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Table of categories

=============== ====
Part-of-Speech  Code
=============== ====
Noun             N
Verb             V
Adjective        A
Pronoun          P
Determiner       D
Article          T
Adverb           R
Adposition       S
Conjunction      C
Numeral          M
Interjection     I
Residual         X
Abbreviation     Y
Particle         Q
=============== ====

The attributes and the values pertinent to these categories are presented below.

At the beginning of each category, the string summarizing its pertinent attributes together with the respective positions, to be used for encoding the belonging items in the lexicons, is displayed. The features constituting the minimal core, in common with MULTEXT (and EAGLES ) are graphically contained between strings of stars (*).

This will serve to the partners during the concrete work of preparation of the lexical lists and will ensure that all use the same string and put the values in the correct position.

Again category by category, on the left side of the table, further useful information is given about ``who uses what?'': the languages are listed at the top left row of the category and an 'x' is put in the row corresponding to a value, if that language marks that value. This expedient permits us to have a clear picture of the level of consensus reached with respect to harmonization when elaborating lexical lists.

After the section devoted to the tables, another section presents all the used values listed in alphabetical order of their name and provides the respective code. This will also ensure consistency in the use of values across languages, in order not to compromise the comparison.

A further section contains the list of the attributes, providing the information of the category/categories in which they are used, and for some of them, a very synthetic definition of their semantics.

Tomaz Erjavec
Wed Oct 16 12:08:36 MDT 1996