Header information

type: corpus
id: ijs-elan-sample.h
updated: 1999-06-24

File Description

Title Statement:
The IJS-ELAN Slovene/English Corpus Sampler
Vzorec slovenskoangleškega vzporednega korpusa IJS-ELAN
Responsibility Statement:
Tomaž Erjavec, IJS <tomaz.erjavec@ijs.si>
Roman Maurer <roman.maurer@fmf.uni-lj.si>
Translation, acquisition and alignment: LIGS, GNPO
Prevod, zagotovitev in poravnava dela besedil; LIGS, GNPO
<C type>'</C> fix
Andrej Skubic, FF <ermenc.skubic@siol.net>
Acquisition and alignment of corpus texts
Zagotovitev in poravnava besedil
Špela Vintar, FF <spela.vintar@guest.arnes.si>
Acquisition and alignment of corpus texts
Zagotovitev in poravnava besedil
Edition Statement:
Edition: Version 1.1
1% of IJS-ELAN Corpus V 1.1
Publications Statement:
Skupina za jezik in govor,
Odsek za inteligentne sisteme
Inštitut Jozef Štefan
Jamova 93
1000 Ljubljana
Language and Speech Group,
Dept. for Intelligent Systems,
Jozef Štefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Place of publication:

This parallel aligned corpus is freely available, provided that the the sources described in this header or in the headers of its tei.2 text elements are acknowledged.

Ta vzporedni poravnani korpus je prosto dostopen, pod pogojem, da se citira njegove vire, dokumentirane v tej glavi ali v glavah njegovih tei.2 besedil.

Source Description:

This corpus is composed of 15 texts:

Bibliography list:
  1. <usta> [sl-en]
    Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia Ustava Republike Slovenije
    15 translation units
  2. <kuca> [sl-en]
    Speeches by the President of Slovenia, M. Kučan Govori predsednika RS, M. Kučana
    24 translation units
  3. <parl> [sl-en]
    Functioning of the National Assembly Delovanje Državnega zbora
    12 translation units
  4. <ecmr> [sl-en]
    Slovenian Economic Mirror; 13 issues, 98/99 Ekonomsko ogledalo; 13 številk 98/99
    57 translation units
  5. <ekol> [sl-en]
    National Environmental Protection Programme Nacionalni program varstva okolja
    24 translation units
  6. <spor> [sl-en]
    Europe Agreement Evropski sporazum
    18 translation units
  7. <anx2> [sl-en]
    Europe Agreement - Annex II Evropski sporazum - Priloga II
    18 translation units
  8. <stra> [sl-en]
    Slovenia's Strategy for Integration into EU Strategija Slovenije za vključevanje v EU
    27 translation units
  9. <kmet> [sl-en]
    Slovenia's programme for accession to EU - agriculture Državni program za prilagajanje zakonodaje - kmetijstvo
    18 translation units
  10. <ekon> [sl-en]
    Slovenia's programme for accession to EU - economy Državni program za prilagajanje zakonodaje - gospodarstvo
    12 translation units
  11. <vade> [sl-en]
    Vademecum by Lek Vademecum Lekove domače lekarne
    18 translation units
  12. <vino> [en-sl]
    EC Council Regulation No 3290/94 - agriculture Uredba sveta ES št. 3290/94 - kmetijstvo
    24 translation units
  13. <ligs> [en-sl]
    Linux Installation and Getting Started Namestitev in začetek dela z Linuxom
    66 translation units
  14. <gnpo> [en-sl]
    GNU PO localisation GNU PO lokalizacije
    24 translation units
  15. <orwl> [en-sl]
    G. Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four G. Orwell: 1984
    75 translation units

Encoding Description

Project description:

This IJS-ELAN corpus is part of the LJU1 site contribution to the EU MLIS project ELAN: European Language Activity Network For more information see the IJS-ELAN homepage <http://nl.ijs.si/elan/> and the ELAN project homepage <http://solaris3.ids-mannheim.de/elan/>

Editorial declaration:

All formatting removed from originals removed.

Only ASCII characters and SGML entities used: see the DTD for defined entities.

List bullets normalised to -, or left as *


Quotation marks converted to " or '

Start / end quote is indicated with the open / close values of the TYPE attribute of C.


Segmentation into translation units and segments semi automatic with various tools

Tokeisation perfomed with MULTEXT mtseg, correcting the results with Perl & Emacs.

Tags declaration:
text = 15
Element 'Text'. Attributes are LANG and ID.
body = 15
Element 'Body'.
tu = 432
Element 'Translation unit'. Attributes are LANG and ID.
seg = 864
Element 'Translation segment'. Attributes are LANG.
s = 150
Element 'Sentence'; only in 'orwl' text. Attributes are ID (identical to original MTE version).
w = 14171
Element 'Word'. Attributes are TYPE (dig, abbr, comp) and (only in 'orwl' text) LEMMA, FUNCTION.
c = 2179
Element 'Punctuation'. Attributes are TYPE (open, close).

Profile Description

Language use:
  • ID=sl
  • ID=en
  • ID=sl-en
    Slovene original - English translation
  • ID=en-sl
    English original - Slovene translation
  • ID=slen
    slovensko in angleško (Slovene and English)
  • ID=ensl
    English and Slovene (angleško in slovensko)

Revision Description

id: ijs-elan-sample.t
language: slen

id: usta
language: sl-en

Izhajajoč iz Temeljne ustavne listine o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije, ter temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin, temeljne in trajne pravice slovenskega naroda do samoodločbe, in iz zgodovinskega dejstva, da smo Slovenci v večstoletnem boju za narodno osvoboditev izoblikovali svojo narodno samobitnost in uveljavili svojo državnost, sprejema Skupščina Republike Slovenije Ustavo Republike Slovenije.
Whereas it is consistent with the Basic Constitutional Charter on the Independence and Sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia, AND, ACKNOWLEDGING THAT we Slovenians created our own national identity and attained our nationhood based on the protection of human rights and freedoms, on the fundamental and permanent right of the Slovenian people to self-determination and as a result of our historical and centuries-long struggle for the liberation of our people. BE IT HEREBY ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia.
1. člen
Article 1
Slovenija je demokratična republika.
Slovenia is a democratic republic.
2. člen
Article 2
Slovenija je pravna in socialna država.
Slovenia is a state governed by the rule of law and is a social state.
3. člen
Article 3
70. člen
Article 70
([javno dobro in naravna bogastva)]
National Assets and National Resources
Na javnem dobru se lahko pridobi posebna pravica uporabe pod pogoji, ki jih določa zakon.
Special rights to utilize national assets may be acquired subject to such conditions as are determined by statute.
([izvolitev sodnikov)]
The Election of Judges
Sodnike voli državni zbor na predlog sodnega sveta.
The National Assembly shall elect judges upon the recommendation of the Judicial Council.
131. člen
Article 131

id: kuca
language: sl-en

Govor predsednika Predsedstva Republike Slovenije Milana Kučana v Skupščini Republike Slovenije
Speech by the President of the Presidency of the Republic of Slovenia, Milan Kučan, in the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
Danes je 16. dan slovenske samostojnosti in 15. dan vojne.
Today marks the 16th day of Slovenia's independence and the 15th day of war.
Teh nekaj dni je v temelju spremenilo naš navidezno mali svet, spremenilo je Jugoslavijo.
These few days have fundamentally changed our seemingly small world, and have changed Yugoslavia.
Bistveno je spremenilo tudi Evropo.
They have also essentially changed Europe.
To mora danes vedeti slovenska Skupščina.
Of this the Slovene Assembly must today be aware.
Tega se vse bolj zaveda in priznava tudi Evropa.
Europe, too, is showing increasing awareness and recognition of this fact.
Evropa, demokratična in varna, si je v Helsinkih in Parizu zgradila čvrsto vizijo svoje prihodnosti.
Europe, democratic and safe, constructed in Helsinki and Paris a solid vision of its future.
Vpeljala je red, ki si ga zapoveduje in na katerega prostovoljno pristaja v interesu svoje varnosti in miru, v interesu demokracije, gospodarskega in splošnega razvoja ter višje kvalitete življenja svojih ljudi.
It brought in an order which it has commanded upon itself and which it freely accepts in the interest of its security and peace, in the interest of democracy, economic and general development and of a higher quality of life of its people.
V majhnih krajih, blizu doma - tako majhnih in tako blizu, da jih ni mogoče najti na nobenem zemljevidu sveta.
In small places, close to home - so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world.
A za posameznika so prav ti kraji njegov realen svet; soseščina, v kateri živi; šola, v katero hodi; tovarna, kmetija ali urad, kjer dela.
Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighbourhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works.
V takih krajih vsak, moški, ženska in otrok išče enako pravico, enako priložnost, enako dostojanstvo, brez diskriminacije.
Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination.
Vprašanje pa je, ali je slovenskemu gospodarstvu uspešno ustvarjala tudi pogoje za potrebno tržno, programsko in tehnološko preobrazbo ter njegovo pospešeno konkurenčno usposabljanje in ali so se tržna načela in profesionalnost uveljavljali tudi zunaj gospodarstva.
But the question is whether it has been successful in providing the Slovene economy with the conditions for the necessary transformation of the market, programmes and technology and for its preparation for international competition. Furthermore, have we succeeded in introducing market principles and professionalism in other spheres, too?
Več smo trošili kot ustvarjali. Kot da smo pozabili, da je med temeljnimi vrednotami razvitih družb z uspešnimi gospodarstvi tudi racionalnost in varčevanje.
We have spent more than we have created - as if we have forgotten that thrift and saving are two of the basic values of developed and economically successful societies.
Varčevanje, ki je vpeto v skrb za prihodnost in v ustvarjanje materialne podlage zanjo.
Saving is an element of farsightedness and the creating of the material foundations for the future.
Globoko verjamem v to in sem prepričan, da svojo vero delim z vami.
I believe deeply in this and I am convinced that I share my belief with you.
Kljub temu, da ob tej veliki priložnosti - to ugotavljam z globokim obžalovanjem - moči za to veliko dejanje očitno še nismo zmogli.
I believe this despite the fact that on this great occasion - and it is with deep regret that I have to say this - we have obviously not yet mustered enough strength for this great act.
Zdaj je vsakdo dolžan sam premisliti svoja ravnanja, kajti izmikati se odgovornosti za to ni več mogoče.
Now, everyone is obliged to reconsider their acts, for it is no longer possible to evade responsibility for them.
Republika Slovenija bo storila vse, da v postopku razdruževanja ne bodo prizadete legitimne koristi novih držav, ki bodo nastale na dosedanjem prostoru SFRJ. In da ne bo ogroženo prihodnje vsestransko sodelovanje med njimi, niti koristi tretjih držav in mednarodne skupnosti.
In the process of separation the Republic of Slovenia will do everything to avoid damaging the legitimate interests of the new states that will emerge in the area of the SFRY, and to avoid jeopardising the future multilateral cooperation between them or indeed the interests of third countries and international groups.
Vsa odprta vprašanja in morebitne medsebojne spore želimo reševati po miroljubni poti in tako, da ne bodo ogroženi mednarodni mir, varnost in pravičnost in v dobri veri, vestno in pošteno, na temelju mednarodnega prava.
We wish to settle all unresolved issues and possible disputes by peaceful means, and in such a way that will not threaten international peace, security and fairness, and to act in good faith, conscientiously and decently, on the basis of international law.
Toda za uresničitev takšnih namer potrebujemo sogovornike enako dobre volje in namer.
Yet in order to fulfil such intentions we require equal goodwill and intentions from the other side.
Na slovensko državo, ki bo prijazna svojim državljanom, ker bo mislila na njihovo dostojanstvo in blaginjo.
A Slovenian state which will be pleasant to its citizens, for it will consider their dignity and prosperity.
Na Slovenijo kot pravno državo, ki bo varovala vse človekove pravice, politične, socialne in duhovne.
Slovenia as a state based on the rule of law, which will protect all human rights, including political, social and spiritual.
Na državo, ki bosta v njej prevladali strpnost in človeška solidarnost in ki bo varovala človekove pravice do različnih političnih in vsakršnih prepričanj, saj samo soočanje in tekmovanje med različnostmi daje najboljše rešitve za sedanje težave in dobre učinke za vsakdanje življenje.
A state which will be ruled by tolerance and human solidarity, and which will protect the human right to different political and other convictions, for only by coming face to face and competing with what is different can we achieve the best possible solution for our current problems and the best possible result for our everyday life.

