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Background work

The MULTEXT D1-6-1B Deliverable (Bel, Calzolari and Monachini eds. 1995) and the EAGLES proposal of specifications to be encoded in lexica (Monachini and Calzolari 1995) have constituted the basis of the results presented in what follows.

The two documents together collect the outcomes of the main efforts in Europe towards standardization in large linguistic resources and, among other fields, in linguistic annotation. The relationships and the interdependencies between the two actions are reported in the introduction of the EAGLES document, where the MULTEXT contribution to the EAGLES effort is described in detail and commented also in the introduction of the MULTEXT Deliverable. Summing up, the two actions have proceeded with the same bottom-up approach --- that is also followed here ---, producing similar sets of specifications: the EAGLES \ one, aiming at a general description of the languages, is intended to offer a more general proposal and cover a vast range of purposes, while the MULTEXT set has to be considered in the context of the project itself, whose aim was to produce resources to be used within the specific application of automatic corpus tagging. The MULTEXT set of lexicon specifications is, hence, task-oriented, being designed with a special look to the final purpose.

Tomaz Erjavec
Wed Oct 16 12:08:36 MDT 1996