From the Gentle Introduction:
<anthology> <poem><title>The SICK ROSE</title> <stanza> <line>O Rose thou art sick.</line> <line>The invisible worm,</line> <line>That flies in the night</line> <line>In the howling storm:</line> </stanza> <stanza> <line>Has found out thy bed</line> <line>Of crimson joy:</line> <line>And his dark secret love</line> <line>Does thy life destroy.</line> </stanza> </poem> <!-- more poems go here --> </anthology>
An HTML example:
<P><BR> Doctors recommend this resort for the treatment of circulatory and central nervous systems illnesses. At the same time Tusnad Spa is an ideal place for tourists who enjoy an active relaxation. <P> <H2>Entertainment</H2> The walks to the Hawk's Rock, to Lake St. Anna, to the Lover's Clearing, the wanderings among fir trees, the swimming pools with mezothermal water, the special taste of the local bread rolls, the day and night cafes, the rides by carriages drawn by horses, the tours by coach to Lacul Rosu - Bicaz Pass or to Sovata - Corund are some of the special attractions of the resort. <BR> <CENTER>St. Anna's Lake <IMG SRC="t51.gif"></CENTER> <BR> <BR> The resort has also convenient sporting facilities for those who would like to play tennis or soccer. Excellent possibilities for hickings. Sauna and swimming pool. Discotheques all evenings.
An example from CES, the Corpus Encoding Standard:
<div id="Oro.1.2" type=chapter n=1> <head>1</head> <p id="Oro.1.2.2"> <s id="Oro.">Într-o zi senină şi friguroasă de aprilie, pe când ceasurile băteau ora treisprezece, <name type="person">Winston Smith</name>, cu bărbia înfundată în piept pentru a scăpa de vântul care-l lua pe sus, se strecură iute prin uşile de sticlă ale <name type="place">Blocului Victoria</name>, deşi nu destul de repede pentru a împiedica un vârtej de praf şi nisip să pătrundă o dată cu el. </s> </p> ... </div>