id: parl
language: sl-en

Delovanje Državnega zbora
Functioning of the National Assembly
Predsednik in podpredsedniki državnega zbora
President and Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly
Predsednik državnega zbora predstavlja državni zbor in vodi njegovo delo.
The President of the National Assembly represents the National Assembly and presides over its work.
Predsednik ima predvsem naslednje pristojnosti:
The powers of the President are primarily the following:
sklicuje in vodi seje državnega zbora;
to convene and preside over sessions of the National Assembly;
podpisuje zakone in druge akte, ki jih sprejme državni zbor;
to sign laws and other acts passed by the National Assembly;
skrbi za sodelovanje državnega zbora z državnim svetom, vlado, predsednikom republike in drugimi državnimi organi;
to ensure cooperation between the National Assembly and the National Council, the government, the President of the Republic and other state bodies;
skrbi za sodelovanje s predstavniškimi telesi drugih držav, mednarodnimi parlamentarnimi institucijami in mednarodnimi organizacijami;
to ensure cooperation with representative bodies of other states, international parliamentary institutions and international organisations;
skrbi za izvajanje poslovnika državnega zbora;
to ensure adherence to the Standing Orders of the National Assembly;
Skupni deželni zbori več dežel
Multi-provincial assemblies
Da bi dosegel usklajen nastop dežel v obrambi in pri njenem financiranju, je deželni knez včasih skliceval skupne deželne zbore več dežel.
In order to coordinate the various provinces' efforts in defence and its financing, the provincial prince would sometimes convene multi-provincial assemblies.
Tja so stanovi posameznih dežel pošiljali svoje zastopnike praviloma z imperativnim mandatom, kar je sporazum močno oteževalo.
Magnates from the provinces sent representatives to these meetings, usually with an imperative mandate, which made agreement very difficult to achieve.

id: ecmr
language: sl-en

Makroekonomska gibanja so bila ob koncu l. 1997 dokaj ugodna.
Macroeconomic developments in late 1997 were quite favourable.
Poleti obnovljena rast impulznega trenda industrijske proizvodnje se je nadaljevala tudi v decembru.
Growth in the industrial production impulse trend, which resumed in the summer, continued throughout the second half of the year.
Po predhodnih podatkih SURS je bil obseg industrijske proizvodnje oziroma predelovalnih dejavnosti lani za 1.3% oziroma za 0.8% višji kot v letu 1996. kar je več kot smo predvidevali v Jesenskem poročilu ([0.9% oziroma 0.5%, stran 25)].
Preliminary data published by SORS suggest increases in the volume of industrial production and production in manufacturing of 1.3% and 0.8%, respectively, compared to 1996. which is more than forecast in the Autumn Report ([0.9% and 0.5%, respectively, page 25)].
Ob ugodni konjukturi na tujih trgih je v letu 1997 prišlo do pospešitve rasti izvoza blaga, v prvih enastih mesecih je realno porasel za 9.7%, kar je ob nekoliko počasnejši rasti uvoza blaga znižalo trgovinski primanjkljaj glede na enako obdobje 1996. presežek na tekočem računu plačilne bilance pa se je povečal na 76.1 mio USD ([stran 9)].
Favourable economic developments in foreign markets accelerated Slovenian exports of goods. In the first eleven months, they rose by 9.7% in real terms. Since imports grew at a slower rate, the trade deficit narrowed slightly compared to a year earlier and the current account surplus increased to US$ 76.1 million ([page 9)].
Gospodarska rast v 7 največjih trgovinskih partnericah bo v 1998/99 približno enaka kot 1997., temeljila pa bo na rasti njihove zunanjetrgovinske menjave.
Slovenia's seven main trading partners are expected to maintain their same rates of economic growth in 1998/99, driven mostly by growth in their own foreign trade.
To naj bi tudi v prihodnjih dveh letih ugodno vplivalo na domača gospodarska gibanja ([stran 8)].
This should also favourably affect economic developments in Slovenia over the next two years ([page 8)].
K izvoznim rezultatom v letu 1997 je ob ugodni konjunkturni prispevalo tudi ohranjanje izvozne konkurenčnosti na ravni leta 1996 ([ko se je izboljšala)].
Apart from a favourable international environment, export competitiveness also contributed largely to the good export results, since the 1996 level was preserved ([when it considerably improved)].
Nižje, kot je oseba na delovni hierarhiji, več je bila bolna.
The lower the position of a worker, the more absences are recorded due to sickness.
Nekoliko manjša, a še vedno pomembna pa je povezava z družbenim položajem posameznika ([lastna ocena položaja na lestvici od 1 do 10)].
Relation of sickness to the social status of a person is slightly looser, although still important ([self-evaluation of status using the scale from 1-10)].
Podobne povezave so tudi z oceno lastnega zdravja ([zelo slabo, slabo, dobro, zelo dobro in odlično)].
Similar relations were observed in the people's self-evaluations of health ([very bad, bad, well, very well and excellent)].
Po rahlem in kratkotrajnem jesenskem povečanju zaposlovanja v podjetjih in organizacijah ([za 1,746 oseb v obdobju od avgusta do novembra)] se je decembra število zaposlenih ponovno zmanjšalo, in to kar za 3,250 oseb.
After rising slightly in the period from August to November ([by 1746)], employment in enterprises and organisations fell again by 3250 persons in December.
To je bilo pričakovati že na podlagi podatka o močnem decembrskem prilivu v registrirano brezposelnost, ki smo ga komentirali v EO 1/98;13.
This was an expected development considering the strong inflow into registered unemployment recorded in December ([see SEM 1/98:13)].
Sezonsko pa se je zmanjšalo tudi število samozaposlenih in pri njih zaposlenih, tako da se je skupno število delovno aktivnih zmanjšalo kar za 4,237 oseb ali 0.6%.
Besides, the number of self-employed and those employed by self-employed persons declined due to seasonal factors. Consequently, the number of persons in employment dropped by 4237 persons or by 0.6%.
Konec februarja so devizne rezerve poslovnih bank znašale 1,021 mio USD, devizne rezerve BS 3,282 mio USD, skupne pa so dosegle 4,303 mio USD.
Foreign exchange reserves held by commercial banks stood at US$ 1,021 million, that of the Bank of Slovenia totalled US$ 3,282 million and total foreign exchange reserves were US$ 4,303 million at the end of January.
Poslabšanje konkurenčnosti slovenskih predelovalnih dejavnosti v primerjavi s povprečjem držav CEFTA je bilo v obdobju 1992-1995 zaradi depreciacije tolarja do valut teh držav manj izrazito, kot v primerjavi z državami EU ([prim. Letno EO 1997:10/1)], čeprav je bilo še vedno precejšnje.
In the 1992-1995 period, the deterioration of the competitiveness of Slovenia's manufacturers was less pronounced compared to the average in CEFTA countries ([although still high)] than EU countries ([see SEM Annual Edition, p.XX)] due to the depreciation of the tolar against the currencies of the CEFTA countries.
Izboljšanje v letu 1996 pa je bilo podobno: relativni stroški dela na enoto proizvoda so se v slovenskih predelovalnih dejavnostih v primerjavi s CEFTA znižali za 5.1%, v primerjavi z EU za 4.9%.
The improvement in 1996 was similar: relative unit labour costs in manufacturing dropped 5.1% ([4.9% against the EU)].
Realni obseg blagovne menjave z EU narašča.
The real volume of trade with the EU is rising.
V prvih dveh letošnjih mesecih smo v EU prodali 66.8%, v države bivše Jugoslavije 13.3%, in v države CEFTE 6.2% celotnega blagovnega izvoza.
In the first two months, 66.8% of goods exports went to the EU, 13.3% to the countries of former Yugoslavia and 6.2% to the CEFTA countries.
Izvoz blaga v države EU je realno porasel za 14.1%, v države bivše Jugoslavije za 3.9% in v države CEFTE za 14.9%.
Exports of goods to the EU rose in real terms by 14.1%, exports to former Yugoslav countries 3.9% and to CEFTA countries 14.9%.
([ii)] finančna sredstva za uresničevanje teh aktivnosti, ki bodo na razpolago Sloveniji;
([ii)] the financial means available to help Slovenia implement these priorities;
([iii)] pogoje za pridobitev te pomoči.
([iii)] the conditions which will apply to that assistance.
PzP predstavlja enoten okvir za pripravo in uresničevanje vrste ukrepov na poti priprav za polnopravno članstvo v EU.
The AP provides a framework for a number of policy instruments which will be used in preparations for membership.
Ker je po naših izračunih kar 74% državnih R-RD sredstev usmerjenih v človeški kapital in izobraževanje, 13% v pospeševanje tehnološkega faktorja, 3% pa v raziskave infrastrukturne skupine, lahko trdimo, da so naštete komparativne prednosti slovenske globalne konkurenčnosti prioritetno upoštevane.
Since our estimates show that 74% of government R&D funds are transferred to human capital and education, 13% to the advancement of technology factor and 3% to the infrastructure research group, it can be claimed that Slovenia's comparative advantages of global competitiveness are considered as a priority.
Na podlagi podatkov pa ne moremo zavreči bojazni, da je bilo premalo sredstev R-RD vloženih v dejavnike, kjer zaenkrat zaostajamo za povprečjem nacionalne konkurenčnosti, to je v kvaliteto poslovnega managementa ([depreciacija 120.2)], razvoj pravnih in političnih institucij ([113.3)] ter razvoj finančnega trga ([109.9)].
However, we cannot avoid the fact of an absence of R&D funds allocated to factors in which Slovenia lags behind average national competitiveness, that is the quality of business management ([depreciation 120.1)], development of legal and political institutions ([113.3)] and development of financial market ([109.9)].
Ti dejavniki naj bi po metodologiji Svetovnega ekonomskega foruma ([WEF)] vplivali na globalno konkurenčnost z 28-imi odstotki.
