TEI Header

§file description
§title statement
id = mtef-et.title
Multext-East cesDoc corpus: Fiction, Estonian
§statement of responsibility
§name Urve Talvik
§responsibility entered the text
§statement of responsibility
§name Riina Mosna
§responsibility entered the text
§statement of responsibility
§name Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
§responsibility supervised the work
§statement of responsibility
§name Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
§responsibility modified the header for version 4
§statement of responsibility
§name Tomaž Erjavec
§responsibility Conversion to XML/TEI P5
§edition statement
§edition MULTEXT-East, Version 4
§extent 104435<measure> WordCount represents the number of words in this text exclusive of tags and header information. ByteCount reflects the approximate size of the file containing the doctype and cesDoc element including all text, tags and header information.
§publication statement
§address http://nl.ijs.si/ME/V4/
§distributor TÜ arvutuslingvistika uurimisgrupp
§address Tiigi 78-232, Tartu, Estonia
§address eAddress: hkaalep@psych.ut.ee
when = 2010-05-09
§source description
§fully-structured bibliographic citation
§title statement
§title Multext-East CES1: Fiction, Estonian
§statement of responsibility
name Urve Talvik
responsibility entered the text
§statement of responsibility
name Riina Mosna
responsibility entered the text
§statement of responsibility
name Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
responsibility supervised the work
§statement of responsibility
name Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
responsibility modified the header for version 4
§edition statement

MTE Final Release

§publication statement
§distributor TÜ arvutuslingvistika uurimisgrupp
§address Tiigi 78-232, Tartu, Estonia
§address eAddress: hkaalep@psych.ut.ee

Freely available

when = 1997-05-01
May 1, 1997
§source description
§citation list
bibliographic citation
author Viivi Luik
title Seitsmes rahukevad
bibliographic citation
author Mihkel Tiks
title Korvpalliromaan
bibliographic citation
author Mats Traat
title Üksi rändan
bibliographic citation
author Mari Saat
title Õun valguses ja varjus
bibliographic citation
author Aimee Beekman
title Loobumisvõimalus
bibliographic citation
author Albert Uustulnd
title Tuulte tallermaa
bibliographic citation
author Teet Kallas
title Öö neljandas mikrorajoonis
bibliographic citation
author Enn Vetemaa
title Möbiuse leht
bibliographic citation
author Aadu Hint
title Oma saar
bibliographic citation
author Nikolai Baturin
title Noor jää
bibliographic citation
author Ene Mihkelson
title Korter
bibliographic citation
author Jaak Jõerüüt
title Raisakullid
bibliographic citation
author Raimond Kaugver
title Pariisi lõbusad naised
bibliographic citation
author Egon ja Vaike Rannet
title Kivid ja leib
bibliographic citation
author Nasta Pino
title Igal õhtul Solenzaras
bibliographic citation
author Raimo Männis
title Heinatants
bibliographic citation
author Mihkel Mutt
title Keerukuju
bibliographic citation
author Heljo Mänd
title Umbjärv
bibliographic citation
author Endla Tegova
title Humalaaias
bibliographic citation
author Arvo Valton
title Üksildased ajas
bibliographic citation
author Anu Raud
title Jutte muist muinas- muist muid
bibliographic citation
author Paul Kuusberg
title Habemik
bibliographic citation
author Milvi Seping
title Värvilised linnud
bibliographic citation
author Toomas Vint
title Suur isane kala akvaariumis
bibliographic citation
author Jaak Jõerüüt
title Meeste tantsud
bibliographic citation
author Einar Maasik
title Tere Maria
bibliographic citation
author Oskar Kruus
title Ärkamised
bibliographic citation
author Arvo Valton
title Arvid Silberi maailmareis
bibliographic citation
author Enn Vetemaa
title Ah soo... või nii!!!
bibliographic citation
author Mati Unt
title Räägivad ja vaikivad
bibliographic citation
author Enn Kreem
title Kolm laiust
bibliographic citation
author Andres Vanapa
title Taevatalu
bibliographic citation
author Raimond Kaugver
title Meie pole süüdi
bibliographic citation
author Herman Sergo
title Näkimadalad III
bibliographic citation
author Herman Sergo
title Näkimadalad II
bibliographic citation
author Jaan Kross
title Professor Martensi ärasõit
bibliographic citation
author Erni Krusten
title Metalliotsija
bibliographic citation
author Lennart Meri
title Hõbevalgem
bibliographic citation
author Rein Põder
title Hilised astrid
bibliographic citation
author Herman Sergo
title Näkimadalad I
bibliographic citation
author Ine Viiding
title Jurmala lood
bibliographic citation
author Ardi Liives
title Vastuarmastus 2.
bibliographic citation
author Endla Tegova
title Laulatatud
bibliographic citation
author Vladimir Beekman
title Narva kosk
bibliographic citation
author Oskar Kruus
title Naiselikkuse seadus
bibliographic citation
author Andrus Kasemaa
title Rannamännid
bibliographic citation
author Heino Kiik
title Elupadrik
bibliographic citation
author Ardi Liives
title Passioon
bibliographic citation
author Oskar Kruus
title Aeg atra seada
bibliographic citation
author Herta Laipaik
title Hallid luiged
bibliographic citation
author Endla Tegova
title Põlvili
§encoding description
§project description

MULTEXT-East: Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora for Central and Eastern European Languages. EU Copernicus Project COP106

§editorial practice declaration

Corpus Encoding Standard, Version 2.0 CES LEVEL: 1

§correction principles


Up to the level of sentences


No end-of-line hyphenation

§tagging declaration
name = http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0
§tag usage
gi = abbr occurs = 20
§tag usage
gi = body occurs = 1
text body
§tag usage
gi = byline occurs = 51
§tag usage
gi = date occurs = 51
§tag usage
gi = distinct occurs = 85
§tag usage
gi = div occurs = 91
text division
§tag usage
gi = docAuthor occurs = 51
§tag usage
gi = foreign occurs = 30
§tag usage
gi = head occurs = 34
§tag usage
gi = hi occurs = 311
§tag usage
gi = item occurs = 17
§tag usage
gi = l occurs = 13
verse line
§tag usage
gi = list occurs = 3
§tag usage
gi = name occurs = 3689
§tag usage
gi = num occurs = 51
§tag usage
gi = p occurs = 2542
§tag usage
gi = lg occurs = 4
line group
§tag usage
gi = q occurs = 1261
separated from the surrounding text with quotation marks
§tag usage
gi = quote occurs = 30
§tag usage
gi = ref occurs = 1
§tag usage
gi = s occurs = 9836
§tag usage
gi = text occurs = 1
§tag usage
gi = title occurs = 51
§text-profile description
§text classification
§category reference
target = fict
§revision description
§change 10/31/96 <date> Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, UT <name> Changed the header to conform to the new CES version
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>Normalisation of corpus component CESHEADER elements: CESHEADER, EDITIONSTMT, TITLESTMT/H.TITLE
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>ISO LANGUAGEs implemented as marked section PUBLIC ent
§change 1997-03-20<date>Tomaz Erjavec, IJS<name>Language (WSDs) implemented as PUBLIC entities
§change 1997-09-25<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Changed editionStmt, byteCount, pubDate to final form
§change 2004-05-10<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Converted to TEI P4, prepared for MTE V3
§change 2010-05-09<date>Tomaž Erjavec<name>Conversion to MULTEXT-East TEI P5.