rate he
had the appearance of being a person that you could talk to if somehow
you could cheat the telescreen and get him alone.
- <Oet.> Winston
ei olnud küll iial teinud vähimatki katset seda oletust kontrollida; ja muidugi polnud tal selleks võimalustki.
- <Oen.> Winston
had never made the smallest effort to verify this guess: indeed, there
was no way of doing so.
- <Oet.>Sel hetkel vaatas
oma käekella, nägi, et kell on peaaegu üksteist null-null, ja otsustas ilmselt
jääda, kuni
kaks vihkamise minutit
on möödas.
- <Oen.>At this moment
glanced at his wrist-watch, saw that it was nearly eleven hundred, and
evidently decided to stay in the
Records Department
until the
Two Minutes Hate
was over.
- <Oet.>Ta võttis istet samas reas kus
, paari tooli kaugusel.
- <Oen.>He took a chair in the same row as
a couple of places away.
- <Oet.>Nende vahel istus väike punasejuukseline naine, kes töötas
kõrval boksis.
- <Oen.>A small, sandy-haired woman who worked in the
next cubicle to
was between them.
- <Oet.>Tumedate juustega tüdruk istus otse tema selja taga.
- <Oen.>The girl with dark hair was sitting immediately
- <Oet.>Järgmisel hetkel, nagu oleks tööle hakanud mingi tohutu õlitamata masinavärk, prahvatas otsaseinas olevast suurest teleekraanist saali kohutav krigisev kõnehääl.
- <Oen.>The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as
of some monstrous
machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end
of the room.
- <Oet.>See käis hammastest läbi ja ajas kuklakarvad turri.
- <Oen.>It was a noise that set one's teeth on edge and bristled
the hair at the back of one's neck.
- <Oet.> Vihkamine
oli alanud.
- <Oen.>The
had started.
- <Oet.>Nagu tavaliselt, ilmus ekraanile
Emmanuel Goldsteini
, rahvavaenlase nägu.
- <Oen.>As usual, the face of
Emmanuel Goldstein,
the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen.
- <Oet.>Siit-sealt vaatajate hulgast kostis sisinast.
- <Oen.>There were
hisses here and there among the audience.
- <Oet.>Väike punajuukseline naine piiksatas hirmust ja vastikusest.
- <Oen.>The little sandy-haired
woman gave a squeak of mingled fear and disgust.
- <Oet.> Goldstein
oli renegaat ja ususalgaja, kes kunagi ammu (kui ammu, seda ei mäletanud täpselt enam keegi) oli olnud üks
juhtivaid tegelasi, peaaegu
Suure Venna
endaga ühel tasemel, ja oli siis hakanud arendama kontrrevolutsioonilist tegevust, oli surma mõistetud, aga oli salapärasel kombel põgenema pääsenud ja kadunud.
- <Oen.> Goldstein
was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago,
nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the
almost on a level with
Big Brother
himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had
been condemned to death, and had mysteriously escaped and
- <Oet.> Kahe vihkamise minuti
programm muutus päevast päeva, aga iial ei puudunud sealt
kui peategelane.
- <Oen.>The programmes of the
Two Minutes Hate
varied from day to day, but there was none in which
was not the principal figure.
- <Oet.>Tema oli esimene reetur, kõige varasem
puhtuse reostaja.
- <Oen.>He was the primal traitor, the earliest
defiler of the
- <Oet.>Kõik hilisemad
-vastased kuriteod, kõik reetmised, sabotaa¾iaktid, ketserlused ja kallakud lähtusid otse tema õpetusest.
- <Oen.>All subsequent crimes against the
all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang
directly out of his teaching.
- <Oet.>Kusagil oli ta siiamaani elus ja haudus oma salaplaane: võib-olla kusagil ookeani taga oma välismaa leivaisade kaitse all või isegi -- nagu vahetevahel sosistati -- mõnes peidukohas
- <Oen.>Somewhere or other he was still alive
and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under
the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even -- so it
was occasionally rumoured -- in some hiding-place in
- <Oet.> Winstonil
võttis südame alt õõnsaks.
- <Oen.> Winston's
diaphragm was constricted.
- <Oet.> Goldsteini
nägu kutsus temas alati esile segase tunnetepuhangu.
- <Oen.>He could never see the face of
without a painful mixture of emotions.
- <Oet.>See oli kõhn juudinägu suure käharate valgete juuste oreooli ja väikese kitsehabemega, -- tark nägu, ja siiski mingil moel olemuslikult vastumeelne ja seniilselt rumal oma pika kitsa ninaga, millel prillid olid alla vajunud.
