Morphosyntactic Specifications for Slovene
Tomaž Erjavec
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Table of contents

1. Background

These specifications define coarse-grained morphosyntactic properties and their mapping to morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) appropriate for tagging word tokens in Slovene texts. The specifications are a copy of the JOS specifications for the Slovene language, with the difference that the JOS specifications define inflectional as well as lexical features and the the resulting MSD tagset is therefore very large, with almost 2,000 tags.

The IMP specifications define only the lexical properties of word-forms, and even here only those that cannot be predicted on the basis of a lexicon of closed-class words. The resulting tagset is much smaller, and contains only 32 tags. Such tags enable faster manual correction, and automatic tagging is more precise as well, but at the price of loosing all inflectional information of the word-form.

The rest of these specifications is structured as follows. The next section of the specifications defines the Categories (these for the most part correspond to Parts-of-Speech) and for each defines its attributes and their values. The attributes have a fixed ordering, and their values a one-letter code, which enables the translation from the format of morphosyntactic descriptions to that of features structures. In addition to the table with the attribute-value definitions each category section also contains the complete list of valid MSD codes, together with examples of usage. The third part then gives synoptic lists of categories, attributes, values and MSDs. The usage of the latter is illustrated with examples from a lexcion and corporus.

2. Definitions of Morphosyntactic Categories

This part of the specifications defines the Categories (these for the most part correspond to Parts-of-Speech) and for each defines its attributes and their values. The attributes have a fixed ordering, and their values a one-letter code, which enables the translation from the format of morphosyntactic descriptions to that of features strctures. In addition to the table with the attribute-value definitions each category sections also contains the complete list of valid MSD codes, together with examples of usage.

2.1. Noun

Table 1. Attribute-Value Table for Noun

2.1.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 2. MSDs (6)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
NcmNoun Type=common Gender=masculineSomsamostalnik vrsta=občno_ime spol=moškižupanu/župan, župan, župnikom/župnik, župniku/župnik, župnik, žužka/žužek, žužke/žužek, žužki/žužek, žvenket, žvenk
NcfNoun Type=common Gender=feminineSozsamostalnik vrsta=občno_ime spol=ženskižupi/župa, župnija, župniji/župnija, župnijo/župnija, župo/župa, žuželkah/žuželka, žuželkami/žuželka, žuželkam/žuželka, žuželka, žuželke/žuželka
NcnNoun Type=common Gender=neuterSossamostalnik vrsta=občno_ime spol=srednjižrelu/žrelo, žretja/žretje, žuganjem/žuganje, žuganje, županstvu/županstvo, žvepla/žveplo, žveplom/žveplo, žveplo, žveplu/žveplo, žvrgolenje
NpmNoun Type=proper Gender=masculineSlmsamostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime spol=moškizupanu/zupan, zvitoroga/zvitorog, zvitorog, žalcu/žalec, železnikov/železniki, želma, žige/žiga, žkolastu/žkolast, žužek, žužku/žužek
NpfNoun Type=proper Gender=feminineSlzsamostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime spol=ženskizora, zore/zora, zorica, želimeljščico/želimeljščica, žepule, žofka, žofki/žofka, žofko/žofka, župa, župo/župa
NpnNoun Type=proper Gender=neuterSlssamostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime spol=srednjitrebišče, trebišču/trebišče, turško, urnskem/urnsko, vaucouleurskem/vaucouleursko, virje, visokem/visoko, vladimirovem/vladimirovo, vojnomirovem/vojnomirovo, vojnomirovo

