Interdisciplinary Summer School, Workshop and Round Table in Computational Linguistics, Cognitive and Information Science
22nd August - 3rd September 2010
University of Zadar

Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative

Dictionary Excercise

Material provided by Petra Bago

For the excercise:

  1. Make the appropriate schema with Roma
  2. Encode (a couple) of the dictionary entries below in TEI, so that you get a complete and valid TEI document

Visual representation:

The text:

collaudo, [com-l.], 1. hvaliti uza što, po-
hvaliti, alqm; clementiam alcjs per literas.

collecta, ae, f. [upr. partic. od 2. colligo sc.
pecunia] prinos, prilog za zajedničku gozbu,
u Cic. samo jednom de or. 2, 57, 233. u šali,
collectam a conviva exigere.

collyra, ae, f. [κολλύρα] pògača, kòlâč, Plaut.
Odatle collyricŭs, adj. jus c. gusta krušna
čorba, Plaut.

Cŏlŏphon, ōnis, f. [Κολοφών] Kolofon, grad u
Joniji, odatle -ōnius, adj, kolofonski, supst.
-ōnii, ōrum, m. Kolofonci.

† cŏlossēus, adj. koloski, gorostasan.


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