Corpus Encoding Standard - Document CES 1. Annex 7. Version 1.2 Last Modified 14 October 1996.


  Annex 7

  How to use the CES

The CES provides its scheme in two forms, for convenience:

How to use the CES as a set of separate DTDs

Before you begin you will need to find out where your system expects to find SGML PUBLIC entities and be familiar with naming conventions for your system. These are dependent on the type of system you have (Unix, DOS, Mac) and the SGML software you are using (sgmls, nsgml, emacs psgml).

Installation consists of finding out the above information, and then placing the CES files in the appropriate locations with the correct names.

The only modification to the DTDs themselves that you may have to make is to explicitly tell your system where to find the PUBLIC entities referred to in the DTDs. We have written the DTDs so that most users should not need to make these changes. If you are using sgmls,nsgmls or another SGML program that utilizes a catalog file, then no modification of the DTDs themselves is necessary, as the catalog file informs your system where to look for and what to call these entities. You may need to modify the catalog file to reflect the location and naming conventions of your system.

Once this is accomplished, documents can be created and parsed using these DTDs by including one of the following DOCTYPE statements at the head of the encoded document, depending on the DTD to be used:

<!doctype cesDoc PUBLIC "-//CES//DTD cesDoc//EN" []>

<!doctype cesAna PUBLIC "-//CES//DTD cesAna//EN" []>

<!doctype cesAlign PUBLIC "-//CES//DTD cesAlign//EN" []>

How to use the CES as a TEI extension

Before atempting to extend the TEI for the CES DTDs, please confirm that the TEI files are correctly installed on your system. TEI installation information is available in a variety of forms.

Once your system is correctly working with the TEI DTD you will need to find out where your system expects to find SGML PUBLIC entities and be familiar with naming conventions for your system. These factors are dependent on the type of system you have (Unix, DOS, Mac) and the SGML software you are using (sgmls, nsgml, emacs psgml).

Installation consists of finding out the above information, and then placing two extension files corresponding to the CES DTD that you wish to use in the appropriate location with the correct names. The names we use for the files should not need to be changed for use on a Unix, Linux, Mac, or OS/2 based system. If you need to change the names for use with DOS or some other system that needs shorter names, we recommend renaming as follows:

Once you have determined where the files should go and what they should be called, install the pair of CES extension files on your system which correspond to the DTD that you wish to use. Once this is accomplished, CES-conformant documents can be created using the TEI DTD by including the extension files in the DOCTYPE of the encoded document. For example, to use the CES DTD (cesDoc.dtd) the DOCTYPE would be:

     <!doctype cesDoc PUBLIC "-//TEI//DTD TEI.2//EN" [

     <!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE'>

     <!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent PUBLIC "-//CES//ENTITIES TEI Extensions ENT//EN" >
     <!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd PUBLIC "-//CES//ENTITIES TEI Extensions DTD//EN" >


NOTE: If you are having difficulty setting up the CES DTDs and related files on your system please send a note to (Greg Priest-Dorman). Please include the following information:

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