- <Oen.>It was a lean Jewish face,
with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard
-- a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a
kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which
a pair of spectacles was perched.
- <Oet.>See sarnanes lamba näoga ja ka tema hääl oli määgiv nagu lambal.
- <Oen.>It resembled the face of a sheep,
and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality.
- <Oet.> Goldstein
alustas oma alatist tigedat
-vastast rünnakut, mis oli nii liialdatud ja ebaloomulik, et lapski oleks võimeline olnud seda läbi nägema, ja siiski küllalt veenev, et sisendada ärevat tunnet, nagu võiks mõnda teist inimest, kes ei ole nii arukas, sellega ära petta.
- <Oen.> Goldstein
was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the
-- an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have
been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one
with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than
oneself, might be taken in by it.
- <Oet.>Ta sõimas
Suurt Venda
, mõistis hukka
diktatuuri, nõudis viivitamatult rahu sõlmimist
, astus välja sõnavabaduse, trükivabaduse, koosolekute vabaduse ja mõttevabaduse kaitseks, ta karjus hüsteeriliselt, et revolutsioon on reedetud, ja seda kõike silpiderohkes kiirkõnes, mis oli nagu
kõnemeeste tavalise stiili paroodia ja sisaldas isegi uuskeele sõnu: tegelikult rohkem uuskeele sõnu, kui tavaline
liige igapäevases elus kasutas.
- <Oen.>He was abusing
Big Brother,
he was denouncing the dictatorship of the
he was demanding the immediate conclusion of peace with
he was advocating freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom
of assembly, freedom of thought, he was crying hysterically that the
revolution had been betrayed -- and all this in rapid
polysyllabic speech which was a sort of parody of the habitual style
of the orators of the
and even contained Newspeak words: more Newspeak words, indeed, than any
member would normally use in real life.
- <Oet.>Ja et kellelegi ei jääks kahtlust, mida tegelikult see
silmakirjalik loba varjab, marssisid tema pea taga teleekraanil lõputud
armee kolonnid: rida rea järel terveid ja tugevaid, ilmetu asiaadinäoga mehi, kes ekraani pinnale jõudes kadusid, et anda ruumi teistele, täpselt samasugustele.
- <Oen.>And all the while, lest one
should be in any doubt as to the reality which
specious claptrap covered, behind his head on the telescreen there
marched the endless columns of the Eurasian army -- row after row
of solid-looking men with expressionless Asiatic faces, who swam up to
the surface of the screen and vanished, to be replaced by others
exactly similar.
- <Oet.>Sõdurisaabaste tuim rütmiline trampimine moodustas tausta
määgivale häälele.
- <Oen.>The dull rhythmic tramp of the soldiers' boots formed
the background to
bleating voice.
- <Oet.> Vihkamine
polnud kestnud veel kolmekümmend sekunditki, kui juba pool saalis olijaist tõi kuuldavale tahtmatuid raevuröögatusi.
- <Oen.>Before the
had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage
were breaking out from half the people in the room.
- <Oet.>Võimatu oli taluda seda endaga rahulolevat lambanägu ekraanil ja
armee kohutavat jõudu selle taga; ja üldse kutsus
nägemine või isegi ainult mõte temale automaatselt esile viha ja hirmu.
- <Oen.>The self-satisfied
sheep-like face on the screen, and the terrifying power of the
Eurasian army behind it, were too much to be borne: besides, the sight
or even the thought of
produced fear and anger automatically.
- <Oet.>Ta oli püsivam vihaobjekt kui
, sest kuni
sõdis ühega neist suurriikidest, oli ta üldiselt teistega rahujalal.
- <Oen.>He was an object of hatred more
constant than either
since when
was at war with one of these Powers it was generally at peace with the
- <Oet.>Aga imelik oli see, et kuigi
kõik vihkasid ning põlgasid ja kuigi tema teooriaid lükati ümber, purustati ja naeruvääristati päevast päeva ja tuhat korda päevas, kõnetoolides, teleekraanil, ajalehtedes ja raamatutes, ja demonstreeriti kõigile nende haletsusväärset olemust, ei paistnud tema mõju sugugi kahanevat.
- <Oen.>But what was strange was that although
was hated and despised by everybody, although every day and a thousand
times a day, on platforms, on the telescreen, in newspapers, in books,
his theories were refuted, smashed, ridiculed, held up to the general
gaze for the pitiful rubbish that they were in spite of all this, his
influence never seemed to grow less.