2.2. Verb

Table 3. Attribute-Value Table for Verb

2.2.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 4. MSDs (4)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
VaVerb Type=auxiliaryGpglagol vrsta=pomožninista/biti, niste/biti, nisva/biti, sem/biti, si/biti, smo/biti, so/biti, sta/biti, ste/biti, sva/biti
VmeVerb Type=main Aspect=perfectiveGgdglagol vrsta=glavni vid=dovršnizvoziti, zvozi/zvoziti, zvrneš/zvrniti, zvrne/zvrniti, zvrnil/zvrniti, zvrni/zvrniti, zvrtelo/zvrteti, zvrtinči/zvrtinčiti, zvrti/zvrteti, žvepil/žvepliti
VmpVerb Type=main Aspect=progressiveGgnglagol vrsta=glavni vid=nedovršnižvečila/žvečiti, žvečiti, žvižgali/žvižgati, žvižgal/žvižgati, žvižgat/žvižgati, žvižga/žvižgati, žvrgoli/žvrgoleti, žvrkaj/žvrkati, žvrkljaj/žvrkljati, žvrklja/žvrkljati
VmbVerb Type=main Aspect=biaspectualGgvglagol vrsta=glavni vid=dvovidskizginil/zginiti, zlagajo/zlagati, zlagal/zlagati, zlagati, zlaga/zlagati, zlažem/zlagati, znebila/znebiti, žegnaj/žegnati, žegnali/žegnati, žegnal/žegnati

2.3. Adjective

Table 5. Attribute-Value Table for Adjective

2.3.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 6. MSDs (5)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
AgpAdjective Type=general Degree=positivePpnpridevnik vrsta=splošni stopnja=nedoločenožupanijskih/županijski, župnijska/župnijski, žveplena/žveplen, žveplene/žveplen, žvepleni/žveplen, žveplenokislega/žveplenokisel, žveplenokislih/žveplenokisel, žvepleno/žveplen, žveplen, žveplokisli/žveplokisel
AgcAdjective Type=general Degree=comparativePpppridevnik vrsta=splošni stopnja=primernikvlažnejše/vlažen, zaljša/zal, zastopnejši/zastopen, zdravejše/zdrav, zvestejšega/zvest, zvestejši/zvest, živejše/živ, žlahtnejša/žlahten, žlahtnejšega/žlahten, žlahtnejše/žlahten
AgsAdjective Type=general Degree=superlativePpspridevnik vrsta=splošni stopnja=presežniknajzanimivejših/zanimiv, najznamenitejše/znamenit, najznamenitejši/znamenit, najzvestejše/zvest, najzvestejši/zvest, najžalostnejši/žalosten, najžlahtnejša/žlahten, najžlahtnejšega/žlahten, najžlahtnejše/žlahten, najžlahtnejši/žlahten
AppAdjective Type=participle Degree=positivePdnpridevnik vrsta=deležniški stopnja=nedoločenožegnani/žegnan, žegnano/žegnan, žegnan, želeno/želen, žgana/žgan, žgane/žgan, žganih/žgan, žgano/žgan, žvečene/žvečen, žvepleni/žveplen
AspAdjective Type=possessive Degree=positivePsnpridevnik vrsta=svojilni stopnja=nedoločenoženinovo/ženinov, ženskino/ženski, živčeva/živčev, živinčetovemu/živinčetov, županova/županov, županovega/županov, županovo/županov, župnikova/župnikov, žveplovega/žveplov, žveplovih/žveplov

2.4. Adverb

Table 7. Attribute-Value Table for Adverb

2.4.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 8. MSDs (4)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
RgpAdverb Type=general Degree=positiveRsnprislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=nedoločenožalibože, žalostno, žal, željno, židano, žiher, živahno, živo, žleht, žvižgaje
RgcAdverb Type=general Degree=comparativeRsrprislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=primerniktanjše/tanko, težje/težko, trdneje/trdno, umevnejše/umevno, urneje/urno, urnejše/urno, več/veliko, više/visoko, višje/visoko, žlahtnejše/žlahtno
RgsAdverb Type=general Degree=superlativeRssprislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=presežniknajpopolnejše/popolno, najpotrebneje/potrebno, najpriličnejše/prilično, najraje/rad, najrajši/rad, najskrbneje/skrbno, najslabše/slabo, najtrše/trdo, največ/veliko, najviše/visoko
RrAdverb Type=participleRdprislov vrsta=deležjezakrohotaje, zamahnivši, zaničevaje, zapazivši, zapustivši, zasadivši, zasmehovaje, zašepetavši, zmnoživši, zvijaje

2.5. Pronoun

Table 9. Attribute-Value Table for Pronoun

2.5.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 10. MSDs (1)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
PPronounZzaimekvso/ves, zame, zanje/zame, zanj/on, zanjo/zame, zanju/zame, zanj/zame, zanj, zase, zate/zame