Those factors should, according to the World Economic Forum's methodology, affect global competitiveness by 28%.
Pri tem upoštevajo tudi Smernice za oblikovanje nacionalnih politik zaposlovanja v državah Evropske unije ([ Proposal for Guidelines for Member States' Employment Policies 1998. Bruselj, 1.10.1997)], ki posvečajo posebno pozornost mladim brezposelnim z zagotovitvijo novega začetka še pred iztekom šestih mesecev po vpisu v register brezposelnih, lajšanju prehoda iz šolanja v zaposlitev z zmanjševanjem deleža mladih, ki predčasno prekinejo šolanje, postopnemu zmanjševanju deleža oseb, ki niso dokončale srednje šole in povečevanju števila vajeništev.
The Ministry's measures are based on the Proposal for Guidelines for Member States' Employment Policies 1998 ([Brussels, 1 October 1997)], placing a particular emphasis to young unemployed. They try to ([i)] guarantee to the young unemployed a new beginning even before the expiry of the six-month registered unemployment period, ([ii)] ease the transition from schooling to employment and ([iii)] to decrease the number of drop-outs, ([iv)] decrease gradually the number of persons without finished secondary school and ([v)] increase the number of apprenticeships.
Cilj, dosegljiv v enem letu, je povečanje vključitve brezposelnih, ki že imajo poklicno izobrazbo, vendar le-ta ne ustreza potrebam trga, v programe za pridobitev druge izobrazbe - predvsem na ravni srednje poklicne oziroma strokovne stopnje ([povprečen čas - 6 mesecev do 1 leta)].
The inclusion of the unemployed with certain professional qualification which, however, does not match the demand on the labour market into the retraining programmes - especially at the secondary vocational school level ([the average time of retraining from 6 months to 1 year)] - is a target that can be attained in 1 year's time.
Brezposelne osebe brez poklicne izobrazbe pa bi, vključene v triletne programe poklicnega izobraževanja, lahko pridobile javno veljavno strokovno izobrazbo v dveh letih.
Furthermore, the unskilled unemployed could attain, by being included in the three-year vocational training programmes, required professional qualifications in two year's time.
S tem naj bi preprečili takšno konkurenco med delodajalci, ki bi vodila k slabšanju pogojev dela za vse delavce.
This should prevent such competition among employers that would lead to deterioration of working conditions for all workers.
Vendar globalizacija ekonomije in s tem večanje konkurence sili delodajalce k uporabi novih konkurenčnih tehnologij, načinov organizacije dela, sistemov plač ipd.
However, the globalisation of economy causing stronger competition is forcing employers to use new competitive technologies, work organisations, wage systems, etc. to adjust more quickly.
Pri tem se zaradi hitrega prilagajanja ne morejo ravnati po uniformiranih pravilih.
Therefore, they cannot follow uniform rules.
Neto dolgoročna zadolženost domačih podjetij v tujini je v prvih sedmih mesecih letos znašala 126.9 mio USD in se je v primerjavi z enakim obdobjem lani znižala za 21.7%, kar je tudi posledica znižanja akitvnih obrestnih mer za dologoročne kredite s strani domačih bank.
Net long-term borrowings of Slovenian companies abroad amounted to US$ 126.9 million in the first seven months, which is 21.7% down on the same period last year. This is a result of lower lending rates for long-term loans of domestic banks.
V prvih sedmih mesecih letos smo bili neto izvozniki kapitala v vrednosti 27.7 mio USD ([lani v enakem obdobju neto uvoz kapitala v višini 68 mio USD)].
In the first seven months of this year, Slovenia was a net exporter of capital with US$ 27.7 million ([in the same period last year Slovenia imported US$ 68 million worth of capital)].
Skupne devizne rezerve ([BS in poslovnih bank)] so se povečale za 169.3 mio USD.
Total foreign exchange reserves of the BS and commercial banks rose by US$ 169.3 million.
Temelji na Strategiji RS za vključitev v EU in na naknadnih uskladitvah vseh gospodarskih ministrstev ter Banke Slovenije.
It is based on the Strategy of the RS for Accession to the EU and subsequent co-ordination of all ministries related to economy and the Bank of Slovenia.
Prav tako je bil dokument usklajen tudi znotraj Evropske komisije.
The document was also co-ordinated in the European Commission.
V razvitih državah je izobraževanje odraslih v bistveno večji meri financirano iz javnih sredstev.
Adult education in developed countries is to a considerably larger extent financed from public funds.
Pomanjkljivosti, ki onemogočajo hitrejši razvoj izobraževanja odraslih, so med drugimi tudi: zakoreninjenost šolske tradicije in pedagoških stereotipov, pomanjkljivo razvita mreža različnih vrst izvajalcev izobraževanja odraslih, ki bi neodvisno od šolskega sistema razvijali posebne andragoške modele in metode izobraževanja, ter odsotnost centrov za izobraževanje na daljavo, za samostojno učenje, za multimedijsko podprto učenje, za ugotavljanje in potrjevanje znanja ipd.
There are several shortcomings preventing the more rapid development of adult education, such as entrenched school tradition and pedagogical stereotypes, a poorly developed network of various types of adult education providers which would develop models and methods of adult education independent of the school system, the lack of distance learning centres, open-learning centres, multimedia supported learning centres, centres for evaluating and certifying knowledge, etc.
Glede na povečevanje obsega izobraževanja odraslih lahko nanj gledamo tudi kot na velik zaposlitveni potencial in podjetniški izziv za organizatorje in izvajalce programov.
Considering its expansion, adult education can be viewed as a great employment potential and entrepreneurial challenge for organisers and providers of this type of programmes.
Občasno popravljanje relativnih razmerij cen, ki jih nadzoruje vlada, je značilnost obdobja tranzicije.
Occasional corrections of the relative relationship between administered prices are typical of economies in transition.
V socializmu so bile podcenjene dobrine in storitve, ki so imele višji vpliv na življenjsko raven prebivalcev.
In the period of socialism, goods and services having a stronger impact on the standard of living were underpriced.
Spet smo ugotovili, da tudi na uvoz proizvodov, ki jih slovensko gospodarstvo oziroma potrošniki najbolj preferirajo v trgovini z državami CEFTA, liberalizacija njihove trgovine ni imela vpliva.
It was again established that liberalisation in trade with CEFTA countries had no influence on the imports of those products from these countries which are preferred by the Slovene economy or consumers.
Do pod bnih zaključkov pridemo tudi z ocenjevanjem izvozne enačbe.
The assessment by means of export equation brings us to similar conclusions.
Zakaj je torej prišlo do tolikšnega povečanja uvoza iz držav CEFTA?
Why then did imports from CEFTA countries increase so much?
Pri oblikovanju cilja je BS izhajala iz predpostavk, da bo Slovenija v letu 1999 dosegla 3.5 do 4-odstotno gospodarsko rast, javnofinančni primanjkljaj naj ne bi presegal 0.7% ocenjenega BDP, obseg neto finančnih prilivov pa se kljub sprostitvi omejitev finančnih tokov ne bi bistveno povečal.
In setting this goal, the Bank of Slovenia assumed that Slovenia is expected to have 3.5% to 4% economic growth in 1999. the general government deficit should not exceed 0.7% of estimated GDP, and net financial inflows should not increase despite lifting restrictions in the financial market.
S 1. februarjem je vstopil v veljavo Evropski sporazum o pridružitvi.
On 1 February, the Europe Agreement on Association came into force.
BS je sprostila omejitve pri najemanju posojil v tujini.
The Bank of Slovenia lifted restrictions on obtaining loans abroad.
Enoletna rast te premije ([13.7%)] je bila dvakrat večja od rasti vse dejavnosti in skoraj trikrat večja od rasti premij drugih zavarovanj.
Annual growth in life insurance premiums ([13.7%)] was twice as high as the growth in total activity and almost three times higher than non-life insurance premiums.
Delež življenjskih zavarovanj v BDP je znašal 0.79%, v celotnem zavarovalnem portfelju pa so ta zavarovanja na drugem mestu za prostovoljnimi zdravstvenimi zavarovanji in pred obveznim avtomobilskim zavarovanjem odgovornosti.
The share of life insurance in GDP was 0.79%, and in the total insurance portfolio it came second after voluntary health insurance and before compulsory third-party liability insurance for motorists.
Bruto obračunane premije življenjskih zavarovanj na prebivalca ([61 ECU)] so v Sloveniji sicer desetkrat manjše kot v EU.
Gross life assurance written premiums per capita ([ECU 61)] are ten times lower in Slovenia than in the EU.
Za tem je tolar vsaj do valut EU v glavnem depreciiral, v jesenskih mesecih pod vplivom intervencij BS ([odkup deviz s pravico, sprememba predpisa o odprti devizni poziciji)].
After that, the tolar mainly depreciated, at least against EU currencies; in the autumn months this trend continued because of interventions by the Bank of Slovenia ([purchases of foreign exchange from banks with a right to sell, changes in the regulation of the open foreign currency position)].
Učinki intervencij na košaro valut pa do novembra niso bili vidni, ker je vrednost USD na mednarodnih valutnih trgih padla ([gl. stran P 14)].
The effects of interventions were not noticeable until November because the USD fell in international foreign exchange markets ([see p. A 14)].
Kljub poslabšani mednarodni konkurenčnosti slovenskih predelovalnih dejavnosti pa je slovenski tržni delež v državah, ki so slovenske najpomembnejše trgovinske partnerice, porasel ([gl. stran8)].
Despite the fall in the international competitiveness of Slovenian manufacturing, Slovenia"[s market share in its most important trading partners increased ([see p. 8)].