- <Oet.>Ikka leidus uusi lihtsameelseid, kes ootasid, et ta neid õnge võtaks.
- <Oen.>Always there were fresh dupes
waiting to be seduced by him.
- <Oet.>Ei möödunud ainsatki päeva, kus
poleks paljastanud spioone ja sabotööre, kes tegutsesid tema juhendusel.
- <Oen.>A day never passed when spies and
saboteurs acting under his directions were not unmasked by the
Thought Police.
- <Oet.>Ta käsutas tohutut varjuarmeed, konspiraatorite põrandaalust võrku, kelle eesmärgiks oli kukutada Riik.
- <Oen.>He was the commander of a vast shadowy army, an
underground network
of conspirators dedicated to the overthrow of the State.
- <Oet.>Selle nimeks arvati olevat
- <Oen.>The
its name was supposed to be.
- <Oet.>Sosistati ka kohutavast raamatust, kõigi ketserlike vaadete kogumikust, mille autor oli
ja mis liikus siin-seal salaja käest kätte.
- <Oen.>There were also whispered stories of a
terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which
was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there.
- <Oet.>Sel raamatul polnud pealkirja.
- <Oen.>It
was a book without a title.
- <Oet.>Kui sellest üldse juttu tehti, siis öeldi lihtsalt:
"see raamat"
- <Oen.>People referred to it, if at all, simply
"the book".
- <Oet.>Aga niisugustest asjadest teati vaid ähmaste kuulduste järgi.
- <Oen.>But one knew of such things only through vague
- <Oet.>Nii
"see raamat"
olid teemad, mida
lihtliige püüdis vältida, kui see vähegi võimalik oli.
- <Oen.>Neither the
"the book"
was a subject that any ordinary
member would mention if there was a way of avoiding it.
- <Oet.>Teisel minutil paisus
- <Oen.>In its second minute the
rose to a frenzy.
- <Oet.>Inimesed kargasid kohalt püsti ja karjusid täiest kõrist, püüdes lämmatada ekraanilt tulevat hulluksajavat määgivat häält.
- <Oen.>People were leaping up and down in their places and
shouting at the tops of their voices in an effort to drown the
maddening bleating voice that came from the screen.
- <Oet.>Väike punasejuukseline naine õhetas näost ja maigutas suud nagu kuivalejäänud kala.
- <Oen.>The little
sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and her mouth was opening
and shutting like that of a landed fish.
- <Oet.>Isegi
rohmakas nägu õhetas.
- <Oen.>Even
heavy face was flushed.
- <Oet.>Ta istus väga sirgelt ja ta tugev rindkere tõusis ja vajus, nagu ründaksid seda merelained.
- <Oen.>He was sitting very straight in his chair,
his powerful chest swelling and quivering as though he were standing
up to the assault of a wave.
- <Oet.>Tumedajuukseline tüdruk
selja taga hakkas karjuma
"Siga! Siga! Siga!"
, haaras äkki raske uuskeele sõnaraamatu ja viskas selle vastu ekraani.
- <Oen.>The dark-haired girl behind
had begun crying out
"Swine! Swine! Swine!"
and suddenly she picked up a heavy
Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen.
- <Oet.>See tabas
nina ja põrkas tagasi; hääl jätkas segamatult.
- <Oen.>It struck
nose and bounced off; the voice continued inexorably.
- <Oet.>Ühel selgel hetkel märkas
, et ta karjub koos teistega ja taob metsikult kontsa vastu toolipulka.
- <Oen.>In a lucid moment
found that he was shouting with the others and kicking his heel
violently against the rung of his chair.
- <Oet.> Kahe vihkamise minuti
juures polnud kohutav mitte see, et inimene oli kohustatud mingit osa mängima, vaid vastupidi see, et tal oli võimatu hoiduda kaasa minemast.
- <Oen.>The horrible thing about the
Two Minutes Hate
was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that
it was impossible to avoid joining in.
- <Oet.>Kolmekümne sekundi jooksul kadus igasugune teesklemisvajadus.
- <Oen.>Within thirty seconds any
pretence was always unnecessary.
- <Oet.>Võigas hirmu- ja kättemaksuekstaas, soov tappa, piinata ja nägusid sepahaamriga lömastada näis läbivat inimsumma nagu elektrivool, muutes inimese vastu tema tahtmist grimassitavaks ja röökivaks nõdrameelseks.
