Corpus Encoding Standard
Document CES 1. Annex 4. Version 1.3 Last Modified 14 October 1996.
Tag Index
This annex contains an index of all elements in all CES
DTDs. For each element there is a link to the location (or locations)
where its use is discussed in the text, or, if not mentioned in the
text, to its parent element. Additionally there is a link to the
element in the hypertext navigable DTDs for each standard DTD in which
the element occurs. (Only those elements unique to optional token.elt and
word.elt are linked to the hypertext navigable DTD versions of the
cesDoc DTD with these entities.)
- <abbr>
- <address>
- <analytic>
- <annotation>
- <annotations>
- <author>
- <availability>
- <base>
- <bibl>
- <biblfull>
- <biblnote>
- <biblscope>
- <biblstruct>
- <body>
- <byline>
- <bytecount>
- <c>
- <caption>
- <catdesc>
- <category>
- <catref>
- <cell>
- <cesalign>
- <cesana>
- <cescorpus>
- <cesdoc>
- <cesheader>
- <change>
- <changedate>
- <chunk>
- <chunklist>
- <cl>
- <classdecl>
- <closer>
- <conformance>
- <corr>
- <correction>
- <creation>
- <ctag>
- <date>
- <dateline>
- <disamb>
- <distinct>
- <distributor>
- <div>
- <docauthor>
- <eaddress>
- <edition>
- <editionstmt>
- <editorialdecl>
- <encodingdesc>
- <extent>
- <extnote>
- <fax>
- <figdesc>
- <figure>
- <filedesc>
- <foreign>
- <gap>
- <group>
- <>
- <h.bibl>
- <h.item>
- <h.keywords>
- <h.title>
- <head>
- <hi>
- <hyphenation>
- <idno>
- <imprint>
- <item>
- <keyterm>
- <keywords>
- <l>
- <label>
- <language>
- <langusage>
- <lex>
- <lg>
- <link>
- <linkGrp>
- <list>
- <linkList>
- <m>
- <measure>
- <mentioned>
- <monogr>
- <msd>
- <name>
- <normalization>
- <note>
- <num>
- <opener>
- <orth>
- <p>
- <phr>
- <poem>
- <profiledesc>
- <projectdesc>
- <ptr>
- <pubaddress>
- <pubdate>
- <publicationstmt>
- <publisher>
- <pubplace>
- <q>
- <quotation>
- <quote>
- <ref>
- <refsdecl>
- <reg>
- <respname>
- <respstmt>
- <resptype>
- <revisiondesc>
- <row>
- <s>
- <samplingdecl>
- <segmentation>
- <sourcedesc>
- <sp>
- <speaker>
- <stage>
- <table>
- <tagsdecl>
- <tagusage>
- <taxonomy>
- <telephone>
- <term>
- <text>
- <textclass>
- <time>
- <title>
- <titlestmt>
- <tok>
- <transduction>
- <translation>
- <translations>
- <translator>
- <w>
- <wordcount>
- <writingsystem>
- <wsdusage>
- <xptr>