id: ekol
language: sl-en

Varstvo okolja ima v Sloveniji dolgoletno tradicijo.
Environmental protection has a long tradition in Slovenia.
Ni naključje, da je bila v Sloveniji prva svetovna konferenca o okolju v Stocholmu leta 1972 pospremljena z izdajo t. i. zelene knjige o okolju, v kateri je bilo prikazano tako stanje okolja kot prve usmeritve za izboljšanje stanja.
It is therefore no coincidence that the First World Conference on the Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. was accompanied in Slovenia with the publication of the so-called Green Paper on the Environment, which outlined the environmental situation in Slovenia and laid down the first orientations towards improving the situation.
Učinkovitemu varstvu okolja ne posebej naklonjeni inštitucionalni okvir je vendarle dopuščal dovolj možnosti in svobode za stopnjevanje pritiska okoljevarstveno ozaveščenih posameznikov in organizacij.
The institutional framework did not pave the way for greater effectiveness in the area of environmental protection but it did provide for enough possibilities and freedom for organisations and individuals involved in environmental protection to step up pressure.
Ustanovitev skupščinske komisije in republiškega komiteja ([vladnega resorja)] za varstvo okolja in sprejem prvih okoljevarstvenih predpisov v sedemdesetih letih ter problemska konferenca o ekologiji, energiji in varčevanju v sredini osemdesetih let so uspeli povezati številna prizadevanja in omogočili rezultate, ki so brez prave primerjave s stanjem v državah nekdanjega socialističnega bloka.
The setting-up of the Assembly Commission and the Republic Committee ([government sector)] for Environmental Protection, the adoption of the first environmental protection regulations in the 70s, and the conference on ecology, energy and economisation, which took place in the mid-80s, succeeded in linking the numerous efforts, which produced such good results that they were hardly comparable to the results achieved by other countries of the former socialist bloc.
Postavljeni so bili temelji sanacije velikih termoenergetskih objektov, plinifikacije Slovenije in drugo.
Foundations were laid for the rehabilitation of large thermo-power facilities and the construction of a national gas system, among others.
Slovenija je tedaj dobila prvi ekološki sklad ter namenski vir za okolje, ki naj bi polnil ta sklad.
At this time, Slovenia established its first ecological fund and a special-purpose environmental source, intended for financing this fund.
Oblikovan je bil tudi prvi programski dokument kot podlaga za usmerjanje sredstev tega sklada z opredeljenimi prioritetami na področju varstva zraka, voda, odpadkov in tal.
The first programme document was drafted, as the basis for allocating the funds accumulated in this fund, setting out all priorities in the fields of protection of the air, water and soil, and waste management.
Poseben problem so radioaktivne snovi ([predvsem izotopi joda)] v odpadnih vodah iz bolnišnic ([predvsem Klinični center Ljubljana)], ki se neprečiščene izpuščajo v Ljubljanico in jo radiološko močno onesnažujejo.
A special problem arises from radioactive substances ([especially iodine isotopes)] in wastewater from hospitals ([especially the Ljubljana University Hospital)], which is drained in an unpurified form into the Ljubljanica river, and which therefore greatly pollutes the river.
Nosilca dejavnosti obvladovanja ionizirnih sevanj sta Uprava republike Slovenije za jedrsko varnost ter Agencija za radioaktivne odpadke.
The bodies responsible for the activities of controlling ionising radiation are the Republic of Slovenia Office for Nuclear Safety and the Agency for Radioactive Waste Management.
V okolju se neionizirna sevanja pojavljajo predvsem kot posledica delovanja raznih naprav ([električni visokonapetostni daljnovodi, transformatorske postaje, RTV-oddajniki, radarji, monitorji ...)].
Non-ionising radiation appears in the environment chiefly as the result of the operation of various facilities ([electrical high-voltage power lines, transformation stations, RTV transmitters, radars, monitors, etc.)].
Učinkovito in za družbo sprejemljivo ravnanje z odpadki zahteva veliko število ukrepov in dejavnosti, ki so med seboj tesno povezani in se dopolnjujejo.
Effective and socially acceptable waste management calls for the introduction of a number of measures and activities, which are closely related to and supplement each other.
Postavljene cilje bo mogoče doseči ob najširšem razumevanju vpliva problematike odpadkov na razvoj ter ob soglasju najširše javnosti pri umeščanju objektov in naprav v prostor.
It will be possible to achieve the set objectives by understanding the impact of the problem of waste on overall development and by obtaining the consent of the widest public in the introduction of facilities and plants in physical space.
Okvirne količine in sestava vseh odpadkov, ocenjena napoved količin do leta 2000 ter gibanje v desetletju po njem so prikazani na sliki 3.
The approximate quantities and composition of all waste, the estimated forecast of quantities by 2000. and the fluctuations in the following decade are shown in Figure 3.
Zavestno vključevanje okolja v poslovanje se uveljavlja predvsem v podjetjih, ki jih k temu sili mednarodna konkurenca.
Conscious inclusion of the environment into business is occurring for the most part in companies forced to take such a step by international competition.
Zaradi izvozne naravnanosti naše industrije je takšnih podjetij vse več.
The export orientation of Slovene industry means that the number of such companies is constantly increasing.
Doseganje ciljev trajnostnega razvoja je možno le v daljšem časovnem obdobju in je povezano z spreminjanjem vzorcev potrošnje.
Achievement of the goals of sustainable development is only possible over the longer term and is linked to changing models of consumption.
8. Ukrepi za podporo izvajanja NPVO
8 Measures to support the implementation of the NEPP
Nezadostno razvit kompleks ukrepov za doseganje ciljev varstva okolja, ki obsega celoten spekter inštrumentov od zagotavljanja učinkovite inštitucionalne ureditve, zakonodaje, informacijskega sistema do ukrepov za krepitev vloge in vpliva zainteresirane javnosti je osnovni vzrok premajhne učinkovitosti sedanje politike okolja.
The insufficiently developed complex of measures for the achievement of the goals of environmental protection, which covers the entire spectrum of instruments, from ensuring effective institutional regulation, legislation and information to measures designed to strengthen the role and influence of the interested public, is the basic reason for the lack of effectiveness of current environmental policy.
NPVO temelji na načelni usmeritvi zagotavljanja trajnega ravnotežja med stopnjo organiziranosti in cilji, ki jih želimo v določenem časovnem razdobju doseči.
The NEPP is based on the principle of ensuring a permanent balance between the level of organisation and the goals we wish to achieve in a specific time period.
Pri tem lokalne oblasti najprej zaznajo okoljske probleme in so tudi najbližje državljanom, ki jih rešitev problemov najbolj zanima.
Local authorities are the first to notice environmental problems and at the same time are the closest to the citizens who are most interested in the tackling of the problems.
Državljani so torej eden ključnih dejavnikov v procesu spreminjanja življenja, proizvodnje, porabe in prostorskih poselitvenih vzorcev.
Citizens are therefore one of the key factors in the process of changing lifestyle, manufacturing, consumption and settlement patterns.
V evropskih državah se uveljavlja prepričanje, da so mesta največja enota, v okviru katere je mogoče začeti reševati številna porušena ravnovesja na področju urbane arhitekture, socialnega, ekonomskega in političnega sistema na področju naravnih virov ter okolja, in hkrati najmanjše merilo, ki omogoča smiselno reševanje problemov integrirano, celostno in trajnostno.
It is the general belief in European countries that cities are the largest unit in which it is possible to begin tackling the numerous destroyed balances in the area of urban architecture, the social, economic and political system in the area of natural resources, and the environment, and at the same time the smallest scale which enables the sensible solving of problems in an integrated, total and sustainable way.

id: spor
language: sl-en

ii) za družbe Skupnosti ali slovenske družbe pravico, da začno izvajati gospodarske dejavnosti v obliki ustanavljanja hčerinskih družb in podružnic v Sloveniji oziroma v Skupnosti.
([ii)] as regards Community or Slovenian companies, the right to take up economic activities by means of the setting up of subsidiaries and branches in Slovenia or in the Community respectively.
e) "[delovanje"] pomeni izvajanje gospodarskih dejavnosti.
([e)] "[Operations"] shall mean the pursuit of economic activities.
f) "[gospodarske dejavnosti"] načeloma vključujejo industrijske, trgovinske, poklicne in obrtne dejavnosti.
([f)] "[Economic activities"] shall in principle include activities of an industrial, commercial and professional character and activities of craftsmen.
- izmenjavo informacij in strokovnjakov, vključno s tistimi s področja prenosa čistih tehnologij in varne uporabe okolju prijaznih biotehnologij,
- exchange of information and experts, including information and experts concerned with the transfer of clean technologies and the safe use of environmentally sound biotechnologies;
- programe in tečaje usposabljanja,
- training programmes and courses;
- skupne raziskovalne dejavnosti,
- joint research activities;
Sestaja se v časovnih presledkih, ki jih sam določi.
It shall meet at intervals which it shall itself determine.
117. člen
Article 117
1. Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni in člani slovenskega parlamenta na drugi strani.
1. The Association Parliamentary Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of Members of the Slovenian Parliament, on the other.

id: anx2
language: sl-en

Annex II
Seznam obdelav ali predelav, ki jih je treba opraviti na materialih brez porekla, da bi lahko izdelani izdelki dobili status blaga s poreklom
List of working or processing required to be carried out on non-originating materials in order that the product manufactured can obtain originating status
Izdelki v seznamu niso v celoti zajeti s Sporazumom.
The products mentioned in the list may not all be covered by the Agreement.
Zato je treba upoštevati tudi druge dele Sporazuma.
It is therefore necessary to consult the other parts of the Agreement.
Tar. št. HS
HS heading No
Poimenovanje blaga
Description of product
Obdelava ali predelava, opravljena na materialih brez porekla, ki jim da status blaga s poreklom
Working or processing carried out on non-originating materials that confers originating status
1. pgl.
Chapter 01
Žive živali
Live animals
Lahko se uporabljajo materiali iz tar. št. 3003 ali 3004 pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20% cene izdelka franko tovarna.
However, materials of heading No 3003 or 3004 may be used provided their value, taken together, does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product
- se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tar. št., kot je tar. št. izdelka.
- all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product.
Lahko se uporabljajo materiali iz tar. št. 3003 ali 3004 pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20% cene izdelka franko tovarna, in
However, materials of heading No 3003 or 3004 may be used provided their value, taken together, does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product;
papirna preja in tkanine iz papirne preje;
paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn;
Preja iz drugih rastlinskih tekstilnih vlaken;
Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres;
papirna preja
paper yarn
Izdelava iz obdelanega svinca (["[bullion"] ali "[work lead"])].
Manufacture from "[bullion"] or "[work"] lead
Ne smejo se uporabljati odpadki in ostanki iz tar. št. 7802.
However, waste and scrap of heading No 7802 may not be used
Svinčeni odpadki in ostanki
Lead waste and scrap

id: stra
language: sl-en

Strategija Republike Slovenije za vključevanje v Evropsko unijo
Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia for Integration into the European Union
Ljubljana, september 1997
Ljubljana, September 1997
Ideja o tesnejšem povezovanju evropskih držav je v zgodovini iskala svoj politični izraz na različne načine.
In history, the idea of a closer integration of European states was seeking its political expression in different ways.
Vendar pa je šele konec druge svetovne vojne postavil pogoje za popolnoma nov začetek in za bolj odločen pristop k preoblikovanju Evrope.
Only the end of World War II created the conditions for a totally new beginning and for a more determined approach to the transformation of Europe.
Prvi kamen v graditvi Evropske skupnosti je bil položen leta 1951 z ustanovitvijo Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo.
The first foundation stone in the process of building up the European Community was laid in 1951 by establishing the European Coal and Steel Community.
Pravi temelj evropske integracije pa pomeni ustanovitev Evropske gospodarske skupnosti leta 1957.
However, the real basis for European integration was the establishment of the European Economic Community in 1957.
Današnja Evropska unija je napredna oblika povezovanja držav, njene pristojnosti segajo na področje gospodarstva, industrije, državljanskih pravic in zunanje politike.
The present European Union is an advanced form of state integration, and its competencies cover the spheres of economy, industry, civil rights, and foreign policy.
Pariška pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo ([1951)], rimski pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti ([EGS)] in Evropske skupnosti za jedrsko energijo ([EURATOM)] -1957. Enotni evropski akt ([1986)] in maastrichtska pogodba o Evropski uniji ([1992)] so ustavna podlaga za Unijo, ki zavezuje države članice trdneje kot katerikoli sporazum med suverenimi državami.
The Paris Treaty on the Establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ([1951)], the two Rome Treaties - on the Establishment of the European Economic Community ([EEC)] and on the Establishment of the European Community for Atomic Energy ([EURATOM)] - 1957. the Single European Act ([1986)], and the Maastricht Treaty on the European Union ([1992)] represent the constitutional basis of the Union, which is more binding on the Member States than any other agreement between sovereign states.
Po eni strani bi izboljšale obveščenost Evropske komisije o napredku slovenskega gospodarstva na poti približevanja EU, po drugi strani pa bi Sloveniji omogočale izkoriščanje znanja in informacij Evropske komisije na področjih makroekonomskih in strukturnih politik.
On the one side, in improving the information of the EC to appreciate the progress of the Slovene economy on the road to accession, on the other side in providing Slovenia with the benefit of the expertise and information of the Commission in the areas of macro-economic and structural policies.
Struktura dokumenta Organisation of the Strategy
Strategija je razdeljena na štiri dele.
The Strategy is composed of four Parts.
o splošnem upravnem postopku;
general administrative procedure;
o pravdnem postopku;
legal procedures;
o obligacijskih razmerjih;
contractual relationships;
Opremljenost sodišč Equipment of the courts
Ministrstvo za pravosodje zagotavlja sredstva za tehnološko posodabljanje sodišč ([opremljanje in modernizacije strojne in programske računalniške opreme, birotehnične in telefonske opreme, pisarniškega pohištva in prevozih sredstev)], za nakup potrebnih poslovnih prostorov pravosodnih organov in kadrovskih stanovanj ter njihovo investicijsko vzdrževanje.
The Ministry of Justice provides funds for the technological modernisation of courts ([installation and modernisation of computer hardware and software, office and telephone equipment, office furniture and transport vehicles)], for the purchase of business premises necessary for the operation of judicial bodies, and for the purchase of housing for judicial staff and for investment maintenance.
Povprečno je opremljenost sodišč tehnično in infrastrukturno na zadovoljivi ravni.
The level of the technological and infrastructural equipment of the courts is, on average, satisfactory.
Razlogov za takšen razmah je prav gotovo veliko, nedvomno pa predstavljajo najbolj donosen posel naše dobe, in to vsem prizadevanjem policije za boj proti mamilom navkljub; in ne samo policije, ampak številnih socialnih, zdravstvenih, izobraževalnih in drugih organizacij.
There are certainly many reasons for such a swing, but it is beyond doubt that drugs represent the most profitable business of our age, in spite of all the endeavours by the police and by numerous social, medical, educational and other organisations to fight drugs.
Verjetno tudi ni pojava, ki bi se lahko tako dolgo in trdovratno zoperstavljal številnim poskusom njegove eliminacije in hkrati vzpodbudil tudi nasprotujoče poglede o načinu njegovega premagovanja.
There is probably no other phenomenon that could resist the numerous attempts of its elimination for so long and so hard, at the same time provoking different views on the way of fighting it.
Primerjalni pregled posameznih zdravstveno - socialno - pravnih rešitev problema mamil v posameznih državah opozarja na dokaj različne pristope.
A compared survey of individual medical, social and legal solutions to the drug problem in individual countries shows quite various approaches.
Vlade evropskih držav pri najpomembnejših zunanjepolitičnih in gospodarskih odločitvah, ki zadevajo oziroma bistveno vplivajo na življenje državljanov - izhajajoč iz demokratične tradicije - upoštevajo pravico javnosti, da je obveščena o namerah in ukrepih svoje vlade ter o razlogih za in proti in zato organizirajo komunikacijske programe obveščanja in osveščanja javnosti.
In making any major foreign policy and economic decision which concerns or essentially affects the life of citizens, the governments of the European countries, following their democratic tradition, take into consideration the right of the general public to be informed about intentions and measures of their governments and about pros and cons. To this end, governments organise communication/information and public awareness programmes.
V vladnem Programu za vključevanje Slovenije v Evropsko unijo so predvidene komunikacijske aktivnosti, ki bodo zagotovile ustrezno informiranost javnosti o Evropski uniji, o sestavi in delovanju njenih institucij, o pozitivnih in negativnih posledicah pridruženega in kasneje polnopravnega članstva v Evropski uniji za Slovenijo in o aktivnostih slovenske vlade v zvezi z postopkom vključevanja.
The Government Programme for the Integration of Slovenia into the EU provides for those communication activities, through which the public will be adequately informed on issues regarding the EU, its composition and functioning of its institutions, positive and negative impacts of associated and subsequent full membership in the EU for Slovenia, and the activities of the Slovenian Government related to the integration process.
Vlada Republike Slovenije je s sklepom za nosilca projekta obveščanja določila Urad vlade za informiranje.
By way of a Decision, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia has assigned the management of the information project to the Government Public Relation and Media Office.
V tem obdobju je bila pomoč v okviru Phare programa osredotočena na naslednja prioritetna področja:
In this period, the assistance under the PHARE programme focused on the following priorities:
- privatizacija, javne finance in bančništvo ([30%)];
- privatisation, public finance, and banking ([40%)];
- infrastruktura ([20%)];
- infrastructure ([20%)];

