EuroLan "Introduction to SGML" materials

The EuroLan summer school on corpus linguists took place in Tusnad, Romania, 13-26 July 1997. There I gave the course "Introduction to SGML"; this page gives the accompanying materials for the lectures.


The slides to the talk are available in postscript.


The handout at the summer school consisted of materials taken from the World Wide Web; below follows the bibliography, along with original URLs, and mirror copies made in HTML and postscript.
  1. C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, Lou Burnard: Gentle Introduction to SGML.
    In Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, Lou Burnard eds.), Chicago and Oxford, 1994.
    URL:, Mirror: HTML, PS
  2. Robin Cover: The SGML Web Pages
    1. Home page (Mirror: HTML, PS)
    2. SGML News via Internet (Mirror: HTML, PS)
    3. SGML Bibliography (Mirror: PS)
    4. SGML Bibliography --- Starter Documents (Mirror: HTML, PS)
    5. Public SGML Software (Edited pages: HTML, PS)

  3. History:
    1. Erik Naggum: Re: SGML-- What is it and how can we use it
      comp.text.sgml article, Mirror: HTML, PS
    2. SGML Users' Group: Brief History
      URL:, Mirror: HTML, PS
And here is me, in Maramures after the summer school.
Tomaz Erjavec, Thu Aug 7 1997