- <Oen.>A hideous ecstasy of fear and
vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a
sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like
an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a
grimacing, screaming lunatic.
- <Oet.>Kusjuures viha, mida inimesed tundsid, oli abstraktne, eesmärgita tunne, mida võis ühelt objektilt teisele suunata nagu leeklambi leeki.
- <Oen.>And yet the rage that one felt was an
abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object
to another like the flame of a blowlamp.
- <Oet.>Nii ei olnud mõnel hetkel
viha suunatud üldse mitte
vastu, vaid vastupidi,
Suure Venna
vastu; ja sellistel hetkedel kuulus tema süda üksildasele mõnitatud ketserile ekraanil, tõe ja terve mõistuse ainsale kaitsjale valede maailmas.
- <Oen.>Thus, at one moment
hatred was not turned against
at all, but, on the contrary, against
Big Brother,
and the
Thought Police;
and at such moments his heart went out to the lonely, derided
heretic on the screen, sole guardian of truth and sanity in a world of
- <Oet.>Aga juba järgmisel hetkel oli ta ühel meelel inimestega enda ümber, ja kõik, mis
kohta öeldi, paistis talle tõsi olevat.
- <Oen.>And yet the very next instant he was at one with
the people
about him, and all that was said of
seemed to him to be true.
- <Oet.>Ja neil hetkedel muutus tema salajane vihkamine
Suure Venna
vastu imetluseks ja
Suur Vend
ülenes tema silmis: võitmatu, kartmatu kaitsja, kes seisab nagu kalju
hordide vastu, ja
, vaatamata oma isoleeritusele, oma abitusele ja kahtlusele, mis rippus koguni tema olemasolu kohal, näis olevat nagu mingi kuri võlur, kes on võimeline lihtsalt oma hääle jõuga tsivilisatsiooni hävitama.
- <Oen.>At those moments his secret loathing of
Big Brother
changed into adoration, and
Big Brother
seemed to tower up, an invincible, fearless protector, standing like a
rock against the hordes of Asia, and
in spite of his isolation, his helplessness, and the doubt that hung
about his very existence, seemed like some sinister enchanter, capable
by the mere power of his voice of wrecking the structure of
- <Oet.>Aga aeg-ajalt oli võimalik oma viha ka meelevaldselt sinna või tänna suunata.
- <Oen.>It was even possible, at moments, to switch one's hatred
this way or that by a voluntary act.
- <Oet.>Äkki, nagu meeletu pingutusega, millega luupainaja käes vaevleja tõstab oma pea padjalt, õnnestus
oma viha ekraanil olevalt näolt üle kanda tumedajuukselisele tüdrukule enda taga.
- <Oen.>Suddenly, by the sort
of violent effort with which one wrenches one's head away
from the pillow in a nightmare,
succeeded in transferring his hatred from the face on the screen to
the dark-haired girl behind him.
- <Oet.>Elavad kaunid kujutluspildid välgatasid läbi ta pea.
- <Oen.>Vivid, beautiful hallucinations
flashed through his mind.
- <Oet.>Ta peksaks tüdruku kumminuiaga surnuks.
- <Oen.>He would flog her to death with a rubber
- <Oet.>Seoks ta alasti posti külge ja laseks ta nooli täis nagu
Püha Sebastianuse
- <Oen.>He would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of
arrows like
Saint Sebastian.
- <Oet.>Vägistaks ta ära ja lõikaks tal orgasmihetkel kõri läbi.
- <Oen.>He would ravish her and cut her throat at the moment of climax.
- <Oet.> Winston
mõistis nüüd paremini kui varem,
ta seda tüdrukut vihkab.
- <Oen.>Better than before, moreover, he realized why it was that he hated
- <Oet.>Ta vihkas teda sellepärast, et tüdruk oli noor ja ilus ja sootu, et ta tahtis temaga voodisse minna, mis oli aga võimatu, sest tüdruku hurmavalt nõtke piha ümber, mis näis lausa igatsevat embusi, oli see vastik helepunane vöö, pealetükkiv kasinuse sümbol.
- <Oen.>He hated her because she was young and pretty and sexless,
because he wanted to go to bed with her and would never do so, because
round her sweet supple waist, which seemed to ask you to encircle it
with your arm, there was only the odious scarlet sash, aggressive
symbol of chastity.
- <Oet.> Vihkamine
saavutas haripunkti.
- <Oen.>The
rose to its climax.