id: kmet
language: sl-en

1.2.11 Kmetijstvo
1.2.11. Agriculture
(kmet.1) Veterinarstvo VETERINARY MEDICINE
(kmet.2) Naloge prilagajanja Adaptation Tasks
Prilagoditev veterinarske zakonodaje in institucionalne ureditve veterinarske službe zahtevam, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje EU.
The adaptation of veterinary legislation and the institutional arrangements of the veterinary services to the requirements of EU legislation.
Potrebna je popolna uskladitev zakona o veterinarstvu, vključno z zakonom o zaščiti živali in zakonom o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o zdravilih.
The requirement covers full harmonization of the Veterinary Practice Act, including the Protection of Animals Act and the Medicinal Products and Medical Devices Act.
Ključnega pomena za uspešno in predvsem ustrezno prilagoditev veterinarske zakonodaje je ustrezna sprememba Zakona o veterinarstvu ([Ur.l. RS, št. 82/94, 21/95 in 16/96)], ki mora omogočiti delovanje veterinarske službe v razmerah enotnega trga EU, ki eksplicitno določajo prost pretok živali, surovin in odpadkov živalskega izvora med državami članicami.
Appropriate changes to the Veterinary Practice Act ([UL RS 82/94, 21/95 and 16/96)] are of key importance for a successful and, in particular, suitable adaptation of veterinary legislation so as to enable the veterinary services to operate under the unitary EU market conditions, which explicitly define the free flow of animals, raw materials and waste of animal origin between Member States.
Spremembe bodo morale zagotoviti samostojno delovanje veterinarske uprave, njeno učinkovitost pri ukrepanju ob pojavih posameznih kužnih bolezni, natančno določene pristojnosti pri izvajanju nadzora nad kužnimi boleznimi živali, pridobivanjem in predelavo živil, surovin in odpadkov živalskega izvora, kakor tudi omogočiti hitro izvajanje posameznih sprejetih odločitev, ki veljajo za države članice, predvsem pri uvozu iz posameznih tretjih držav, kakor tudi zaščito ostalih držav članic v primeru pojava določene kužne bolezni.
These changes will have to ensure the independent operation of the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia ([VARS)], its efficacy in dealing with contagious diseases and its clearly defined competence for the monitoring of contagious animal diseases, the production and processing of foodstuffs, raw materials and waste of animal origin, and also to facilitate the prompt implementation of individual decisions in force in the Member States, mainly in conjunction with imports from individual third countries, as well as the protection of other Member States in the event of contagious diseases.
Zakon o zaščiti živali bo natančno določil pogoje prevoza in reje domačih živali, ustrezno uredil ravnanje z laboratorijskimi živalmi, kakor tudi opredelil ustrezne sisteme nadzora ter podal institucionalno pravico nadzora nad ravnanjem z živalmi.
The Protection of Animals Act shall specify the conditions governing the transport and breeding of domestic animals, make appropriate arrangements for the handling of laboratory animals, define appropriate supervision systems and authorize, at the institutional level, the supervision of the handling of animals.
Zakon je v parlamentarni proceduri drugega branja.
The Act is currently in its second reading in Parliament.
- razvoj podeželja,
- Pillar IV: rural development;
- spremljajoči ukrepi.
- accompanying measures.
(kmet.302) Naloga 2: Task 2:
- vzpostavitev novih podatkovnih zbirk in vključitev obstoječih,
- the setting-up of new databases and the inclusion of existing ones,
- izgradnjo informacijske infrastrukture ([lokalne mreže in komunikacijske povezave)],
- the establishing of communication links and local networks,
- strojno in programsko opremo.
- hardware and software
- strukturni ukrepi in državne pomoči
- structural measures and state aid,
- urejanje skupnega trga
- common organization of the market,
- mednarodno sodelovanje.
- international cooperation.

id: ekon
language: sl-en

1.1.1 Monetarna in devizna politika
1.1.1. Monetary and Foreign Exchange Policies
Strateški cilj vključitve Slovenije v EU na monetarnem področju je postati članica ekonomske in monetarne unije ([EMU)].
The strategic objective of Slovenia's integration into the EU in the monetary field is to become a member of the Economic and Monetary Union ([EMU)].
Slovenija enotne evropske valute evra ne bo sprejela takoj ob včlanitvi v EU, vendar pa namerava v EMU aktivno sodelovati.
Slovenia will not introduce the single European currency Euro as soon as it becomes a member of the EU, but nevertheless it intends to participate actively in the EMU.
Že sam proces pridruževanja EU pomeni tudi vzpostavitev tesnejšega sodelovanja z EU na področju monetarne in tečajne politike.
The very process of accession to the EU implies the need for closer cooperation with the EU in the field of monetary and exchange rate policies.
Slovenija bo morala spoštovati dogovor o stabilnosti in rasti, se odreči vsakemu neposrednemu financiranju primanjkljaja javnega sektorja s strani centralne banke in privilegiranemu dostopu javnih oblasti do finančnih ustanov, dokončati proces liberalizacije kapitalskih tokov in uskladiti tečajno politiko s politikami partnerskih držav v EU.
Slovenia will have to observe the terms of the Stability and Growth Pact and give up direct financing of the public sector deficit through the Central Bank and privileged access of public authorities to financial institutions, conclude the liberalisation of capital flow and harmonise exchange rate policy with those of its EU partner States.
Maastrichtska konvergenčna merila veljajo le za tiste članice EU, ki se pridružijo EMU, od držav kandidatk pa se njihovo izpolnjevanje formalno ne zahteva.
The Maastricht convergence criteria apply only to those EU Member States which join the EMU and candidate countries are not formally required to comply with them.
Nekatere od teh nalog sta MGD oz. Slovenija že začela izvajati.
Slovenia, through the Ministry of Economic Relations, has already begun to carry out some of these tasks.
Tako je s seznama predvidenih horizontalnih ukrepov za povečevanje konkurenčne sposobnosti slovenske industrije MGD v letu 1998. večinoma preko javnih razpisov, že začelo z izvajanjem naslednjih horizonatlnih programov:
Consequently, in 1998 the Ministry of Economic Relations started to implement the following horizontal programmes listed as measures for raising the competitiveness of Slovene industry, primarily by public tenders:
usposabljanje managerjev,
training of management,

id: vade
language: sl-en

Vademecum - Lekove domače lekarne
VADEMECUM - Lek OTC Division
"[Včasih vašemu bolniku zadošča že nasvet..."]
Sometimes all your patient needs is advice
Kultura samozdravljenja pri nas in po svetu
The culture of selfmedication in Slovenia and world-wide
Analgetiki, antipiretiki in nesteroidni antirevmatiki
Analgesics, antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Fortalgin(r) C, šumeče tablete, analgetik, antipiretik, antiinflamatorik
Fortalgin C, effervescent flu and cold tablets
Lekadol(r), tablete in sirup proti bolečinam in vročini
Lekadol, analgesic and antipyretic tablets and syrup
Fenalgin(r), tablete proti bolečinam
Fenalgin, pain relieving tablets
Na boleče mesto ga nanesemo v tankem sloju in ga dobro vtremo v kožo.
Apply a thin layer of gel to the painful area and rub it thoroughly into the skin.
Gel Diverin lahko uporabljamo kot dopolnitev pri zdravljenju z dražeji Diverin.
Diverin gel can be used as a complement to the treatment with Diverin coated tablets.
Sam jih ne more stvarjati, temveč jih dobiva s hrano.
The body cannot produce them by itself, but obtains them only through food.
V naši prehrani pa jih je zelo malo.
They are present, however, only in very low quantities in our nutrition.
Kisline omega-3 uravnavajo količino maščob v krvi ter agregacijo trombocitov in vplivajo na uravnavanje krvnega tlaka. Tako zmanjšujejo tveganje za nastanek ateroskleroze in njenih posledic.
Omega-3 fatty acids regulate blood lipid levels and platelet aggregation, and influence blood pressure regulation, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerotic changes and of their consequences.
V predpisanih odmerkih ljudje LEKOVIT C-Ca dobro prenašajo.
LEKOVIT C-Ca is well tolerated if the recommended dosage is adhered to.
Zelo redko se lahko pojavijo blage prebavne motnje.
Very rarely mild gastrointestinal disorders may occur.
Šumečo tableto raztopite v pol kozarca vode ([1 dl vode)].
Dissolve the effervescent tablet in half a glass of water ([1 dl of water)].