2.6. Numeral

Table 11. Attribute-Value Table for Numeral

2.6.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 12. MSDs (3)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
MdNumeral Form=digitKaštevnik zapis=arabski79., 8, 8., 90., 90°, 91., 98⅛, 99., 9, 9.
MrNumeral Form=romanKrštevnik zapis=rimski vrsta=glavnixxiii, xxii, xxiv, xxi, x., xxviii, xxxix, xxxviii, xxxvii, xx.
MlNumeral Form=letterKbštevnik zapis=besednitrinajst, tristo, tri/trije, troje, troji/troj, trojna/trojen, trojne/trojen, trojni/trojen, trojno/trojen, večih/več

2.7. Preposition

Table 13. Attribute-Value Table for Preposition

2.7.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 14. MSDs (1)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
SPrepositionDpredlogzategavoljo, zavoljo, zavolj, za, zbog, znotraj, zoper, zraven, zunaj, z

2.8. Conjunction

Table 15. Attribute-Value Table for Conjunction

2.8.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 16. MSDs (1)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
CConjunctionVveznikter, toda, torej, vendarle, vendar, zakaj, zategadelj, zategavoljo, zatorej, zato

2.9. Particle

Table 17. Attribute-Value Table for Particle

2.9.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 18. MSDs (1)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
QParticleLčlenekveč, vendarle, vsaj, vsekakor, v, zato, zgolj, zlasti, znabiti, že

2.10. Interjection

Table 19. Attribute-Value Table for Interjection

2.10.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 20. MSDs (1)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
IInterjectionMmedmetšentaj, štrbunk, tresk, udri, uff, uh, vaj, vivat, zbogom, živio

2.11. Abbreviation

Table 21. Attribute-Value Table for Abbreviation

2.11.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 22. MSDs (1)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
YAbbreviationOokrajšava°, №, zemljiš., zr, z., žuž., ž.

2.12. Residual

Table 23. Attribute-Value Table for Residual

2.12.1. Lexicon

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 24. MSDs (4)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
XfResidual Type=foreignNjneuvrščeno vrsta=tujejezičnoztg, zuckenden, zug, zum, zundmaschine, zusammenkitten, zu, zweifach, λαρω, λειριοv
XtResidual Type=typoNtneuvrščeno vrsta=tipkarskazacetka, začele, zače, zagor, zaminje, zapajla, zavoljo, zdruzimi, zhes, žem/!žem
XpResidual Type=programNpneuvrščeno vrsta=programzmešn, zom, zr, ža, žice, žig, žiti, ži, žl, žup

3. Lists

3.1. List of Categories

The Table lists the Categories of the IMP morphosyntactic specifications. For each we give its name, code (in English and Slovene), and the number of defined attributes.

3.1.1. Category Table

A category (Part-of-Speech) is formally a feature type. A MSD always starts with a category code, which should be capitalised.

The defined categories are, in the following, listed in order of occurence. The second column gives the name of the category followed by its code and number of attributes.

NameCodeNameCodeNo. of attributes

3.2. List of Attributes

The Table lists the Attributes of the IMP morphosyntactic specifications. For each we give its name, which Category it belongs (in English and Slovene), and which position in the MSD string it occupies.

3.2.1. Attribute Table

The attributes defined in the tables are, in the following, listed in alphabetical order. The first column gives the name of the attribute, the second the name of the category it is defined for, and the third the position of the attribute for the category in the MSD.


3.3. List of Values

The Table lists (in Engish and Slovene), the values of attributes in the IMP morphosytnactic specifications. For each value we give its name, code, attribute, and category.

3.3.1. Value Table

The values defined in the tables are, in the following, listed in alphabetical order. The first column gives the name of the value, the second column its code and the third lists attributes for which the value is appropriate.


3.4. List of Morphosyntactic Descriptions

This index gives the complete list of morphosyntactic descriptions (MSDs) and their features, in Slovene and English. The first and third column give the MSD, and the second and fourth their expansion to features. The fifth and sixth columns give the number of word tokens and word types tagged with this MSD in the paritally hand validated 1 million word jos1M corpus. The last column gives up to 10 examples of the usage of the MSD in the form word-form/lemma. Where the word-form and lemma are identical, lemma is written as an equal sign. The examples were automatically extracted from the automatically annotated AHLib corpus.