- <Oet.> Goldsteini
hääl oli muutunud tõeliseks määgimiseks ja hetkeks moondus ta nägu lambanäoks.
- <Oen.>The voice of
had become an actual sheep's bleat, and for an instant the face
changed into that of a sheep.
- <Oet.>Siis sulas see nägu
sõduri kujuks, mis lähenes, tohutu ja hirmuäratav, automaadi tärisedes, ja näis iga hetk ekraanilt maha astuvat, nii et mõned esimeses reas istujad surusid end hirmuga vastu seljatuge.
- <Oen.>Then the sheep-face melted into the
figure of a Eurasian soldier who seemed to be advancing, huge and
terrible, his sub-machine gun roaring, and seeming to spring out of
the surface of the screen, so that some of the people in the front row
actually flinched backwards in their seats.
- <Oet.>Aga samal hetkel ohkasid kõik kergendatult: vaenulik kuju sulas
Suure Venna
mustajuukseliseks ja mustavuntsiliseks näoks, mis oli täis jõudu ja üleloomulikku rahu ja nii lai, et täitis peaaegu kogu ekraani.
- <Oen.>But in the same moment,
drawing a deep sigh of relief from everybody, the hostile figure
melted into the face of
Big Brother,
black-haired, blackmoustachio'd, full of power and mysterious calm,
and so vast that it almost filled up the screen.
- <Oet.>Keegi ei kuulnud, mida
Suur Vend
- <Oen.>Nobody heard what
Big Brother
was saying.
- <Oet.>Need olid lihtsalt mõned julgustussõnad, niisugused sõnad, mida lausutakse lahingukäras ja millest ei saa õieti arugi, aga mis annavad tagasi kindlustunde lihtsalt sellega, et neid öeldakse.
- <Oen.>It was merely a few words of encouragement, the sort of
words that are uttered in the din of battle, not distinguishable
individually but restoring confidence by the fact of being
- <Oet.>Siis ähmastus
Suure Venna
nägu ja selle asemel ilmusid ekraanile
kolm loosungit suurte trükitähtedega:
"Sõda on rahu""Vabadus on orjus""Teadmatus on jõud"
- <Oen.>Then the face of
Big Brother
faded away again, and instead the three slogans of the
stood out in bold capitals:
"War is peace""Freedom is slavery""Ignorance is strength."
- <Oet.>Aga
Suure Venna
nägu näis veel mõne sekundi ekraanil püsivat, nagu oleks surve, mida ta inimeste silmamunadele avaldas, olnud liialt tugev, et kohe kaduda.
- <Oen.>But the face of
Big Brother
seemed to persist for several seconds on the screen, as though the
impact that it had made on everyone's eyeballs was too vivid to wear
off immediately.
- <Oet.>Väike punajuukseline naine oli langenud üle enda ees oleva tooli seljatoe.
- <Oen.>The little sandyhaired woman had flung herself
forward over the back of the chair in front of her.
- <Oet.>Väriseval pominal, mis kõlas nagu
"Mu päästja!"
, sirutas ta käsi ekraani poole.
- <Oen.>With a tremulous
murmur that sounded like
"My Saviour!"
she extended her arms towards the screen.
- <Oet.>Siis kattis ta näo kätega.
- <Oen.>Then she buried her face in
her hands.
- <Oet.>Oli ilmne, et ta palvetas.
- <Oen.>It was apparent that she was uttering a prayer.
- <Oet.>Samal ajal hakkas kogu rahvasumm tumedalt, aeglaselt ja rütmiliselt skandeerima:
" S-V
! ...
! ...
, ikka ja jälle, väga aeglaselt, pikk paus kahe hääliku vahel, -- raske pomisev heli, kuidagi imelikult ürgne, nagu saadaks seda paljaste jalgade tümpsumine ja tamtammide kõmin.
- <Oen.>At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow,
rhythmical chant of
" B-B!
-- over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between
the first
and the second -- a heavy, murmurous sound, somehow curiously
savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamp of
naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms.
- <Oet.>See kestis umbes pool minutit.
- <Oen.>For perhaps as much as
thirty seconds they kept it up.
- <Oet.>See oli refrään, mida võis ülevoolavate tunnete puhul sageli kuulda.
- <Oen.>It was a refrain that was often heard
in moments of overwhelming emotion.
- <Oet.>Osalt oli see nagu hümn
Suure Venna
tarkusele ja ülevusele, veel enam aga oli see enesehüpnoos, teadvuse tahtlik uinutamine rütmilise müra abil.