id: vino
language: en-sl

COUNCIL REGULATION ([EC)] No 3290/94 of 22 December 1994 on the adjustments and transitional arrangements required in the agriculture sector in order to implement the agreements concluded during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations
UREDBA SVETA ([ES)] št. 3290/94 z dne 22. decembra 1994 o prilagoditvah in prehodnih dogovorih, ki so potrebni v kmetijskem sektorju za izvajanje sporazumov, sklenjenih med Urugvajskim krogom večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in zlasti njenega 43. člena,
Having regard to Council Regulation ([EEC)] No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common organization of the market in beef and veal ([1)], and in particular Article 7 ([2)] thereof,
ob upoštevanju Uredbe Sveta ([EGS)] št. 805/68 z dne 27. junija 1968 o skupni organizaciji trga z govejim in telečjim mesom([1)] in zlasti njenega 7. člena,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
ob upoštevanju predloga Komisije,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament ([2)],
ob upoštevanju mnenja Evropskega parlamenta([2)],
Whereas the Community has adopted a set of rules governing the common agricultural policy;
glede na to, da je Skupnost sprejela vrsto ukrepov, ki urejajo skupno kmetijsko politiko;
Whereas, under the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, the Community has negotiated various agreements ([hereinafter referred to as the '[GATT agreements'])];
glede na to, da je v okviru Urugvajskega kroga večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj Skupnost sklenila razne sporazume ([v nadaljnjem besedilu "[sporazumi GATT"])];
whereas several of those agreements concern agriculture, in particular the Agreement on Agriculture ([hereinafter referred to as '[the Agreement'])];
glede na to, da se več teh sporazumov nanaša na kmetijstvo, zlasti Sporazum o kmetijstvu ([v nadaljnjem besedilu "[Sporazum"])];
([e)] the economic aspect of the proposed exports
([e)] gospodarski vidik predlaganega izvoza.
When the amount of the refund is set, account shall be taken in particular of the need to establish a balance between the use of basic Community agricultural products for export as processed goods to third countries, and the use of basic agricultural products from these countries admitted for inward processing
Pri določanju višine kompenzacije je treba zlasti upoštevati potrebo vzpostaviti ravnovesje med količino osnovnih kmetijskih proizvodov v Skupnosti, ki se jih izvaža v tretje države v obliki predelanih proizvodov, in osnovnih kmetijskih proizvodov iz teh držav, ki se jih uvaža v predelavo.
Refunds for products listed in Article 1 ([1)] ([a)] and ([b)] shall be fixed in accordance with the following specific criteria:
Kompenzacije za proizvode iz točk ([a)] in ([b)] 1. odstavka 1. člena se določa v skladu z naslednjimi posebnimi merili:
Council Regulation ([EEC)] No 766/68 of 18 June 1968 ([OJ No L 143, 25. 6. 1968, p. 6)], as last amended by Regulation ([EEC)] No 1489/76 ([OJ No L 167, 26. 6. 1976, p. 13)]
Uredba Sveta ([EGS)] št. 766/68 z dne 18. junija 1968 ([Ur.l. št. L 143, 25.6.1968, str. 6)], kot je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo ([EGS)] št. 1489/76 ([Ur.l. št. L 167, 26.6.1976, str. 13)].
Council Regulation ([EEC)] No 770/68 of 18 June 1968 ([OJ No L 143, 25. 6. 1968, p. 16)]
Uredba Sveta ([EGS)] št. 770/68 z dne 18. junija 1968 ([Ur.l. št. L 143, 25.6.1968, str. 16)].
- the products are of Community origin, except where paragraph 10 applies,
- da so proizvodi po poreklu iz Skupnosti, razen kadar se uporablja 10. odstavek,
- in the case of a differentiated refund the products have reached the destination indicated on the licence or another destination for which the refund was fixed, without prejudice to paragraph 3 ([b)].
- v primeru diferencialne kompenzacije, da so proizvodi prispeli v namembni kraj, naveden v dovoljenju ali v drug namembni kraj, ob upoštevanju točke ([b)] 3. odstavka;
Exceptions may be made to this rule in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 27. provided conditions are laid down which offer equivalent guarantees
vendar pa so pri tem pravilu možne izjeme v skladu s postopkom iz 27. odstavka, če so določeni pogoji, ki zagotavljajo enakovredna jamstva.
The detailed rules referred to in paragraph 1 shall provide for annual quotas, suitably phased over the year, if necessary, shall determine the administrative method to be used and, where appropriate, shall include:
S podrobnimi pravili iz 1. odstavka se določi letne kontingente, po potrebi ustrezno porazdeljene preko leta, določi se metodo vodenja, ki se bo uporabljala, in, kjer je to ustrezno:
Article 26 1.
26. člen 1.
To the extent necessary to enable economically significant quantities of the products listed in Article 1 ([2)] to be exported on the basis of the prices of these products in international trade and within the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with Article 228 of the Treaty, the difference between those prices and prices in the Community may be covered by export refunds
Do obsega, ki je potreben, da se omogoči izvoz gospodarsko pomembnih količin proizvodov iz 2. odstavka 1. člena na podlagi cen za te proizvode v mednarodni trgovini in v okviru omejitev, ki so rezultat sporazumov, sklenjenih v skladu z 228. členom Pogodbe o ustanovitvi EGS, se lahko razliko med temi cenami in cenami v Skupnosti pokrije z izvoznimi kompenzacijami.
The Member States shall take all necessary measures to enable interested parties to prevent, on the terms stipulated in Articles 23 and 24 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, the use in the Community of a geographical indication attached to the products referred to in Article 1 ([2)] ([b)] for products not originating in the place indicated by a geographical indication in question, even where the true origin of the goods is indicated or the geographical indication is used in translation or accompanied by expressions such as "[kind"], "[type"], "[style"], "[imitation"] or the like
Države članice sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe, da lahko zainteresirane pogodbenice pod pogoji iz 23. in 24. člena Sporazuma o trgovinskih vidikih pravic intelektualne lastnine v Skupnosti preprečijo uporabo geografskih oznak, s katerimi se označuje proizvode iz točke ([b)] 2. odstavka 1. člena, za proizvode, ki niso po poreklu iz kraja, navedenega v geografski oznaki, tudi če je navedeno tudi resnično poreklo blaga ali se geografska oznaka uporablja v prevodu, ali pa so poleg nje navedeni izrazi kot so "[vrsta"], "[tip"] "[slog"], "[imitacija"] ali podobno.
For the purposes of this Article, "[geographical indications"] is taken to mean indications which identify a product as originating in the territory of a third country which is a member of the World Trade Organization or in a region or locality within that territory, in cases where a certain quality, reputation or other given characteristic of the product may be attributed essentially to that geographical place of origin
Za namene tega člena "[geografske oznake"] pomenijo oznake, ki označujejo, da je proizvod po poreku z ozemlja tretje države, članice Svetovne trgovinske organizacije, ali z določenega območja ali kraja na tem ozemlju, v primerih, ko se določeno kakovost, sloves ali druge lastnosti proizvoda lahko pripiše samo temu geografskemu poreklu.
Paragraph 1 shall apply notwithstanding other specific provisions in Community legislation laying down rules for the designation and presentation of the products referred to in Article 1 ([2)] ([b)]
1. odstavek se uporablja ne glede na druge posebne določbe v zakonodaji Skupnosti, ki določajo pravila za označevanje in predstavljanje proizvodov iz točke ([b)] 2. odstavka 1. člena.

