Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<quotation> specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes and those inherited from declarable)
marks indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
Datatype: ( none | some | all )
Legal values are:
none no quotation marks have been retained
some some quotation marks have been retained
all all quotation marks have been retained
Default: all
form specifies how quotation marks are indicated within the text.
Datatype: (data | rend | std | nonstd | unknown)
Legal values are:
data quotation marks are retained as data.
rend the rendition attribute is consistently used to indicate the form of quotation marks.
std use of quotation marks has been standardized.
nonstd quotation marks are represented inconsistently.
unknown use of quotation marks is unknown.
Default: unknown
<quotation marks="none" form="rend">
     <p>No quote marks have been retained. Instead, the rendition
    attribute on the Q element is used to specify what kinds of
    quote mark was used, according to the following list:
    <list type="gloss">
         <item>double quotes open and close</item>
         <item>single quotes open and close</item>
         <item>long dash open</item>
         <item>double guillemets open and close</item>
<quotation marks="all" form="std">
   <p>All quotation marks are retained in the text and are
      represented by standard entity references
Module Declared in file teihdr2; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
Class declarable
May contain p
May occur within editorialDecl
<!ELEMENT quotation %om.RO; (p+)> 
<!ATTLIST quotation  
      marks ( none | some | all ) "all"
      form (data | rend | std | nonstd | unknown) "unknown">
See further 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration; 23.3.2 Declarable Elements

Up: 35 Elements