- <Oen.>Partly it was a sort of hymn to
the wisdom and majesty of
Big Brother,
but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning
of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise.
- <Oet.> Winstonil
läks südame alt külmaks.
- <Oen.> Winston's
entrails seemed to grow cold.
- <Oet.> Kahe vihkamise minuti
jooksul ei suutnud ta hoiduda üldisest hullusest osa võtmast, aga see ebainimlik loitsimine
" S-V
! ...
täitis teda alati õudusega.
- <Oen.>In the
Two Minutes Hate
he could not help sharing in the general delirium, but this sub-human
chanting of
" B-B!
always filled him with horror.
- <Oet.>Muidugi skandeeris ta koos teistega; teisiti oli võimatu talitada.
- <Oen.>Of course he chanted with the rest: it
was impossible to do otherwise.
- <Oet.>Oma tunnete varjamine, näoilme valitsemine, teistega kaasategemine oli instinktiivne reaktsioon.
- <Oen.>To dissemble your feelings, to control
your face, to do what everyone else was doing, was an instinctive
- <Oet.>Aga seal oli mõnesekundiline ajavahemik, kus pilk oli võinud teda reeta.
- <Oen.>But there was a space of a couple of seconds during which
the expression of his eyes might conceivably have betrayed him.
- <Oet.>Ja just sel hetkel oli juhtunud midagi olulist, kui muidugi üldse oli juhtunud.
- <Oen.>And
it was exactly at this moment that the significant thing happened
-- if, indeed, it did happen.
- <Oet.>Ta oli korraks tabanud
- <Oen.>Momentarily he caught
- <Oet.> O'Brien
oli püsti tõusnud.
- <Oen.> O'Brien
had stood up.
- <Oet.>Ta oli prillid eest võtnud ja oli neid oma iseloomuliku liigutusega taas ninale panemas.
- <Oen.>He had taken off his spectacles and was in the act of
resettling them on his nose with his characteristic gesture.
- <Oet.>Aga hetkeks olid nende pilgud kohtunud, ja niikaua kui see kestis, teadis
-- jah, ta
-- , et
mõtleb samuti nagu tema.
- <Oen.>But
there was a fraction of a second when their eyes met, and for as long
as it took to happen
knew -- yes, he
-- that
was thinking the same thing as himself.
- <Oet.>Seda sõnumit ei saanud vääriti mõista.
- <Oen.>An unmistakable message had
- <Oet.>Nagu oleksid nende ajud avanenud ja mõtted pilgu kaudu ühest teise voolanud.
- <Oen.>It was as though their two minds had opened and
the thoughts were flowing from one into the other through their eyes.
- <Oet.>"Ma olen sinuga,"
talle ütlevat.
- <Oen.>"I
am with you," O'Brien
seemed to be saying to him.
- <Oet.>"Ma tean täpselt, mida sa tunned."
- <Oen.>"I know precisely what you are feeling."
- <Oet.>"Ma tean sinu põlgust, vihkamist ja jälestust."
- <Oen.>"I know all about your contempt,
your hatred, your disgust."
- <Oet.>"Aga ära karda, ma olen sinu leeris!"
- <Oen.>"But don't worry, I am
on your side!"
- <Oet.>Siis see mõistmisvälgatus kustus ja
ilme oli niisama läbitungimatu nagu kõigil teistelgi.
- <Oen.>And then the flash of intelligence was gone, and
face was as inscrutable as everybody else's.
- <Oet.>See oli kõik ja
polnud enam kindel, kas oligi midagi juhtunud.
- <Oen.>That was all, and he was already uncertain whether it had
- <Oet.>Niisugustel juhtumitel ei olnud järge.
- <Oen.>Such incidents never had any sequel.
- <Oet.>Need toitsid vaid tema usku või lootust, et on teisigi
vaenlasi peale tema.
- <Oen.>All that they did was
to keep alive in him the belief, or hope, that others besides himself
were the enemies of the
- <Oet.>Võib-olla vastasid kuuldused tohutust põrandaalusest vandenõust ikkagi tõele, võib-olla
siiski eksisteeris!
- <Oen.>Perhaps the rumours of vast underground conspiracies
were true
after all -- perhaps the
really existed!
- <Oet.>Kuigi oli võimatu kindel olla, vaatamata lõpututele arreteerimistele, ülestunnistustele ja hukkamistele, et see
ei ole lihtsalt müüt.