id: ligs
language: en-sl

Linux Installation and Getting Started ([LIGS)] has been the shepherding work for countless new users of the Linux operating system.
Knjiga Linux Installation and Getting Started ([LIGS)] je bila vodnik za veliko število novih uporabnikov operacijskega sistema Linux.
Linux continues to evolve and so, too, must this guide.
Linux se nenehno razvija, torej se mora tudi ta vodnik.
Matt Welsh, the original author, has turned the book over to the care and management of Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. ([SSC)], publishers of Linux Journal, computer books, and references.
Matt Welsh, prvotni avtor, je predal knjigo v oskrbo in upravljanje podjetju Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. ([SSC)], izdajateljem revije Linux Journal, računalniških priročnikov in drugih virov.
Linux Installation and Getting Started is still covered by the GNU General Public License -- it is still freely redistributable, like the operating system it describes.
Knjiga Linux Installation and Getting Started je še vedno pokrita z licenco GNU General Public License - še vedno je prosto razširljiva tako kot operacijski sistem, ki ga opisuje.
This new version becomes a collaborative effort of individuals separated by geography but brought together on the Internet, much like Linux itself.
V tej novi različici so združili napore posamezniki, ki jih ločuje zemljepis, a združuje Internet, podobno kot pri samem Linuxu.
If you believe you could expand or update a section of Linux Installation and Getting Started or have something new and wonderful to add, please send e-mail to ligs@ssc.com and tell us how you'd like to contribute.
Če mislite, da lahko razširite ali osvežite razdelek knjige Linux Installation and Getting Started, ali imate nov in čudovit dodatek, prosim, pošljite e-pismo na ligs@ssc.com in nam povejte, kaj bi radi prispevali.
For this edition, we've added distribution-specific instructions for obtaining and installing S.u.S.E. Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, Linux Slackware, Caldera OpenLinux, and Red Hat Linux.
V tej izdaji smo dodali za posamezne distribucije specifična navodila za dobivanje in namestitev distribucij S.u.S.E. Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, Linux Slackware, Caldera OpenLinux in Red Hat Linux.
Please read through the acknowledgements, and if you should meet someone named there on line or in person, thank them for the help.
Prosim, preberite priznanja, in če srečate koga od omenjenih v živo, se mu zahvalite za pomoč.
Many text processing systems are available for Linux.
Za Linux je na voljo veliko stavnih sistemov.
One is groff, the GNU version of the classic troff text formatter originally developed by Bell Labs and still used on many UNIX systems worldwide.
Eden od njih je groff, GNU-jevska različica klasičnega stavnika besedil troff, izvorno razvitega v Bell Labs in še vedno uporabljanega na mnogih sistemih Unix po vsem svetu.
Another modern text processing system is TeX, developed by Donald Knuth of computer science fame.
Drug sodoben sistem za stavljenje besedil je TeX, ki ga je razvil Donald Knuth, znan s področja teoretičnega računalništva.
You might be amazed at how such an unstructured system of volunteers who program and debug a complete UNIX system gets anything done at all.
Morda vas preseneča, kako lahko nestrukturiran sistem prostovoljcev, ki preizkušajo in razhroščujejo celoten sistem Unix, sploh kaj naredi.
As it turns out, this is one of the most efficient and motivated development efforts ever employed.
Kot se je izkazalo, je to eden od najbolj učinkovitih in motiviranih razvojnih timov, kar se jih je zbralo.
The entire Linux kernel is written from scratch, without code from proprietary sources.
Celotno jedro Linuxa je napisano iz ničesar, brez kode lastniškega izvora.
However, even commercial UNIX implementations can be tricky.
Vendar so tudi komercialne izvedbe Unixa in drugih operacijskih sistemov lahko včasih kočljive.
When all else fails, sit back, take a few deep breaths, and return to the problem when you feel relaxed.
Kadar odpove vse drugo, se usedite, nekajkrat globoko vdihnite in se vrnite k problemu, ko se počutite sproščeno.
Your mind and conscience will be clearer.
Vaš um in zavest bosta jasnejša.
This accomplishes two things: it insures that the boot floppy works, and insures that you are booted into MS-DOS Real Mode and are not running Microsoft Windows.
S tem dosežete dve stvari: prepričate se, da zagonska disketa deluje, in prepričate se, da ste zagnali sistem v realnem načinu sistema MS-DOS in ne morda v Microsoft Windows.
At the A:\> prompt, type FIPS ([upper or lower case)].
Ob pojavi pozornika A:\> napišite FIPS ([z velikimi ali malimi črkami)].
You will be greeted and asked which drive you want to operate on ([if you have more than one)].
Ta vas bo pozdravil in vprašal, na katerem pogonu želite delovati ([če imate več kot enega)].
Select GMT if are running only Linux or another UNIX on your system.
Če na vašem sistemu poganjate le Linux ali kak drug Unix, izberite GMT.
Select local time if you use another operating system like MS-DOS or Microsoft Windows.
Izberite lokalni čas, če uporabljate še kak drug sistem, kot sta MS-DOS ali Microsoft Windows.
UNIX systems keep GMT time on the system clock and use software which converts it to the local time.
Sistemi Unix uporabljajo GMT za sistemski čas in uporabljajo programje, ki ga spreminja v lokalni čas.
All you need to do is make sure the \RedHat\base directory contains the base files from a CD-ROM or FTP site and the \RedHat\RPMS directory contains all of the package.rpm files from the CD-ROM or FTP site.
Vse, kar morate storiti je, da se prepričate, da imenik \RedHat\base vsebuje osnovne datoteke s CD-ROM-a ali mesta za FTP, in da imenik \RedHat\RPMS vsebuje vse datoteke paket.rpm s CD-ROM-a ali FTP-ja.
Then you can install or upgrade from that partition.
Potem lahko s te particije nameščate ali nadgrajujete.
If you have an existing Linux partition that is not needed for an installation or upgrade, you can set it up as outlined here and use it.
Če imate obstoječo particijo za Linux, ki je ne potrebujete za namestitev ali nadgradnjo, jo lahko sestavite, kot smo tule nakazali, in jo uporabljate.
When Slackware was first put together, everyone was a first-time Linux user, and the system was always experimental -- reinstalling the entire operating system and applications was the norm in a developmental system.
Ko je bila distribucija Slackware prvič sestavljena, je bil vsakdo novopečeni uporabnik Linuxa in sistem je bil vselej preizkusen - ponovna namestitev celotnega operacijskega sistema in aplikacij je bila norma razvojnega sistema.
Today, many institutions and businesses run mission-critical applications on Slackware Linux.
Danes veliko ustanov in podjetij poganja kritične aplikacije na sistemih Slackware Linux.
In such environment, a simple reboot is a planned activity and taking down the system and overwriting all the user files or custom applications is absolutely unacceptable.
V takšnih okoljih je potrebno načrtovati celo preprost ponoven zagon računalnika, ugasnitev sistema in prepis vseh uporabniških datotek ali posebnih aplikacij pa je popolnoma nesprejemljiva.
Three files that you may find very helpful in answering your initial questions are FAQ.TXT, INSTALL.TXT, and BOOTING.TXT.
Tri datoteke, ki se vam bodo morda zdele zelo uporabne in bodo odgovorile na vaša začetna vprašanja, so FAQ.TXT, INSTALL.TXT in BOOTING.TXT.
Web Support For Slackware.
Spletna podpora za Slackware
The easiest way to access finding Linux documents in general is the Linux Documentation Project Home Page.
Najpreprostejši način za iskanje splošnih dokumentov o Linuxu je domača stran Dokumentacijskega projekta za Linux ([LDP)].
Also check that interrupts are enabled correctly on your controller.
Preverite tudi, da so prekinitve na vašem krmilniku pravilno omogočene.
SCSI controllers that use BIOS are not detected.
Krmilniki SCSI, ki uporabljajo BIOS, niso zaznani.
Detection of controllers that use BIOS will fail if the BIOS is disabled, or if your controller's signature is not recognized by the kernel.
Zaznava krmilnikov, ki uporabljajo BIOS, bo spodletela, če je BIOS onemogočen ali če jedro ne prepozna podpisa vašega krmilnika.
The shell replaces the ~ character with the name of your home directory.
Ukazna lupina nadomesti znak ~ z imenom vašega domačega imenika.
You can also specify other user's home directories with the tilde character.
Z znakom za tildo lahko določate tudi domače imenike drugih uporabnikov.
The pathname ~karl/letters translates to /home/karl/letters by the shell ([if /home/karl is karl's home directory)].
Ime poti ~karl/letters ukazna lupina tolmači kot /home/karl/letters ([če je /home/karl domači imenik uporabnika karl)].
For example, on a university Linux system users may be placed into the groups student, staff, faculty or guest.
Na primer, na univerzitetnem sistemu Linux so lahko uporabniki razdeljeni v skupine studenti, osebje, predavatelji ali gostje.
There are also a few system-defined groups ([like bin and admin)] which are used by the system itself to control access to resources -- very rarely do actual users belong to these system groups.
Obstaja tudi nekaj sistemsko definiranih skupin ([kot sta skupini bin in admin)], ki jih uporablja sam sistem za nadzor dostopa do virov - zelo redko v ti sistemski skupini spadajo pravi uporabniki.
Permissions fall into three main divisions: read, write, and execute.
Dovoljenja so razdeljena v tri glavne oddelke: branje, pisanje in izvajanje.
You can also move to an arbitrary line; for example, typing the command 10G would move the cursor to line 10 in the file.
Lahko ga tudi premaknete na poljubno vrstico; na primer, vnos ukaza 10G bi premaknil kazalec na vrstico 10 v datoteki.
To move to the beginning of the file, use 1G.
Za premik na začetek datoteke uporabite 1G.
You can couple moving commands with other commands, such as those for deleting text.
Premikalne ukaze lahko združujete z drugimi ukazi, kot so tisti za brisanje besedila.
Many important details have been glossed over in this section.
V tem razdelku smo prezrli mnoge pomembne podrobnosti.
The tasks that /etc/inittab maintains would comprise a book of their own.
Opravila, ki jih vzdržuje /etc/inittab, bi lahko sestavljala svojo knjigo.
For further information, the manual pages of the init and agetty programs, and the Linux Documentation Project's Serial HOWTO, available from the sources listed in Appendix A, are starting points.
Za nadaljnje informacije so dobre začetne točke strani priročnika o programih init in agetty in spis Serial HOWTO Dokumentacijskega projekta za Linux, dostopen je iz virov, naštetih v dodatku A.
As you can see, how the tar file is created makes a large difference in where you extract it.
Kot lahko vidite, način izdelave datoteke tar določa veliko razliko, kje jo morate odtarati.
The command "[tar tvf backup.tar"] can be used to display a listing of the archive's files without extracting them.
Ukaz "[tar tvf rezerva.tar"] se lahko uporablja za prikaz izpisa datotek v arhivu, ne da bi jih odtarali.
You can see what directory the files in the archive are stored relative to, and extract the archive in the correct location.
Vidite lahko imenik, relativno na katerega so datoteke v arhivu shranjene, in odtarate arhiv na pravo mesto.
4.9.6 Upgrading other software.
4.9.6 Nadgradnja drugega programja
Upgrading other software is often simply a matter of downloading the appropriate files and installing them.
Nadgradnja drugega programja je pogosto le stvar nabiranja ustreznih datotek in njihovega nameščanja.
Most software for Linux is distributed as compressed tar files that include sources, binaries, or both.
Večina programja za Linux se razširja kot stisnjene datoteke .tar, ki vključujejo izvorno kodo, binarne datoteke ali oboje.
By convention modes are named by their resolutions, but name can, technically, be any descriptive label.
Grafični načini se po dogovoru poimenujejo po ločljivostih, vendar je ime lahko teoretično katerakoli opisna oznaka.
For each ModeLine, the server checks the mode specifications and ensures that they fall in the range of values specified for Bandwidth, HorizSync, and VertRefresh.
Za vsako vrstico ModeLine strežnik preverja določitve načina in zagotavlja, da spadajo v obseg vrednosti, določenih za vrednosti Bandwidth, HorizSync in VertRefresh.
If they do not, the server complains when you attempt to start X.
Če ne, se strežnik pritoži, ko poskušate pognati X.
When in doubt, consult your local network gurus and check out the man pages for route and ifconfig.
Ko ste v dvomih, se pogovorite z guruji vašega lokalnega omrežja in preverite strani priročnika za route in ifconfig.
Configuring TCP/IP networks is very much beyond the scope of this book; the above should be enough to get most people started.
Nastavitev omrežij TCP/IP je povsem izven dometa te knjige; zgornje bi moralo zadostovati večini ljudi, da začnejo.
The networking rc files.
Omrežne datoteke rc
Mail will simply sit in your mail queue until you dial back into your ISP.
Pošta bo preprosto počivala v vaši poštni vrsti, dokler se ne boste spet povezali z vašim ISP.
However, your machine is not connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, nor does it have the same IP number every time it is connected.
Vendar vaš stroj ni priključen na Internet 24 ur na dan niti nima iste številke IP vsakič, ko se priključi.
So it is impossible for you to receive email directed to your machine, and very difficult to set up a web or ftp server that your friends can access!
Zato je nemogoče, da bi dobili e-pošto neposredno na vaš stroj ([se pravi: brez protokolov, kot sta POP3 ali IMAP)], in zelo težko nastaviti spletni strežnik ali strežnik za FTP, do katerega bi lahko dostopali vaši prijatelji!
Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
Opremite ga z napisano ponudbo, veljavno vsaj tri leta, da boste katerikoli tretji osebi, za plačilo, ki ne bo presegalo vaših stroškov fizičnega izvajanja izvorne distribucije, dali popoln izvod ustrezne izvorne kode v strojno berljivi obliki, ki bo razširjana pod pogoji zgornjih razdelkov 1 in 2 na mediju, ki se običajno uporablja za izmenjavo programja; ali,
Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code.
Opremite ga z informacijo, ki ste jo dobili vi, kot ponudbo distribucije ustrezne izvorne kode.

