
TEI stylesheet dealing with elements from the textstructure module, making HTML output.
textstructure.xsl 4849 2008-10-22 22:14:53Z rahtz
2008, TEI Consortium

Match Templates Summary

Process elements /
tei:docAuthor (mode: author) - source
Process elements tei:docAuthor in "author" mode"
tei:* (mode: generateNextLink) - source
Process elements tei:*
tei:* (mode: generatePreviousLink) - source
Process elements looking for something to link to backwards
tei:body (mode: inner) - source
Process elements tei:body in inner mode
* (mode: innertext) - source
Process elements * in inner mode
* (mode: paging) - source
Process elements * in paging mode
Process elements processing-instruction()[name()='xmltex']
tei:body|tei:back (mode: split) - source
Process elements tei:body|tei:back
tei:TEI (mode: split) - source
Process elements tei:TEI
Process elements tei:closer
Process elements tei:dateline
Process elements tei:div[@type='canto']
Process elements tei:div[@type='epistle']
Process elements tei:div[@type='frontispiece']
Process elements tei:div[@type='illustration']
Process elements tei:div|tei:div0|tei:div1|tei:div2|tei:div3|tei:div4|tei:div5|tei:div6
Process elements tei:div*, @type='letter'
Process elements tei:divGen[@type='actions']
Process elements tei:divGen[@type='toc']
Process elements tei:docTitle, docAuthor, docImprint and tei:docDate
[html] bypass sidebar lists in normal mode
Process elements tei:opener
Process elements tei:TEI
Process elements tei:text
Process elements tei:titlePage
tei:* (param: xpathactionmode: xpath) - source
Process any element in xpath mode

Named Templates Summary

aCrumb (param: crumbBody) - source
bodyLayout (param: currentID) - source
[html] arrangment of page as HTML divs
[html] what to do in column 1 of 3 column arrangement
[html] what to do in column 2 of 3 column arrangement
[html] what to do in column 3 of 3 column arrangement
divClassAttribute (param: depth) - source
[html]provide a class attribute and/or ID for each div
doBody (param: Head) - source
doDivBody (param: Type) - source
[html] Make a section
doPageTable (param: currentID) - source
[html] Javascript functions to be declared in HTML header
leftHandFrame (param: currentID) - source
[html] Make contents of left-hand column
linkListContents (param: style) - source
[html] Summary table of contents in left-hand column
mainFrame (param: currentIDminimal) - source
[html] Main page in right-hand column
mainPage (param: currentID) - source
[html] the main page structure
mainTOC (param: force) - source
makeDivPage (param: depth) - source
Create a new output page for a section
[html] Summary links in left-hand column
outputChunk (param: identcontent) - source
[html] Generate a chunk of output
pageLayoutCSS (param: currentID) - source
[html] Make a new page using CSS layout
[html] Generate a page using simple layout
pageLayoutTable (param: currentID) - source
[html] Generate a page using table layout
pageLayoutTableBody (param: currentID) - source
[html] The page body, when using table layout
partTOC (param: partforce) - source
No short description available
No short description available
stdfooter (param: stylefile) - source
stdfooterFrame (param: style) - source
stdheader (param: title) - source
tocEntry (param: styleid) - source
[html] Make a TOC entry
tocSection (param: styleidforce) - source
[html] Make a TOC section
upLink (param: uptitle) - source
walkTree (param: pathclasswhole) - source
writeJavascript (param: content) - source
[html] Write out some Javascript into the HTML
xrefpanel (param: homepagemode) - source

Match Templates Detail

Process elements /
tei:docAuthor (mode: author) - source
Process elements tei:docAuthor in "author" mode"
tei:* (mode: generateNextLink) - source
Process elements tei:*
tei:* (mode: generatePreviousLink) - source
Process elements looking for something to link to backwards
tei:body (mode: inner) - source
Process elements tei:body in inner mode
* (mode: innertext) - source
Process elements * in inner mode
* (mode: paging) - source
Process elements * in paging mode
Process elements processing-instruction()[name()='xmltex']
tei:body|tei:back (mode: split) - source
Process elements tei:body|tei:back
tei:TEI (mode: split) - source
Process elements tei:TEI
Process elements tei:closer
Process elements tei:dateline
Process elements tei:div[@type='canto']
Process elements tei:div[@type='epistle']
Process elements tei:div[@type='frontispiece']
Process elements tei:div[@type='illustration']
Process elements tei:div|tei:div0|tei:div1|tei:div2|tei:div3|tei:div4|tei:div5|tei:div6
Process elements tei:div*, @type='letter'
Process elements tei:divGen[@type='actions']
Process elements tei:divGen[@type='toc']
Process elements tei:docTitle, docAuthor, docImprint and tei:docDate
[html] bypass sidebar lists in normal mode
Process elements tei:opener
Process elements tei:TEI
Process elements tei:text
Process elements tei:titlePage
tei:* (param: xpathactionmode: xpath) - source
Process any element in xpath mode
xpath - xpath
action - action

Named Templates Detail

aCrumb (param: crumbBody) - source
crumbBody - crumbBody
bodyLayout (param: currentID) - source
[html] arrangment of page as HTML divs
currentID - currentID
[html] what to do in column 1 of 3 column arrangement
[html] what to do in column 2 of 3 column arrangement
[html] what to do in column 3 of 3 column arrangement
divClassAttribute (param: depth) - source
[html]provide a class attribute and/or ID for each div
depth - depth of section (1, 2 3, 4 etc)
doBody (param: Head) - source
Head - Head
doDivBody (param: Type) - source
[html] Make a section
Type - Type
doPageTable (param: currentID) - source
currentID - currentID
[html] Javascript functions to be declared in HTML header
leftHandFrame (param: currentID) - source
[html] Make contents of left-hand column
currentID - currentID
linkListContents (param: style) - source
[html] Summary table of contents in left-hand column
style - style
mainFrame (param: currentIDminimal) - source
[html] Main page in right-hand column
currentID - currentID
minimal -
mainPage (param: currentID) - source
[html] the main page structure
currentID -
mainTOC (param: force) - source
force - force
makeDivPage (param: depth) - source
Create a new output page for a section
depth - depth of section (1, 2 3, 4 etc)
[html] Summary links in left-hand column
outputChunk (param: identcontent) - source
[html] Generate a chunk of output
ident - ident
content - content
pageLayoutCSS (param: currentID) - source
[html] Make a new page using CSS layout
currentID - current ID
[html] Generate a page using simple layout
pageLayoutTable (param: currentID) - source
[html] Generate a page using table layout
currentID - currentID
pageLayoutTableBody (param: currentID) - source
[html] The page body, when using table layout
currentID - currentID
partTOC (param: partforce) - source
No short description available
part -
force -
No short description available
stdfooter (param: stylefile) - source
style -
file -
stdfooterFrame (param: style) - source
style - CSS style
stdheader (param: title) - source
title - title
tocEntry (param: styleid) - source
[html] Make a TOC entry
style - style
id - id
tocSection (param: styleidforce) - source
[html] Make a TOC section
style - CSS style to use
id - ID to link to
force - whether to force a TOC entry even if other rules would normally prevent it
upLink (param: uptitle) - source
up - the link to which "Up" goes
title - the text of the link
walkTree (param: pathclasswhole) - source
path - path
class - class
whole - whole
writeJavascript (param: content) - source
[html] Write out some Javascript into the HTML
content - The code
xrefpanel (param: homepagemode) - source
homepage - homepage
mode - mode