- <Oen.>It was impossible, in spite of the endless arrests
and confessions and executions, to be sure that the
was not simply a myth.
- <Oet.>Vahel ta uskus selle olemasolusse, vahel mitte.
- <Oen.>Some days he believed in it, some days not.
- <Oet.>Mingeid tõendeid ei olnud, olid üksnes põgusad tähelepanekud, mis võisid tähendada kõike või mitte midagi: juhuslikud vestluskatked, tuhmid kritseldused peldikuseintel, -- ükskord isegi, kui kaks võõrast kohtusid, peaaegu märkamatu ¾est, mida võis tõlgendada paroolina.
- <Oen.>There was no evidence, only fleeting glimpses that
might mean anything
or nothing: snatches of overheard conversation, faint scribbles on
lavatory walls -- once, even, when two strangers met, a small
movement of the hand which had looked as though it might be a signal
of recognition.
- <Oet.>Aga see kõik oli üks suur mõistatus, võimalik, et ta oli seda lihtsalt ette kujutanud.
- <Oen.>It was all guesswork: very likely he had imagined
- <Oet.>Ta oli oma boksi tagasi läinud, uuesti
poole vaatamata.
- <Oen.>He had gone back to his cubicle without looking at
- <Oet.>Tal ei olnud korrakski peast läbi käinud mõtet jätkata nende hetkelist kontakti.
- <Oen.>The idea of following up their momentary contact
hardly crossed his mind.
- <Oet.>See oleks olnud äärmiselt ohtlik isegi siis, kui ta oleks teadnud, kuidas seda teha.
- <Oen.>It would have been inconceivably dangerous even if he had
known how to set about doing it.
- <Oet.>Sekundi või kahe vältel olid nad vahetanud ebamäärase pilgu, ja sellega oli lugu lõppenud.
- <Oen.>For a second, two seconds, they had
exchanged an equivocal glance, and that was the end of the story.
- <Oet.>Aga umbses üksinduses, milles ta oli sunnitud elama, oli seegi meeldejääv sündmus.
- <Oen.>But
even that was a memorable event, in the locked loneliness in which one
had to live.
- <Oet.> Winston
ärkas mõtetest ja sirutas end.
- <Oen.> Winston
roused himself and sat up straighter.
- <Oet.>Ta röhatas.
- <Oen.>He let out a belch.
- <Oet.>D¾inn ajas maost üles.
- <Oen.>The gin was
rising from his stomach.
- <Oet.>Ta pilk keskendus jälle kaustiku leheküljele.
- <Oen.>His eyes re-focused on the page.
- <Oet.>Ta avastas, et kuni ta oli abitult mõtisklenud, oli ta jätkanud automaatselt kirjutamist.
- <Oen.>He discovered that while he sat
helplessly musing he had also been writing, as though by automatic
- <Oet.>Ja käekiri ei olnud enam kramplik ja kohmakas nagu enne.
- <Oen.>And it was no longer the same cramped, awkward
handwriting as before.
- <Oet.>Sulg oli jooksnud mõnuga üle sileda paberi, maalides suurte selgete trükitähtedega --
" Maha
Suur Vend"" Maha
Suur Vend"" Maha
Suur Vend"" Maha
Suur Vend"" Maha
Suur Vend"
rida rea järel, täites pool lehekülge.
- <Oen.>His pen had slid voluptuously over the smooth paper,
printing in large neat capitals
"Down with
Big Brother""Down with
Big Brother""Down with
Big Brother""Down with
Big Brother""Down with
Big Brother"
over and over again, filling half a page.
- <Oet.>Teda haaras paanikahoog.
- <Oen.>He could not help feeling a twinge of panic.
- <Oet.>See oli absurdne, sest nende konkreetsete sõnade kirjapanemine ei olnud iseenesest ohtlikum kui lihtsalt see fakt, et ta oli hakanud päevikut pidama; aga hetkeks ta tundis kiusatust rikutud lehed välja rebida ja kogu ettevõttest loobuda.
- <Oen.>It was absurd, since the
writing of those particular words was not more dangerous than the
initial act of opening the diary, but for a moment he was tempted to
tear out the spoiled pages and abandon the enterprise altogether.
- <Oet.>Kuid ta siiski ei teinud seda, sest ta teadis, et sellest ei oleks kasu.
- <Oen.>He did not do so, however, because he knew that it was
- <Oet.>Ei ole mingit vahet, kas ta kirjutab
" Maha
Suur Vend"
või jätab selle kirjutamata.