id: gnpo
language: en-sl

%s: option '[%s'] is ambiguous
%s: izbira '[%s'] je dvoumna
%s: option '[--%s'] doesn't allow an argument
%s: izbira '[--%s'] ne dovoljuje argumenta
%s: option '[%c%s'] doesn't allow an argument
%s: izbira '[%c%s'] ne dovoljuje argumenta
%s: option '[%s'] requires an argument
%s: izbira '[%s'] zahteva argument
%s: unrecognized option '[--%s']
%s: neprepoznana izbira '[--%s']
%s: unrecognized option '[%c%s']
%s: neprepoznana izbira '[%c%s']
%s: illegal option -- %c
%s: nedovoljena izbira -- %c
%s: invalid option -- %c
%s: neveljavna izbira -- %c
%s: option requires an argument -- %c
%s: izbira zahteva argument -- %c
Usage: %s [[OPTION]]... GROUP FILE...
Uporaba: %s [[IZBIRA]]... SKUPINA DATOTEKA...
sparse type
razpršeni tip
Memory exhausted
zmanjkalo pomnilnika
Size |#z
Velikost |#z
V redu
Apply |#A
Uporabi |#A
Replace file?
Nadomestim datoteko?
Sorry, can't do this while pictures are being rendered.
Žal, tega ne morem storiti med upodabljanjem slik.
Please wait a few seconds for this to finish and try again.
Prosim, počakajte nekaj sekund, da se to konča, in poskusite ponovno.
|Align Left%R%x40
|Poravnaj levo%R%x40
|Align Left%r%x40
|Poravnaj levo%r%x40
Obsolete option name replaced by --block-number
Zastarela izbira, zdaj nadomeščena z --block-number
Obsolete option name replaced by --backup
Zastarela izbira, zdaj nadomeščena z --backup
Invalid group given on option
Podana skupina ni veljavna

id: orwl
language: en-sl

<It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.>
<Bil je jasen, mrzel aprilski dan in ure so bile trinajst.>
<Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.>
<Winston Smith je imel brado zakopano v prsi, da bi ušel strupenemu vetru, ko je stopil skozi steklena vrata bloka Zmaga, vendar ne dovolj hitro, da ne bi vrtinec peščenega prahu vstopil skupaj z njim.>
<The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.>
<Veža je smrdela po kuhanem zelju in starih, cunjastih predpražnikih.>
<At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall.>
<Na eni strani je bil na steno pribit barven, za notranjo opremo prevelik plakat.>
<It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features.>
<Prikazoval je preprosto ogromen, več kot meter velik obraz: obraz moškega pri petinštiridesetih, s košatimi črnimi brki in z ostro začrtanimi, čednimi potezami.>
<Winston made for the stairs.>
<Winston se je napotil proti stopnicam.>
<It was no use trying the lift.>
<Ni bilo vredno preskusiti dvigala.>
<Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours.>
<Še v najboljših časih je redko delovalo, zdaj pa so električni tok v dnevnih urah odklapljali.>
<It was part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week.>
<To je sodilo k ekonomski kampanji v pripravah za Teden sovraštva.>
<But no, the knocking was repeated.>
<A ne, trkanje se je ponovilo.>
<The worst thing of all would be to delay.>
<Najslabše od vsega bi se bilo pritajiti.>
<His heart was thumping like a drum, but his face, from long habit, was probably expressionless.>
<Srce mu je udarjalo kakor boben, a njegov obraz je bil zaradi dolge vaje verjetno brezizrazen.>
<The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had been actually destroyed.>
<Preteklost, je pomislil, ni samo spremenjena, ampak tudi uničena.>
<For how could you establish even the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside your own memory?>
<Kajti kako bi mogel dokazati tudi najbolj očitna dejstva, ko pa ni bilo nobenih dokumentov izven tvojega spomina?>
<He tried to remember in what year he had first heard mention of Big Brother.>
<Poskušal se je spomniti, katerega leta je prvič slišal za Velikega brata.>
<"[The proles are not human beings,"] he said carelessly.>
<"[Raja niso ljudje,"] je brezbrižno dejal.>
<"[By 2050 earlier, probably - all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared."]>
<"[Do leta 2050 - še prej verjetno - bo znanje Staroreka izginilo."]>
<"[The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed."]>
<"[Vsa književnost preteklosti bo uničena."]>
<But luckily no child appeared, and in the end she agreed to give up trying, and soon afterwards they parted.>
<Na srečo pa otroka ni bilo in na koncu sta se sporazumela, da nehata poskušati, in kmalu zatem sta se razšla.>
<Winston sighed inaudibly.>
<Winston je neslišno vzdihnil.>
<He picked up his pen again and wrote:>
<Vzel je pero in pisal:>
<"[Look out, guv'nor!"]>
<"[Poglejte, gospod!"]>
<"[Bang over'ead!"]>
<"[Tamle nad glavo."]>
<"[Lay down quick!"]>
<"[Brž na tla!"]>
<"[Now, if it so happened that you wanted to buy it, that'd cost you four dollars."]>
<"[Torej, če bi jo slučajno radi kupili, bi vas veljala štiri dolarje."]>
<"[I can remember when a thing like that would have fetched eight pounds, and eight pounds was - well, I can't work it out, but it was a lot of money."]>
<"[Spominjam se časov, ko je takale stvar veljala osem funtov, osem funtov pa je bilo - no, ne morem preračunati, ampak gotovo veliko denarja."]>
<"[But who cares about genuine antiques nowadays even the few that's left?"]>
<"[A koga danes brigajo pristne starine - še teh nekaj, kar jih je še ostalo?"]>
<There was no enquiry he could make.>
<Nikogar ni mogel vprašati.>
<She might have been vaporized, she might have committed suicide, she might have been transferred to the other end of Oceania: worst and likeliest of all, she might simply have changed her mind and decided to avoid him.>
<Morda je izhlapela, morda je naredila samomor, morda je bila premeščena na drugi konec Oceanije - in najhujše od vsega, pa najverjetneje je bilo to, da si je preprosto premislila in sklenila, da se mu izogne.>
<The next day she reappeared.>
<Naslednjega dne se je spet prikazala.>
<The sunlight, filtering through innumerable leaves, was still hot on their faces.>
<Sončna svetloba, ki je pronicala skoz neštevilne liste, je bila na njunih obrazih še vedno vroča.>
<Winston looked out into the field beyond, and underwent a curious, slow shock of recognition.>
<Winston je pogledal polje na oni strani in doživel čuden, počasen pretres prepoznanja.>
<He knew it by sight.>
<Poznal ga je na videz.>
<All you needed was luck and cunning and boldness.>
<Vse, kar potrebuješ, so sreča, premetenost in pogum.>
<She did not understand that there was no such thing as happiness, that the only victory lay in the far future, long after you were dead, that from the moment of declaring war on the Party it was better to think of yourself as a corpse.>
<Ni razumela, da ni takih stvari, kot je sreča, da edina zmaga leži daleč v prihodnosti, dolgo po tvoji smrti, da je od tistega trenutka dalje, ko napoveš vojno Partiji, najbolje, da misliš nase le še kot na mrliča.>
<"[We are the dead,"] he said.>
<"[Mrtva sva,"] je rekel.>
<Winston, in addition to his regular work, spent long periods every day in going through back files of the '[Times'] and altering and embellishing news items which were to be quoted in speeches.>
<Winston je kot dodatek k svojemu rednemu delu prebil vsak dan dolge ure pri pregledovanju starih izdaj '[Časnika'] ter spreminjal in olepševal poročila, ki bodo citirana v govorih.>
<Late at night, when crowds of rowdy proles roamed the streets, the town had a curiously febrile air.>
<Kasno ponoči, ko so se množice hrupne raje klatile po cestah, je imelo mesto nenavadno mrzličen videz.>
<The rocket bombs crashed oftener than ever, and sometimes in the far distance there were enormous explosions which no one could explain and about which there were wild rumours.>
<Bombe so padale pogosteje kot kdaj prej in včasih so se v daljavi razlegale strahotne eksplozije, ki jih ni znal nihče pojasniti in o katerih so krožile divje govorice.>
<Nothing was gone from the room except his mother and his sister.>
<Nič ni izginilo iz sobe razen matere in sestre.>
<They had not taken any clothes, not even his mother's overcoat.>
<Vzeli nista nobene obleke, še materinega plašča ne.>
<To this day he did not know with any certainty that his mother was dead.>
<Vse do tega dne ni z gotovostjo vedel, ali je mati mrtva.>
<"[No such list exists."]>
<"[Takega seznama ni."]>
<"[The Brotherhood cannot be wiped out because it is not an organization in the ordinary sense."]>
<"[Bratovščine ni mogoče uničiti, ker to ni organizacija v običajnem smislu."]>
<"[Nothing holds it together except an idea which is indestructible."]>
<"[Nič drugega je ne drži skupaj kot ideja, ki pa je neuničljiva."]>
<The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought.>
<Partija si je postavila za cilj zavojevati celotno površino zemlje in dokončno iztrebiti možnost neodvisnega mišljenja.>
<There are therefore two great problems which the Party is concerned to solve.>
<Iz tega izhajata dva problema, ki ju Partija poskuša rešiti.>
<One is how to discover, against his will, what another human being is thinking, and the other is how to kill several hundred million people in a few seconds without giving warning beforehand.>
<Prvi je, kako proti volji človeka odkriti, kaj misli, in drugi, kako v nekaj sekundah pobiti nekaj sto milijonov ljudi brez vnaprejšnjega opozorila.>
<For to change one's mind, or even one's policy, is a confession of weakness.>
<Kajti sprememba mnenja ali celo politike je priznanje slabosti.>
<If, for example, Eurasia or Eastasia ([whichever it may be)] is the enemy today, then that country must always have been the enemy.>
<Če je, na primer, Evrazija ali Eastazija ([katerakoli že)] naš sovražnik danes, potem je ta dežela morala biti vedno sovražnik.>
<And if the facts say otherwise then the facts must be altered.>
<In če dejstva pravijo drugače, jih je treba spremeniti.>
<"[Smith,"] said Winston.>
<"[Smith,"] je rekel Winston.>
<said the woman.>
<je rekla ženska.>
<Somewhere or other she was suffering perhaps far worse than he.>
<Tam nekje ali drugod je trpela, mogoče huje kot on.>
<She might be screaming with pain at this moment.>
<Morda ta hip vpije od bolečine.>
<He thought: "[If I could save Julia by doubling my own pain, would I do it?"]>
<Mislil je: "[Če bi lahko rešil Julijo s tem, da bi podvojil lastno bolečino, bi to storil?"]>
<"[Stop it, stop it!"]>
<"[Nehajte, nehajte!"]>
<"[How can you go on?"]>
<"[Kako lahko nadaljujete?"]>
<But what use was it to say so?>
<Pa kaj pomaga to reči?>
<His mind shrivelled as he thought of the unanswerable, mad arguments with which O'Brien would demolish him.>
<Razum se mu je skrčil, ko je pomislil na neodgovorljive, nore argumente, s katerimi ga bo O'Brien uničil.>
<"[I think I exist,"] he said wearily.>
<"[Mislim, da obstajam,"] je utrujeno dejal.>
<"[The Party is immortal."]>
<"[Partija je nesmrtna."]>
<As usual, the voice had battered Winston into helplessness.>
<Kot ponavadi je ta glas potolkel Winstona v nebogljenost.>
<Moreover he was in dread that if he persisted in his disagreement O'Brien would twist the dial again.>
<Še bolj pa ga je bilo groza, da bi O'Brien, če bi on vztrajal pri svojem, spet potegnil vzvod.>
<For a moment he had had an overwhelming hallucination of her presence.>
<Za hip ga je popolnoma prevzel privid njene navzočnosti.>
<She had seemed to be not merely with him, but inside him.>
<Zdelo se mu je, da ni le poleg njega, temveč v njem samem.>
<It was as though she had got into the texture of his skin.>
<Bilo je, kot bi prodrla skozi tkivo njegove kože.>
<They almost passed one another without a sign, then he turned and followed her, not very eagerly.>
<Skoraj sta šla drug mimo drugega brez pozdrava; potem se je obrnil in ji sledil, ne prav vneto.>
<He knew that there was no danger, nobody would take any interest in him.>
<Vedel je, da ni nevarnosti, nikogar ne bosta zanimala.>
<She did not speak.>
<Ni spregovorila.>
<The C vocabulary was supplementary to the others and consisted entirely of scientific and technical terms.>
<C slovar je bil dopolnilo drugima dvema in so ga sestavljali v celoti le znanstveni in tehnični izrazi.>
<These resembled the scientific terms in use today, and were constructed from the same roots, but the usual care was taken to define them rigidly and strip them of undesirable meanings.>
<Ti so spominjali na znanstvene izraze, ki so v rabi danes, in so bili skonstruirani iz istih korenov; vendar je bilo kot ponavadi poskrbljeno, da so bili strogo definirani in očiščeni vseh nezaželenih pomenov.>
<They followed the same grammatical rules as the words in the other two vocabularies.>
<Ravnali so se po istih slovničnih pravilih kot besede iz drugih dveh slovarjev.>