Table 28. (32) (32)
MSD (en)Features (en)MSD (sl)Features (sl)Lexicon examples (manually validated)
NcmNoun Type=common Gender=masculineSomsamostalnik vrsta=občno_ime spol=moškižupanu/župan, župan, župnikom/župnik, župniku/župnik, župnik, žužka/žužek, žužke/žužek, žužki/žužek, žvenket, žvenk
NcfNoun Type=common Gender=feminineSozsamostalnik vrsta=občno_ime spol=ženskižupi/župa, župnija, župniji/župnija, župnijo/župnija, župo/župa, žuželkah/žuželka, žuželkami/žuželka, žuželkam/žuželka, žuželka, žuželke/žuželka
NcnNoun Type=common Gender=neuterSossamostalnik vrsta=občno_ime spol=srednjižrelu/žrelo, žretja/žretje, žuganjem/žuganje, žuganje, županstvu/županstvo, žvepla/žveplo, žveplom/žveplo, žveplo, žveplu/žveplo, žvrgolenje
NpmNoun Type=proper Gender=masculineSlmsamostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime spol=moškizupanu/zupan, zvitoroga/zvitorog, zvitorog, žalcu/žalec, železnikov/železniki, želma, žige/žiga, žkolastu/žkolast, žužek, žužku/žužek
NpfNoun Type=proper Gender=feminineSlzsamostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime spol=ženskizora, zore/zora, zorica, želimeljščico/želimeljščica, žepule, žofka, žofki/žofka, žofko/žofka, župa, župo/župa
NpnNoun Type=proper Gender=neuterSlssamostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime spol=srednjitrebišče, trebišču/trebišče, turško, urnskem/urnsko, vaucouleurskem/vaucouleursko, virje, visokem/visoko, vladimirovem/vladimirovo, vojnomirovem/vojnomirovo, vojnomirovo
VaVerb Type=auxiliaryGpglagol vrsta=pomožninista/biti, niste/biti, nisva/biti, sem/biti, si/biti, smo/biti, so/biti, sta/biti, ste/biti, sva/biti
VmeVerb Type=main Aspect=perfectiveGgdglagol vrsta=glavni vid=dovršnizvoziti, zvozi/zvoziti, zvrneš/zvrniti, zvrne/zvrniti, zvrnil/zvrniti, zvrni/zvrniti, zvrtelo/zvrteti, zvrtinči/zvrtinčiti, zvrti/zvrteti, žvepil/žvepliti
VmpVerb Type=main Aspect=progressiveGgnglagol vrsta=glavni vid=nedovršnižvečila/žvečiti, žvečiti, žvižgali/žvižgati, žvižgal/žvižgati, žvižgat/žvižgati, žvižga/žvižgati, žvrgoli/žvrgoleti, žvrkaj/žvrkati, žvrkljaj/žvrkljati, žvrklja/žvrkljati
VmbVerb Type=main Aspect=biaspectualGgvglagol vrsta=glavni vid=dvovidskizginil/zginiti, zlagajo/zlagati, zlagal/zlagati, zlagati, zlaga/zlagati, zlažem/zlagati, znebila/znebiti, žegnaj/žegnati, žegnali/žegnati, žegnal/žegnati
AgpAdjective Type=general Degree=positivePpnpridevnik vrsta=splošni stopnja=nedoločenožupanijskih/županijski, župnijska/župnijski, žveplena/žveplen, žveplene/žveplen, žvepleni/žveplen, žveplenokislega/žveplenokisel, žveplenokislih/žveplenokisel, žvepleno/žveplen, žveplen, žveplokisli/žveplokisel
AgcAdjective Type=general Degree=comparativePpppridevnik vrsta=splošni stopnja=primernikvlažnejše/vlažen, zaljša/zal, zastopnejši/zastopen, zdravejše/zdrav, zvestejšega/zvest, zvestejši/zvest, živejše/živ, žlahtnejša/žlahten, žlahtnejšega/žlahten, žlahtnejše/žlahten
AgsAdjective Type=general Degree=superlativePpspridevnik vrsta=splošni stopnja=presežniknajzanimivejših/zanimiv, najznamenitejše/znamenit, najznamenitejši/znamenit, najzvestejše/zvest, najzvestejši/zvest, najžalostnejši/žalosten, najžlahtnejša/žlahten, najžlahtnejšega/žlahten, najžlahtnejše/žlahten, najžlahtnejši/žlahten