- <Oen.>Whether he wrote
"Down with
Big Brother,"
or whether he refrained from writing it, made no difference.
- <Oet.>Ei ole mingit vahet, kas ta jätkab päeviku pidamist või jätab selle pooleli.
- <Oen.>Whether
he went on with the diary, or whether he did not go on with it, made
no difference.
- <Oet.> Mõttepolitsei
tabab ta nagunii.
- <Oen.>The
Thought Police
would get him just the same.
- <Oet.>Ta oli toime pannud -- oli juba toime pannud, isegi kui ta sulg poleks iial paberit puudutanud, -- raskeima kuriteo, mis sisaldas endas kõik teised.
- <Oen.>He had committed -- would still have
committed, even if he had never set pen to paper -- the essential
crime that contained all others in itself.
- <Oet.>Seda nimetati
- <Oen.>*Thoughtcrime*,
they called it.
- <Oet.>Ja
oli asi, mida ei saanud igavesti varjata.
- <Oen.>*Thoughtcrime*
was not a thing that could be concealed for ever.
- <Oet.>Võib mõnda aega, koguni aastaid edukalt kavaldada, aga varem või hiljem sind tabatakse nagunii.
- <Oen.>You might dodge
successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they
were bound to get you.
- <Oet.>See toimus alati öösel -- arreteerimised toimusid tingimata öösel.
- <Oen.>It was always at night -- the arrests invariably
happened at night.
- <Oet.>Sind äratatakse une pealt, jõhker käsi raputab sind õlast, valgus pimestab sul silmi, voodi ümber on kalgid näod.
- <Oen.>The sudden jerk out of sleep, the rough hand shaking your
shoulder, the lights glaring in your eyes, the ring of hard faces
round the bed.
- <Oet.>Enamikul juhtudel ei toimunud mingit kohut, arreteerimise kohta ei ilmunud mingit teadet.
- <Oen.>In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no
report of the arrest.
- <Oet.>Inimesed lihtsalt kadusid, ja alati öösel.
- <Oen.>People simply disappeared, always during the
- <Oet.>Su nimi kustutati nimekirjast, kõik jäljed sellest, mis sa olid iial teinud, pühiti minema, su kunagine olemasolu salati maha ja seejärel unustati.
- <Oen.>Your name was removed from the registers, every record of
everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence
was denied and then forgotten.
- <Oet.>Sind kõrvaldati, hävitati:
, oli tavaline ütlemine.
- <Oen.>You were abolished, annihilated:
was the usual word.
- <Oet.> Winstonit
haaras hetkeks mingi hüsteeriahoog.
- <Oen.>For a moment he was seized by a kind of hysteria.
- <Oet.>Ta kirjutas kiiresti ja kritseldades:
- <Oen.>He began writing in
a hurried untidy scrawl:
- <Oet.>nad lasevad mind maha ma ei hooli sellest nad tulistavad mind kuklasse ma ei hooli sellest maha
suur vend
nad tulistavad alati kuklasse ma ei hooli sellest maha
suur vend
- <Oen.>theyll shoot me i don't care theyll shoot me
in the back of the neck i dont care down with
big brother
they always shoot you in the back of the neck i dont care down with
big brother
- <Oet.>Ta nõjatus vastu tooli seljatuge, pisut häbenedes ennast, ja pani sulepea käest.
- <Oen.>He sat back in his chair, slightly ashamed of himself,
and laid down the pen.
- <Oet.>Hetke pärast ta võpatas metsikult.
- <Oen.>The next moment he started violently.
- <Oet.>Uksele koputati.
- <Oen.>There was a knocking
at the door.
- <Oet.>Juba!
- <Oen.>Already!
- <Oet.>Ta istus vaiksel nagu hiir, lootes asjata, et koputaja, olgu ta kes tahes, lahkub pärast seda ainust katset.
- <Oen.>He sat as still as a mouse, in the futile hope
that whoever it was might go away after a single attempt.
- <Oet.>Aga ei, koputus kordus.
- <Oen.>But no, the knocking was
- <Oet.>Kõige halvem oleks viivitada.
- <Oen.>The worst thing of all would be to delay.
- <Oet.>Süda kloppis metsikult, aga ta nägu oli pikast harjumusest arvatavasti ilmetu.
- <Oen.>His heart was
thumping like a drum, but his face, from long habit, was probably
- <Oet.>Ta tõusis püsti ja liikus vaevaliselt ukse poole.
- <Oen.>He got up and moved heavily towards the door.