AppAdjective Type=participle Degree=positivePdnpridevnik vrsta=deležniški stopnja=nedoločenožegnani/žegnan, žegnano/žegnan, žegnan, želeno/želen, žgana/žgan, žgane/žgan, žganih/žgan, žgano/žgan, žvečene/žvečen, žvepleni/žveplen
AspAdjective Type=possessive Degree=positivePsnpridevnik vrsta=svojilni stopnja=nedoločenoženinovo/ženinov, ženskino/ženski, živčeva/živčev, živinčetovemu/živinčetov, županova/županov, županovega/županov, županovo/županov, župnikova/župnikov, žveplovega/žveplov, žveplovih/žveplov
RgpAdverb Type=general Degree=positiveRsnprislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=nedoločenožalibože, žalostno, žal, željno, židano, žiher, živahno, živo, žleht, žvižgaje
RgcAdverb Type=general Degree=comparativeRsrprislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=primerniktanjše/tanko, težje/težko, trdneje/trdno, umevnejše/umevno, urneje/urno, urnejše/urno, več/veliko, više/visoko, višje/visoko, žlahtnejše/žlahtno
RgsAdverb Type=general Degree=superlativeRssprislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=presežniknajpopolnejše/popolno, najpotrebneje/potrebno, najpriličnejše/prilično, najraje/rad, najrajši/rad, najskrbneje/skrbno, najslabše/slabo, najtrše/trdo, največ/veliko, najviše/visoko
RrAdverb Type=participleRdprislov vrsta=deležjezakrohotaje, zamahnivši, zaničevaje, zapazivši, zapustivši, zasadivši, zasmehovaje, zašepetavši, zmnoživši, zvijaje
PPronounZzaimekvso/ves, zame, zanje/zame, zanj/on, zanjo/zame, zanju/zame, zanj/zame, zanj, zase, zate/zame
MdNumeral Form=digitKaštevnik zapis=arabski79., 8, 8., 90., 90°, 91., 98⅛, 99., 9, 9.
MrNumeral Form=romanKrštevnik zapis=rimski vrsta=glavnixxiii, xxii, xxiv, xxi, x., xxviii, xxxix, xxxviii, xxxvii, xx.
MlNumeral Form=letterKbštevnik zapis=besednitrinajst, tristo, tri/trije, troje, troji/troj, trojna/trojen, trojne/trojen, trojni/trojen, trojno/trojen, večih/več
SPrepositionDpredlogzategavoljo, zavoljo, zavolj, za, zbog, znotraj, zoper, zraven, zunaj, z
CConjunctionVveznikter, toda, torej, vendarle, vendar, zakaj, zategadelj, zategavoljo, zatorej, zato
QParticleLčlenekveč, vendarle, vsaj, vsekakor, v, zato, zgolj, zlasti, znabiti, že
IInterjectionMmedmetšentaj, štrbunk, tresk, udri, uff, uh, vaj, vivat, zbogom, živio
YAbbreviationOokrajšava°, №, zemljiš., zr, z., žuž., ž.
XfResidual Type=foreignNjneuvrščeno vrsta=tujejezičnoztg, zuckenden, zug, zum, zundmaschine, zusammenkitten, zu, zweifach, λαρω, λειριοv
XtResidual Type=typoNtneuvrščeno vrsta=tipkarskazacetka, začele, zače, zagor, zaminje, zapajla, zavoljo, zdruzimi, zhes, žem/!žem
XpResidual Type=programNpneuvrščeno vrsta=programzmešn, zom, zr, ža, žice, žig, žiti, ži, žl, žup

Appendix A IMP morphosyntactic features and descriptions encoded as TEI feature structures

Appendix A.1 Definitions in Slovene

IMP morphosyntactic features and descriptions in Slovene; they are cross-linked to their English equivalents.

Appendix A.2 Definitions in English

IMP morphosyntactic features and descriptions in English; they are cross-linked to their Slovene equivalents.

Tomaž Erjavec. Date: 2012-03-29
This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Slovenia.